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I amuse myself sometimes
I amuse myself sometimes
So - I find myself running one of the (relatively rare) timed missions in Champions - trying to disarm a bunch of bombs in a warehouse full of zombies before they go off -

And I find myself thinking two slightly snarky thoughts -

1) "There's nothing in this warehouse BUT THE ZOMBIES. Wouldn't you WANT the bombs to go off?" >.>

and - Due to the slightly more, shall we say - campy tone of Champions compared to CoX, as I'm running around looking for that last bomb and time is beginning to run out, I can't help but think -

2) "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"
Heh. All you'd need to complete that scene is the Night Avenger's armor and a good Adam West Batman knockoff...
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
I was sometimes disappointed by the lack of opportunities to blow up buildings in a heroic context in CoH. There's what, the one mission in DA? I can't remember any others.

There was going to be one in "Don't Text and Hero", but I never got the arc finished.

-Morgan, could never decide who to use as the fourth enemy group during the riot...
Not to mention the villain side, where you spent so much of your time fighting other villain groups and Arachnos you had wonder if you were drawing a paycheck from Longbow and just weren't telling anyone about it.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.

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