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Virtue is its Own Reward 2.0 Discussion Thread
works for me!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Quote: Morganni wrote:

Quote: My only regret is that I have no excuse to try getting involved, given that I play on the European servers, and that it'd be three am on a work day
when things happened...
Surely we can gloss over such minor details in the name of fiction?
With the okay from our de facto editor-in-chief (aka Foxboy) then I'll be glad to join in.

If such permission is given I'd likely be trying to 'relevel' from scratch a character I'd played on the European servers. How people are
turning out seems to be based a lot on their perception of the character, with a scattering of miscellanous bits, and a touch of randomness in terms of the
extent of the merger.

Would I be right in working from those assumption?

Admittedly there'll also be a disadvantage in not being known by people, being in another country (although that's already shown as fixable), and a
third in the alt in particular who'd be the most... interesting to be merged or turned into.
I think RevDark hit it on the head with the degree of change. It's the focus, with a bit of serendipity thrown in. Rev is actually well trained in the use
of swords himself in RL. So Excalibastard (I think, anyway) is a gaming extension of the kind of carnage he could hand out right now if he really wanted to. So
while he's gained powers and skills, his personality and appearance haven't really changed dramatically. Not so much that people would immediately clue
in, anyway. My character was a shapeshifter, so I kept my identity, but had it blended with two others, along with two 'donor locations' for powers.
Some others would prefer to be their alts if given the choice, and so that's what's happened. I think personal
preference, both conscious and subconscious play a large part in determining how you're affected when the change occurs.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Hmmm. I'm gonna let folks in that want in. Big Grin

Merior, we can say someone gave you a US Server-keyed code or box as a present or summat...

Wire, I'll allow the "sleeper" effect if you make sure to write in that you were doing something silly like rolling a die to decide who to play,
or a board game spinner while drunk or something. BUT you'll be the only one, and as an added bonus, you can take ONE non-Virtue toon to put in your
rotation to replace the Hexe name you were holding. Provided you have any. Also, I'd like to recommend that "vocal tics" be something you
can't control when morphed appropriately. Say, as Fruitfly, you HAVE to do the Buzzy voice. 'ZZZZZere's nozzzzzzzing wrong with my
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Sold - I'll bring in my SI toon from Justice.

so my lineup is as follows:

Myself as a Dark/Regen scrap

Mag - Ice/Ice tech armor

Lost - BS/Shield, insane, female

Fruitfly - Rad/Rad, flier, insane, female, insectoid

Pooky - demon, neuter, flier

House Kat - catgirl, female, Claws/regen, SS. near throwaway.

Mustaporkish - MA/Regen, 9 ft tall, made of bacon

Kimquat Commando - Plant/therm dom, insane, female

Farmin' Roy Orbison - 8 ft even, huge form, fire/kin

Interstellar Pigeon - pigeoform kheldian, flier

Shade of Ukobach - Old Vengy looking male, dresses like the biker from YMCA. throwaway

Vengeful Flame - Mecha Vengy

Infection13 - based off an industrial song, looks like a naughty nurse zombie. female. throwaway

Agnarr the Assembler. animated skeleton. bots/ff MM.

NO MORE DJ VANGELUS. power item: protest sign. african american, 4' tall, gazongas the size of watermelons, dresses in PURPLE and NEON GREEN. winged.
flier. throwaway (except for the Power Item: Protest Sign). Inv/SS tanker

...oh boy.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
WG's hook into VIIOR sounds interesting and gets my imagination running. Hypothetically speaking, what would
happen if someone was twiddling around with costume bits in Icon when the event happened? Especially if the character has a tech origin with a powersuit from
which she derives some of her powers? Fun stuff? A weird merging of casualwear and power armor? Chainmail bikini's? Dysfunctional armor?

btw WG I can actually imagine a superhero concept called The Sleeper. Smile
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Sadly, that's been done already. That was the "hero" name Croyd Crenson had in the Wild Cards series. He was called "The Sleeper"
because every time he went to sleep (every two weeks or so, for about a month each time) he would essentially reroll his superpowers. He had no control, and
never duplicated a form to my knowledge, although he often had repeating basics like superstrength.

Once, he even got every superpower in the entire book without any physical changes to his basic human appearance. Unfortunately God-Crenson was so powerful he
exhausted himself in only a couple of days and was out like a light before he could do more than be amazed at all the powers he had.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
yep, I believe I referred to it as 'rolling Croyd' a couple times in-game tonight.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I've been assuming we're going about the same as the original in things like how much someone's abilities are like the game, how much personality
transfer there is, and so forth... which is to say, there's a lot of room for variation, depending on the individual character and how they've been

In my case, for instance, Alexis Morgan is not only a SI character, but one with a history stretching back before CoH even existed, who's been noted as
having several times the experienced life of the author at this point. So, Morgan in ViiOR doesn't feel that much different personality-wise, but
there's likely to be little things that sneak in without conscious awareness. (Being so blase about changing genders, for one thing.) And this time around,
she's remembering the fact that she's a Cutey Honey template a lot sooner. (Something CoH can't really depict... though Kheldians have some of the
gameplay elements.)

As a different possibility for Wire's 'open' slot, maybe when that slot comes up he's just his pre-ViiOR self, no powers at all.

Speaking of which, so Wire has 15 slots, 3 of which are listed as insane (all 3 female too), 3 more listed as throwaway (and 1 near throwaway) which I assume
mean they were more spur of the moment/joke characters?

lets see appearance-wise, 3 demonic in form, 2 undead, 1 giant tentacled Pigeon, a catgirl, an insectoid woman, and a bacon golem ... leaving 6 that look
relatively normal.

Wire seems to have volunteered for the 'live in interesting times' curse.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Quote:Wire seems to have volunteered for the 'live in interesting times' curse.

Which just means that VIIOR is following reality, as far as that goes 8 )
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Spud, I love how you wrote up Posi and his mindset, its good to know he's all for keeping things alive now lol..but really it as usual was a great bit of
writing....Now ..I can't promise Posi won't be lynched by players Hateing the Posi Task force... Lol maybe if he promised to make it less painful he
may live longer ^_- lol
Quote:It was, he noted with some amusement, much like being back in Paragon City. His job was to stay put, to make sure that other heroes had their chance.

He could live with that.

holy SHIT, Spud! wow!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I've got (what I hope) an interesting thing going on. Main thing that plays into this is Rina is a very focused and calm person. Not much will (outwardly) phase her. Since there is only some mild change there, taking it with out even noticing isn't too far of a stretch. I think out my characters a lot as they go along and grow and such, and add into that actual memory bleed from the character and it starts to get real philosophical just who is the 'real' you. Characters are an extension of the self, for me at least. It'll be interesting to see how this goes along.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Hmmm. Plays very similar to my own take on Misao-Me, only in my case it's just that they're so closely integrated that there isn't much difference
between them. Basically one consciousness that fully remembers and embraces being both. And for much the same reasons, I think...

So of the Kumogakure-gumi, we've got Misao, Misty, Sachie, Inari, and Rina so far... were there any other PCs that aren't played by the same people?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
There is plenty of difference between my characters and me, but if I couldn't put that aside I wouldn't be much for RP. The whole embrace being both
thing could be a slight issue of identity, but that'd not be worried about unless exasperated.

I think Drenivian had a Uchiha character, but I'm not so sure on the name. I think we've every player accounted for, even if not every character.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Things should pick up soon. I'm about to kick over to some Misty/Logan's job conflict and then a "day off" Probably going to place a
"Meet at the New York site if practical" notice on the e-mail drops.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote: Drenivian wrote:

hm, I'm having a hard time deciding if i should throw something in or not this time. This time round I have a number of toons that would work instead of
being Shizuru again. If i do decide to, the forerunners in my head turn out to be, Shizuru, Drenivian, and Yozora Scimitar oddly enough.
Well, Ed, I'd need to know by a week from Saturday, Madison local fic time.If you do not, mind if I use you on an NPC basis....subject to your
own alpha read an approval, of course.
Hrm. Something we need to decide, then... how long should Misao be able to keep up a Kage Bunshin to preserve the illusion of doing my job? Wink
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote: Foxboy wrote:

We weren't sure if you'd be joining us, so we had tentative plans for meeting in Toronto. But we had been thinking of in-character meet at Ninja
Restaurant in NYC for the Kunoichi as stated elsethread.

If you DID pick Doug, think of the drama potential in "I'm right where I'm supposed to be" versus "no, I'm not!"

Apparently most of the DW forum "Virtues" have at least SOME of the player still present.

The plan was for meeting at a landmark that is easily located from the air for fliers and well-known enough that a ground bound Virtue or his/her family can
find it.

Examples: USS Constitution, Boston

Statue of Liberty, NYC

Fort McHenry, Baltimore

Washington Monument, DC

That Museum From Rocky, Philadelphia

Actually, for a meeting location, I'd recommend The Arch in St. Louis, MO. It's about as close to middle of the continental US as possible, making it
less difficult for people to get to.
As long as dramatically necessary?

The current date for the event places 'me' after the end of the summer school here, so it's all free there.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Oh dear. Lina Inverse as Ran's role model.

Absolutely hilarious... and very wrong. Tongue
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.


Say guys? Anybody free to do a preread pass on stuff? I've just been posting first draft stuff so far and I'm thinking it could be better if I just had
something like an editor telling me what works and what doesn't, you know? Plus if I was partnered with someone, we could bounce ideas back and forth.
I'd be glad to give some proofreading, sure, but I think C8 is in a different sort of idea-zone (so to speak) then me and the rest of the kunoichi. You
might be able to juggle plot with Sweno, Terr, or Ran though. They're all just going around with exploration too...

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI

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