alright, I think I have the entire core sequence here. The sad bit is that there was some rather amusing bits said over skype which I don't have a record off (like Monstah Hunter being cooled by fosters).
And yes, I have left in all the 'AM is up' so that people can get an idea just how often we had it cycling (perma x6)
Child of the Atom: *opens a crate* ... do we even need these? *pulls out a hazmat suit*
Plutonium Lady: Occasionally.
TRONI: Assorted deletable expletives:
Jakran Theomar: (

Child of the Atom: ((Terr will have trouble walking

Jakran Theomar: (no..I think that'll still be Lisa

Sharon Kov: AM!
Child of the Atom: heeeee.
Child of the Atom: AM's backs atchas
Child of the Atom: hey... where my hampster ball gose?
Plutonium Lady: And one more!
Sharon Kov: Wheeeee!
Gamma Emission: [as soon as she has cell phone coverage she is going to call Rhea: "I just found something you HAVE to try"]
Child of the Atom: (*waits for first stupid drunken sujestion*

Plutonium Lady: I think I burned out a circuit here. Need to change clothes.
Jakran Theomar: (have to try being..? All rad TF?

Sharon Kov: ((Hehe))
Child of the Atom: now?
Plutonium Lady: Much better.
Child of the Atom: .... oooooh
Sharon Kov: Oooohhhh! Statuesque!
Child of the Atom: .... really big .....
Gamma Emission: gather for green glowie goodness (AM in 5 seconds)
Child of the Atom: Grats! *hugs*
Plutonium Lady: Thanks! *hugs back, picking her up*
Child of the Atom: AM's... i thinks....
Child of the Atom: no, i was here first!
Child of the Atom: ... wait, thats not what i ment!
Plutonium Lady: Later, kids. We have company.
Gamma Emission: gather for green glowie goodness (AM in 5 seconds)
Child of the Atom: ((man, imagen if we had Reha here?

Gamma Emission: they don't play nice
Sharon Kov: That's ok, Atom! I'll help you up to the top.

Plutonium Lady: ((We should have set the timer))
Child of the Atom: .... i have no idea what that means, but it sounds fun!
Psychic Emission: I'm surrounded by drunks aren't I?
Child of the Atom: AM's!
Gamma Emission: *pout* why does Annie get to be on top?
TRONI: [would that have brought the ambus waves in closer together?)
Gamma Emission: Yessss?
Plutonium Lady: Endorphin rush. It's close.
Monstah Huntah: Nah...I normally drink this much.....gotta keep myself from overheating.
Child of the Atom: um... i got on first?
Gamma Emission: oh, ok
Sharon Kov: What're you drinking there?
Monstah Huntah: Foster's Lager.
Plutonium Lady: Oop! Careful, dear. It's not that steady up there.
Child of the Atom: i can see _everything_ up here!
Sharon Kov: AM Huggle rush!
Gamma Emission: *looks up shirt* so can we
Child of the Atom: heys!
TRONI: exaspiration: *SIGH*
Child of the Atom: no lookins, ya dind'ts askess meeesss...
Psychic Emission: I don't know any of you.
Gamma Emission: *thinks* ... can I look?
Child of the Atom: ... maybes?
Child of the Atom: ((lol))
Sharon Kov: Oooh.... good call, Gamma. Well played. *grins*
Child of the Atom: nakeds time in the reactor rooms?
Gamma Emission: noo, the metal grate pinches
Monstah Huntah: *shakes his head and cracks another Fosters*
Plutonium Lady: I don't think so, dear. All the lab geeks would die of nosebleeds.
Sharon Kov: Bikini Party in the reactor?

Child of the Atom: .... laters?
Gamma Emission: ... maybe
Jakran Theomar: (..Terr needs to come to TV sometime

Plutonium Lady: We'll see.
Child of the Atom: but i gots no bikini's on me.
Jakran Theomar: (Someone will have to watch out for gamma

Sharon Kov: Well I was thinkin another time when it's quiet...
Child of the Atom: oh oh, AM times
Child of the Atom: .... oooooh
Gamma Emission: oh, ya. getting interupted by sky raiders wouldn't be fun
Child of the Atom: ((i see some bar being closed down due to a rad spill after this

Sharon Kov: ((Hazmat!))
Plutonium Lady: ((I have this image of PL, who actually works at TV, walking in on Sharon et al))
Sharon Kov: AM!
Psychic Emission: Is is worth my dignity to go along with half your ideas?
Child of the Atom: (("and in todays new a string of bars were closed down to.... fallout?"))
Child of the Atom: maybes?
Gamma Emission: you'll have fun while it's happening

[The Legendary]Sweno: 1:14
Child of the Atom: whoots!
Psychic Emission: Thats just it, you guys are getting all touchy-feely in hyere, and it feels like a relaxing massage to me.
Sharon Kov: WOOT!!!!
Jakran Theomar: (I can see Lisa calling Terr 'My place 5 minutes, bring rhea')
Child of the Atom: ... can't that be the same thing?
Plutonium Lady: It's more like an invigorating workout, personally, with all this loose energy. Usually it's more like a waterfall.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy