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Any ideas to when Issue 15 will go live? Us Non testers just want to know *grin*

also..Shameless plug I foolishly got suckered into playing I need
pupils to give him more xp lol.
Soon (tm).

(Also, you still win)

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
(>.> lol Yay Ankh! At least one person was suckered into this Smile Thanks)
I would estimate at least a couple weeks at the very minimum. I suspect it'll be more like a month.

And...hahaha, I'd heard about this game, but I didn't realise this was so fun.

*bows before the master*
-- Acyl
Lol, Poor TK usualy gets kicked around Smile butI'm glad your finding it so very amuseing Acyl. I just like the Random nature of the game despite its
simplicity..since you get such random stats..bonuses..and items hehe.
i'm still trying to figuer out how Terr's brute got maxed out str..... this game is suposted to be random... right?

Dumb Question:

Suppose I make a brute... how do I become someone's pupil?
well this has managed to grab my interest for at least a short while, I'll see how long it holds onto it.

I'm also wondering how to sign up as a pupil (Its not a dumb question as they make it non-obvious).
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
If you create a brute on, say, - you'll be Terry's pupil.
If you make one on the regular front page, probably not. 
EDIT: *Acyl casually uses fight allowance for the day to mug Sweno and Ankhani, before proceeding to get mugged.* =P
-- Acyl
Now you tell me...

If you want to bash me about a bit... OOOMMMINNNOUUSSS HHHUUUUMMMMMM.....

me -> master

DarkShader -> no one

DarkHue -> Niviene

GlowingDark -> Terrenceknight
*cackles* I am teh devil for getting more pupils Smile anyways I like mah brutes..I just like the fact theres no option to 'buy' anything with real
money..I'm a huge SUCKER for that sorta crap lol. least with this I can finght a few times per day and go back about my buissness...o rmake more brutes.

so Gir is now breaking stuff elsewhere Tongue

Would anyone care to have Lily the Diamond as their mastor?

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