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WoW is calling to me again
04-22-2008, 06:28 PM
I've probably mentioned this before, but I alternate between WoW and CoH/CoV. When I have a bit of "burn-out" on one, I play the other. Well,
been playing LOTS of CoH of late, and I am feeling that burnout, just a bit. Going over to WoW to do something different for awhile. Not to worry, I'll
still be around, just not quite as much. I'll keep up with the Task Force announcements and try my best to be available where I can.
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That's where I've been. A lot of my friends are over on Lothar, in one of the better guilds. I've been spending more time there than on CoH,
although I've started drifting back over, now that my primary is approaching 70.
Ebony the Black Dragon
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As I have mentioned before, I have had a WoW account in which I had a 70, but after that point the guild I was in fell apart due to raiding problems
(splintering to raid guilds, imbalanced class spread, haphazard scheduling, etc...) I left WoW and came here. I probably could push my pennies enough to
reactivate WoW with out much strain, but its not something I am interested in at the moment, and I don't want to be paying for something I am not utilizing
to the fullest.
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Good luck stormin' the castle, all that jazz. If you're on Gilneas, let me know and I can hook you up with some good folks to run with.
As for me... I got bored with WoW.
You'd think the same would happen with CoX -- and, maybe, it will -- but so far all indications are to the contrary. But my focus always has been on PvE
rather than PvP, and honestly, most of WoW seems to be geared towards PvP -- even the PvE bits seem to mostly be there so you can get the gear to play around
in Battlegrounds, etc.
But WoW just got repetitive and boring...
I mean, look at it this way: I've got 22 characters on CoX, most in their teens, and not one of them has got there the same way as another -- even those
with functionally identical powersets/origins. There is an amazing amount of diversity available in CoX (once you're past the initial 8-10 levels,
Whereas on WoW... well, I had 20 characters (two servers full), and they all got leveled in almost the same way. Sure, I *could* take the time and effort to
find another path, but the choices were limited and there was no real drive to accomplish it. It made no difference in the long run if you, as a (for example)
Human, stuck around Stormwind or dragged your butt over to Ironforge to do your leveling. Or the other way around. There was, really, no difference between
them other than that one had snow and the other didn't.
What I find funny about that is, the WoW world is much bigger, geography-wise, than CoX is, and the WoW engine -- while it looks cartoony-ish -- is at least
on-par and in some ways superior to CoX. You'd think that would lead to *more* open-ended gameplay, more opportunities for branching... but, not really.
Blizzard has always been good at telling a story... but they're not so hot at Choose Your Own Adventure, which is what CoX feels like.
All this is, of course, my opinion, yadda yadda. I don't criticize anyone for liking WoW, this isn't an attack, etc. I'm just explaining why you
couldn't get me to go back. One of my friends has, in fact, offered to pay for me -- he currently maintains my old account so he can dual-box -- and
that's not enough, even. It's just too... confining.
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That's the one way I find WoW to be superior to CoX, is the graphical engine. Azeroth is just.. prettier.. than Paragon City.
Regardless, you'll never find me in WoW again, no thank you.
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Well i'm off the WoW kick it seems untill the expansion comes out, then i'll play..get level 80 and most likely quit within a few months cause
really, I enjoy hanging with all the people I know on CoH, and god knows how long it'll take me before i'm satisfied with my tank's IO's but
i'm gettin my purples..1 peice at a time *chuckle* but..I'ma laugh...yet cry like a little girl if in Issue 12 they make healing/Defence/resistance
sets of purples cause then daaaaaamn..I'm going to have to compleatly reslot another power or 2 with that. /em gives up hope of having any free time
Anyone notice I havent been on since mid November? This is why...
I'll defiantly be back for I12
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Likewise. The Shattered Sun Offensive is occupying all my time right now.
I have to say, though, I think CoX has significantly less variety of Stuff To Do than does WoW. Seriously.
Streetsweep, find glowie, free hostage, bring hostage to glowie, take out leader, take out all; that's very nearly all the City has to offer missionwise.
WoW? Fish. Mine. Mine for fish . Go on aerial bombing runs. Wake up lazy orc workers with the Booterang. Free restless spirits. Cook a meal over the
smoldering corpse of a demon. Play Simon. Lasso and wrangle a flying manta ray. Engage in intricate boss fights that would simply eat the typical City
approach of "hit everything that moves" alive. And, yes, marvel at the scenery. (I should take some shots of Outland and post 'em here.)
Don't get me wrong, I like and play them both, but I just can't understand most of the criticism of WoW
I've seen here.
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Oh, it has plenty of things to do, but in order to get to most of that content you have to be level 70, have a flying mount (and good rep with Netherwing in
the case of the booterang) which not everyone is or has. It was a great game, actually, I just didn't feel like looking for another guild in WoW, and so I
wind up here. If I could justify the extra 13-15$/month expense I might suggest we make a legendary/infamous guild for Alliance/Horde.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Quote: Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
(I should take some shots of Outland and post 'em here.)
Especially Tempest Keep (and its wings) and the Exodar. I <
Out of random chances, anyone Horde side on Alleria? hehe
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- Clow Reed
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I wasn't just listing the dailies, I was thinking of the Eastern Plaguelands quest "Defenders of Darrowshire."
My friends and I mostly play on Hyjal server.
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EML: I don't think I communicated my impression well enough. It's not that CoX has more to *do* than WoW does -- in that regard, you're right.
Hell, WoW blows CoX out of the water with the sheer variety of stuff to do.
It's in the *storyline* that CoX really shines. As I said, of all my CoX alts, not one of them has gotten to the same place by the same route. In WoW,
there's a few routes you can follow, but that's really about it. It's all about getting to the endgame, rather than enjoying the trip itself.
Endgame-wise, WoW again blows CoX out of the water... but what about getting there? Bleh. It's the same-old-same-old all over again for every alt you
create. Spawn in your racially-designated area. Do X quests, level, move to next higher area, rinse lather repeat. Once you've done it with one
character, you've done it with all of them.
Seriously? I enjoyed WoW. But the reason it got boring wasn't because of the lack of endgame content or things to do, it was because *I'd done it all
You can run into the same wall in CoX, I'm sure. I'm certain farmers hit it routinely. But the difference, to me, is that with CoX... when you start
a new character, you can take an entirely different route than any you've taken before. The novelty remains.
Does that help clarify my position? I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just trying to help you understand it. You don't have to agree, heh.
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Well, that has changed a bit recently. The xp requirements for levels 20-60 have been lowered, and the xp rewards for
quests in that range have been raised, to the point where you can gain a level on about ten completed quests or
Meaning that you can get to level 58 and the modern "good stuff" in Outland in only a couple of weeks of semi-dedicated play, and doing only a
fraction of the quests that it would have taken beforehand (and ignoring the old poorly designed instances completely if you wish), so multiple characters
can take completely different routes now...
They'll be applying the same scaling changes to 60-70 once Wrath of the Lich King comes out, too.
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