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Going Rogue
Going Rogue
Is now available for prepurchase at the NCSOFT store!... I haz it you? *grin*
Yes, yes I do.

Just can't play it till later tonight when I get home from school after work.
"Dual Pistols will be available immediately upon prepurchase, and Demon Summoning will come shortly thereafter with the launch of Issue 17"


I'll be picking it up as soon as I get home
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
"immediately upon purchase"
*checks finances*
*sobs in despair*

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
while i was the oppeset *checks finances* holy crap, i has the moneys! *buys*

This is cool, but you do realize that NCSoft prepurchase deal is the less wise one financially. I guess I can't blame them for doing it this way though, it just sticks in my craw.  The 'complete collection' pack is the only one that includes the bonus sets of costumes and such, and includes a free month of play time (a $15 dollar value) and is valued at $39.99. The only downside is that it's not available till July. The one that is for prepurchase on the NCSoft website does not include any game time, or the costume pack, but allows you to access dual pistols and demon summoning early, and is $29.99. Only ten dollars less than the other version.
NCSoft will make a lot more money off the pre-purchase option, which is why I'm sure they're doing it and pushing it now. It's just a little frustrating for me when you sit back and really compare both deals.
... wait, so i have to buy the other one as well to get the costume bits?

ah stuff it, i'll get both cuz i'm crazy and have to much spare time, that and i would like to have the actuly disk in hand. just incase

#8 is frustrating. But seeing as I already -have- all the other costume packs and crap all I need is the expansion. the 10 dollar Diff..isn't going to make or break things for me. Now if I had just gotten the game and don't have any of the shineys I'd be all over the complete set like a fatman on cake. So really the only thing I'd be getting over the expansion with the complete pack would be a month free time.. or bout 5$ once you take the price difference into account. Not quite worth me waiting till July for. Sides..I already have too many game cases and crap around here makein a mess..I don't wanna add to it *grin*.
Later after GR Launch, you can get the Complete Collection Item Pack separate from the thing itself. They haven't mentioned any price, but I'd imagine on the order of $5-10.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
That's true Ankh. But say that it goes for the average of costume packs costs of 10 dollars, that'll bring your total up to 39.99 spent. Same as the collectors edition. Only if you get the boxed version you also get a free month of play. Still comes out the better value in the end by the 15 dollars.
I'll admit, I'm weak and it'll be a (probably short) amount of time before I fold and get the prepurchase to access new shiny fun stuff, but I'll sit here on my lonely soapbox and grump for now Tongue
Awww *hugs Uni* Thats ok..I think most of us are weak in that respect Big Grin I don't doubt for a moment I'll be seein most if not all of our group shootin stuff with dual pistols within the next few days...assuming the funding is available ^_^
Hm. Given my financials, I'll probably wait for the July release. Much as I want to bounce over there right now and spend money.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
*rolls a DP toon and looks at some of the animations* ..... i can haz Gun Katas! XD

I'll get my copy on Payday Wink I'll still have the Retconned Rhett Kahn before 2xp weekend
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

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