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Hypothetical "Sailor Moon" Step
Hypothetical "Sailor Moon" Step
After yesterday's surprise venture into Sailor Moon territory, I did a little brainstorming at lunchtime and wrote down a few ideas. One of them was this very rough concept for an opening.
I don't remember any of this, but the journal entries from which I constructed this particular account were in my helmet. Locked with my password. And from a period for which I have no memories. I cannot vouch for their truth. I cannot answer any questions about this span of time. I can only assume that this actually happened. What I *remember* is arriving on that Earth, and spending a year living an ordinary, average life while searching for the next gate song. I don't remember anything that this account claims happened, or the people with whom Iam supposed to have experienced it. At all.
It's not much, but I think it gets the idea across better than the confusing exchange in the other thread.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Hypothetical "Sailor Moon" Step
I'm having a little trouble with Doug being affected by the reset, and his helmet not - after all, his "field" tends to warp reality around him, and his helmet is (relatively) "just" an object. However, this led me to think about it from the other direction [Image: smile.gif]
I don't know enough about SM to know what happens in one of these "resets", but I see two possibilities. One is that the assorted sailor scouts know about it, and the other is that they don't. Either way, Doug (and anything he's wearing) doesn't get affectd by it - after all, if reaity bends around him normally, a change in reality should bend around him too.
If the scouts know about the reset, then his not being affected by it could actually be the hook to get him involved with them in the first place (Doug first shoing up shortly before the reset and not being able to do anything about it). If they aren't aware of it but Doug is, I can just picture him saying something to the effect of "Alright, I'm just gonna have to teach this to you one more time... *sigh*" [Image: smile.gif]
Anyway, that's my $0.05 on the matter - feel free to give me change [Image: smile.gif]
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Hypothetical "Sailor Moon" Step
Hey, whaddaya want? I just whipped the thing out in a couple of minutes yesterday afternoon. I'm not even seriously thinking of doing this thing, you know? Otherwise it'd be over on the Prereaders' List and not in the public discussion group.
Seriously, I know that there have been several "resets" in Sailor Moon, but I only know the details of one -- basically, at the end of the first season, the Senshi decide to beard Beryl in her den and invade the Dark Kingdom to take the fight to her. Good strategy. On the way, each senshi splits off to deal with a particular enemy thrown in their path and dies taking them out. Bad tactics. Finally, Sailor Moon gets to Beryl's throne room and does her Magical Princess Schwarzennegger act on the entire Dark Kingdom, using the Ginzuisho/Silver Imperium Crystal as her personal pocket nuke, aided by the ghosts of the dead Senshi. Since the bijou with the boom is also a wishbringer, when everything is reduced to smoking ash, Usagi wishes she were a normal schoolgirl once again and that everyone was all right and that Earth is all put back the way it was. This results in the resurrection of the dead senshi and mass amnesia about the whole Dark Kingdom/Youma mess in everyone, even Usagi and the senshi, who forget that they have superhero identities. In the latter case this works pretty well until the next soul-draining annoyance in line steps up to the counter.
What I was thinking is that Doug acts as military advisor/trainer and occasional butt-kicker during the course of the first season, possibly sitting out the final assault (which is handled more intelligently by the girls), and when for some reason Usagi makes the same wish, his reset takes him out of their orbits. Since except for the resurrection of the Senshi the effect seems entirely mental -- the clock isn't turned back, people just forgot the bad parts of the previous year, and the senshi forgot that they were senshi and friends -- it seems reasonable that his helmet would retain whatever records he uploaded into it, even after he forgets. And remember, his field isn't perfect, and the Ginzuisho is something like a deity-level magic item. He's going to get "erased" just like everyone else.
If I actually decide to take on this project, that is.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Hypothetical "Sailor Moon" Step
Finally, Sailor Moon gets to Beryl's throne room and does her Magical Princess Schwarzennegger act on the entire Dark Kingdom, using the Ginzuisho/Silver Imperium Crystal as her personal pocket nuke, aided by the ghosts of the dead Senshi.
IHNJ, IJLS "Magical Princess Schwarzenegger."
Mr. Fnord, going off to have nightmares now.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: Hypothetical "Sailor Moon" Step
OK, if that's how the reset works, then I think your original idea does make sense. From the initial description, I though it had done a "turn back the clock" job on reality itself, not an amnesia on everyone _in_ reality.
Either way, it's no biggie [Image: smile.gif] Especially after what I just threw on the pre-readers list... *duck*
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
>OK, if that's how the reset works, then I think your original idea does make sense. From the initial description, I though it had done a "turn back the clock" job on reality itself, not an amnesia on everyone _in_ reality.<
...there are two schools of thought, based on efforts to actually pin Sailor Moon to a calender (for some obscure reason). It could be either but I lean towards the amnesia version (no way is Usagi going to put herself thropugh _another_ year of high school if she can get away with it).
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: timeline
As I recall from what little I've seen, the tv show at least does not concern itself much with dates and events that you can use to pin it down to a calendar. That leaves it wide open to do what you want with it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: timeline
Speaking as an expert on Sailor Moon timelines... [Image: wink.gif]
The show's history makes perfect sense if and -only- if you
assume two things:
1) Usagi messed up BIG on the reset: after it goes off it's
exactly the same year and date it was previously, she hasn't
wound time back, everyone is still the same age--but never-
theless the Senshi and other kids in their classes (including,
but not limited to, Naru and Umino) are repeating their previous
year of junior high and -have no idea it's happened-. History is
unfortunately silent on what the others did to poor odango-brain
once their memories were restored. n.n;
2) The entire year-long saga of SuperS (the Dead Moon Circus)
actually takes place in something under a month, the DMC having
somehow shifted all of Tokyo into a waking dream state so that
they can sift through folks' dream-mirrors more quickly. Strong
evidence in favor of this: the Senshi are never once shown in
school that season--a dream indeed. [Image: smile.gif]
Once you make those assumptions, everything falls into place
(the Senshis' listed birthdates, and their junior high/high school
careers, make NO sense otherwise. Trust me, I tried REALLY hard
to make the SM-Expanded timeline come out right without them...)
(Say... are you firmly attached to the idea of Doug showing up in
first season? I'd love the chance to team him with Mike Maxwell
sometime during SME's Crystal Tokyo era...)
--Sam Ashley
"An object at rest--CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!"
Re: timeline
(Say... are you firmly attached to the idea of Doug showing up in first season? I'd love the chance to team him with Mike Maxwell sometime during SME's Crystal Tokyo era...)
Ed Becerra and I once approached Mark Latus about doing a three-way crossover between DW, Legion's Quest and SME, and the upshot of those discussions was that our characters weren't welcome in SME (actually, in Earth Beta), mainly because of cosmological implications. As it turned out, we did negotiate an appearance by Titanite while she is on a Bogosity run. (Yes -- this is the first public announcement that if Ed and I actually get our acts together on Drunkard's Walk 10, one of the two mysterious "guest crossovers" mentioned on the DW main page will be SME. And it's more than a cameo.) However, that's about all we could get from Mark. If policy has changed, though, I'll certainly consider it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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