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Virtue is its Own Reward 2.0 Discussion Thread
Quote: Terrenceknight wrote:

Terr: Rhea only wants to find LIsa? what am I? chopped liver? *sob*

lol, anyways I finaly tried my hand at this whole thing..but it feels so akward for meh 0_o
Look at it this way, Terr: she thinks the big lunk can take care of himself.

Big Grin

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Fox has got it right -- Basically, my avatar and Eva are sharing a body.

Alistair, however, is the real deal. Not part of my avatar's head, but exterior to it, invisible, inaudible but very solid. My current ideas include
setting up a 3-foot-tall easel with a pad and markers so he can communicate with Peggy.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
:p funny guy and Lisa can't huh, despite the fact she's pretty much the smartest of the three :p

And to ankh..Its not -exactly- the same Just mostly..height..kinda similar vision at least same night blindness, with some blind spots..besides right now
he's assumeing its all been a dream hence why he's being so calm and detached.

The akward thing is I don't feel comfortable or able to write so let me say what I had done there was literaly the most I could do..
it was still pretty good Terr

On the topic of motivational influences for characters:

Clank's current priorities are as follows:

1) Hide from / Avoid confrontation with the law/other supers


2a) legal emancipation for machine intelligence is established by some other court case


2b) she has enough of a power base to survive long term conflict with others

with the long term goal of

3) recreating enough portal tech to home (GGverse, not Paragon)

3 is expected to be a multi-year project requiring the backing (or overthrowing) of a current small government/international company. Exactly how this topic is
approached in still largely in the air.

on the topic of lisa:

"Hey! Not a helpless maiden in need of saving (but the thought is appreciated)"
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Yeah Pity lisa didn't make it over like rhea/spud :p lol oh well Its probably for the best *grin*But we all know Lisa is more than able to fend for herself
You'll note, Terr and Sweno, that not once did I say that Rhea wanted to get back to Lisa to *save* her.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Well know thats beside the point *grin* poor brain is drawing a blank about what to write next Smile
Terr Wakeing up and finding out it wasn't a dream?

Well I think theres an idea rattling in my head..but not sure..but waking up isn't the main focus..but I dunno..I need to try and think.
You know, with Rhea, Clank, and Morgan, that's three people with goals that involve a distinct interest in portal tech.

Much like in ViiOR original flavor, I think that could be potentially interesting.

ok, a wonderfull tool if people want to calculate the average population of supers (hero or villian) in your general geographic area.

I know I'm using for the planning out my story bit. ... ion+of+usa

This will get you the population of the usa for 2008 (rough enough numbers for our work) as well as a drill down by state and county.

The numbers I'm working with:

Given the 3000 people online for the event.

that means ~70 supers around the greater metropolitan area where Clank will be operating.

Given a 60/40 split for heroes/villains, that means that there are 27 villains (besides Clank) in the area.

And 1/5 (assuming an even origin spread) of them should be Tech based.

So I'm looking at 5 other villains in the area that Clank would happily poach parts from if they drew attention to themselves (the other 22 might get
attacked just to lower the perceived threat of the area).

And, no I don't expect to have every one of those people making a fuss. This is just the numbers I'm using for next few bits, and wanted to lay out the
numbers so that others might benefit as well.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
I was tempted to ask if I could be part of this... but for the following:

A) Its been a while since I've been regularly on Live - been mainly on Test lately

B) I'm already involved in a rp thread on the official boards where I'm juggling five villains or so (1 is a MM so there are all his pets, a Dom, and
some VEATS)

C) I don't think I could keep up and do it Justice ( :p ), given the above.
Hey Sweno, keep in mind that not all the 'villains' will be choosing to go the crime route, and not all the 'heroes' will be using their powers
for good. Using the numbers you mentioned, Clank would also have 8 or 9 tech based heroes in the area that she can raid if they go bad/they have something she

On a side note, I got curious and made a list of who's who (so far at least):


Morganni/Alexis Morgan



Random CoX mod/Ghost Widow


Matrix Dragon/Major Starlight

Sofaspud/Rhea(Emerald Blast) & Mr. Whiskers

Dark Seraph/Sera


Drogan Niteflyer/Brahela

Ransan/Namoru Hayataki

HDTrio/Nitros Eevlock

Logan Darklighter/Cyberman 8

OpMegs(npc)/Nene Romanova(Net Sabre)

Rev Dark/Excalibastard


Sweno/Clank Patrol

Terrenceknight/ Terrence Knight(?)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

Throw me into the fray, I've got an idea..

Quote:Sunday evening, I finally got home and showered from working on the cabin. A yawn escaped me as I fired up City of Heroes. I was planning on grinding out a few Inf on Mag, maybe get some time in on The Pook.. I alt-tabbed back to the patcher as it finished applying, and gave it the go-ahead. Login and Server Select followed, and I paused a second on Character Select..

"Hmmm, who to play, who to play... "

Instead of picking a toon, I fell over, unconscious and sprawled in the tight confines of my bedroom.

Monday morning found me headed into work, eyes wide and panicky, a suit of blue and white armor in a duffel bag in the back of my van...

So.... I'm Character Select. Every time I 'sleep' (defined as two hours or more of actual sleep), I wake up as a random toon from my stable.. and I have no character slots free on Virtue. : )

Also, one of the toons in that stable is Wetter Hexe, which could prove quite interesting.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
#41 kind of mainiac are you! lol no being a stable for you :p lol
I was wondering who would take the Croyd Crenson role in this one. Smile
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
I just dredged up the worst possible thing that could happen..

Think about it, Terr - I've got Mag, OK, cool. Pooky? Roy? _Vengy_?

god help us all, I've got Infection13, who is a sociopathic 'Evil Nurse' based off an industrial band, Mustaporkish, The Bacon Troll, and freaking
Wetter Hexe in there.. not to mention the Fruitfly, Lost, House Kat, and the Kumquat Commando (think Kodachi in CoH)

"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Last time through, you ended up as the character you'd spent the most time playing if you were on the selection screen at Zero Hour. Might or might not
still apply; ask Fox. ^_^

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
consider it asked.

I'll hop on the roof tonight and fire up the FOX SIGNAL.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Well wire, you better get Bob's ok to use Wetter if need be hehe. but other than that....dood..your crazy Smile But we better not see too much vengy..lest we
have to have our first death Tongue
which is why I'm in the discussion thread before sticking my hampaws into the main VIIOR thread 8 )
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
No, no, see, Vengy's all better now.

I mean, sure, he's trapped in his own skull screaming to be let out, but hey, it's no more than he deserved, right?

Big Grin

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
that's another tricky wicket - how much bleedthrough do I get?

I'm thinking minimal. full-on personality transfer would be a nightmare to write.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I don't think Helen will approve use of Hexe. Why don't we pretend you're not placeholding her in the VIIORverse?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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