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ToTL: Speed of Thought
02-24-2009, 04:59 AM
Space Mage is such a brat.
Seems like every time I meet her, that's what I end up thinking. Space is a brat. Spaceykins the Bratmonster.
And she IS!
But I like her too, and she's a lot of fun, and she's the first person I've met who can keep up with me. I don't mean running -- duh, I run a
lot faster than she does, even if she DID win the last race we had. Teleporting is cheating, I told her, but she said we never made that part of the rules and
I said we shouldn't have had to, it was a -race-, you -run- races, you don't -teleport- them, and she disagreed, when ANYBODY could see that -I- was
right, and then she ... um. I don't remember what she did next, but it was something to do with that dark fuzzy stuff she keeps in her pockets and next
thing I know we're both laughing and the race was all forgotten, 'cept when I remember it, like now, and see? She's a brat, is what I'm saying.
Where was I?
Oh, right!
So, she acts like I'm some sort of innocent little -kid-, and I'm -not-, but I'm not going to tell HER that. People think -I- talk too much. They
haven't hung around her very much if they say that. If I told her about Derrick, next thing you know it'd be in the papers or on TV or -- eep -- on
MySpace or something, and then I'd have to find some way of getting even. Maybe shred her favorite costume, oops, sorry Space, didn't realize that was
YOUR costume hanging all neatly in your locker.
There is -entirely- too much icky water -- not just regular icky water, but, I mean, NASTY icky water, it's got floaties and goo and other gunk in it --
around this place.
Mynx doesn't seem to mind it, which, eww? I mean, she's down there swimming through it, ick, I'd be cleaning my fur for a -month- if I was dumb
enough to do that. I'll stay up here with my nifty jetpack, thank you very much, and -- oh, hey, Space just got shot down! Wonder what that's all
about, let's go see --
Stupid Arachnos spider-guys. Girls. Whatever they are. They're ugly. And I dunno what that crap is they're spewing, but it stings worse than Vahz puke
-- RIGHT down the sweater, oohhh, it's gonna PAY for that one!
Hmm, need to sharpen my claws again, I'm not doing all that -- oh, there we go, that's better. "Thanks, Space!"
Now where's that Fortunata... ah hah! Pounce!
Fortunata-ly, she went down quick. Hee. I'm gonna remember that one, Aunt Nene will get a kick out of it. Betcha Alice won't, though, she's all
serious and stuff lately, she'll probably just roll her eyes again.
Wonder what Neko's up to today? She's not out -- OW! "GET OFF MY TAIL!"
Stupid Mako! Take THAT! Hey, for a shark he shreds good. I probably shouldn't eat him though, everyone always looks at me funny when I do things like that,
even if shark is yummy. Mmm. Wonder if Derrick likes sushi? I'll bet he does. I know I do, except for squid, I got sick of that after the last time Lusca
showed up -- what's that thudding noise?
"Eeep, BIG spider!"
I hate it when that happens, I say things without meaning to. Of -course- it's a big spider, Sammy, everybody has eyes, they can -see-. It's a freakin
HUGE spider, but that's okay, Terr's right there, he'll -- ohmygod, it just -STEPPED- on him! "Unca Terr!"
He's not really my uncle, I know that, but if I don't make myself call him that I kinda forget he's supposed to be like my uncle, and that's
bad, not just 'cause of Derrick but -before-, I mean -- man, this spider's giving me a headache, ow -- before I even -met- Derrick, when Terr was
hanging out with all the Sabres like Aunt Sylia and Aunt Nene and that other one I can't remember, what's her name, Mirage I think, and ... uh, yeah.
Where was I?
Man, this is a REALLY BIG spider! Wish I had a giant boot to drop on it or something. Glad it doesn't spin a web, that'd suck, I got spiderwebs in my
fur once and was -forever- licking them out, and they don't taste very good. Definitely gonna have to sharpen my claws, I'm barely scratching its armor
and even when I can get in there on the joints -- ha HAH! Gotcha, you big ugly, how d'you like THAT one! Twist twist twist, out come the wires, hmm, I bet
I can reach that big shiny thing over there if I jump THIS way...
Oooh, that stung, hello oil rig. Stop spinning so I can get up. Right. Here we go, Sammy, on your feet, up we -- whoa.
... huh. So this is the Ouro hospital. I'd forgotten I even had that thing, Aunt Nene insisted I get the sub... subcute... under-the-skin one, what's
it called, Medicom, last summer when it was too hot for any of my outfits and I still wanted to go out busting bad guys. It's on the other side from that
OTHER implant, which I dunno if she knows about but BOY that took a bit of fast talking even for me, heh -- aaarrgh, not again! Stupid water! HAAAAATE you!
Where are the dumb buttons for this jetpack again anyway, I've gotta get in close to that spider, it's ... that's just eww, it's humping the
oil rig or something, Recluse really IS a perv.
Headache time again, thanks a lot Mister Jade Spider. I bet if I land on it I can get a few good swipes in before it shakes me off. Let's try it.
"So what's bugging you, Sammy?" Nene asked. The catgirl had been quiet -- almost sullen, really -- all night.
"I don't wanna talk about it," Sammy mumbled by way of reply, poking at her dinner.
"I know what happened," Alice put in. Sammy shot her a glare. "They were tackling the Jade Spider, and Sammy here --" Alice dodged a
dinner roll that Sammy half-heartedly hurled, "-- Sammy here flew right up to it."
"I was trying to beat it up!" Sammy wailed, burying her face in her arms against the table.
"So what happened?" Ifrit asked curiously.
Alice grinned. "She hit the wrong button and launched herself head-first into its belly." Alice made a crashing motion. "Clang! Good night,
"Were you there too?" Nene put in as she patted Sammy comfortingly on the shoulder.
"Nah, I heard it from Space -- she pulled Miss Crash Test Dummy here out of the water afterwards."
"Space Mage is such a BRAT!" Sammy declared. "She won't shut up about it! 'This is why cats don't fly, Sammy', grr!"
Space and Sammy together is every bit as fun and frightening as I suspected. Thanks, Acyl. *grin*
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Laughing... too ... hard... can't.... BREATHE...
Ah hahahahahahahahahahahah ROTFLMAOASTC!!!
Okay... that - THAT makes up for Lora'Lai missing the final beat-down of the Spider!
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I had a red Blaster Haze in my eyes that whole freaking TF - major blasterlock @_@
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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I should note, Sammy herself missed the final beat-down as well. Hence the "knocked herself out" bit, because damned if I wasn't pissed at the
sudden crash right as we got the spider down to about 1/4 health.
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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so how much coffee did you have to consume to get into her headspace for this?
Cause now I fear what would happen if she ever got annoyed enough to start a verbal rant 
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
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Getting into Sammy's head isn't hard, actually (though perhaps I shouldn't admit that). For most things you can fake her thinking by simply
removing 90% of the punctuation and pretending she doesn't need to breathe.
As for a rant... I know you read Pardon Me, Epiphany in Progress, Sweno; you replied to it, heh. THAT is Sammy in
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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My technique for Space Mage simply type whatever pops into my head as quickly as I can, no matter what. No pause for mental filtering whatsoever or even how best to phrase it. Just go. I suspect a similar raw stream of consciousness works for you? =)
That narrative was loltastic, Mister Spud. Amazed the 'humping the oil rig' joke made it in...
I had fun on that TF too. I don't think I was on my game all that much - honestly didn't talk a lot (compared to how much Space usually does, I mean). Was a bit stretched by the actual gameplay that night due to the pace we were moving at. And my brain was tired.
My take on it... Space probably acts all protective and treats Sammy like a kid because...well, it's all relative. I mean, think about it. Space is everyone else's kid sister. 
-- Acyl
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Quote:Space is everyone else's kid sister.
Well, except for Evangelia, who thinks of her as the goofball buddy you go off and do stupid stuff with.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Three by Three, They Hunt The Free...
03-01-2009, 09:51 PM
"Lock the door."
"That ain't gonna hold, man!"
"Lock the damn door, Johnson!" the man said, and his bodyguard looked at the frantic man standing in front of him before stepping towards the
entryway and locking the door. Around him, several of the guards looked tense, even if they didn't know enough about who he'd pissed off to be nervous
or consider deserting.
Which was really all that was needed. Robert Smythe was no fool. On some level, he realized that running and hiding weren't going to last much longer. But
neither was he spineless enough to simply give up without a fight. He hadn't known his hired muscle would stumble across a Crey staging point, much less
that it housed a new type of powered armor that until recently, he'd assumed belonged to more of Recluse's Destined Ones.
Which was when they started hunting him.
"Can ye open it or nae?" the lavender haired woman leaning against the wall in a dark suit and skirt combo asked impatiently.
"With time, but by then they'll have noticed we're coming," responded another, this one with alabaster white skin and long wavy black hair
that dropped past her shoulders. She was quietly fitting a glove like object onto one hand.
"So? It's not like they can do anything about it." A third woman, younger than the other two by at least five years, with flaming red hair. Her
attire tended towards dark purple in a chinese cut, though her skirt was cut short for mobility, accented by a pair of thigh length long stockings. "Just
leave it to me. No one's getting out of that building without my say so."
Lavender grunts in elaborate irritation, before nodding. "Fine. Robin, blow the door."
The fourth of their number nods. For the most part, her looks are almost utterly indescript. But then lightning crackles along her fists as she slams them into
the door, and it concusses inward, hitting the far wall with an audible slam.
Inside, the bodyguards snapped into action at the sound of the building being breached.
"They're here!"
"Everyone, take positions!" Johnson yelled as he pulled out his own rifle.
"How many?" Smythe asked.
"No word yet, sir!" One of the bodyguards responded.
"Wait, does anyone else hear that?" someone asked, quietly.
"Hear what?"
It came from all around them, a young girl's voice in the cadence of a nursery rhyme...but as they listened, the words began to clear...
One by one, you've got guns. Two by two, we're coming for you. Three by three, you can't stop me. Four by four,
bodies hit the floor. Five by five, no one gets out alive....
The rhyme cut off with a childish giggle as Smythe's eyes twitched around them. Which was when the first bodyguard turned and shot the man next to him. And
it erupted into chaos. The first traitor was gunned down almost immediately, but then another opened fire, and Robert watched as his entire security detail
began to blow itself apart in a fratricidal domino effect. He turned to run, but the door behind him slammed shut in front of him as the handle glowed and
When he turned around again, no one was left alive...and an elegant looking Japanese woman with pale skin was withdrawing a pair of curved metal claws from
Johnson's back. Smythe's spine crawled as she looked up at him with eyes as red as the metal claws on her hand, only part of which was bloodstains.
Behind her, a young girl stepped into the room with bright red hair, her eyes glowing with some sort of internal circuitry pattern as she hopped over a few of
the bodies. The pale one, meanwhile, put a hand to one ear. "The room is clear, Miss Madigan," she said in an aristocratic accent.
"Aye, good work," said a striking lavender haired woman who walked up behind them. "Very good work, Nena. It's good t'see th'
confidence in yer skills is nae unfounded," she nodded, patting the girl on the shoulder. The redhead, Nena presumably, grinned and made a little
"V" sign with her fingers, getting a bare flicker of amusement from her icy partner.
Madigan ignored the byplay as she stepped towards Smythe. "Robert, ye've been pokin' yer nose in th'wrong places. Y'should've known it
wasnae wise t'be lookin' too close at Crey operations. And now here we are. Ah'm afraid ah have no choice but to kill you."
"You can't! I...I have another copy of the data recordings. Let me live and I'll tell you where they ar-"
"He's lying," Nena noted with a sigh from behind her, drawing an unpleasant smile from Madigan.
"That's unfortunate, Mister Smythe. If ye'd been smart enough t'do such a thing in the first place, we wouldnae be meeting under these
conditions. Anyway. Nena?"
Nena nodded, bending down and picking up a pistol from one of the dead thugs, which she handed to Robert, who looked at it like some sort of hallucination.
They were giving him a weapon?
Nena smiled at him, and her golden eyes flashed with circuitry again.
Put the gun in your mouth....pull the trigger.
As the women stepped outside, Madigan looked over as Robin rejoined them. "Ye adjusted th' pipes?"
"Good," she noted, removing one glove, revealing a hand of red alloy beneath it. She controlled her grimace at the sight, knowing that the shipment
of replacement parts was almost to the Isles. But for now....flame leapt into being in her palm, and she made a sharp gesture, the small fireball flying
through a window....and contacting the gas leaking throughout the building for the last fifteen minutes. The four women walked away as yet another Haven
brownstone building exploded into flames behind them.
This may or may not have been the direct result of my seeing Push this Saturday. Who
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Good to see some Scimitars in action.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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"Robin, blow the door."
Is this Arc Scimitar?
And if so... is it just a coincidence that the man they're chasing down shares her last name?
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Nena... redhead, gold eyes...
Nena Trinity?
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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...uh, yeah, actually. I just picked out a name at random. All I remembered of Amp's name was the fact her first name was Robin. :lol
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Quote: Valles wrote:
Nena... redhead, gold eyes...
Nena Trinity?
Nena Romanova, actually. From the start, I intended her as an "evil counterpart" to Nene. The fact that the hairstyle colors and name
just happened to line up made it all the easier to justify. Her current armor is actually a big Drei homage, in fact.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Quote: OpMegs wrote:
...uh, yeah, actually. I just picked out a name at random. All I remembered of Amp's name was the fact her first name was Robin. :lol
Tsk. Tsk. Founding member of the Sabres and you can't keep them straight yourself?
Amp is run by Uni. _Arc_ is Robin Smythe, former project lead of the Scimitar program for Crey, currently a class-C Scimitar who is working out quite well,
really. Maybe Crey should use more scientists' brains...
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Oh my, I can just imagine this Madigan meeting Range Sabre...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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lol, Amp Scimitar is an elec/kin corr who runs on a constant high (given by Siphon Speed). And enjoys getting other people high as well (speed boost) whether
they want it or not.
She's just a simple crack addict that wants to share the love.
Riot force HQ, med bay
Gir laid on one of the beds in the med bay, hundreds of wires lead from the back of head to a pile of…. Well
it might have been one computer to start with, but now it resembled some massive beast of wires and circuitry and at the centre of it all sat one woman, Nene
Romanova, the Net Sabre. Almost a week ago, Gir had another one of her "Red" moments, this one could of blown away what little a secret identity Gir
had left, so Nene was forced to crash her systems, now Nene was doing her best to try and find out what caused it.
First there was the fact that Gir's brain appeared to be a twisted fusion of some alien tech and a cloned
brain, then there was language Gir's C.P.U. was coded in, Nene had never seen anything like it, hell it took hours just to figure out how to translate it,
then there was cleaning up the data overflow from Mag's encyclopaedia and editing the master/servant protocol. Now all that was left was to wake her up.
Carful Nene typed in the command and hit enter.
Riot force HQ, command room
Seraph looked at the pile of papers Silicon handed to him, she had given him the Deed to a penthouse in Atlas,
when he asked why, she said that head probably need the space, whatever that meant, he though it was a bit odd her giving him such a nice house but hell, he
got a new home so who was he to complain. As he headed to the teleported room, he became aware of a hi-pitch squeal come from one of the corridors. Before he
could turn to see what it was, something hit him in the gut with the force of a cannon ball, slamming him to the ground.
Seraph looked up in to the beaming face of Gir. "Gir, can you please hop off me?" Seraph asked.
Gir looked down at Seraph. "Okay Daddy."
"D- Daddy?" Seraph spluttered, he about to ask more when Net saber ran around the corner
"Gir! I though I told you to wait?
Gir climbed off Seraph and helped him up "sorry, it just, you said he was here so I wanted to see
Seraph turned to Net, "Why did she call me daddy?" he asked.
"Well it's more Girs idea more than anything else." Net explained.
Gir nodded enthusiastically.
"See.. you kinda like a daddy to me, you look after me and Laz, your always there for us. Sooo I was
thinking you could… you know." Gir looked sheepishly at the ground.
Seraph blinked a couple of times "you want me to adopt you?"
he asked
Gir grinned "and Laz too, cuz she's like a big sister to me, please."
Seraph could feel the glare coming from behind Nets faceplate and raised his hands.
"Kay, if it's what you really want" he said
Gir blinked a couple of times, she hadn't expected it to be this easy, grinning she grabbed Seraph in a
bear hug, "thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou." She squeed
Seraph let out a wheeze "Gir…. Ribs."
Gir released Seraph. "sowie, ohh I got to Laz the good new, be right back, bye."
With that Gir speed off down the hallway.
As Seraph rubbed his ribs, Net handed him a plie of papers.
"What's this?"
"Adoption forms, you'll need them." Net replied in a sing song voice. "I had them done up
in advance."
"Which would of meant that this wasn't Gir's idea, so that would mean?" Seraph stared at
"Well I couldn't delete the master/servant subroutine, so I changed it to something less demeaning,
Father/daughter, oddly enough I think I increased Gir's IQ when I did it to. But as for adopting Laz, that was all her idea"
Seraph looked at the pile of papers in his hands, since coming to this city his life had bounced all over the
place, now he had a new, larger, home and a family to go with it.
"Miss Net, I don't think there are any words to express my thanks for what you and the Sabres have
done for me." Seraph bowed deeply to Net.
Net let out a slight giggle at the sight. "Okay, but don't expect regular hand outs okay, were no a
"Okay, I'll collect Gir and be on my way out then thanks again"
After Seraph and Gir left, Nene sat down at the computer she built to work on Gir with, it was gonna be a pain
to disassemble, but Sylia probably didn't want it taking up half the Med bay, as she hit the shutdown command, she wondered what sort of twisted life Gir
had before becoming a Sabre, their had been piles of memory engrams dating back to at least 7 years before her activation, but Nene chose not to touch them out
of common decency, but if some of the programs she saw were anything to go by, ending up in Paragon was probably the best thing to happen to her.
once again thanks OM for letting me use you Toon.
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See, now, I had to scroll back. I hope the reference to alien tech in Gir's head means she is actually supposed to be the Invader Zim Gir, or something close...rather than simply OOCly inspired by and named for the character.
I'd always assumed the latter, you see, that it was just an OOC reference rather than an IC one.
Which meant that when I got to the 'master/servant' subroutine bit and Nene's rumination of 'wondered what sort of twisted life Gir had before becoming a Sabre', I shivered. I mean, I freaked here, just a little.
Because, well, these are 33/S bodies...
Mind, I'm thinking Nene might have well reached the same conclusion I did.
SHE certainly wouldn't know anything about the Zimverse.
-- Acyl
... i caused you to freak...... WOW.
Gir is zimverse Gir, she has..... evolved somewhat to make her a little easier to RP, but she basically is Gir's CPU rammed into a blank clone brain,
Aren't Crey the Best  .
i do have 1 or 2 more Zim based toons planed, so stay tuned for more.
okay this isnt really a story, but it take me a month to write this sort of stuff
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *sniff* life is confuseing
[Local] Terrence Knight: You Like Lost alot don't you..Now I feel bad for answering your question instead of Lost answerig it herself
[Local] Panzer Sabre: ...... after Net fixed me, i started to understand why i feel like i do around Lost..... now.... now i don't know what i feel 
[Local] Terrence Knight: I'd like to say I can guess, that your hurting, upset that she doesn't feel the same way, I got that feeling once I heard your voice after I told you what she had ment
[Local] Panzer Sabre: ..... how do i stop it form hurting
[Local] Terrence Knight: Now, thats a painful question that most can't answer, There isn't really any easy solution.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Hey!
[Local] Terrence Knight: Hi Nam
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: What's up?
[Local] Terrence Knight: Well..Panzer here has had a bit of an upset a short while ago..but its up to her to tell ya
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Something wrong, 'neechan?
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *sniff* you remeber what you told me before Nam?
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Yeah, I remember.
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *sniff* i found out today that Lost dosen't ..... dosn't *crys*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: ...
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Ouch.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Lost is straight..yeah I'm Sorry Panzer
[Local] Panzer Sabre: and now... now i.... feel.... it hurts *sniff*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Well, I haven't been "exactly" there. But I've been in rejection before. It does hurt.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Only thing that you can really do is..Talk to your friends to help get this out of your system, don't bottle it up so it eats away at you
[Local] Panzer Sabre: the worst bit *sniff*.... i don't think she even knows *Sob*
[Local] Terrence Knight: Time, is really the best thing to help get over this..*He winces and lays a reassureing hand on her shoulder
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Well, I find a galleon of "Fudge Ripple" and a movie marathon helps, too, but that just might be "Namora" talking.
[Local] Panzer Sabre: .... *sniff*.. nomora?
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: My nickname for my "feminine" half...long story.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: One time, must've been about three years ago now. The girl I liked told me it would never work between us and she could never see me as a boyfriend. I had kinda freaked her out.
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *sniff* so.... the pain.. gose away?
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Never...entirely...but it dulls as life goes on.
[Local] Terrence Knight: It hurts less as..yeah as Time passes..moreso if you can find another person who has the same intrests as you
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *leans against Terr* i miss being a robot, life was less confussing then
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: I was lucky, I got her back. But the pain hurt for a long time.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Worse for me, I saw it as a personal failure.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Which meant I was a girl for the next month and a half, until I managed to pull myself out of that abyss.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Being a robot is simpler, 'neechan, but it's more limited, too.
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *sniff* but i didn't hurt like this..... i never feelt half the things i feel now, back then
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Yes, but theres also joy, and hope, and a dozen more good emotions.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Its true, you feel pain now,...and again Nam beats me to the punch *He comments with a jokeing tone*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: I'd like to think that the positives outweigh th' negatives.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Remember, Terr. I've been there.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: I was a walking depression ball back then.
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *sniff*..... so even though i hurt, things will get better?
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Yes.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: In time.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Yes, yes they will, all you need is time
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: But trust me. Ice cream helps.
[Local] Panzer Sabre: .... thank you
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: *Hugs Gir*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: It's no problem, 'neechan.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Hey Nam, Can you do Me a favor and escort Panzer home?, here is the address *He askes politely passing Nam a small peice of paper*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Uh....sure. Just a moment.
[Local] Terrence Knight: THanks Nam, I appriciate knowing she'll be in good hands till she gets home
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Ai-chan? Look...somethings come up. I won't be home until later. Yeah, friend is having some personal problems.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: *Twitches*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: None of your business! Nosey!
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Yeah...yeah....laugh it up furball, it's not THAT kind of problem. Look, she kinda got dumped....sort of, I.....
Local] Namoru Hayataki: *Claps hand over mouth*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki:'s a girl.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: No...she is NOT about to try to pick me up.....she's not interested like that.....
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: *Twitches again*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: BAD KITTY!
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: *Hold down phone, counts to ten*
[Local] Panzer Sabre: *after an emotionaly darining day, gir gose to sleep leaning against Terr*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Look....I'll explain everything when I get home. You have to trust me. Remember? Trust? Talk to you later.
[Local] Terrence Knight: I"d offer to take her home myself..But I think I'd end up on the opposite side of the city..or the Warzone...or Cimerora..
[Local] Terrence Knight: Interesting conversation
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Baka nekochan....
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: She's a little bit clingy sometimes.
[Local] Terrence Knight: *He glances at the unmoveing girl* I think she's fallen asleep
[Local] Terrence Knight: I believe it.., but if you need to you can bring my name up in the converstaion and have her blame me if needed
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: And afraid every girl in the known universe will fall in love with me at first sight, like back home.
Local] Namoru Hayataki: I'll be right back.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: There we go.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Think You can Carry her Nam?
[Local] Terrence Knight: *grins* Actualy I'll come with ya if nothing else
[Local] Terrence Knight: I'd hate for any misunderstandings to come up
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Raw strength was more Aiko's department, but I should be able manage.
[Local] Terrence Knight: I'll help get her to To DS's place, then leave you with her since YOu seem a little closer to her
[Local] Terrence Knight: as a friend
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: I don't know why, I barely know her, but she kinda hits a "little sister" spot for me....and I don't HAVE a sister.
[Local] Terrence Knight: ANyways, Lets get a move on to atlas park
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: All right, 'neechan....upsy-daisy.
[Local] Terrence Knight: Let her rest for now
[Local] Panzer Sabre: hummel fluuf
[Local] Terrence Knight: Now..which way to the Tram..
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: This way.
[Local] Terrence Knight: I Hate my direction sense
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: I live here, so I should know.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Okay....where from here?
[Local] Terrence Knight: gimme a moment here..*Glances again at the address*
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: It's like asking Yuta.
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: If we end up in Cleaveland, Terrence.....
like a said not a story, but i will write something for this, cuz i feel really bad for doing this to Gir, also Thanks Terr and Ran, you guys are brilliant to RP with
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wish I'd been around for that. Sleep is a harsh mistress
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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... okay, that's a heartwarmer. (cue 'Awwww...')
I'm sorry, I really am?
This had me in stitches:
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Well, I find a galleon of "Fudge Ripple" and a
movie marathon helps, too, but that just might be "Namora"
I'm sure a boat full of Fudge Ripple would do something, but yikes?
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Sofaspud Wrote:... okay, that's a heartwarmer. (cue 'Awwww...')
I'm sorry, I really am?
This had me in stitches:
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Well, I find a galleon of "Fudge Ripple" and a movie marathon helps, too, but that just might be "Namora" talking.
I'm sure a boat full of Fudge Ripple would do something, but yikes?  I was just curious as to where the Sub-Mariner's cousin and Hercules' sometime squeeze had developed a taste for Fudge Ripple.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Sofaspud Wrote:... okay, that's a heartwarmer. (cue 'Awwww...')
I'm sorry, I really am?
This had me in stitches:
[Local] Namoru Hayataki: Well, I find a galleon of "Fudge Ripple" and a movie marathon helps, too, but that just might be "Namora" talking.
I'm sure a boat full of Fudge Ripple would do something, but yikes?  it has the right levels of aww and lol, now i just need yo write some sort of follow up.