Simple - choose one of your heroes - and use them to tell a joke (the worse, the better.)
"Okay..." Bella rested her head in her hands, trying to decide if the situation warranted tearing out her hear, or banging her head on the desk until the voices told her the world was a sane and calming place. "I've read the report, what is your side of the story."
"It was just a night dancing." Jackie admitted. "Zee Club D was packed. Zey played zee Twist, so I did the Twist. They played the Frug, so I did the Frug. They played Jump Around, so I jumped around."
"You are the soul of innocence." Bella growled, deciding that incineration may be more therapeutic than concussions or a new hair style. "Then what happened?"
"Zey played Come on Eileen." Jackie admitted. "And I was asked to leave."
"Okay..." Bella rested her head in her hands, trying to decide if the situation warranted tearing out her hear, or banging her head on the desk until the voices told her the world was a sane and calming place. "I've read the report, what is your side of the story."
"It was just a night dancing." Jackie admitted. "Zee Club D was packed. Zey played zee Twist, so I did the Twist. They played the Frug, so I did the Frug. They played Jump Around, so I jumped around."
"You are the soul of innocence." Bella growled, deciding that incineration may be more therapeutic than concussions or a new hair style. "Then what happened?"
"Zey played Come on Eileen." Jackie admitted. "And I was asked to leave."