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Tron Costumes
Tron Costumes
Hey all. Been listening to the Daft Punk Tron: Legacy Score on various Youtube sources (and I WILL buy it because Daft Punk are just godly!)  -
And I've been inspired. Here's a couple of costume designs inspired by Rinzler/Tron from Tron: Legacy, using Cyberman 8 as a basis. (In fact it's giving me ideas for a way to justify him going "to the dark side" in the game temporarily)
Here's C8 "Rinzler-fied"
[Image: C8-Rinzler.jpg]
And "Redeemed C8/Rinzler"
[Image: C8-Tron.jpg]
More to come!
EDIT: More is here:
[Image: Tron-Force.jpg]
[Image: Tron-Force-aura.jpg]
[Image: Tron-Kinetica.jpg]
[Image: Tron-Kinetica-aura.jpg]

Also, not what I would have expected, they are bulkier than what I would have made.

I need to spend more time in the costume editor, cause I don't recognize the leggings you used for Quora.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Alpha, one of the costume sets from the "extras" for Going Rogue
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Yes, it's Alpha. 

The funny thing about Alpha is this - there's actually TWO distinct Alpha patterns. Here - I'll show you: 

This is the "Default" Alpha pattern. Both the Alpha Texture and the default coloration as applied from the Alpha set. 

[Image: Alpha-default.jpg]

The following is just the straight "Alpha Stripe" as applied to normal "tights sleek" texture.

[Image: Alpha-Stripe-pattern.jpg]

And this is Alpha texture, but with "Alpha Stripe" instead of the Default Alpha pattern applied. 

[Image: Alpha-Stripe.jpg]
sweno Wrote:Neat!

Also, not what I would have expected, they are bulkier than what I would have made.
In Tron: Legacy, the suits are still very sleek, but there is some layering/texturing going on that wasn't part of the original. Understandable as much of the detail of the suits is filmed in a -completely- different manner in the two films! 

In the original Tron, everybody wore white and black "spandex" suits with little bits added like helmets and pauldrons and the disc on the back. Everything on-set was filmed with black and white film and everything was "roto-scoped" and re-colored in post production. Most parts of the suits that are dark in the actual film were -white- on the set and all the traceries and lines were in black! Then the film was processed and those suits were turned negative and then colored with whatever color was needed. 

Ironically, the Tron: Legacy suits are actually lit for real, on set! (In fact, in a couple of cases, if you're paying attention, you can spot the battery housings for the suits in the film. Usually at the small of the back. The filmmakers didn't really try to hide them either. Just made them part of the overall "look".) There's actually not as much "post-production" work done on the suits themselves in the new film as there was in the old film! 

So the new Tron: Legacy suits have more detail in the way of actual texture than the old film did. That's why they actually have less in the way of overt neon line "circuitry" running everywhere. 

When you apply that idea to a City of Heroes costume, things are going to be a little bit more bulky. But I don't mind. I think it looks cool. Big Grin

EDIT: In fact, here's what I think you get if you take the "old-school" approach and make a "Tron"-like character from the original film: 

[Image: Tron-old-school.jpg]

"I fight... for the USERS!"
You know, I read the sig you used there Logan, and the first think to pop into my head was Tron Vs Bob (from Reboot). One fights for the Users, and one fights agaist the User. 8P
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Timote Wrote:You know, I read the sig you used there Logan, and the first think to pop into my head was Tron Vs Bob (from Reboot). One fights for the Users, and one fights agaist the User. 8P
Which is kind of amusing, since in fanon at least, Tron is something of a Messianic figure in Mainframe.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
I think the idea is that Tron fights to keep the system free and open for the users. And if you want to get metaphysical, since the Tron universe seems to have as a central conceit the idea that programs are in some ways reflections of their users, this translates to freedom for the programs too. Yes I know this logic fails a little bit with Tron: Legacy since the Grid is an isolated mainframe and almost everything in there is something that Flynn coded. But that world was turned on its head anyway by the schism between Flynn and CLU.
EDIT: In fact, here's what I think you get if you take the "old-school" approach and make a "Tron"-like character from the original film: 

[Image: Tron-old-school.jpg]

"I fight... for the USERS!"
My issue with tis one would be that the Original 80's tron suits WERE bulkier and the coloration of the base suit was a light gray.Other than that, that's as close as you'd get

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