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Double XP? Try NO XP!!
Double XP? Try NO XP!!
Or - if you log onto Virtue Server, pick which ONE of your characters you will be leveling up this weekend, and level up ONLY that one. Because if you log off,
you are NOT getting back on to Virtue Server.

Considering that Virtue is where the vast majority of my characters now reside, I am more than a little PISSED OFF at the IDIOTS at NCSoft North.. This is
insane. I repeat - this is INSANE. MORONIC. Their back end can NOT handle this load!

Fuck it. I guess I won't be task forcing, leveling up, or doing any of those nice things that they said I'd be able to do this weekend. At least not
with the characters and on the servers and with the friends I intended.

In Soviet Russia, XP doubles YOU. Over a table that is.

((Edit: It's not a reactivation weekend. I heard that in passing and assumed it was true because it's happened before.))
Well, it's not AS bad as it seems. Virtue seems to fill and unfill at total random. I came back to it full, waited three minutes, checked again, it was
down to two yellow dots. It's bizarre. O_o
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
On the one hand, I haven't had any troubles with getting on. I did have to wait a few minutes this morning, but that's about it. On the other... what
the HELL is with the Global Channels? It can't go five minutes without shitting itself and exploding, removing itself from your tabs in the process.
It's making any actual conversation outside your team impossible!

And yeah, I really expected NCSoft to be ready for this one. Something of a letdown there.

That said... just about to hit 49...
The way I see it, Double XP weekend is really 'load test weekend', and it reveals, every time, that whatever Scheme Of The Week the devs have cooked up
to max out the load handling capabilities of the servers.. well, it doesn't work.

Personally, after I reached my 'end point', I logged off, took a nap, and was fresh and crispy for the Batman movie and the 400-odd miles I've
driven in the last 24 hours..
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I pushed Misao up to 31, which is really all I expected to get done this weekend.

I have NO idea how those of you who get to 50 in under a year do it.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Getting to 50
The key to getting to 50 is to take regular medication against alt-itis.

There is a cure...

Remo works for them.
Friday: Endless Twilight (Warshade) goes from 12 to 18 as I decide I'm tired of work dominating my life and play hooky.

Saturday: Virtue: Status: So Screwed. Finally managed to get online with Faraday for the doomed run at ITF. (Sorry, Lora'Lai.) The ITF seems bugged,
we're getting level 50 enemies despite being on heroic and having 40-45 team. For some reason, we don't disband and start over. And the freaky
all-Kheld ambushes! Actually, I enjoyed those, despite having my ass handed to me. They were fun. TF struggles through the first two missions, then one of the
two tanks is disconnected and can't get back into Virtue. Now we can't control the aggro of ambushes and things get uglier. TF falls apart after that
mission completes. I go to bed, having barely one level to show for it, and no badge. Next time for sure, right? *raises fists* ROMULUS!!!

Sunday: Banana Spider shoots his way from level 8 up to 24! On a PUG! Wahoo! Crab build suggestions anyone?
I managed to get Quicksilver Nano to 50 on Friday too, by concentrating on just her. Then Saturday and Sunday worked on a Peacebringer and got her up to 31.

The whole thing about alt-itis is so completely true. I've got quite a few alts, but only 3 of my characters have ever made it above level 30. Though
I'm planning now to work on some redside characters, to see what the story is like over there.
"Load test weekend" sounds about right. My experience with this and other games is that almost any event sufficiently cool that's shorter than a
week will bring out more people than the servers can handle, no matter how many people actually play the game. I suspect if they made it, say, a week long
period where, whenever you logged in, you got 72 hours of double xp starting then, it'd be more spread out and less generally disruptive.

Render Wrote:Sunday: Banana Spider shoots his way from level 8 up to 24! On a PUG! Wahoo! Crab build suggestions anyone?
Heh, well, here's a major caveat - I don't have a Crab - I play a Bane currently. I think Corrupted Flame's been whacking down the Crab branch, so he probably has some thoughts.
But my thinking is that you need to decide whether your first priority is teaming or soloing. A VEAT can do both, and one built for groups will be able to solo fine...and one intended for soloing will still be great in groups. But nonetheless, there's priorities. My feeling is that if you're building a VEAT (Spider or Widow) for soloing, you probably want to grab Power Pool Manuevers in addition to TT: Manuevers, grab Combat Jumping (which may let you go down the jumping pool to Acrobatics and KB protection)...possibly fighting pool for Weave, basically every shred of defense you can think of. Tough resistances would also go well with Crab armor resists. I don't think you need both the Wolf Spider Armor passive and the Crab Spider Armor Upgrade - just the Crab passive will do, though if you're really keen on stacking 'em, it's your call. I just don't feel it's worth the power choice on a really tight build - I didn't take Wolf Spider Armor on my Bane.

Also, you need to decide what attacks you're taking. Most Crab players seem to focus on the AoE attacks available (and take one from patron pools as well). The Crab melee attacks aren't that popular. That's not surprising, since Crabs have superior ranged attacks while their melee stuff isn't as good as a Bane's - a Bane faces the opposite situation, good melee attacks but lackluster ranged ones for the most part. Omega Manuever as a nuke-type attack also seems rather hit-or-miss with most folks. Some like it, some hate its unconventional mechanic.
Do you want all the pet summons? If you do, how often do you want 'em to be up? Most of the time? Then you'll need hasten, some hami-o's and probably recharge set bonuses.
I can only speak with confidence about this subject since getting my spider to branching level this double-XP weekend.
I did get locked out for a significant period, but honestly, wasn't a huge hardship. 30 minutes at night, after which I was like, eh, I'm gonna go to bed. I still couldn't get into Virtue when I woke up - only managed after 30-40 minutes.
What the heck. It's not the end of the world. Was I mildly annoyed? Yeah. Do I wish NCsoft could do better? Yeah. But really, eh. I can't work up the energy to get really pissed. =P
And I achieved all my double-XP goals anyway.
-- Acyl
End progress on my characters:

Silicon Sabre shoots through 41 to 46 in pretty much two days. Breaking that glass ceiling at high speed.

Net Sabre comes out of retirement to blow from 26 to 30 in two runs on BP World

Sell-Sword gains a paltry single level, but puts good effort into the beginnings of the Faultline Arc and becomes my first character to run an arc on a higher
difficulty than Heroic. Yes, I know, I'm a pansy.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Double XP
Jackie continued her quest to get her level closer to her bustline, perking up to level 39.

(We ran an ITF, but due to side-kick issues I ran it with Bella instead - which is fine at double Inf - as she has an IO addiction.)

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