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Peg's back. She says Bolina looks fine, and she has no complaints about either the face or the body.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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My bank account is now mad at me. I'm still at work, but I just bought a bunch of stuff at DAZ (including the Bolina hair). So, when I get home, I can post the other picture and work on one with the Bolina hair. If you felt like it, you might look around DAZ and Renderosity to see if you could find an outfit and helmet that look like Doug's and I could see about doing a render of him as well.
That's not really IST based. I'll have to see about making a thread for just posting pictures.
All righty. Here's the "new" picture of Silverbolt, with the Amarseda hair, a coin, and the new face, that I started before work. The one with the Bolina hair should have a sample tomorrow afternoon (when I get up). Which ever face Peggy likes I can put on a more-final version. I'm also working on making the coin have a bit more texture to it. It seems more like a slug than a coin here.
Again, the picture is the link to the full-sized one.
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Mark Skarr Wrote:My bank account is now mad at me. ... If you felt like it, you might look around DAZ and Renderosity to see if you could find an outfit and helmet that look like Doug's and I could see about doing a render of him as well. If you two find something on Renderosity, put it on your public wishlist - I can help you with this project financially, if not artistically.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:robkelk wrote:
If you two find something on Renderosity, put it on your public wishlist - I can help you with this project financially, if not artistically.
If Bob's okay with that, I'd do it.
Here's the new render with the new hair and an updated coin. Again, need to work on the coin. It's better than last time, but still not useful. It's only been 9 hours in the rendering engine.
Edit - Removed link
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Coin still needs work. Not sure why it's giving me such trouble. I've deleted all the other, large versions of the pictures, and just have the one I'm linking to below. I still HAVE the other pictures in case someone wants a copy of any of them. But, since the hair was wrong, I didn't see a need to keep them up. So, here's the latest and greatest after 24 hours in the engine.
If you wouldn't mind asking Peggy: how's the hair, both in style and amount?
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Peg's been working overtime and is wiped out when she's home the last few days (yes, that includes the weekend). It might be a little bit before I can get to her awake to get an opinion. On her behalf, though, thank you for all the time you're spending on these renders.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:
Peg's been working overtime and is wiped out when she's home the last few days (yes, that includes the weekend). It might be a little bit before I can get to her awake to get an opinion. On her behalf, though, thank you for all the time you're spending on these renders.
No problem. I figure, if I want to do an updated picture of Argurous, I should probably get the source-material correct first. The Bolina hair and Lux aren't playing nice together. The Alpha Channel on her scalp puts a really defined line across her forehead, so I have to keep taking it into Photoshop to clean up. That's why the forehead keeps chaning as well.
All right, after some work on the coin, here's a new version:
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An aside
03-15-2011, 11:45 PM
As this thread started out about Pink, it's only fitting that I put this here:
IST New York's Teen Super Heroine "Pink" celebrates her 14th birthday.
Too bad she won't make it to sixteen.
March 15th, 2011
Amidst much celebration, Stephanie Aldermain, the Super Heroine Pink, turned fourteen today. Her mother, Susan Aldermain, was flown in from Amsterdam by the UN to celebrate the day with her daughter.
Not many Californians can forget April of 2009 when a localized Reality Quake caused by the Megavillain Mandrake's attempt to steal a reality shard from IST LA's vault. Los Angeles was rocked by the waves of damage reality causing tens of millions of dollars of damage and hundreds of lives were lost.
Like a Phoenix from its ashes, twelve-year-old Stephanie Aldermain burst from a collapsed building. Her latent Metahuman genes turned her into the indestructible juggernaut Pink. On the ropes, IST LA's Field Commander, The Patriot, was happy to get any help from any quarter. Pink's power-level was unbelievable. She engaged Mandrake directly and added a few million dollars of damage to the city herself. IST LA used this time to clean up Mandrake's scaly minions and get the wounded out of harm's way. The battle between Pink and Mandrake lasted nearly an hour before the badly beaten Mandrake fled with his few, remaining minions.
Pink remained behind to assist with the clean up until she was taken to New York to meet with Witchwind and Argurous Astraph. Witchwind and Argurous agreed that such a powerful child needed better supervision and, with Stephanie's agreement, signed her into the IST.
Since that day, Pink has always been where overwhelming firepower was needed. She has tangled with Al Khayal Min Allah, Blacklight, Mandrake and the Void, each time defeating them, making it appear that she barely broke a sweat.
Last December, a Chinese fleet and The North Korean Western Fleet gathered west of Yeonpyeong Island, and Pink went there to both bolster the IST embassy and attempt to defuse the situation. The Chinese fleet opened fire on the girl with anti-ship, high-velocity railguns, knocking her from the sky. Traces of her blood could be seen in the water. As the two fleets approached the island celebrations were apparent upon their decks.
A minute later, those celebrations turned to stark terror as Pink burst through the Chinese flagship, sinking it. She again came under fire from the Chinese fleet as well as the North Korean fleet. This time, however, her force field held up to the onslaught. Her eye beams sank over a hundred ships before they were able to affect a retreat.
Happy Birthday, Pink. We sleep better knowing you're out there keeping us safe.
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I would have had this done on Tuesday, for Pink's birthday, but work reared it's ugly head and it got delayed until today.
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On a related, but bizarre note, does IST have an "official" font?
Also, is there an official logo, or do they just use the UN logo?
Edit 2 -
I ask because, well, after discussing with MonkeyFist (my room mate), we deicded there should, really, be a more suitable media outlet.
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Indeed there should have been, because IIRC, at 14 she should NOT be modeling for Maxim as their normal subject matter is too mature for models under 18 reguardless of clothing levels.
And she looks awful overdeveloped for 14. Didnt you maybe mean 15? which would also make the quip about 'not making it to 16' make more sense, though it brings up the question of why... Recklessness? or some inherent condition that means she's due to 'burn out' in a year?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Well, Maxim (and FHM, for that matter) are British magazines and they have a different view on things (Hayden Panettiere was in Maxim, provocative-but clothed, when she was 14). However, I agree, which is why the 2nd magazine cover.
All Pinks look like that regardless of their age: be they 12, 14, 16, 46, 45,000,000 or more. When Stephanie dies her first time, she transforms into Pink and her appearance remains static, eternally. This one just happened to manifest after her 12th birthday.
The quip about "not making it to 16" is actually plot-related in my game. Everyone knows something is going to happen 12/21/2012. Not because the Mayan's said it would but because someone, if not a lot of someones, is going to try to end the world. And, those who don't know anything about Pinks, and where their powers come from, will learn a valuable lesson, although, it will come to late to "save" the IST Pink. However, that event is close to two years away. Maybe, unlikely, someone will uncover enough information to "save" her. Not that anyone is looking.
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I put this picture together to verify the height differences between Argurous and Pink. Argurous is 6'3" and Pink is 5'6". Even in those platform boots and ridiculously long legs, she's tiny compared to Argurous.
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Death of a Hero
03-26-2011, 01:40 PM
Tuesday, March 15th, 2011
Los Angeles, California
The west coast celebration of Stephanie “Pink” Aldermain’s birthday was disrupted at 22:15 by a group of a dozen heavily armed and armored men firing explosives into the gathered crowd. Members of IST Los Angeles’ Alpha Team were at the celebration, and moved both quickly and effectively to stop the attackers.
IST Los Angeles’ Field Commander, The Patriot charged the attackers, using his shield and force field to deflect their attacks into the ground and nearby, empty, buildings. Harmonix and The Facilitator were on the wings of the combat, focusing their efforts on bringing the armored attackers under control. Shade was occasionally visible long enough to bring an attacker down before she would vanish again. Only Medved, the Russian Bear, was having difficulty getting to the combat as his great bulk prevented him from moving easily through the crowd.
Though the attackers were highly coordinated they were quickly brought under control. Unfortunately, before they were disabled they caused two deaths, twenty-four injuries, and several thousand dollars worth of damage. As they began to flee, the truck they arrived in burst open and a bipedal weapons platform unleashed a stream of armor piercing bullets at Medved. Medved was perched on a car, trying to find a way to safely move toward hostile vehicle. He was struck numerous times and fell behind the vehicle.
Russian IST Member Vitaly “Medved” Zakhar suffered fatal injuries. He was airlifted to the IST Embassy, but their assigned healer, Le Toucher Qui Guérit, pronounced him dead on arrival. There will be a public memorial service held on Saturday, March 19th at the LA Opera House, next to the Embassy. IST New York’s Alpha Team, including IST Supreme Commander Witchwind, retired Supreme Commander Argurous Astraph, and Stephanie “Pink” Aldermain, are scheduled to be in attendance.
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The Patriot's Eulogy
03-30-2011, 12:22 AM
When asked to speak, The Patriot strode slowly to the podium, as he had so many times before. He stood tall in his dress uniform, shoulders straight and eyes front. Those who could see them knew that they were eyes who had seen this day too many times. Still, his gravelly voice was strong, giving certainty to his words.
“There was once a time, when I had said, that the only good Russian was a dead one.”
Although this raised some eyebrows, he continued without pause.
“ Today, that has never been more true. Vitaly was a good Russian. A good soldier, a friend, and yes- a Comrade. “
With that short eulogy, he turned and saluted the casket, while the Russian anthem was played.
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After talking with Bruno and the devs at LuxRender, we figured out my transparency problem:
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21 the hell did I miss a month's worth of posts in this thread?
RE: Font and Logo: I never established either. The book, as I'm sure you noticed, had a world-map image very similar to the UN symbol that it used in several places, but no formal insignia or logo was ever definitively settled upon. I should probably come up with something -- or piteously beg the forum at large to do so -- when I get around to writing the second edition.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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That's why I was using the actual UN logo. MonkeyFist has suggested, if he could find a good copy of it, using the old Buck Rogers logo since it's similar to the UN logo. However, unable to find a good copy of it, we haven't done anything like that.
So, any changes to Silverbolt, or is she good?
I'm still looking for a jacket for Doug.
I haven't found any eye-less masks, at the moment, for making Shadowwalker.
I'm not sure where to start for Wetter Hexe.
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I think I like the earlier, narrower face better, but I need to show it to Peggy (who has crashed for the night already).
As for Hexe, I might be able to point Helen at you. However, if you're doing Warriors as opposed to IST characters, maybe you should start up a separate thread in the DW General area.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Here was Pink for the IST NY Halloween Party.
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you are an EVIL EVIL man there Mark
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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You no like?
MonkeyFist is off grumbling about now he's going to have to do something where Pink can meet Supergirl.
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Heh. no, its a "Gosh darn that's good" spit take.
and the overall idea is perfect. thats what makes you so evil.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Here's one of the things I'm working on.
Collect the whole set!