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So much Frustration. So little time.
Earlier today. I was running Crown of Glory with a friend of mine, then we decided since he didn't have much time on his hands I'd switch to Lighting blitz and farm some freaks for some xp So I quit the game then started the client again for a faster transition.i'm sure you've all done it at some point Smile
Anyways. I type in my password it says i'm still logged on..but thats normal since I just quit instead of logging out. So whatever..I go 'ok' and log back in. Get to the server select screen. click on virtue then. Client freezes before it goes to char select.
so frustrating..I've been fighting this for the past 5 hours.
I can Play WoW. I can Play DDO. I haven't tried Sins of a Solar Empire..but I have this feelin it will work.
But I can't go from Server selection to Character Select without client freeze and crash.
Virtue crashed earlier today, Terr.  Have you tried a different server?  If not, I would suggest that, just to see if it clears things up for you.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
When did it crash? I had a big mapserver earlier. but then continued on playing then ouro'd told my friend I was going to switch toons. Quit game. restarted to play instead of waiting for logout timer. Logging back on I go click on virtue. Lock up. And unfortunately I have attempted to log on other servers. even ones without characters (so most) lol. but yeah..always the same. Lock up after bout 5 seconds of thinking on the server select screen after clicking.
Vuirt has been having problems all day Terr, heck, Nerva is a no go, bees so or 7 hours.

Most likely, there's going to be a maintenence period, with patch, this morning (I know test is working on fixing the Hami Raid and the LGTF), so most likely virtue will get a grand high reboot and defrag.
Well Like I say. I tried logging on to other servers. but again the client freezes after thinking a few seconds after clicking on the server. Anyways..been goin back and forth with Tech Support for the 5 hours or so >.>
4 Am now. Finally cracked and Uninstalled CoH. Not going to bother waiting for another reply for the time being from the Tech Support. Because Odds are after all the crap I've tried so far..their just going to ask me to reinstall anyways >.>

SO...uninstalled..picked up a fresh client from my account managment page and now..Fixing Files... for the next 2 hours..then i'm guessing patching for more?
I doubt that was necessary, Terry. 
I'm just waiting until after they bring Virtue back up from maintenance before I consider doing anything that drastic. I really doubt it's on your end.
I tooled about on Infinity for a bit, so yeah, it was just Virtue.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
...Just woke up. Tried with the refreshed client Tried logging onto virtue. Stuck at server select. game crashes. I've tried logging on to champion. Guardian. Victory, Triumph. Always the same thing. Click on server, computer thinks for a moment. Client freezes up before char selection screen. Hell those other servers I don't even have a character.

When I restart client and go to log on. The game still thinks i'm -logged- on most likely thinking i'm on character selection screen.

So yeah I felt drastic action was needed. But even that isn't enough.
i will add a sigh to this, as it seams that sharkhead is unable to load, meaing about 90% of my red toons are unplayable... and i really wanted to do more clone stuff damn it!

Here's a thought:

Whenever there's a patch, I've had to fix my firewall rules to allow CoX to pass. You might try a Ctrl-Alt-Del and boot up task manager (usually will kick the game to background) and see if you've got any issues going on there. If the files all check out, it might be an issue with some other program conflict.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Nah..I think I messed up some file.

Game worked -Perfectly- Fine yesterday till I quit out of an ouro arc to PL a friend a little bit. asked em to wait in Ouro while I Quit>Quit to desktop instead of waiting on timer.. Then when When I tried to log back on. It gave the message 'that account is currently logged in' but I'm pretty sure most of us have had that when we don't wanna wait that 30 seconds. Anyways. Click Ok. Go to server select. Click on Virtue (then on every other server) *Bam* 2-3 second hang time where the system thinks then it freezes with repeating sound effects. The NCsoft error report program comes up and i have to alt-tab to bring it to the front, send the information and wait for it to make the client force shut down.




Log on. Server select click server 2-3 second wait. Crash.

But I'm sure the game thinks i'm logged in when it crashes like that. and the signel my click sent has the game thinking I'm in the char select screen..

Strange, yet not. I was able to log in all day yesterday. caught a lot of lag at times (folks can tell you about when I finally got po'd about lag kills I vented to the chat) but was able to log in...
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That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

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