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Holy Warbirds, Batman!!!
Holy Warbirds, Batman!!!
It seems that with the launch of Beneath the Raptors Wing (aka season 8, Aka the great Romulan expansion) Enough players are trying their hands at Romulan charecters (or maybe restarting their klingon carreers from Lvl 1) that the servers are FULL!
I've NEVER seen that happen before.  Well, not with STO.  CoX, yeah, we've had that happen...
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
And since everyone is playing Romulans the servers are freaking laggy as hell...looks like i've got to wait a while before i can get my Romulan on for more than 30 minutes of lag.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
I'll go ahead and recommend the expansion. I tried it in Beta and had a great time. Quite an improvement from older content. The new Klingon tutorial also gets points, being made by former CoH head dev Matt Miller.
Ok, even City of Heroes was not this bad.   Its 10pm Central Time and the Queue to log in is over 16k.
I just wanted to run a Dilithium Claim daily, is that so much to ask?
Edit: While waiting before I saw queues of over 20,000.  But the wait is worth it, just remember to check your Video settings.  They changed the UI and you will have to reset your resolution.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
Tried all day to get in. Crashing. Queues. Bugs galore. Never saw past the initial loading screen. 
In other words - typical Cryptic launch. I'll see you lads in a week. when they've fixed enough of the bugs to barely make this workable to launch.
Huh... I've been playing all night, never had a problem logging in, no bugs around. Guess I'm lucky.
I'm gonna....go play in Telara.
A queue... of over 25,000...
Uh... NO. 


I have ZERO tolerance or patience for that. I'll see you guys in-game in a few months. Or let me know when the queue goes away. Then I'll try and log in. 

EDIT: Actually  - come to think of it. Now seems like an excellent time/excuse to go check out SWTOR at long last. I'd been putting that off for months. But since STO is now verboten for me, I guess it's time to go try it out.

Further Edit: Ah crap... It's EA and it's not available on Steam. That means it's only available with that Origin crap. 


Back to Kerbal Space Program for space games for me I guess. 
In the meantime - while you're waiting for Star Trek to load - go play this. Big Grin 
... Oh, right. I pay for the right to act like an electronic version of that asshole that the bouncers let right in when I walk up. That explains it :lol

And you don't need Origin for TOR Atl. It has its own launcher.
Wait a sec... Gold members get bumped to the front of the queue automatically? 
Quote:Logan Darklighter wrote:
Wait a sec... Gold members get bumped to the front of the queue automatically? 
To be fair, it is advertised as one of the main benefits of the monthly subscription or a lifetime subscription. But yeah, as a subscriber there pretty much isn't any sort of queue. Of course, there's also the fact that MD and I both would be logging in at what's the absolutely lowest population point for the game, the Asian/Oceanic primetime. 
I've been crazy busy with work so I've only managed to just do the new Romulan tutorial/starting mission and nothing else - but the new faction looks damn solid, and there's lots of quality of life improvements. For me, the key highlights are:-
  • New Story Content - and this isn't just the whole Romulan campaign, they've also added a ton of new Klingon story missions.
  • New User Interface - everything from the actual game UI to the inventory window, character creator, login screens, etc. Basically it's been upgraded to Neverwinter standards, using a lot of the stuff Cryptic developed for that game. I like the new dialogue interactions especially, it's all cinematic and stuff. It feels nice. It's polished and sleek.
  • New Textures - this is why the update's like downloading a lead brick, but if you can play the game with the settings turned up, it looks even nicer now.
  • Trait System - there's been a bunch of game system improvements, but the new character trait system is pretty sweet. This has been a long time coming, but now it's really Fallout-perk kind of nice.
The queue situation is undoubtedly an issue, though. With that said, lifetime subs are on discount right no---yeah, I know, I know, most of you aren't going to go for that. I only got it back in the day because I spent my childhood with a TNG commbadge permanently affixed to whatever Science-blue coat I wore.

The Neverwinter launch was very quickly followed by server capacity tweaks, but I have no idea whether they'll take immediate action for STO. I certainly hope so, but we'll see.
-- Acyl
As of last night the queue situation seemed to be resolved... at least I faced no queue then.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

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