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Lookin for a cameo list
10-06-2010, 08:11 AM
So, with Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous swinging into full gear, I'm looking for potential cast expanders. Mostly, this is just so I don't have to use Riptide, Stern, Warrant and the rest every time I need Powers Division folks, but there's places for others.
What I need is essentially this:
Character Name
Allegiance (if complicated, feel free to expound)
Major Contact Arcs involved in (Kang, Tunnel Rat, etc.)
Any further side notes of importance
Note: Subfactions are also useful for me to know. The Crusaders aren't going to be entirely quiet in this little fracas, after all, and they're unlikely to have their Powers Division members stay quiet while Sylia's making a big noise on the surface.
I note that this list isn't going to get used in its entirety. It's more just so I have a box full of things I *can* use rather than a bunch of parts I *will* use. But I'd rather use a character that's already there and slots in just so than have to make up PPD Interrogator John Smith or such.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Well, you already have MI-0/Dynamo Sabre in the toybox.
So, Formally:
Dynamo Sabre (Moral Intelligence Mark Zero, installed into Clockwork Chassis "Saber 02-001")
Resistance - Warden
Major Arcs - Tunnel Rat, *Final ImpCity Responsibility Contact*, IVy, Penelope Yin
Dynamo is "waking up" to full sentience by level 20. Uses "lowercase CWK.SPK" to level 10, then "clockwork.speech(modified)" to 15. IVy arc will have her beginning to use proper English verbs with clockwork style stacking nouns: "referent(self) would like to undertake clockwork.task("
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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In-game, Sassinak has already taken the portal to Primal Earth. But no reason why you can't still use her in Praetoria-based stories, just assume it took place before she left.
Loyalist - Responsibility (with some Power Arcs in Imp City, and working Resistance Warden arcs in Neutropolis while remaining Loyalist)
Major Arcs - Cleopatra, Interrogator Washington (Cleo died), Interrogator Kang, Alec Parson, Investigator Whitworth, Chance McKnight, Mr. G, Transmuter, IVy, Aaron Walker, Both Preator Tillman AND Penelope Yin (This is where she REALLY starts having doubts about her Loyalties), Anti-Matter, Dark Watcher
Character Name: Lazerun Atrum (Preat version of Lazerun Seraph aka, Broken Saber)
Allegiance: Warden, mainly due to the strong belifes of right and wrong instild by her perents
Major Contact Arcs: Katti (former Seer) tunnle rat
Laz's prents are minor hero's of the Hamidon War's, most noted for tehir part in the evacuation of Australia. Seraph and Michelle Atrum taught their daughters to do what they believe to be right. Laz has a younger sister called Girtrude Atrum.
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Princess Evangelia
Loyalist/Responsibility (but with growing doubts about Cole)
Major Contact Arcs: Cleopatra, Kang, but few others -- she semipowerleveled past all the morality missions (kind of accidentally on my part). As of now she' outlevelled everything but the portal to Primal.
Counterpart to Primal Evangelia, only with no cape or aura, and the blue of her costume is much deeper/darker. Broadsword/Invuln scrapper. Just as idealistic as her primal twin, and possibly more innocent, too -- she doesn't have PrimalEva's darker backstory.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Well, since we all seem to be on the gentle side here, the planned-but-on-hold (Bad Altitus! Bad!) sorta-kinda-maybe-Praetorian B:
Bevroren (Ice/Ice Dom)
LoyalistPowers: More for the fame and recognition than the total asshole-ery and one-up-manship. I haven't done the line yet, we'll see how much I manage.
Major Arcs? Well, I believe Neuron making you fight against Fail-Clone-Cole would be important. Can be whereever though. *Will look up other arcs*
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
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*points up at Atl's post* If you want you can use Praet Terr and just say he was still there during this time this takes place.
Light's Retribution
Warden-Tunnel Rat and (one of the last contacts that has to do with Noble Savage and being forced to fight him on the tower) I'd give a name but I can't remember lol
Praetorian Terrence Knight: personality similar to Ryu from Street fighter, same drive for self improvement. He doesn't have Primal Terr's bad sense of direction or curse naturally.
Beyond contacts he could likely be found in random locations around praetoria taking the fight to the Destroyers, Syndicate and Ghouls in particular when not on a specific task. If asked he'd assist with missions that would help and/or benefit the civilians without hesitation regardless of risk. Has a strong sense of right and wrong. I had him destroy the Enriche facility before he left.
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Ninja are EVERYWHERE. Feel free to have Misao turn up.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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Hmm. Here's my list:
Character Name: Defibrillator. / Rhea Samuels (Praetorian native)
Powerset: Elec. / Empathy Controller
Allegiance: Loyalist/Responsibility (though that's taken a beating due to in-character interaction with other PCs; she's still Loyal, but she's loyal to the ideal of what she believes Cole wanted, and has begun to realize that his lieutenants are, well, monsters. She still thinks the Emperor is awesome with a side of wonderful, though.)
Major Contact Arcs: Kang, Alec Parson, has tagged along on a lot of Resistance stuff unknowingly (oops)
Notes: Rhea has the same personality, essentially, as Primal Earth Rheabeth, but was never mentally scarred the way Rhea!Prime was. Or perhaps it's better to say, she was fixed, by a mental health 'specialist'.
Character Name: Terri Knight
Powerset: Plant / Thorns Dominator
Resistance / Warden; she isn't after power, she just wants to share the love, man.
Major Contact Arcs: None, so far; she's just this girl, y'know?
Notes: Terri's powers come from plantlife. More specifically, Devouring Earth plantlife, typically in inhalable or edible form. She maintains that "they grow the BEST stuff, man" and that "it'll make a new woman out of you". She's living proof of that. Since she pals around with the Resistance, and since her powers derive from the DE, she's been labeled an eco-terrorist; she's also often referred to as a stoner chick, hippy, and 'Doctor' by those who like her particular hand-crafted (and perfectly safe, despite what detractors say) blends. She is pretty much the polar opposite of Primal Earth Terrence Knight. Won't it be fun when they meet? (Terri is a reboot, so her and Terr -have- already met, I'm just adjusting the backstory to better fit now that I can roll a hero with the right powersets.)
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Might as well throw my two cents in:
Name: Glorien Jr. (Elizabeth)
Powers: Ice/Fire Blaster
Allegiance: Crusader. She's been ripped away from her comforting anonymity, and decided to embrace the 'Down with Cole' sentiment.
Contact Arcs: Every Crusader up to Dr. Helix, plus the IC Warden contacts
Notes: Elizabeth seems shy at first, but if made known that you are against 'The Establishment' will readily warm up. Speech patterns follow somewhat rural midwest. More info see thread 'Messages in the Static'.
Name: Silent Answer (Meghan Rhodes)
Powers: Pistol/dark Corr
Allegiance: Power. Its all about the Power.
Contact Arcs: Again, pretty much every Power contact
Notes: While she has currently emigrated to the Rogue Isles, feel free to use her. Further info in the current Tales thread.
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I'll toss my preat that's still goldside into the ring:
Name: Dissonant Seer (Dee)
Powers: Mind/Psi Dom
Contact Arcs: (not much, barely to the first morality mission)
Notes: Dee is conflicted about Mother Tilman. On one hand, she hates her for being kicked out of the seer program. On the other hand, all she wants is back in. In the mean time Dee is going to show Mother that none of her other seers deserve to be in the program either. Probably Definitely through violence.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
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I'll toss in my 3 characters:
Name: Baron Von Black (Baron)
Powers: KM/Will Scrap
Allegiances: Resistance/Warden; (Doesn't admit to this to *ANYONE*)
Major Contact Arcs: Every single arc he can access. (Cleo lives) He's done 3 morality mission by lvl 10, by stopping XP for a little bit.
Notes: Speaks with a formal English accent. Claims loyalty to Cole, but chafes under loss of his Lands, and the oppression of the people he cares for as well as the other corruption he sees. It grates on his nerves like you wouldn't believe. Being forced into having to essentially take up arms to rid the world is particularly annoying. But don't insult him or the administration in his hearing or he will see you dead.
Going to see exactly how many Morality mission I can cram in before hitting 20.
Name: Lady Iron Fist (Lady)
Powers: KM/Will Scrap
Allegiances: Loyalist/Responsibility
Major Contact Arcs: Same as Baron except alternating the choices at the end of the arcs.
Notes: Much like Baron. Call her anything but Lady and she'll put you through the wall. Respect her and Cole, and she'll give you respect back.
Name: Clockwork MLE (Emily) [Medical Life Extension]
Powers: Eng/Kin Corr
Allegiances: Resistance/Warden
Major Contact Arc: Warden arc up to lvl 15.
Notes: Clockwork body with the Insectoid Armor head. Able to form normal English sentences, but part of brain, indeed almost entire body has been replaced with clockwork bits. Able to blend in completely with clockwork. Following orders to infiltrate Resistance. Quiet, keeps to self. Always follows orders from designated commander.