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Tier 1These skill objects can be found in areas where there are level 5-10 mobs:
Tier 2These skill objects can be found in areas where there are level 11-20 mobs:
Tier 3These skill objects can be found in areas where there are level 21-30 mobs:
Tier 4These skill objects can be found in areas where there are level 31-40 mobs:
Now you can do it that way and it's easy enough to figure out where to go once you know the level you need. 

But if you want to skill up, you can ALSO do so by simply fusing stuff. A skill-up will happen if you're fusing the right kind of mod at the right level. I'm still not completely clear on which is which, mind you. I need to do some more research on that. 

The point being - with all the stuff in the bank to work with, you can definitely rank up pretty quick - ESPECIALLY at the lower end skill levels, since we have a metric butt-load of mods to do it with. 

(Though I kind of suspect we might NOT have a surplus once everyone figures it out. Heh.) 

(Edit: Edit:  BTW - I didn't find maps of the location nodes at the Wiki. I could swear I've seen one. But it's been a long time. And it's possible I might even have my memory confused with a different game altogether. Maybe even WoW.) 
Ah yer kinda makein me flush with this post, I dun need thanks as all I wanted to do was help people coming over to CO from CoH to have as painless a transition as possible by trying to outfit at least the first character of every player as best as possible so they have someone they can always fall back on to run regardless of content. If i have the resources to spare then much like CoH i'll do the best I can to help my friends so they don't need to struggle through the same 'growing pains' I did. I'd like people to have the option to log on when they feel like and be able to enjoy a relaxing session because its a game dammit, and you should be able to relax and have fun with a few friends.

I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the game and its system (mostly through trial and error!) so I can help folks avoid equipment/modification errors and warn about bugs that may interfere with game play enjoyment (Looking at you bugged adventure packs..namely Demonflame). I'd rather make the mistakes myself which I can fix over time with my excess amount of time on my hands so I can use that experience to guide others with less free time away from similar pitfalls and help them have a more relaxing experience.

Thanks, Logan! Next time I get on, I'll head right to a tier 2 area!
Edit:  or try to make some level 9 mods...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
SG Bank update
SG Bank update
Just so you guys know - I went in and organized all the bank storage. And I want you to take note that we have a LOT of costume unlocks in that first tab. If you're wondering whether you should take anything from there? PLEASE. DO. Take what you need. Note that there nearly a full set of Samurai armor in there as well as several Lemurian costume pieces. I for one have no use for any more of that stuff. But I'll drop more in if people ask. 

Also folks - USE UP those XP boosts! That's what they're there for! 

One thing I always try to take time to do - is fuse some items together to rank them up (particularly on characters that could use the skill-ups.) And I now have 4-5 characters with Maxed (400) level skill in that for the best chance. So if we don't have a level 6 or 7 version of something in there, I'll try and make one. It also helps clear up space. 

Lastly - check out all those devices in the last 2 bank pages. And take a moment to thank Terrence. He's the reason most of that stuff is there. And he's more or less given carte blanche to anyone who wants to grab one of those things. 

The only thing that gives ME pause is taking any of the 3-4 slot gear items. I'm pretty well geared on my top-end characters. But I think 1-2 of my 40s might be still using some old gear. But those are characters I'm also currently not using very much at the moment. (Tigre and Stalnoy Volk). And C8 and Robot Ronin are VERY well geared right now. So my needs for that stuff are minimal. 

So do what I do - fuse some mods. Make some stuff. Feel free to take any costume unlocks you see (particularly any of you on Silver accounts.) And again - give word up to Terrence, cause you are THE MAN. 

Tab 1
[Image: Bank_01_22713_zps3bb88bc7.jpg]

Tab 2
[Image: Bank_02_22713_zps8d17f83e.jpg]

Tab 3
[Image: Bank_03_22713_zps4d171864.jpg]

Tab 4
[Image: Bank_04_22713_zpsbffa55dc.jpg]

Tab 5
[Image: Bank_05_22713_zps0bd49619.jpg]

Tab 6
[Image: Bank_06_22713_zps44436e67.jpg]

Tab 7
[Image: Bank_07_22713_zpsa893c7d5.jpg]

Tab 8
[Image: Bank_08_22713_zps1bf81c4d.jpg]
Oh, cool. I've also been supplying stuff to the bank, although not on the same scale as Terr, and like him, I'm offering it to anyone who wants/needs it.

From what I've seen, mods 'n' stuff can go up to level 9 -- has anyone in the SG succeeded in boosting stuff that high?

One more thing -- where's a good spot to find craft boosting whatsits for those of us wanting to reach 200? I keep stumbling stuff that's either too low, or which requires 201+.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Oh, and a quick suggestion, something that I'm going to start doing when I'm on next:

Every time you use the SG bank, throw 1 G into the account there, 10 if you're flush and feeling generous. A small amount for the mid- to upper-level characters, barely pocket change, but enough to help build up a pool of resources for use in times of need.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Oh, cool. I've also been supplying stuff to the bank, although not on the same scale as Terr, and like him, I'm offering it to anyone who wants/needs it.

From what I've seen, mods 'n' stuff can go up to level 9 -- has anyone in the SG succeeded in boosting stuff that high?
I've managed a couple of Mod 8's on lucky rolls with no Catalysts. 

Quote:One more thing -- where's a good spot to find craft boosting whatsits for those of us wanting to reach 200? I keep stumbling stuff that's either too low, or which requires 201+.

If you're talking about the craft items that appear in the world? They're scattered more or less at random and they have what seems to be a timer to respawn that's fairly long. In other words, you go and pick one up, it's not going to be back for a while. Long enough that it's really not worth it to wait around. You're better off just going to the next node to check it. 

I think someone might have made a map of the nodes for COWiki? Let me go check. 
Oh, I understand the spawning. There's a ridge in Canada next to the lake with the crashed airplane that I essentially camped and orbitted for a few gaming sessions in early January because it had five of them on it or in close proximity, and 3 or 4 of them would usually respawn in the time it would take me to do one complete circuit. I raised my craft from under 50 to over 100 rather quickly there.

No, the question I'm asking is, what neighborhood(s) in which zone(s) have craft items that will help someone with a craft score between 150 and 200? I know I've come across them, but I can't remember where, because I was busy with a mission or otherwise preoccupied at the time.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I don't know, myself. I'll craft up mysticism stacks with Sil when the mood strikes me, but I'm not consistent at it. I'm slow with my other alts because I'm still in the Q-grind stage so I can get electric flight for my zapper.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Oh I get what you mean, now. And funny enough, I was looking for maps, but I just caught reference to just the thing you were talking about. I'll put the info in an edit. BRB - 

EDIT: (I'm copy/pasting the relevant material from the Wiki for completeness - but there's really an easier way that we all have access to because our vault is so stocked. See below - )
Quote:There a two ways to increase your skills with the On Alert update to the crafting system. The first is simply by performing Investigation upon the various Skill Objects found in the world. The second way to increase your skill is by performing Fusion on the Mods collected from drops and Skill Objects.
In order to increase your superheroes max skill level (this is different than their actual skill level), you must increase the max skill level by purchasing it from the Skill Contact. After speaking to the contact, click on the store option and then click the buy tab. If your superheroes current skill level is within 10 skill levels of the maximum for that tier or at the maximum level, then you will be able to purchase the next skill cap if your superhero also meets the level requirements. Remember that tiers are minimum level requirements.
For example, if your superhero is level 25 and has a skill level of 300, you will not be able to increase their level until they reach level 31. A superhero can move into the next tier at level 11, 21 and 31.

Quote:Skill TiersWithin each skill, there are 4 tiers. However, each of the tiers is level locked, meaning your superhero must be of a certain level to progress to the next tier. It is also important to keep in mind that superheroes can max out their tier.
 Tier 1Competent1 to 101 to 100
 Tier 2Skilled11 to 20101 to 200
 Tier 3Very Skilled21 to 30201 to 300
 Tier 4Highly Skilled31 to 40301 to 400

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