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CoX issues
CoX issues
Howdy all, if your wonderin where i've been last couple days, its been growling at my computer and Vista's issues with me playing CoX..I'm
guessing its one of the more recient updates because If i system restore to several days ago it runs the game fine, but..dammit I'm sick of having to
system restore I want to play the game normaly, so today after I tried logging in, and was booted from game cause its 'not responding' I checked my
'Problem reports and solutions' file to see what the deal is..I dunno if one of you tech heads can make heads or tails of me its just a bunch
of Jargon *grin* but for my sanity's sake..I hope someone can give some helpful advice...besides tryin to get vista removed from this system or getting a
new computer..cause thats not an option..hell i still have 600$ left to pay on this system.


City of Heroes


Stopped responding and was closed


10/29/2008 7:16 PM


Report Sent


A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: AppHangB1

Application Name: CityOfHeroes.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 48d2c374

Hang Signature: 9247

Hang Type: 0

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Hang Signature 1: e0d53d0976d3cfaa29ad307398d777eb

Additional Hang Signature 2: 4a57

Additional Hang Signature 3: bf54adc470069f8d7f07c7a828732790

Additional Hang Signature 4: 9247

Additional Hang Signature 5: e0d53d0976d3cfaa29ad307398d777eb

Additional Hang Signature 6: 4a57

Additional Hang Signature 7: bf54adc470069f8d7f07c7a828732790

Extra information about the problem

Bucket ID: 337714657
hrm, get me your dxdiag.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Well wire I don't know if this is the info you were looking for, but I did the dxdiag...I think *grin* so heres a giant wall of text for you to sift though


System Information

((snipped by Bob during the move from Tapatalk to MyBB -- It's years out of date and full of backslashes that I would otherwise have to escape.))
the only thing I can see off top of head is some weirdness about the video card driver - have you installed a new nvidia driver recently?
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Ya, looks to me like Direct X and possibly other programs are having trouble finding/recognizing you Video Driver. I would refer you to GeForce Release 178 drivers (For GeForce Series 200, 6,7,8, and 9 GFX Cards). It was published about 2 weeks ago (15 Oct 08). When did this stuff start happening to ya?

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
I'd guess your drivers are hosed, as well. Let's do some detective work. Did *anything* change on this computer between State=working and

Even a crash may be a clue.
Well admittedly this has been happening to me for a while now, whenever you see me vanish suddenly...Like I did on the STF Ankh *grin* then log on ranting bout
how i had to restore my system so..Admittedly I don't know exactly when things started and because I've restored several times over the past
ideas may be compleatly off the mark. But just last night before I went to bed I had put in the latest Nvidia driver. 178.24 I had failed to reapply the latest
driver last time I had to I dunno what else i can do. So yeah wire I've bungled around with Installing new drivers and whatnot when i've
done system restores >

pull the case side off your machine.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
why wire?..I'm afraid to touch my system since I don't know what the heck i'm doin lol
heat. The behavior of your system sounds very similar to what my machine does with it's side on.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
To add to Wire's point, even if "nothing's changed!" it doesn't mean that heat can't be the culprit. As electronics age they can
become more sensitive to heat, among other things.

So, yeah. Yank the side off the machine and if you have a can of compressed air give everything in there a good blast to knock off any built-up dust. Leave
the side off and see if it stops crashing. If so, chances are it's the heat and/or lack of airflow causing your issue.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Yeah, a little canned air to get out the gunk is always a good idea. If there's a lot (oh look, it's fuzzy!) turn if off, take it outside, and go nuts.
After you stop coughing, bring it back inside, hook it back up, and see how it does.

If you're going out to buy canned air, buy two or three cans. It'll allow you to do a far more thorough job, since once can A stops being effective due
to the reactant chilling, you can just grab the next can and go at it full blast.
If that fails you tried contacting Tech support ... you know the guys that make the software, in this case CoX? I've found in the past the Microsoft's
error reporting don't get through the them... and when you actually talk to them, the Tech Support at PlayNC is pretty good. This page has details on how to contact them. Put it this way, when I installed a new graphics card and the hard disk drive crashed and
hence wiped everything (2 separate incidents) and my game wasn't working they were very good at getting back up and running again. They were also helpful
when my credit card mucked up.

Just a suggestion. They will probably want to know the contents of dxdiag.txt

Hmm..well i suppose I'll have to wait till sunday to go out and buy canned air then when I go grocery shoppin and have breakfast with my dad. I can't
see myself spending a good 2-3 hours of my day taking the bus around town for a can of air...and I suppose a screwdriver too so i can open my system up.
Well, a Screwdriver is a useful thing to have regardless, but these days many computers have the case openable by hand. Usually a button or two you push or
some little latch or some such to free a side. I can't say for sure, but you might as well look and see if you can.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Hmm ok, just had another crash this time. The exact error message was

Nvidia OpenGL Driver Encountered an unrecoverable error and must close this application soo has to be well..a driver of some sort (duh! i know i know)

a bit more info bout the problem this time as it isn't a App hang signature.




Video hardware error


11/1/2008 4:32 PM


Solution Available


A problem with your video hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)




Extra information about the problem

BCCode: 117

BCP1: 84C00448

BCP2: 8E701E80

BCP3: 00000000

BCP4: 00000000

OS Version: 6_0_6000

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1

Server information: 40e78346-72e7-496f-8c0a-f207ebe3481b
have you pulled the case side yet?
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
That would be a negitive, Honestly I'm afraid to do anything a technophobe..touching my compuer more than hooking it up scares me. perhaps
tomorrow when theres more light since the lights in the house aint enough for me to move my computer desk around so i can lay on the ground to
unhook the darn thing
Contact PlayNC tech support.

Cleaning the dust and other gunk that the computer attracts is good, but if there is a software bug... that won't fix it.

Clean the computer. Contact Tech support if it happens again. Point them at this thread. Document, Document, Document. Did you have other programs open when it
crashed? Were you in the Market's or around lot to of other people? What's your graphics settings? Did it happen when you were zoning? You'll find
them very helpful.

Trust Me.


Solution Available

If it happens again, you might try the 'check online for a solution' thing (or whatever that is called) and see what there is to say. Sometimes its crap, sometimes it isn't. From what it sounds like any extra input would be useful. Just take it with a grain of salt.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
One other thing.

Try not to be afraid of your computer. They're not quite as fragile as people think. YES it's a good idea to be cautious. But no more so than working
around a car engine. Almost nothing you do with the system can't be fixed. There's always a way to solve or work around a problem.


Don't be afraid to open the side of your computer and take a peek. You don't have to do anything major, but I agree - first thing is look at the
cooling fans and see if they're working, see if they're covered in dust. If you have a separate video card, check and see if it has it's own
cooling fan. (most of the newer ones do have a small cooling fan) And do the same as above. Can of compressed air to everything that looks dusty.

If a fan is not working, try leaving the side of the case open and placing a small fan blowing air into the computer to help circulate the air. Don't have
it pointed perfectly straight on. Place it at an angle so as to encourage the air inside the case to circulate. This has the advantage over the short term of
helping your computer cool down if it's having problems, and the long term disadvantage of leaving more dust inside the case to be cleaned later.

I'm currently having to use this solution myself as the fan on my video card has gone bye bye and now the video card has a tendency to overheat. I try to
blow out the dust from the computer every few days. I could get away with not worrying about this quite so often if we didn't have a cat in the house.

Again - I want to reiterate: Try not to be afraid of your computer. The damn thing's not going to bite you after all. ^_^
Quote: Ankhani wrote:

Well, a Screwdriver is a useful thing to have regardless, but these days many computers have the case openable by hand. Usually a button or two you push or
some little latch or some such to free a side. I can't say for sure, but you might as well look and see if you can.
I advocate the Vodka and OJ screwdriver approach whenever dealing with computer related issues. Keeping ones cool is very important just
don't over do it or computer issues'll be the least of your problems.
Ok, SO I did as suggested, Removeing the side case, even had my fan blowing into the system. so i can't really say my problem stems from over heating. Now
I only really ever have issues with CoX, WoW gives me virtualy No problems. And the majority of my errors of Cox say 'Open GL driver error', So yeah,
I'm pretty sure i'm going to take this computer into Futureshop here real quick, have them wipe the damn system clean test the shit out of my video
card to make sure nothings wrong with it, because frankly, these issues are driving me nuts, and its makeing the game downright unplayable, yet..I can log onto
wow and play it..with practicly no problems whatsoever..I hate not havin any RL friends or relitives that are computer tech..Its not like I have the damn funds
to pay for this.. *Sigh*
Have you tried contacting CoH technical support? Or asking on the forums?

They're supposed to have a pretty good reputation, and it's a lot less work than going to the shop.

*Out comes Ravenbolt with a small comic Imperivium hammer behind her back*

Oh Terr. Oh Terr.... *slides up to him with a grin*

*Wacks Terr over the head -hard-*

Let me make this as monosyllabic as possible.

Call CoX tech support! ClickHERE!

Shader (who had no control of the post)

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