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Virtue is its Own Reward 2.0 Discussion Thread
oooh, handy
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I've been using Google Docs. It's free, it supports shortcut keys for italic/bold/underline/etc, it lets me insert the horizontal lines I prefer for
scene breaks, and it automatically saves it for me and lets me open it again from any computer later on.

Finally, the formatting transfers to Yuku via copy-paste without a hitch.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Sorry for the non-updates lately. I picked up inFamous, and promptly discovered they did everything right.

It's an open sandbox style game, with a variety of mission types which keep evolving as the game goes on so it doesn't ever feel repetitious. You get
to choose if you're evil or good, and that means you get evil or good missions which thus totally change the feel of the game. Your powers are slightly
different in good or evil, with some powers only one side or the other gets. And the dialogue is nice, even if your character's voice is a little too

It's been about 24 hours of gameplay for me now in that game, and I can say it's every bit as enthralling as the first couple of hours. At first I
didn't have a lot of power, and it was a trial just to survive common street fights. Now I"m finishing the second of three islands, and I'm really
kicking ass... but the bad guys are more powerful too. It's starting to feel more superheroic in scale.

Anyway, I'll have a post or two in the near future. Nowhere near finished that game, and I intend to restart it in evil mode when I finish. But I gotta
post something.

I definitely recommend this game. Lots of fun. Smile

Ironically, the character handles a raft of electrical powers. I could get ideas from this for my SI in VIIOR... Tongue
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Glad to see someone else enjoying that game besides me. I'll second Dragon's recomendation about it being a lot of fun. The evil path is drasticly different, not just a covering on things. I have yet to sucumb to my OCD and get everything, but you will be very happy if you spend some time to pick up blast shards.

And just to prevent totaly derailing the thread, I'm also working on (wrestling with) the next bit of ViioR myself. It should be up by Friday
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Rev, you're fonting again.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Just so folks know, I'm working on several different installments of my storyline at once. The next part is close to finished, but still needs a bit more.

In the mean time, I've been writing more "in channel" stuff from Evangelia. And something... unusual bubbled up from my subconscious. I'm not sure I like it, and in the absence of some kind of clue whether it's something I really want to do or not, I thought I'd post it here and see if there's some kind of consensus. Necessary background: I've never explored what kind of person Raye was before Alistair empowered her. Everyone's tended to assume she's an easily-embarrassed "nice girl", a bit on the innocent side. Maybe they're wrong.

Once again, this is Eva using my counterpart's account on COH. Anyone whose name I've used as the other sides of this conversation, feel free to tell me to quit it.

[The Legendary] Looney Toons: One good thing about this so far.
[The Legendary] Drenivian: What's that?
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: I finally know why Miranda seems to hate my guts.
[The Legendary] Atlantea: Miranda?
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: Oh. Sailor Null. Miranda Prentice. I read her bio at the Handbook of the Virtue Universe just now.
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: It's kinda sad, actually. Not just because of the whole darkness-light thing and all the anger she's carrying around, but because
[The Legendary] Sweno: Because?
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: It's really strange how so many people in the Legendary think I'm this pure, innocent little girl. But I'm not. I'm not really the good girl everyone thinks I am.
[The Legendary] Atlantea: How so?
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: I've changed a lot since Alistair found me, but... I lost my virginity when I was 12 -- because I jumped the guy. I was well on my way to being the school slut by the time I got into AP Regional.
[The Legendary] valles: ...
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: I smoked like crazy. I took advantage of my folks never being home to drink almost every night. I was already getting bored with pot and starting to look for something stronger.
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: The first time Alistair came to me and told me I was Evangelia, I was pretty sure someone had spiked my weed with LSD or something.
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: I was actually kind of disappointed that he was real, because I thought I'd found some really primo shit.
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: But the thing is, Miranda thinks I'm some kind of saint because of my powers, and it makes her mad and sad about her own. But I'm *not* a saint.
[The Legendary] Looney Toons: If I can ever get back home, or even just talk to the "real" me, I've got to do something about that.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
....the scary thing is the only bit about that entire rant that strikes me as "off-base" and completely implausible is the "when I was 12"

And all you'd have to do is move that up a couple years, 14-15 and then it's not so implausible. @_@
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

This was before Alistar appeared, wasn't it? Certainly he would have taught her to keep proper manners and a stiff upper lip. (Do Penguins have lips?)

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Yeah, she says as much about it being before Alistair and her becoming Evangelia. Which I noted...frighteningly plausible. After all, not much of Eva's character deals with her homelife besides her parents never being home. And I can't, in fact, remember her EVER referring to home in a context besides "I need to go home and do homework." Besides her appearances at school and in the Legendary, there's almost....nothing available about her in terms of info....which does lead one to wonder what hasn't come to light, doesn't it?

....damn you, sense of logic. Damn you! @_@
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
I'll note that, all things considered? I stopped thinking of Eva as the nicety-nice girl a LOOOONG time ago. On my very first run with her, in fact --
this would've been when Emerald was, oh... I dunno, maybe level 20? Certainly pre-30, because at 30 Wire (via Mag and Farmin' Roy) decided the
defender needed to hit the big leagues.


In-character (I assume) Eva is... polite, sure, but not at all girly. That I've seen. And the ribald jokes would've made a sailor blush (though Rhea,
of course, enjoys them).

And then there's the infamous "inaugural table dance" reference that everyone seems to conveniently forget... *wink*

So, yeah. This would come as no surprise to me, at least, and honestly... I think it'd make her more 'human', for lack of a better term.
She's not Magical Princess Evangelia from birth, She Of Zero Faults, but rather, a normal girl with normal problems who just happened to fall into the
Magical Girl schtick.

And as Ops points out, it gives her a logical, reasonable, and most importantly, plausible reason for why her home life is such a blank slate in-character.

I vote "use it", myself. And, for what it's worth, you've got free rein to put words in my or any of my characters mouths, Bob; the most
visible ones either have lots of backstory here on the forums or are documented on Virtueverse, and I'm open to any questions.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Quote: And then there's the infamous "inaugural table dance" reference that everyone seems to conveniently forget... *wink*
.... the what?

but as to Eva's background, i like it. it's gona make some people go squick, but i've allways been of the opinion that if you don't like it,
don't look

It's a very interesting idea, and a good basis for a character, but I can't really square it in my head with the fairly responsible and capable leader that the Legendary seem to've come to know. At the very least, it'd take a good deal more 'selling' before I really bought into the interpretation based on what we know of her behavior 'in uniform'.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
While I normally have zero problem with people using me (or the characters I create) in a story, my presence in game will be minimalistic to nil post event. So
I would not be around to ask why?, or because? in this case.

I am/Clank is going to be 'silent running' in terms of anything that will link my only current source of revenue (bank account, slowly draining) to my
questionable legal status (construct of self-proclaimed sentience). At least until I get a few bots built and feel safe enough that any unwanted attention can
be deterred.

And yes, I'm meta-contextually aware that totally dropping off the net like that is going to raise a few flags if someone actually pays attention, but
in-story I'm far more concerned about being unable to present a passible imitation of my old self. A suspicious absence is much better than a confirmed
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Quote:And then there's the infamous "inaugural table dance" reference that everyone seems to conveniently forget... *wink*
.... the what?
Before your time, DS -- when Logan D first created the "nightclub room" for the Legendary's base, there was a massive influx of toons in to check it out, including Evangelia. And already at that point I was getting a little annoyed at the "magical girl=naive twit" assumption that everyone seemed to make about her, so, well, I jumped her up on a table and set her to dancing. And had her announce that she was doing a table dance, in case no one got it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Rev, your 'none of your friends have that name' bit made me laugh. Good job mixing in the humor.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
He could have 'cool' in his name, as long as it's immediately preceeded with 'So-increadibly-not'. 8P
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
all hail the penguin Smile


Yay for magical girl transformation phrases Smile

also a small typo "see all the way two two of the streets"

I think you meant "see all the way to two of the streets"
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Quote: Valles wrote:

It's a very interesting idea, and a good basis for a character, but I can't really square it in my head with the fairly responsible and
capable leader that the Legendary seem to've come to know. At the very least, it'd take a good deal more 'selling' before I really bought
into the interpretation based on what we know of her behavior 'in uniform'.
Well, I certainly can't think of a better reason why no one knows anything about her life "out of uniform" beyond a handful of
references. And the point being, of course, that it's all mentioned in past tense. Eva had a few years of heroing under her belt before leadership of the
Legendary fell onto her by default. For all we know, those could've involved helping old ladies cross the street or checking into rehab(she does have a
vague time period defined where she wasn't involved with the Legendary and the whole SG up and vanished on her).

It's possibly less a change in her current characterization (she's always been less naive and straight-arrow than people assume of a magical girl) and
more an expansion of the backstory. Goodness knows I've conducted enough cosmic retcons with my characters to know how that goes. :lol:
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Okay, just want to make something clear -- as the idea currently stands, Raye's JD phase was short-circuited by Alistair coming along. It was a fight for
her first couple levels, but she's clean and sober now. She's also a bit too busy for promiscuous sex -- and a bit too responsible these days, too.
She's a better person now, but it was rough going at first.

Oh, and thanks for the catch, Sweno -- I'll fix that in a moment.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Oh, I never had any doubt that Raye-then and Raye-now are, in essence, two different people. Alistair's arrival and the whole Magical Girl thing would
have been a watershed moment for anybody, including a messed-up young girl (perhaps especially so).

I prefer this interpretation over the Superman-esque "Eva's always been perfect" concept, which always grated on me a little. Don't get me
wrong, I like Eva, I do. But I've never been able to identify with her the same way I could with, for example, Space Mage -- who didn't have quite as
gritty GrimDark a background, no, but let's face it -- being the outcast geek is something that we can identify with, up to and including the... nervous
breakdown, I suppose you'd call it. Big Grin

With Eva, all we've ever had before is just that her home life is a bit on the lonely side. She's a latchkey kid and her parents are hardly ever home,
but she still worries a little about what they'll think, so the implication is it's not an abusive relationship, just an absentee one. Which hardly
(to me, anyway) seems like a hardship. I'd rather see her make a turnaround instead of just drifting into the hero biz.

Maybe I'm rambling, I dunno. I just like the concept of her not having been miss goody-two-shoes her whole life. If nothing else, it certainly helps
explain how she can identify with and lead people from some of the backgrounds we have in the Legendary -- she's been there, man, she knows what's up.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
This backstory also helps explain _why_ Eva worries about what her parents think of her.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Found this in an RPGnet thread of "needless hot cosplay pics" and went "Wait, someone cosplayed as Sachie?"....

[Image: DSCF0282_edited.jpg]
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
nice one sweno... bit graphic, but very nice

Just some references for folks reading my latest installment:

Grease Trucks
The building on top of which Evangelia eats her lunch

I wanted to put a link to Google maps to show the area that Eva traveled through in this segment, but it would only open up to the North American continental view, dammit.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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