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IST 2k Seoul Team
IST 2k Seoul Team
In this thread I will post the PCs and NPCs (stand-by PGCs) for my imminent IST 2K Seoul game.

In case anyone is interested in creating other NPCs (stand-by PGCs), the character generation is:

Characters are 750 points with -75 points in disadvantages and -5 points in quirks. The campaign uses Multiplicative Modifiers (GURPS Powers, pg 102). Campaign limits for starting characters:Maximum dice of swing damage or innate attack damage:  30dMaximum levels of non-ablative DR:  100Minimum level of Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction:  /3Maximum level of Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction:  /10Maximum level of Super-ST:  9/70 (total Striking ST cannot exceed 80)     Note: I'm using the "Increased Damage with Superhuman Strength" rules from Pyramid 3-34 (pg 24), and I am keeping with the damage cap mitigation (+7 for Brawling, +14 for Karate) and those do count toward your maximum damage.  A Striking ST of 80 would give a Swing of 35d using those rules.  Thank you, David Pulver.  Also, I'm using the "Keeping Large Vehicles Alive" and “HP and Weight: An Alternate Apporach) rules from that Pyramid article (pg 24-25) as well, just FYI.
Everyone, also, has to buy the following package:

IST Package [68+ points]Language (Korean, Accented/Accented) [4](or English (Accented/Accented) [4] if they already speak Korean)Legal Enforcement Powers 2 [10]Military Rank 4+ [20+]Patron (UN; 9-; Equipment worth more than starting wealth, Minimum Intervention, wields great social/political power)  [38]Reputation +3 (IST Team Member, All the Time, Everyone, excepting a large class) [10]
Duty (IST, UN; Almost all the time, Extremely Hazardous) [-20]Reputation -3 (Criminals, et al; all the time, small class of people) [-5]Reputation -1 (Non-UN Member nations, all the time, Large class of people) [-2]Area Knowledge (Seoul) [1]Area Knowledge (South Korea) [1]Computer Operation/TL9 [1]Diplomacy [2]History (International, UN) [2]Karate or Judo (character’s choice) [4]Mind Block [2]Strategy (Super) [2]Tactics [2]
ETA:  I don't use Bang Skills--I dislike them.  I don't usually have to mention that, but, since you all don't play games with me, don't expect to see any on the characters.
Gold & Appel, Inc's character
The first character was submitted by Gold & Appel, Inc.
Name: Bruce "Collidoscope" Brewster [750MM]

Culture: TL 9 [0]; Familiarity: Eastern [1], Western [0]; Languages: English (Native / Native) [0]; French (Broken / Broken) [2]; Korean (Accented / Accented) [4];

Attributes: ST 20 [100]; DX 20 [200]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 20 [100];

Secondary: BL 80#; Dam 2d-1 / 3d+2; Spd 10.0 [0]; Mov 12 [10]; HP 25 [10]; FP 20 [0]; Perception: 11 [0]; Willpower: 16 [25];

Advantages: Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Fit [5]; Legal Enforcement Powers [10]; Luck (Defensive -20%) [12]; Military Rank x4 [20]; Patron (UN) (Appears 9-, Provides Equipment +100%, Wields Great Political Power +100%, Minimal Intervention -50%) [38]; Reputation +3 ("IST," All But Lg Group, Always) [10];

Perks: Brave [1]; Dabbler (Social Skills: +2 Default to Acting, Leadership, Public Speaking, and Sex Appeal) [1]; Honest Face [1]; OHWT (Shield) [1]; Robust Sense (Vision) [1]; Shield Wall Training [1]; Shoves & Tackles [1];

Powers: DR x6 (Super -10%, Tough Skin -40%) [15]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction: 1/3) (Super -10%) [68]; Kaleidoscopic Display: Terror x11 (Confusion; Visual) (Active +0%, Selectivity +10%, Access: Only w/ DB -10%, Elemental: Light -10%, Nuisance: Very Obvious -5%, Recharge: 5 Seconds -10%, Super -10%) [79]; Kaleidoscopic Shield Projection: Accessory (Large Shield) (Access: Only w/ DB -10%, Super -10%) [1] + Defensive Bonus +2 (Directional: Front Only -20%, Elemental: Light -10%, Nuisance: Very Obvious -5%, Super -10%, Temp Disadvantage: One Hand -15%) [24] + Striking Surface (Access: Only w/ DB -10%, Super -10%) [1] = [26];

Disadvantages: Curious (12-) [-5]; Duty (IST, 15-, Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Overconfidence (9-) [-7]; Pacifism (Can't Harm Innocents) [-10]; Reputation -3 ("IST," Criminals, Supervillains, Etc, Always) [-5]; Reputation -1 ("IST," Non-UN Nations, Always) [-2]; Sense of Duty (Friends and Family) [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]; Truthfulness (6-) [-10]; Vow (Protect the Innocent) [-10]; Workaholic [-5];

Quirks: Avid Hockey Fan [-1]; Mild Guilt Complex [-1]; Mild Honesty [-1]; Mildly Impulsive [-1]; Proud [-1];

Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1]-18; Area Knowledge (E) (Saskatchewan) IQ [1]-11, (Seoul) IQ [1]-11, (South Korea) IQ [1]-11; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-22; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-19; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-11; Current Affairs/TL9 (E) (Sports) IQ [1]-11; Demolitions/TL9 (A) (EOD) IQ-1 [1]-10; Detect Lies (H) Per-2 [1]-9; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-10; Driving/TL9 (A) (Automobile) DX-1 [1]-19, (Motorcycle) DX-1 [1]-19; First Aid/TL9 (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Guns/TL9 (E) (Pistol) DX [1]-20, (SMG) DX [1]-20; Haz-Mat/TL9 (A) (Chemical) IQ-1 [1]-10, (Radioactive) IQ-1 [1]-10; History (UN / International) IQ-1 [2]-10; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-16; Judo (H) DX [4]-20; Mind Block (A) Will+1 [4]-17; Parachuting/TL9 (E) DX [1]-20; Piloting/TL9 (A) (Helicopter) DX-1 [1]-19; Savoir-Faire (E) (Military) IQ [1]-11; Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-22; Soldier/TL9 (A) IQ-1 [1]-10; Stealth (A) DX [2]-20; Strategy (H) (Super) IQ-1 [2]-10; Sumo Wrestling (A) DX+2 [8]-22; Swimming (E) HT [1]-20; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-10;

Notes: Basically a Man Plus with a better, indestructible shield and no wildcard skills.

Background: Bruce is prime IST material, a highly principled young individual with a strong moral compass and a military skill set. An Army veteran hailing from central Canada, he served at IST Toronto for his first year, and at IST Seoul for the past three years. The emergence of his powers was quite traumatic for him, as he nearly died in a car wreck that killed his sister when he was 23 (they were both drunk, but he blames himself for not stopping her from driving) and only recovered fully due to the newfound metahuman stamina that came with the perfection of his body over the next few days in the hospital. He joined the IST out of a deep need to atone for that event by helping society and innocent people. His limited light-control powers manifested later, and may just be the tip of that iceberg. In his personal life, he's a fairly typical beer-and-hockey-loving red-blooded Canadian guy, aside from his happy marriage of two years to a normal named Jeffrey who resides in Toronto but visits Seoul when his schedule allows. He's a somewhat notorious adrenaline junkie among his team, prone to taking on the biggest threats, acting without thinking, incorporating skydiving into missions where it is not strictly necessary, and crashing his motorcycle while trying something stupid on a semi-regular basis.
Apropos of nothing relevant, I am suppressing the urge to howl "It's the Seouuuuuuuul Team!" and look for Don Cornelius...

More seriously, Collidoscope looks like an interesting and fun character to play.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Gold & Appel, Inc. usually makes, and runs, interesting characters. It'll be fun to see what this character is all aboot.
Okay, don't have histories for these characters, but we just finished them. I'm going to do some fine-tuning in the next couple of days (if I find anything that needs to be re-worked):

Force of Nature (750 points)
[Real name pending]

ST 11 [10]; DX 16 [120]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 12 [20].
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 20 [18]; Will 11 [0]; Per 16 [25]; FP 12 [0].
Basic Speed 7 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0]; Block 10 (DX); Dodge 11; Parry 12 (DX).

Social Background
TL: 8 [0].
CF: Western [0].
Languages: English (Native) [0]; Korean (Accented) [4].

Ambidexterity [5]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Crushing Attack 20 (Armor Divisor (10); Double Knockback; Elemental: Darkness; Melee Attack: Dual; Melee Attack: Reach C; Super; Variable) [168]; Damage Resistance 20 (Elemental: Darkness; Super; Tough Skin) [40]; Damage Resistance 10 (Absorption (Healing) (One trait); Elemental: Darkness; Super; Tough Skin) [36]; Fit [5]; Flight (Elemental: Darkness; Low Ceiling (5 foot ceiling); Super) [22]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/5); Elemental: Darkness; Super) [100]; IST Package [82]; Legal Enforcement Powers 2 [10]; Military Rank 4 [20]; Mundane [25]; Patrons (U.N.) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 9 or less; Minimal Intervention; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power) [38]; Powers [491]; Regeneration (Regular: 1HP/Hr) (Elemental: Darkness; Super) [20]; Reputation (IST Team Member) 3 (All the time; Almost everyone, except large class) [10]; Stretching 7 (Elemental: Darkness; Force Extensions; Reduced Time (+6); Reflexive; Super) [105].

Duty (IST, U.N.) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Impulsiveness (12 or less) [-10]; Increased Consumption -1 [-10]; IST Package [-27]; Nightmares (12 or less) [-5]; Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Personal [-75]; Reduced Air Move -5 (Affects Air Move) [-10]; Reputation (Criminals) -3 (All the time; Small class) [-5]; Reputation (Non-UN Member Nations) -1 (All the time; Large class) [-2]; Sense of Duty (Innocents) (Large Group) [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]; Truthfulness (12 or less) [-5]; Workaholic [-5].
Quirks: _Unused Quirk 1; _Unused Quirk 2; _Unused Quirk 3; _Unused Quirk 4; _Unused Quirk 5 [-5].

Acrobatics-14 (DX-2) [1]; Area Knowledge (Seoul)-11 (IQ+0) [1]; Area Knowledge (South Korea)-11 (IQ+0) [1]; Camouflage-11 (IQ+0) [1]; Climbing-15 (DX-1) [1]; Computer Operation/TL8-11 (IQ+0) [1]; Diplomacy-10 (IQ-1) [2]; Escape-14 (DX-2) [1]; Forced Entry-16 (DX+0) [1]; History (Interntional, U.N.)-10 (IQ-1) [2]; Intimidation-10 (Will-1) [1]; IST Package-0 (0+0) [33]; Karate-20 (DX+4) [20]; Lifting-11 (HT-1) [1]; Mind Block-11 (Will+0) [2]; Observation-15 (Per-1) [1]; Running-11 (HT-1) [1]; Search-15 (Per-1) [1]; Stealth-15 (DX-1) [1]; Strategy (Super)-10 (IQ-1) [2]; Tactics-10 (IQ-1) [2]; Tracking-15 (Per-1) [1]; Wrestling-15 (DX-1) [1].
Marina "Pebbles" Rivers (750 points)

ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20].
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [5]; Per 14 [5]; FP 12 [0].
Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Block 9 (DX); Dodge 9; Parry 9 (DX).

Social Background
TL: 8 [0].
CF: Western [0].
Languages: English (Native) [0]; Korean (Accented) [4].

Control Earth 8 (Elemental: Earth; Super) [128]; Damage Resistance 50 (Elemental: Earth; Environmental (Common); Nuisance Effect: ability makes you obvious; Semi-Ablative; Super) [113]; Earth Talent 2 [10]; Earthquake (Crushing Attack) 10 (Area Effect (16 yd); Double Knockback; Elemental: Earth; Emanation; Environmental (Common); Selective Area; Super) [85]; Enhanced Block 2 (Elemental: Earth; Super) [8]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (/3); Elemental: Earth; Super) [60]; IST Package [82]; Legal Enforcement Powers 2 [10]; Military Rank 4 [20]; Patrons (U.N.) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 9 or less; Minimal Intervention; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power) [38]; Powers [521]; Reputation (IST Team Member) 3 (All the time; Almost everyone, except large class) [10]; Rockfist (Crushing Attack) 20 (Double Knockback; Elemental: Earth; Environmental (Common); Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/10); Super) [54]; Spike Zone (Cutting Attack) 10 (Area Effect (2 yd); Armor Divisor (2); Bombardment (Skill 14); Elemental: Earth; Environmental (Common); Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Persistent; Reduced Range (x1/10); Super) [63].

Duty (IST, U.N.) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; IST Package [-27]; Reputation (Criminals) -3 (All the time; Small class) [-5]; Reputation (Non-UN Member Nations) -1 (All the time; Large class) [-2].

Area Knowledge (Seoul)-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Area Knowledge (South Korea)-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Artist (Sculpting)-11 (IQ-2) [1]; Beam Weapons/TL8 (Pistol)-12 (DX+0) [1]; Camouflage-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Climbing-11 (DX-1) [1]; Computer Operation/TL8-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Diplomacy-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Driving/TL8 (Automobile)-11 (DX-1) [1]; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Scientific)-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Escape-10 (DX-2) [1]; First Aid/TL8 (Human)-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Geography/TL8 (Earthlike)-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Geology/TL8 (Earthlike)-13 (IQ+0) [4]; Hiking-11 (HT-1) [1]; History (Interntional, U.N.)-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Innate Attack (Gaze)-12 (DX+0) [1]; IST Package-0 (0+0) [17]; Judo-12 (DX+0) [4]; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied)-11 (IQ-2) [1]; Metallurgy/TL8-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Mind Block-14 (Will+0) [2]; Navigation/TL8 (Land)-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Physics/TL8-11 (IQ-2) [2]; Psychology (Human)-11 (IQ-2) [1]; Scrounging-14 (Per+0) [1]; Stealth-11 (DX-1) [1]; Strategy (Super)-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Survival (Subterranian)-13 (Per-1) [1]; Tactics-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Teaching-12 (IQ-1) [1].
We had a character generation "session" for two of my players, today (hence the two new characters posted--neat how that works). However, at the end, there was this discussion:

Me: Cool. So far, everyone is an elementalist. We’ve got light, darkness and earth. That's a cool theme.
J: What’s MonkeyFist running?
MonkeyFist: Well, I’ve got Lifter and Reflecto, but I’m thinking about a Fire blaster.
K: Cool. A fire bender.
Me: (Facepalm)
MonkeyFist: Maybe I should remake Tsunami as well, so we can have a water bender, too.
J: So, a light-bender, dark-bender, earth-bender, fire-bender and water-bender.
Me: That’s it. I’m just making Bender for Wellser.
K: What kind of bender?
Me: The drinking, smoking, “bite my shiny metal ass” kind of Bender.
A PGC from Gold & Appel Inc. May get used as one of our other gamer's character.

Name: Ivan "Molniya" Ivanovitch [750MM]

Culture: TL 9 [0]; Familiarity: Eastern [1], Western [0]; Languages: Korean (Accented / Accented) [4]; Russian (Native / Native) [0];

Attributes: ST 15 [50]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 16 [60];

Secondary: BL 45#; Dam 2d-1 / 3d+1; Spd 12.0 (Super -10%) [90]; Mov 20 (Super -10%) [36]; HP 20 [10]; FP 20 [12]; Perception: 10 [0]; Willpower: 13 [15];

Advantages: Immunity (Acceleration) [5]; Legal Enforcement Powers [10]; Luck (Regular) (Defensive -20%) [12]; Military Rank x4 [20]; Patron (UN) (Appears 9-, Provides Equipment +100%, Wields Great Political Power +100%, Minimal Intervention -50%) [38]; Reputation +3 ("IST," All But Lg Group, Always) [10];

Perks: Alcohol Tolerance [1]; Brave [1];

Powers: Doesn't Sleep (Super -10%) [18]; DR x6 (Super -10%, Tough Skin -40%) [15]; Extra Attack x1 (Super -10%) [23]; Enhanced Time Sense (Super -10%) [41]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction: 1/3) (Super -10%) [68]; Nictitating Membrane x1 (Super -10%) [1]; Regeneration (Very Fast) (Fatigue Too +100%, Temp Disadvantage: Increased Consumption -10%, Super -10%) [160]; Striking ST +4 (Super -10%) [18];

Disadvantages: Duty (IST, 15-, Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Impulsiveness (9-) [-15]; OPH -1 (Can't Hold Still) [-5]; Overconfidence (6-) [-10]; Pacifism (Can't Harm Innocents) [-10]; Reputation -3 ("IST," Criminals, Supervillains, Etc, Always) [-5]; Reputation -1 ("IST," Non-UN Nations, Always) [-2]; Sense of Duty (Friends and Family) [-5]; Short Attention Span (12-) [-10]; Vow (Protect the Innocent) [-10];

Quirks: Mild Bad Temper [-1]; Mild Honesty [-1]; Mildly Lecherous [-1]; Nosy [-1]; Proud [-1];

Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX [4]-12; Area Knowledge (E) (Russia) IQ [1]-10, (Seoul) IQ [1]-10, (South Korea) IQ [1]-10; Carousing (E) HT [1]-16; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-10; Connoisseur (A) (Vodka) IQ-1 [1]-9; Demolitions/TL9 (A) (EOD) IQ+1 [4]-11; Detect Lies (H) Per-2 [1]-8; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; First Aid/TL9 (E) IQ+2 [4]-12; Guns/TL9 (E) (Rifle) DX+2 [4]-14; Haz-Mat/TL9 (A) (Chemical) IQ-1 [1]-9, (Radioactive) IQ-1 [1]-9; History (UN / International) IQ-1 [2]-9; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-13; Karate (H) DX+4 [20]-16; Knife (E) DX [1]-12; Mind Block (A) Will+1 [4]-14; Parachuting/TL9 (E) DX [1]-12; Piloting/TL9 (A) (Helicopter) DX [2]-12; Savoir-Faire (E) (Military) IQ [1]-10; Soldier/TL9 (A) IQ [2]-10; Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Strategy (H) (Super) IQ-1 [2]-9; Sumo Wrestling (A) DX+4 [16]-16; Swimming (E) HT [1]-16; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-9;

Notes: Super-soldier serum speedster; tough and maneuverable. Slams well. SPEAKS NO ENGLISH AT ALL. Gets back 2 HP and 2 FP per round. Can sprint full-bore at just under 50mph effectively forever, stopping only to eat and use the bathroom.
Another PGC from Gold & Appel Inc. This one . . . less likely to be used by Wellser--way too much thinking not enough hurting. Wellser keeps trying to convince me to make "Collateral Damage Man" for him, for IST. Ditto, he can't run "Captain 4Chan" (nor his sidekick, "Pedobear").

Name: Sven "Professor Zuum!" Svenson [750MM]

Culture: TL 9 [0]; Familiarity: Eastern [1], Western [0]; Languages: Korean (Accented / Accented) [4]; Swedish (Native / Native) [0];

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 16 [60];

Secondary: BL 24#; Dam 1d-1 / 1d+1; Spd 7.0 [0]; Mov 8 [5]; HP 12 [2]; FP 16 [0]; Perception: 12 [0]; Willpower: 13 [5];

Advantages: Legal Enforcement Powers [10]; Luck (Defensive -20%) [12]; Military Rank x4 [20]; Patron (UN) (Appears 9-, Provides Equipment +100%, Wields Great Political Power +100%, Minimal Intervention -50%) [38]; Reputation +3 ("IST," All But Lg Group, Always) [10];

Perks: Brave [1]; Honest Face [1];

Powers: Zuumatic! Time Distortion Belt: Altered Time Rate x9 (Super-Speed +20%, Breakable: DR 25, SM -4 -20%, Can Be Stolen w/ Force -10%, Can't Be Fixed -15%, Superscience -10%, Unique -25%) [216]; Altered Time Rate x3 (Non-Combat Speed -60%, Breakable: DR 25, SM -4 -20%, Can Be Stolen w/ Force -10%, Can't Be Fixed -15%, Superscience -10%, Unique -25%) [60]; DR x100 (Force Field +20%, Hardened x2 +40%, Breakable: DR 25, SM -4 -20%, Can Be Stolen w/ Force -10%, Can't Be Fixed -15%, Superscience -10%, Unique -25%) [160]; Enhanced Dodge +5 (Breakable: DR 25, SM -4 -20%, Can Be Stolen w/ Force -10%, Can't Be Fixed -15%, Superscience -10%, Unique -25%) [15]; Enhanced Time Sense (Breakable: DR 25, SM -4 -20%, Can Be Stolen w/ Force -10%, Can't Be Fixed -15%, Superscience -10%, Unique -25%) [9]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction: 1/10) (Breakable: DR 25, SM -4 -20%, Can Be Stolen w/ Force -10%, Can't Be Fixed -15%, Superscience -10%, Unique -25%) [30];

Disadvantages: Duty (IST, 15-, Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Impulsiveness (12-) [-10]; Jealousy [-10]; Obsession (12-) (Physical Fitness) [-5]; OPH -1 (Bombastic Pedant) [-5]; Overconfidence (12-) [-5]; Pacifism (Can't Harm Innocents) [-10]; Reputation -3 ("IST," Criminals, Supervillains, Etc, Always) [-5]; Reputation -1 ("IST," Non-UN Nations, Always) [-2]; Sense of Duty (Friends and Family) [-5]; Short Attention Span (15-) [-5]; Vow (Protect the Innocent) [-10];

Quirks: Imaginative [-1]; Mild Compulsive Spending [-1]; Nosy [-1]; Proud [-1]; Vegetarian [-1];

Skills: Area Knowledge (E) (Sweden) IQ [1]-12, (Seoul) IQ [1]-12, (South Korea) IQ [1]-12; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-12; Current Affairs/TL9 (E) (High Tech) IQ+2 [4]-14; Demolitions/TL9 (A) (EOD) IQ [2]-12; Detect Lies (H) Per-2 [1]-10; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; Electronics Operations/TL9 (A) (Scientific) IQ+1 [4]-13; First Aid/TL9 (E) IQ+2 [4]-14; Guns/TL9 (E) (Rifle) DX+2 [4]-14; Haz-Mat/TL9 (A) (Chemical) IQ-1 [1]-11, (Radioactive) IQ-1 [1]-11; History (UN / International) IQ-1 [2]-11; Housekeeping/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-12; Judo (H) DX [4]-12; Mind Block (A) Will+1 [4]-14; Running (A) HT-1 [1]-15; Savoir-Faire (E) (Servant) IQ [1]-12; Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Strategy (H) (Super) IQ-1 [2]-11; Swimming (E) HT [1]-16; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-11;

Wildcard Skills: Fake! (WC) IQ+2 [48]-14;

Notes: Lab lackey who appropriated a gizmo after a freak explosion killed the mad scientist. The IST knows, but they're cool with it as long as he behaves because the inventor was an unknown fledgeling supervillain and he came clean from the beginning. SPEAKS NO ENGLISH AT ALL. Very, very hard to kill while he's got the belt, but has very little in the way of offense. Good at creative problem-solving and doing long strategic tasks (at 0.5% of the normal time due to combined ATRs for non-combat speed) while other people hold down a fight.
And now, a PGC from me:
Svetlana "Ice Angel" Potemkin (750 points)Age 19; Metahuman; 5'7"; 105 lbs

ST 9 [-10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 13 [0].Basic Speed 7 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0]; Block 8 (DX); Dodge 10; Parry 10 (DX).

Social BackgroundTL: 8 [0].CF: Western (Native) [0].Languages: English (Accented) [4]; Korean (Accented) [4]; Russian (Native) [0].

AdvantagesAllure 2 [10]; Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16]; Fit [5]; Flexibility [5]; Ice/Cold Talent 1 [5]; Legal Enforcement Powers 2 [10]; Military Rank 4 [20]; Patrons (United Nations) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 9 or less; Minimal Intervention; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power) [38]; Reputation (IST Team Member) 3 (All the time; Almost everyone, except large class) [10]; Voice [10].
Perks: High-Heeled Heroine; Nonprotective Clothing; Quick-Sheathe (Sword) [3].

Super PowersFlight (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Small Wings; Super) [28]; Ice Shield (Damage Resistance) 30 (Can't Wear Armor; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Force Field; Super) [72]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/5); Super) [113]; Striker (Cutting) (Ice Wings) (Cannot Parry; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Limited Arc; Super; Switchable) [2]; Temperature Control 11 (Cold; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Reduced Range (x1/5); Reduced Time (+4); Super) [20]; Temperature Tolerance (between -30 and 155) 10 (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [8].

Ice Rapier [40], Alternate AttacksIce Rapier Slash (Cutting Attack) 1 (Cosmic: Attack with a lingering special effect (Natural Healing Only); Cosmic: Irresistible attack; Melee Attack: Reach 1,2; ST-Based; Super) [30]; Ice Rapier Thrust (Impaling Attack) 1 (Cosmic: Attack with a lingering special effect (Natural Healing, only); Cosmic: Irresistible attack; Melee Attack: Reach 1,2; ST-Based; Super) [34].

Icy Blast [109], Alternate AttacksFrozen Bolt (Binding) 31 (Accurate (+2); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Engulfing; Persistent; Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [79]; Ice Shard (Impaling Attack) 5 (Accurate (+5); Armor Divisor (5); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [70]; Snowball (Crushing Attack) 18 (Accurate (+2); Double Knockback; Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/5); Super) [79].

Icy Sheen [86], Alternate AbilitiesEnhanced Move (Air) (3) (Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [48]; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2) (Cosmic (Complete Maneuverability); Cosmic (Instantaneous Acceleration); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Super) [64]; Wing Shards (Cutting Attack) 5 (Armor Divisor (3); Cone (+6); Elemental: Cold/Ice; Increased Range (1/2D Range only) (x10); Reduced Range (x1/10); Super) [57].

DisadvantagesCurious (9 or less) [-7]; Duty (IST U.N.) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]; Honesty (12 or less) [-10]; Impulsiveness (12 or less) [-10]; Low Pain Threshold [-10]; Reputation (Criminals) -3 (All the time; Small class) [-5]; Reputation (Non-UN Member Nations) -1 (All the time; Large class) [-2]; Selfless (9 or less) [-7]; Skinny [-5]; Xenophilia (9 or less) [-15].
Quirks: Careful; Congenial; Dislikes Asian Food; No body modesty; Wears inappropriately skimpy outfits all year round [-5].

SkillsAcrobatics-14 (DX+0) [4]; Acting-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Area Knowledge (Seoul)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Area Knowledge (South Korea)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Carousing-14 (HT+1) [2]; Computer Operation/TL8-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Connoisseur (Dance)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Cooking-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Current Affairs/TL8 (Sports)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; Dancing-16 (DX+2) [2]; Diplomacy-13 (IQ+1) [2]; First Aid/TL8 (Human)-12 (IQ+0) [1]; History (International, U.N.)-11 (IQ-1) [2]; Innate Attack (Projectile)-16 (DX+2) [4]; Judo-14 (DX+0) [4]; Makeup/TL8-14 (IQ+2) [1]; Mind Block-12 (Will+0) [2]; Observation-11 (Per-1) [1]; Performance-14 (IQ+2) [2]; Rapier-20 (DX+6) [24]; Research/TL8-11 (IQ-1) [1]; Sex Appeal (Human)-22 (HT+9) [1]; Singing-17 (HT+4) [1]; Skating-16 (HT+3) [16]; Stealth-13 (DX-1) [1]; Strategy (Super)-11 (IQ-1) [2]; Swimming-13 (HT+0) [1]; Tactics-11 (IQ-1) [2].

A Russian figure skater who was disqualified from the 1998 Winter Olympics when her powers manifested.  Joined up with the IST in the aftermath to avoid any unpleasantness.
Sessions 1 & 2 summary
At 0112 local time, January 1st, 2000, a 10 kiloton nuclear device detonated in the heart of Hong Kong, next to the IST Embassy.  All hands are presumed lost at this time.  Large Chinese troop movements have been sighted heading into the city.  Calls were made, but local Commanders went on war footing.

IST Seoul, headed by Eidolon (Stephen Cross), deployed their four teams (four, five-super teams) to support various initiatives.  Beta team was teleported to North District Hospital, in Sheung Shui to aid in the evacuation.  Collidoscope stayed at the hospital in an abysmal attempt to calm the panicking civilians while the rest of the team moved out to near-by Fan-Kam Road to deal with an advancing infantry column.

Beta team discovered the first line of China’s manufactured metahuman army.  Significantly tougher than normal humans, they put up a fight, seriously injuring Pebbles.  However, the team was able to route the infantry column.

While the bulk of the team was fighting at the hightway, one of the infantry leaders, teleported into the hospital . . . directly in front of Collidoscope.  They traded glances, and a failed curse, before Collidoscope dazzled the leader into stunned silence then tackled him out of the building.

Upon successfully evacuating the hospital, Beta team was returned to IST Seoul for a short debriefing and quick healing session for Pebbles.  The team was informed that the Chinese were launching attacks from the ports, near the Jetco Terminal.  Intelligence had decided that the Chinese had somehow snuck a boat into the harbor and were using it to stage attacks from.

The team teleported into an empty warehouse.  Pebbles discovered a large section of scaffolding wasn’t assembled correctly and quickly drew the attention of Chinese Powered Armor troops.  The railgun-equipped troops launched a coordinated assault on Beta team, nearly killing Hannes Lax.

All three squads were quickly defeated, however the discovery that they had power nullifiers with them caused the team some hesitation as Force of Nature’s powers were turned off near the end of the battle.  The handful of Powered Armor troops that survived teleported away as the team realized they had been marked for an artillery strike.

There was no delay for them being whisked back to IST Seoul.  Hannes Lax may not be returning to combat as he was nearly killed by a pair of railgun rounds.
I apologize that I haven't been around much to brainstorm or help out in any way. Major real-life issues have come up and I'm helping some friends through it. Hopefully, with the government back up and running (is that what they call it?) we'll get their situation taken care of soon.
It's no problem at all. Life issues have bogged me down, too, including a bathroom remodel and being sick. The outline is almost done, but it's been almost done for weeks.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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