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Tales of the Legendary: Strange Days
My forcefields managed to take the blow, barely. There was definitely the familiar fun of a rib or two cracking. A second later, the creature got hit from
behind by a pretty large fireball. Surprised, it spun to look, letting me see Ifrit standing in an open window, hands coated in flames.

The first thing that came to mind was Well, it does match the name I gave her. A moment later, it was followed by
Why the hell didn't she do that five seconds ago? The Totem looked at her for a moment, then roared, almost like a
wordless challenge. Ifrit merely smirked, then leapt off the windowsill, flipping in midair. Before her hospital gown showed anything one shouldn't show in
public, it vanished under a curtain of flame that wrapped around her body for a few seconds. It burnt out in a cloud of smoke as she landed, revealing a rather
elaborate costume. A short skirted dress under what looked like a tuxedo top, both black with red scroll work running along them.

She didn't hesitate, raising her hands and firing off a salvo of tiny flares, peppering the Totem. Annoyed, it marched forward through her flames, forming
a massive spear in its hands. Ifrit didn't hesitate, sprinting forward and letting the spear go over her. The fire around her hands burnt away and was
replaced by a bright light. Growling, she lashed out, slamming her fist into the Totems face and staggering it slightly. She followed up with the second blow,
before frowning as the creature straightened up, barely harmed.

As it backhanded her away, I snapped back to reality, pulling myself out of the broken mailbox and charging my right gauntlet to one hundred and fifty percent
as I braced it with my left hand. As it pulled out another spear, I fired, the 'sniper bolt' slamming into the Totem, picking it up off the ground
slightly and tossing it a meter or two. Ifrit took the chance, backing away from the creature (I don't know how, given the heels she was wearing. Evidence
she'd gotten that body with an instinctive instruction manual, I suspect).

"I think we made it mad," Ifrit mused as she moved up next to me, calling forth the flames again. I merely grinned at her, fired off a salvo... then
stared as Evangelia leapt from the hospital doors, across the parking lot, and brought her sword down on the Totems head.

What followed was a rather impressive display of violence as Eva quickly and efficiently dismantled the Totem, dodging and deflecting all its attacks,
responding with blows that sent parts of its body flying away. Ifrit and I looked at each other, then back at the fight.

"She's good," Ifrit mused.

"Very good," I agreed. "I feel like I should be holding her coat for her?"

"She's... what, ten years younger then us?"

"Then me maybe," I mused. Ifrit looked early twenties at the most. We both winced as Eva took one of the beasts arms off at the elbow. "You
know, at her age, most people would be happy to be a sidekick," I mused. "Learning from older heroes, growing into the role..."

"Not her," she agreed. "It wasn't by choice, I admit, but she really rose to the challenge." I nodded as Eva decapitated the Totem.
"Making you feel inadequate?" she asked.

"More then a little," was the reply I managed, then blinked as Ifrit was tackled by Space Mage.

"You must be Knights clone-slash-sister-slash-daughter!" she said, hugging the girl. "I'm Space Mage, and it's great to meet you!"

"Uh, hi," she replied, managing to breathe in the girls bear hug. That was better then the times Spacey decided I looked hugable really.

"I love the costume, it's very formal. I don't think it'd suit me," she noted, breaking the hug. There was a flash of light as her
clothes shifted to her Legendary uniform. "I think this is really pushing it with me, because I really don't have the right attitude for it. Well,
that's what Alistair said, why do you say that?" she asked the space where I guessed an invisible Penguin was standing.

I chuckled, heading back into the hospital lobby to find find Sell-Sword standing over the tied up form of the Shaman. "Interesting girl," he said to
me. "Is she always so hyper?"

"Oh yeah, she's on an infinite sugar rush," was my amused reply. "You haven't tagged him yet?"

"Your boss wanted to ask him some questions," the gunman replied. "Interesting girl, very talented."

Looking down at the Shaman, I looked at the cuts and bruises. "She happened to him?"

Sell-Sword nodded. "I stuck to the zombies."

Chuckling, I picked the Shaman up by the small item around his neck. "Okay pal, time to tell us what you're doing in Atlas. This isn't your usual

For that, I got spat at. "When the day comes, your soul will be devoured for your sins!"

"Yeah, I'm sure it will. In the meantime, how about you start talking? Why did you hit this hospital? What were you after?" The crazy bastard
merely glared at me, refusing to answer. I wiped his spit off my face and scowled. "Fine," I said, standing up and looking at Eva as she came in.
"It okay if I do catch and release?"

A considering look on her face, she nodded. I grinned, grabbed the Shaman by the handcuffs, dragged him outside, then took to the air. The shaman yelped as I
passed two hundred feet and kept going. "Stop squirming!" I grinned. "I might lose my grip!" That got through to him, as he went almost
entirely still.

"You would not drop me heretic," he managed in an uncertain voice. "Those that draw your false praise would punish you for my death."

"Who said anything about your death?" I asked. "I know you guys use protection magic that'll save you from any fall... more or less.
Probably hurt like an utter bitch. Depending on how you land, you'll break your legs, or your arms, or... Well, you get the picture. And why would they
punish me for letting their enemy die?" I gave him a little shake. "Your masters wouldn't if the roles were reversed." He went utterly pale.
"Now, save yourself a lot of pain, and tell me what you were after."

The Shaman glanced around, looking like he was going to wet himself. "In your tounge, it would be called the Guardian Shard of Tarl'eth. A spirit
bound to an ancient gem... we know it was awakened, but it had not been Named. It drifted free to claim by any of Power that would grant it Name and

So that was why I'd felt the need to give Ifrit a name. Talk about dodging a bullet. I REALLY had to hit the books in the base Library. Surely they had to
have Understanding Magic for Dummies at the very least. Maybe Baconbooks had something.

I shrugged, dropping back to the ground, then slapping a tag on the Shaman and sending him off to the Zig. "Well, believe it or not, they were after
you," I said, pointing to Ifrit, who looked surprised. "Apparently you're valuable, and before I gave you a name, anyone could've slapped a
leash on you." Ifrits expression went slightly green at that.

"A leash?" Spacey said.

"Not important," Eva and I said in unision, the magical girl going slightly pink.

Sword suppressed a snicker, then glanced at a van bearing the logo of Paragon Free Press (News in the City of Heroes) pulled into the parking lot. "And
I'm out of here," he said. "They've complained about me enough already this week. See you around Knight. Ladies," he said, bowing
respectfully, which seemed to surprise Ifrit slightly.

"Interesting fellow," Eva said to me as Sword jogged around a corner and out of sight.

Glancing down at her, I shrugged. "Not as bad as the rumors say. Now, shall we face the press?" Eva took a breath and turned back to the approaching

And here's a pic of Ifrits main costume...
[Image: 300px-Lady.jpg]
Quote:Maybe Baconbooks had something.
"Okay," Eva said as she surveyed the bookshelf in the lounge. "Let's see what we've got here."

"I don't think..." Ifrit began.

"All right!" Eva steamrolled over her burgeoning objection as she began yanking books out of the shelf and shoving them into Ifrit's hands. "Here you go. This one, and this one, and, um, oh yeah, this one will probably have something useful. And this one was invaluable to me when I started out." She started, then glanced down at the empty floor to her right. "No, no, not nearly as invaluable as you were, of course."

Ifrit blinked and looked at the titles. So You've Just Incarnated Into A Human Form. So Now You Have Superpowers. So You're New To Paragon City. And finally, So You've Just Become A Magical Girl. She sighed and settled in to read.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: So that was why I'd felt the need to give Ifrit a name. Talk about dodging a bullet. I REALLY had to hit the books in the base Library. Surely they had
to have Understanding Magic for Dummies at the very least. Maybe Baconbooks had something.

*Snort*[Image: tongue.gif]
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

When the day ended, I was standing on the rooftop of the apartment building I called home, looking out over the ruins of Faultline. I could see little flickers
of movement that had to be the Lost, the Freakshow and Arachnos crawling through the rubble, hunting... well, I don't know what. The main prizes of
Overbrook were long gone. I held it as a point of pride, honestly.

"Thinking about the day?" Ifrit asked from behind me. I turned to see her coming up the fire escape, having borrowed some of Miranda's looser
clothes until my sister could take her shopping tomorrow. (Mir had gained a rather annoyed look at Ifrits comment about the top being tight)

"Honestly, I wasn't thinking about anything. Only way to deal with it," I shrugged. Ifrits wings twitched in amusement (How did THOSE go through
the jumper without any holes?) as she stepped up past me and took in the view.

"I have to admit, I tried that. Didn't work. I mean, there's all the questions of who I am, what I am, how we're going to explain this to Dad,
what my connection to you is..."

"Spacey helped there," I pointed out, drawing a laugh. Eva had managed to explain the Pantheon attack to the reporters, only to lose utter control of
the situation when someone asked about Ifrit. Spacey jumped into action with her usual style, drawing all attention to her.

"The fire-weaving fey of justice, the newest of Paragons guardians, the courageous Lady of the Peace," Ifrit said, giggling slightly. "She's
got a way with the media."

I snorted. "She punches through, and they scramble to keep up." I looked over at her. "You know, if you don't want that name-"

"Worried I might think it's putting myself in your shadow?" She smirked. "No, I like the name. It feels... right. There is one other issue.
She called me your sister." She moved her wings. "I'm not going to be able to manage a secret identity. They'll know who I am, and by process
of elimination..."

That was something I hadn't considered, and it DID worry me. I'd pissed off a lot of powerful people. The Council, the Sky Raiders, Hell, there was a
freaking ARBITER that wanted my head on a stick. Most of them wouldn't hesitate to go after people I cared about... unless I made it clear how much such a
stunt would cost them.

"I'll manage," was my response, after some thought. It would mean having to fight hard, taking the battle to the enemy. Leaving some messages,
making a point... As I watched the sun dip below the war walls, it's evening orange distorted oddly by the forcefields, I decided it was a thought for
another time.

Smiling, I put an arm over my new sisters shoulder, who made a slightly surprised squeak and looked at me. "Strange day," I mused. "But you
know, pretty damn good."

Ifrits ears twitched in amusement, before we both heard several gunshots. Looking over the edge of the roof, we saw several SWAT officers in a shootout with a
pair of Lost Headmen. The fey grinned, and I pulled my hand back as flames consumed her clothes and replaced them with her costume. "Well, time to earn
the badges," she said, stepping off the rooftop.

Grinning, I charged my gauntlets and jumped into the action.




This was an interesting experiment for me. I think the last time I tried writing in first-person was back in high school, close to a decade ago. No real reason
against it, it's just that I never seemed to try it. Overall, I think I liked it, although there were some parts I feel could have gone better.

Amusingly, Lady of the Peace has become my second highest character, hitting level 21 on the weekend.

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