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Legend of Five Rings: Legendary Edition
VallesUF: //roll-dice 4-sides10
[Rokugan ooc]: vallesuf rolled 4 10-sided dice: 10 8 7 2
VallesUF: //roll-dice 1-sides10
[Rokugan ooc]: vallesuf rolled 1 10-sided die: 10
VallesUF: //roll-dice 1-sides10
[Rokugan ooc]: vallesuf rolled 1 10-sided die: 7
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Kanawa VS Ise.
VallesUF: ...42, for Mika.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
VallesUF: Clearly, the dicebot shares my kink.

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko sadly gets no free raise because this doesn't involve using her tongue yet.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) I'm scared and hyperventalating because of what the RNG will demand for that roll.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Oh God.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Mental image.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) 'Using her tongue.'
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) fa;fjadf
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) I think I had the same one
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) :Big Grinies::
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) There's a statement that is aaaaallll about the context.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Are you saying, Ops, that Sachiko is a cunning linguist?
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) -bows-

VallesUF: I suspect that Head!Fox is going to have something to say about -that-. ^_^
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Yeaaaah.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Headfox doesn't care which way she swings.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) It's just that the boy had such a nice face~
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) She's a swingin' headfox.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) She is.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) She's a swingah.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Yeaah baybee!
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Okay. Remind me to never do an Austin Powers impersonation again. It frightens me.

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: some people use reeds and lungpower. My way's more efficient.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Ohgod.
[Rokugan ooc]: kerianvalentine rolled 3 10-sided dice: 4 1 6
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Ise, you may want to get your swords. Someone may be about to molest Mikasa.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ha ha
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) That's the sum total of Ise's ability to play games
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise will admit that he's kind of sort of almost alright with girl-girl so long as he can get involved
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Quietly.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) To nobody.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ever.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Tell me 'bout it bro. -slicks back hair-
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Kami, does everything have to be fanservice with you?
VallesUF: Mikasa: Sorry. It's kind of my karma.
VallesUF: //roll-dice 3-sides 10
[Rokugan ooc]: vallesuf rolled 3 10-sided dice: 3 9 1
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: I give thanks every day that we do not live in a time where there are fishnet hose.
VallesUF: Hm. What's the difficulty to peg this on Sachiko, boss? ^_^
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Don't say that too loudly, someone might take the opportunity to invent them.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: An excellent point. Forget I said that.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise ignores, always, anything going on in a Fox house on principle
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Which would be... *notices Hayase's look* ..bad, yes, bad.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Nah, I prefer t-shirts and jeans. If you can get them to fit juuuuust right, they're just as good, and they don't have the nasty reputation.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Well, I know a few Unicorn...
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: I also thank the Kami that Daisy Dukes haven't been conceived.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Why? You've got the legs for them.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: *under breath* I will not ask about seifuku, I will not ask...
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Exactly. If they were around, he *points at fourth wall* would put me in them.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ... Fishnet hose. Wait, what?

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) The shugenja hit us with a spell that tripled our overland movement and another that would keep us awake for something like 60 hours, so we could do a week's journey in three days. We had leftover sleeplessness at the end. Our duellist spun through katas for 36 hours straight. Our smith worked in the village forge. I wrote poems.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Poems for 36 hours.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Oh what.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) O_o
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) XD
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Shiko was writing poems about the grain of the wood of the table at the end I think. Haiku about wood grain.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) XD
VallesUF: 'I watch the shadows'
VallesUF: 'Can't sleep or clowns will eat me'
VallesUF: 'There are five hours left'

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) If mannequins show up, Storm, Sachiko's gonna look into pulling out the biggest stick she can find. :lol
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Back
VallesUF: *snicker*
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase will apologize to Kitsune-dono for burning the castle down afterwards.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) What.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) XD
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: no. Really. ONI. Huuuuuuuuge ONI.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase:*deadpan* Terrible. There was no stopping them. They tore through here and headed for Crab lands. Probably ran into the Crab army by now. No use following them.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kitsune-dono: And the torches you are all carrying were necessary to drive it off?
VallesUF: Mikasa: ...I was -asleep-, don't look at me like that.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Yeah, let's go with that.

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) See Eb. See Eb plot like a Scorpion.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Plot Eb Plot.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) I am Evil. I have a t-shirt that says so.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: the fun thing about Crane courtiers is they're as nasty as Scorpion. They just act like no one knows this already.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) It's very simple. Doji use the system as it is designed. After all, they designed it. Bayushi exploit the loopholes in the system. Whether or not the Doji designed it with the express purpose of the Bayushi exploiting those loopholes is a fact known only to Bayushi-sama and Doji-sama. Which inspires an image of those two Kami plotting and designing a system with the express purpose of fucking with their descendants.

[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: *Eyes Hayase and Sachiko* Bad things happen to those who try to keep us here too.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Do I need to hit you again?
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Oh, wait. Sorry. Reflex.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Sometimes I wonder if our "green room" conversations are giving the non-players a wrong impression of this game.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Ebony Wrote:Sometimes I wonder if our "green room" conversations are giving the non-players a wrong impression of this game.
I read this a fair bit sooo, Maybe Tongue

RE: Legend of Five Rings: Legendary Edition
Looking back over V's posts, more than probably DS.  I'd ask what you think is going on in the game, but I suspect I'm happier not knowing ^_^;;;
...unless we get obsessive and start assigning Sailors of the Galileans,
miscellaneous Trans-Neptunian Objects, and just about any other celestial body.
("I am Sailor 99942 Apophis! In the name of the Torino scale, there is a slight
but measurable chance that I might punish you!")  -- ShadowJack on
Hey, I will have you know that Sachiko only dropped the chandelier on someone THAT ONE TIME.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
I'll clean up some actual in-game play logs Real Soon Now, and post them here.

But not tonight.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Sorry to do this again, but Real Life has jumped me and I have to go out of town this weekend. I won't be making L5R this evening. If you make quorum, feel free to drive Hayase around like last time. Just send me a log (ebony1442 at gmaildotcom).
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Disregard the previous notice. The posters of said notice have been sacked. I'll be there.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Also, Storm's informed me that he'll be a bit delayed, till about 11EST. He's got a Habitat for Humanity thing he'll be at before then.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Hey, no problem. That's what a Double XP weekend is for. Smile
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) 'When one is better endowed than a shapeshifter, something is clearly wrong with the world.'
VallesUF: Mikasa: *pauses, looks around, not having been able to hear that since it was inside Sachiko's head* ...Wierd.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Hmm?
VallesUF: Mikasa: For a moment there I felt like a jealous bitch was sniping at me, but there aren't any around.
VallesUF: Mikasa: *shrug, boingy* Just nostalgia, I guess.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) '...'
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) 'We can't lose, Sachi.'

[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) When Hayase was born, she killed her mother.
VallesUF: *blink*
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...By ripping her mother's spine out and wielding it like a Yari.

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Pardon me. I have to hit the Gamemaster.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) She's far more dangerous
VallesUF: And far prettier.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) XD
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) I felt that was too obvious to have to state outright
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Hayase once took the wrong turn at the bath house dividing wall. There were no survivors.
VallesUF: Probably, but she turns such charming colors when one belabors the obvious.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) There is that.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) The young lady is making an extensive survey of a particular Egyptian river.
VallesUF: Fortunately, she's cute in a pith hat, so we don't mind much.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) *warms his hands off the heat emitted by his blushing Crane*

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ...I'm gonna get to stare down the barrel of a potential exorcism about as long as I did Greed's gullet, aren't I?
VallesUF: Mikasa: I just realized.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Big Grin
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Hm?
VallesUF: Mikasa: I'm gonna be frustrated -all day-!
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: On the bright side, Kuni-san probably does not have as bad a case of halitosis as Greed did.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: -you're- going to be? What about the rest of us that only get to -watch-?

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Oh yeah. Nothing Freudian about that one, Sachiko.

VallesUF: Mikasa: There's no satisfaction quite as good in all the world

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Sometimes the cliche is there because it is true.

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: And sometimes a katana is just a katana.

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: fucking honor code.
VallesUF: Mikasa: We can thump him over the head and drown the corpse, and claim he must have had problems after we left him?
VallesUF: Mikasa: Or I could just reccomend the right ship to him, and he'd start a fight and never see land again.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: this is why the Akodo are idiots. I'm two steps away from sepukku or a death insult if I refuse him.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Big Grin
VallesUF: Mikasa: Look at it this way. Sooner or later, the toadstool -will- give -one- of us a pretext.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Or if we're lucky we'll run into something else on the way out, and he'll 'volunteer' to stay behind and give us the chance to escape.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) If it's a demon, he'll just chain it.
VallesUF: Mikasa: ...oooh, I just had a thought.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) If it's bandits, he'll pay them.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) If it's dogs, well.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) We all know how he treats mongrels.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: He has to be capable of moving to do most of those things.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Tea!
VallesUF: Mikasa: -And- I bet I can find a barge carrying chickens or something! ^_^
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: You are a cruel and vicious woman. I'd lament the fact you are married, but it's probably better this way anyway.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Couldn't happen to a nicer Crab, too. ^_^

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Mar 27 '10

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Well, Sachiko's kind of a trap.
VallesUF: A yummy, delicious trap. With cake.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Excuse me, I was told there would be punch and pie....
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Sachiko is an inverse trap.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Something about white fudge, here.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: Oh, don't worry, you'll get your just desserts soon.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: :Tongueulls a lever::
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::Walks away::
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: *sighs* Sometimes it just sucks being me... *throws spear through Reiou*
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::Opened the floor to a draining rice grainary. SUDDENLY HARPOONED::
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::HURK::
VallesUF: *giant tentacles rise up out of the river behind them*
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: I mean, now I have to clean that up.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::Bleeds on a Demon Rib::
VallesUF: Mikasa: Fido? Hey, look, it's Fido! *hugs the nearest arm*
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: You know, imploding him might have been less, well, obvious. And more sanitary.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::Ominous, Crimson Eyeglow::
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: I gave up imploding people for Lent. Harpooning is much more satisfying.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Sic 'em, Fido! *points at Reiou*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Great. Now I have the image of Reiou as Wile E. Coyote.
VallesUF: *giant tentacle WHAM*
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Hayase: Secretly captain Ahab.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::Gets up...::
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ...Tch.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: We're rokuganjin, Lent doesn't exist.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: -MONGRELS-
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Remember the good old days when bad guys used to fall over when you stabbed them?
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::Snaps his finger. Calls down a storm of blades.::
VallesUF: Mikasa: *blinks at the forest of pointy death sticking out of her, ah, chest*
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: ::parries:: Actually no, I don't.
VallesUF: *moon comes out*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Which ones? These days you stab a bad guy he comes back as Fu Leng.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Me neither.
VallesUF: SkeleMika: Hm. That could've been inconvenient.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: Damnit, this is not Pirates.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: :| :| :|
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Anyway, where were we?
VallesUF: SkeleMika: You -ssuuurrrre?-
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Pirates,Mantis, same difference
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ....well, I suppose that lowers our fanservice rating.
VallesUF: *moon is clouded*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: I think.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: I sense something. As if millions of fanboys were crying out in pain and anger....
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: It doesn't it just changes the demographics
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Besides the WoW Horde players.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: All it implies is that the white Mongrel is a necrophile.
VallesUF: Mikasa: *pulls blades out and stacks them in a neat pile at her feet* He'd better be.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: And if he isn't?
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Well, swords and spears didn't work. That leaves mankind's standard fall back. Who's got the torches?
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Who let him into the green room anyway?
VallesUF: Ise: I don't get anything from anybody ever again.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: -stabs Reiouu with leftover shards of the 4th Wall-
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: You fools! I wouldn't die even if you killed me!
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Definately from F/SN
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: You're right, Reiou. We can't beat you. Let's make peace. Mika, would you make the nice Crab some tea?
VallesUF: Mikasa: ...Of course!
VallesUF: Mikasa: *brews Tea*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Kami -damn- it.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: ::EXPLODES OUT OF THE WALL::
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: ...Bjorn smelled delicious.
VallesUF: Bjorn: Oh yeah!
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: ... What's he doing here?!
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ....
VallesUF: Mikasa: Tea's ready!
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: :Tongueicks up the entire pot::
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: :Tongueours directly into mouth::
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ...I think that gag just committed seppuku in shame.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Now, now, save some for the... Crab... ^ ^;
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Let's be quiet and wait for Kuni-san to say something to him. That should solve all our problems
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::GTFO::
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Psst, Bjorn, that Crab has a candybar in his sock.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, there's always Plan C.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: Bah! Chocolate and sweet things are for LITTLE GIRL.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: Little girl like little mistress.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Ooookay. He has beef jerky in his other sock.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Because, you see, there's lots of us.
VallesUF: Mikasa: And one of him.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: Bah! Meat is for LESSER MEN and dog.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: Dog like Boo.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Nonono ::holds torch to Reiou's clothes:: Hey Bjorn-san, Kuni-san is on fire, want to helo put him out?
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Boo: ::Squeak!::
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: ... *sigh* No pleasing some people.
VallesUF: Mikasa: And I have here this nice, sturdy steel-banded chest. That locks from the outside.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: Bah! Not on fire is for sissy men!
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reiou: ::FFFFFIIIIIRE::
VallesUF: Mikasa: If some unfortunate asshole were to end up locked inside it, why, he'd -never- be able to get out.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: :Confusedhrugs and lights Bjorn on fire too::
VallesUF: Mikasa: Especially if it ended up buried in some deserted island somewhere.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Bjorn: ::Cackles!::

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Someone put the Nezumi in charge of the scripts this week, didn't they?
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Knockear: What? -Me?-
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Knockear: What gave you that idea, children?

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) No doubt calling the attention of many a sailor, V.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) "You know how those Crab are. They get an idea in their heads and suddenly they act like their opinion is he only one that matters...-sigh-"
VallesUF: There are probably some people on the dockside who aren't staring.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) The old blind netmaker, for instance.
VallesUF: Or straight women.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Or gay men.
VallesUF: Or gay men! ^_^
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Oh, they're staring, in fury at the object of their husbands' attentions. The women that is.

[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Heh, Mika almost gets groped, and X shows up.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Insomnia, it's a god damn pain
VallesUF: *notes summoning technique for future application*

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: She's much prettier than an Ogre, and smells better too.
DracoEbenium: Hayase: I feel I should hit you, Kanawa, but I'm not sure why. I mean, that sounded like a compliment.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: It was meant as one. Besides you wouldn't hit a man who's bleeding to death would you?
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: Yes.
DracoEbenium: Hayase: Well, that depends. Are our clans at war this year?
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium)
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: I... don't remember. Which month is this?
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: That one!
DracoEbenium: Hayase: I left my calendar back in Chikushido.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: I can fake a reason they wouldn't be if you're not so great at detecting bluffs.

[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Why does everyone assume I'm courting Hayase-san?
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: You're cute together!
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Too much anime. It's rotted their brains.
VallesUF: Mikasa: It makes you both turn funny colors.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Besides, you keep trying to apologize.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Wouldn't being rude you make things worse?
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: In several ways.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: ... You have a point.
VallesUF: Mikasa: ...Worse would be funnier.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: She's already killed me at least twice in OOC. I don't think I like comedy.
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: I'd court you. But she scares me.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: Court her instead. It'll give me time to escape.
VallesUF: Mikasa: So, I guess the only question to ask is, 'How hard do we want it to get?'
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: ... I need to start bringing aspirin to the green room.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: It's always nice, the way you try to keep everything tasteful Mika-san.
VallesUF: Mikasa: *fishes a small pill bottle out of... well, the obvious place... and hands it to Hayase*
[Rokugan ooc]: (chysgoda) *yet unknown new character hands kanawa asprin*
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: *bows* Thank you, but I'm not sure a blood thinner is really going to help me at the moment.

[rokuganic 1]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko considers breaking the wall, but given her luck today, it's likely the shrapnel would deflate her cousin's chest or some other disaster.
[rokuganic 1]: (yuushaohgai) Mika's boobs are not balloons, Sachiko.
[rokuganic 1]: (yuushaohgai) Even if they could be used as floatation devices and explain why she's managed to sail so much and not die yet.

[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: um... what do gaki use for a flag anyway?
VallesUF: Mikasa: Possibly that rack of severed heads on a pole?

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: human heads.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko on spines.
VallesUF: Gaki: We gots us some heads for our pointy stikks, we does!
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Gaki: KEKEKEKEKE.

[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) And Hayase is busy teaching the Gaki why One hayase vs. a Small Horde is bad odds
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) FOR THE HORDE
[Rokugan ooc]: (chysgoda) hehehe

[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Actually, she's shown us a four modes, 'Nervous', 'Angry', 'KILLLLLL!' and 'Giggling like a school girl while she implodes people, not using anything that resembles Maho'
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) *rofl wow*
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Oh, that's just in the Green Room.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Anyway folks.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) It's still an image that sticks with you.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: -sighs and goes to see how much fresh water the ship has in stock-
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: And it's kind of ho.... er disturbing, yes, disturbing when she's acting like that.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Anyway.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: I'll just be oever here with my astoundingly creepy grin
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: Bleeding to death
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Otherwise she'll have to use the method she did on Kanawa. And heal wounds with salt water. Big Grin
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) I must go, to Chinese.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: That kind of stung
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Better than being dead, Kanawa.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) -is sad Sachiko did not get to show headfox up-
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Yojimbo: Grgh.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) I don't know
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) You
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) You blew up a gaki from the inside

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Yeah.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) That'll work.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Especially with the free raise from Voice. :lol
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Hayase: SCORE! *does the Crane Dance of Joy*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Nyahaha
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) *The Crane Dance of Joy does not at all look like the macarena. And when we say that it does not at all look like the macarena, we mean that it does.*

[rokuganic 1]: (yuushaohgai) The Mantis vessel pulls alongside the Kurotama as effortlessly as a swallow sails a summer's gale. The black ship itself seems to slow as well, allowing a pair of soldiers in green to come and take a very displeased looking Kuni into custody.
[rokuganic 1]: (yuushaohgai) The captain has vanished.
[rokuganic 1]: (yuushaohgai) There is a totally inconscpicuous barrel nearby.
[rokuganic 1]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko smiles, taking a seat on top of it.

[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: I'm from the mountains, I'm expected to be a little naive and rustic.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) And why do I suspect Hayase's "fiance" would have attempted to out do the marrieds in public displays of affection?
VallesUF: Because it would be -funny-
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: It would probably stop being funny once mika mounted me on dechang on you should definitely try to outdo us. For disguise's purposes.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: Nods*
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) What.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) The sad thing is Sachiko has an excuse ready if ise ever does take offense.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Dechangon? *confused blink*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) She's a courtier version of Batman.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: I think you need a minimum of six for that one, Ise-San.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) You know how Misato used to promise more fanservice at the end of each episode of Eva, Storm? We're just continuing in that tradition.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko and Mika are dueling Fanservice Scorpions.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...Ohno. D:
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: If I were any other man I would propose a threesome but I'm not that needy.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Fox-san: ...Perhaps I'll join in, too~?
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: But I am that jealous.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: I think that counts as incest. Possibly.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Noooot quite.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko's general excuse would be that she can't help looking. It's like being in a traveling art exhibit with a master sculpture. If you didn't at least pause to admire the beauty every once and a while, you clearly were blind.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Mastrubation?
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) But the sculpture has ropes for a reason.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: I don't understand a word of that but she's mine. :|
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Fox: Mm~
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Specifically because someone already owns it and any further action is called "theft"
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: That's what I said.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: That action is called 'Ise opens his e~y~e~s~!~

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
A reminder: I will be off the grid this Friday, engaging in Memorial Day debauchery and such. No game for me.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Sorry, guys. Life is intruding again. Won't be available on Friday. Go on without me if everyone else is there, but send me the log. ebony1442 at gmail dot com
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Don't worry too much, Eb.

So far, all you've missed is me getting a new rank in Storytelling because Sachiko is a large ham and rolled epically on her storytelling roll. :lol:
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Looks like it's my turn to miss this week.  Have fun while I'm gone.
"The universe is already mad. Everything else is just redundant."
Londo Mollari
You people are having way too much fun without me.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Yes. Yes we are. ^_^

[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) *BONK* Hayase: Ow! Mikasa-san, what did you hit me for?!
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Mikasa: Shut up and hold still.
VallesUF: *BONK*
[Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Knocking people who steadily improve their Earth out is tricky.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Ooof, a few less dango wouldn't hurt, you know that?

[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: Please. I'm not -trying- to sleep with anything attractive that shows up in front of me.
VallesUF: Mikasa: Trying would imply it was difficult.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: *perches on Mika* mine.
VallesUF: Mika: *snuggle* Yours. ^_^
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: That was a doujin, Ise.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise *fox hiss*
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) And oh my god GMing races without a real race system sucks
VallesUF: Mika: *thoughtful* You know, the artist said he was planning a sequel to that...
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: I will kill his children.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: And all the things he holds dear. +_+
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Oh God it is.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) (And then he'll destroy the Empire.
VallesUF: Mika: Even if he was thinking 'threesome'?
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: -Co
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: Kill him dead
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) -Comic Relief Harisen!-
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: I don't share! \_/
VallesUF: Mikasa: *Big Sad Eyes* Please?
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ....-glances at fox in back of head- Okay, what'd you do to her?
VallesUF: Mikasa: *cleavagesquish* Plllleeeaaaaassee?
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Fox: ::Cough cough::
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Fox: Don't ask me. You're the one with the mentor who invades dreams.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ....kami damn it.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: No
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: I don't share. \_/
VallesUF: Mikasa: *pout*
VallesUF: Mikasa: *whisperwhisper*

[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: Since when did you wantt to share? Is it because I'm a fox now? T_
VallesUF: Mikasa: You think this is new? Boy, you weren't paying much attention, were you?
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Fox: It happens dear. It comes with the shapeshifting.
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: It's because the deep voice gets all the chicks.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Fox: Once they figure out you can be whatever they want you to be with as many orifices as they need you to have... Hoo boy.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: *trundles off to be sad*
VallesUF: Mikasa: *comfort*
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: ...we really didn't need that last one.
VallesUF: Mikasa: *or suffocation, one of the two*

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Just a reminder for folks, game has been moved to 3PM(-ish) EST Sunday afternoon in hopes of avoiding Storm's social calendar. Big Grin
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
More excerpts from the green room:
(eowopmegs) Sachiko: In my defense, that worked out in the end
(eowopmegs) Which time?
(eowopmegs) Sachiko: The answer stands as presented
(dracoebenium) Hayase: That is not a reason to repeat it!
(Hexane23) Kanawa:  Yes, especially as I'm tangible this time too.
(eowopmegs) If one wanted GUILT from her, you'd want to point out the gaki swarm. Everything else....less so
(Hexane23) We don't want guilt, we're just in awe of her talent for understatement.
(dracoebenium) Hayase: "Awe" is not the word. I'm not sure what the word is. What's two degrees higher than "annoyance" and three degrees lower than "hatred"?
(yuushaohgai) Frustration?
(vallesuf) Mikasa: "Irked"?
(dracoebenium) Hayase: Exasperated. That's the one.
(yuushaohgai) Ise will get a talking to.
(yuushaohgai) Then turn into a fox and act cute until Mika forgets all about it.
(yuushaohgai) Maybe.
(vallesuf) "...Husband?"
(vallesuf) "Kon! Konkon!"
(vallesuf) "...what..."
(yuushaohgai) And Ise leaps into her lap for attention.
(yuushaohgai) But the Dragon are strange creatures.
(yuushaohgai) They may wander in distant lands, speaking only in riddles.
(yuushaohgai) AUGHSPIDER.
(yuushaohgai) ::Lets the strange question marks on his robes and the domino mask go unmentioned::
(dracoebenium) Niguma-san!
(Hexane23) Kanawa:... if a giant bat shows up I'm going back to the mountains.
(eowopmegs) If the shugenja isn't alone, she won't have to. The shugenja knows the value of discretion. :lol
(Hexane23) It was asked by a Dragon, it's always a trick question.
(eowopmegs) Random Dragon Master offers to start music player pulls up "You Know My Name"
(yuushaohgai) Oh dear.
(yuushaohgai) It's worse in the context of the scene.
(Hexane23) Kanawa: An omen.  How wonderful.
(dracoebenium) Achievement Unlocked: Hayase Made a Friend!
(yuushaohgai) No, no.
(yuushaohgai) 'Even Ogres Have Friends.'
(dracoebenium) Hayase: She's not an ogre. Ogres live south of the wall. She's a clumsy, ungraceful freak.
(vallesuf) Now, horribly, I'm wondering what Mika's Friendship Achievement is called
(yuushaohgai) '2 + 2 = 4.'
(yuushaohgai) Hex, you want to see your Sensei's roll?
(Hexane23) No, no, that's alright.  I know Kanawa's getting schooled, putting numbers to it isn't needed.  Besides he asked for it.
(eowopmegs) Sachiko is likely also getting schooled
(dracoebenium) In something.
(vallesuf) Dexterity?
(eowopmegs) Well, they have to test resistance to being distracted SOMEHOW
(eowopmegs) It should be noted that Sachiko possibly wound up in the wrong game.
(eowopmegs) I mean, she would've made an *incredible* Lunar
(yuushaohgai) LunarFox.
(eowopmegs) But nonetheless, she soldiers on trying to bring social enlightenment to a Feudal Japan stereotype.
                  Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow
        Welcome to Trantor, the Biggest Damn Mall in the Galaxy
[22:43] [Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: Hey
[22:44] [Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: /Hey/
[22:44] [Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Ise: My wife is not a cow. Sad
[22:44] [Rokugan ooc]: (dracoebenium) Aaaaaaaand that's all I remember from the swordfighting bit.
[22:44] VallesUF: Mika: Moo?
[22:44] [Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: So how exactly does that mean that Hayase is going to milk Kanawa?
[22:44] [Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko: >.>
[22:44] [Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) Sachiko:

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

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