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DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
I thought of this on the drive into work this morning. I don't know if I'll actually use it, but it's too good not to share.
-- Bob
Usagi smiled grimly to herself and gripped the staff tightly in one hand. "Hello," she whispered as the thing that had once been Beryl screamed down out of the sky at her. "My name is Serenity the Younger. You killed my mother." She raised the staff, and in its crescent-moon mounting, the Ginzuisho flared like the sun. "Prepare to die."
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
...That's a reference, isn't it.
If so, it's not one I recognize.
I'm sort of ambivalent about it. On the one hand, Usagi -does- sometimes get that serious. On the other, 'prepare to die' just doesn't seem like her.
Edit: Whether you use the background I gave you or make up your own, it seems very likely that the Silver Millenium had some form or other of legal code for the use of magic... a code which almost certainly reviles Things like Metallia, and which Beryl has therefore violated.
So Usagi, in taking her down, would be exercising the Royal Perrogative of High Justice, or something like that - acting in a specific, prescribed manner, which in turn would include a series of semi-ritualized statements (reading somebody his rights would be similar).
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
OK Nathan, I know you're young, but to not know this reference is something that you really need to fix. Therefore, as pennance, you will rent and watch The Princess Bride.
Besides, it's a fun movie and has lots of bits that are quotable... Smile
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
I've never seen Ghostbusters, either.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
Heretic! Smile
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re^2: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
I've never seen 'The Princess Bride' (I think) and I could recognise the quote source.
However I have seen Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Gremlins, MST3K:the movie and most of the Captain America movie. It's more like what I haven't seen.
"Oooh, 'Santa Claws vs the Martians' that's suposed to be a reel stinker. Where's me crisps."
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
Heretic! Smile
Mwehehehehhahahahahaheh! It's so much fun watching people cringe and flagellate themselves in horror.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
I've never seen Ghostbusters, either.
Well, now we know what to watch in addition to anime the next time we get Nathan over to our place.
-- Bob
"Rei, if someone asks if you're a god, you say yes!"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Re^2: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
and most of the Captain America movie.
You've seen the Captain America movie? How? That turkey was so awful that the distributor not only didn't release it, they tried to pretend it never existed.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
I'm sort of ambivalent about it. On the one hand, Usagi -does- sometimes get that serious. On the other, 'prepare to die' just doesn't seem like her.
Yeah, that occurred to me this morning after I posted it. It's not very much the "forgive'em until there's no other choice" Usagi from canon. But then, Doug's presence significantly alters events -- and people -- in this Step. It's possible. But like I said, it's just a little something that I thought of, without a proper anchor in the story yet.
So Usagi, in taking her down, would be exercising the Royal Perrogative of High Justice, or something like that - acting in a specific, prescribed manner, which in turn would include a series of semi-ritualized statements (reading somebody his rights would be similar).
Mmm. That's an interesting idea. In canon, the Senshi managed to get to the ruins of the Moon Kingdom relatively early on; if they found a book of law or some other source of this information... Hm. Yes, nice idea...
Oh, and Beryl is so definitely guilty of something. I have no doubt that the Silver M had laws about trafficking with demonic entities and trading for power with them...

-- Bob

Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
Oh, and Beryl is so definitely guilty of something. I have no doubt that the Silver M had laws about trafficking with demonic entities and trading for power with them...
Causing the deaths of the Senshi, the Princess, the Prince of Earth, the Queen, untold numbers of civilians... Treason... You know, the usual...
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
Well, yeah, if you want to get all nitpicky about it.
Although technically speaking, what constitutes a crime in the wake of a war really depends on what revenge the winners want. And any way you look it, there were no winners of the original Moon Kingdom/Dark Kingdom war. There were no survivors on one side, and the other side was locked into another dimension for N centuries. If you had to score by the number of survivors, the Dark Kingdom won, and Beryl committed no crimes... being as she was in the position to define what constituted a crime and what didn't.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
Although technically speaking, what constitutes a crime in the wake of a war really depends on what revenge the winners want. And any way you look it, there were no winners of the original Moon Kingdom/Dark Kingdom war. There were no survivors on one side, and the other side was locked into another dimension for N centuries. If you had to score by the number of survivors, the Dark Kingdom won, and Beryl committed no crimes... being as she was in the position to define what constituted a crime and what didn't.
Ah, but that assumes the war was over. Sure, the interim was several eons, but they were just resting up. The Senshi needed their beauty sleep (and let's face it, Beryl could have done with some of that).
One brownie point for anyone who can recall who I'm paraphrasing :-)
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: Re^2: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
You've seen the Captain America movie? How? That turkey was so awful that the distributor not only didn't release it, they tried to pretend it never existed.

That, Mr Schroeck, is a secret that proves the power of Austrailan TV stations, they will inflict us with some real stinkers from time to time...
...makes me almost wish I'd taped it but I think some video stores down here might still have it on the shelf.
Re: Re^2: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
You have my sympathies. Believe me.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Re^2: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
That, Mr Schroeck, is a secret that proves the power of Austrailan TV stations, they will inflict us with some real stinkers from time to time...
...makes me almost wish I'd taped it but I think some video stores down here might still have it on the shelf.

A friend of mine (a real Cap fanboy) and I rented it many years ago. It hurt us terribly, although I thought that the Red Skull makeup was pretty well done. It is interesting to note that the actor that plays the Captain is J.D. Salinger's son, but that's about the only interesting thing about the movie.
I should point out that they're redoing "The Punisher" as the next Marvel movie. Hopefully, it'll be better than the Dolph Lundgren stinker. Maybe they'll do Cap after that.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
("Captain America throws his mighty shiiieeeld....")
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: Re^2: DW-Sailor Moon Tidbit
I should point out that they're redoing "The Punisher" as the next Marvel movie. Hopefully, it'll be better than the Dolph Lundgren stinker.
Right off the bat, they're doing one thing right that the Lundgren mess didn't: They're using the skull logo. Peg and I spotted a teaser poster for the film in the local cinema a few weeks ago, and that was the entirety of the poster -- the classic "long-tooth" skull.
Given the recent track record of Marvel adaptations, I have some hope for this one.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Comic book films
Which reminds me. When's the next decent DC-based film coming out? The Batman franchise floundered (although rumor has it that Warners is retooling it to get back the edge that it had in the first couple films) and the next Superman movie is eternally pre-greenlight, along with their teamup in World's Finest; isn't anyone going to make a film out of any of DC's other properties? The Flash TV series was good, but it was, what, ten years ago or so and lasted less than a season. I think Dr. Fate would make for a good movie, and if someone could do Plastic Man with the same kind of sensibility that infused The Mask they'd have a hit. Hell, the Doom Patrol was always seen as the DC counterpart to the X-Men, why not toss them up on the screen?
And I really shouldn't be spouting this in a Sailor Moon DW thread... but at the moment, I don't feel like cutting and pasting all this and moving it to a new thread in General.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Comic book films
Which reminds me. When's the next decent DC-based film coming out? The Batman franchise floundered (although rumor has it that Warners is retooling it to get back the edge that it had in the first couple films) and the next Superman movie is eternally pre-greenlight, along with their teamup in World's Finest; isn't anyone going to make a film out of any of DC's other properties? The Flash TV series was good, but it was, what, ten years ago or so and lasted less than a season. I think Dr. Fate would make for a good movie, and if someone could do Plastic Man with the same kind of sensibility that infused The Mask they'd have a hit. Hell, the Doom Patrol was always seen as the DC counterpart to the X-Men, why not toss them up on the screen?

I believe that you could count "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" as the next DC film, since America's Best Comics is owned by Wildstorm, which is owned by DC (which is, in turn, owned by Time-Warner). There's also a "Preacher" movie in pre-production, with James Marsden (Cyclops) as Jesse Custer, according to IMDB.
Dr. Fate might work, but I think that both he and the Doom Patrol are a little wonky and surreal to make it to mainstream superhero films, especially since they currently seem mostly interested in letting directors play with the mainstream heroes and make the movies a little odder than the comics (I swear, the wacked-out cinematography in "Hulk" made my head hurt; we know it's a comic book character, Mr. Lee, we don't need to be reminded in every frickin' scene change). Plastic Man might be good, especially if they play it as action-comedy.
I'm not sure who has the rights to it, but I heard a rumor that "John Sable: Freelance" was going to be a movie. Both that and Mike Grell's story of Green Arrow, "The Longbow Hunters," would both make excellent films, in my opinion.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: Comic book films
There's also a "Preacher" movie in pre-production, with James Marsden (Cyclops) as Jesse Custer, according to IMDB.
...urk?! If there was ever a storyline designed to honk-off the general, bible-thumpin' populace...heheh. Excellent.
Though its an absolute given that Clint Eastwood portray the Saint of Killers.
Steering this thread back on track, however, I can't help but play the rest of the dialogue of that scene between SM and Beryl, after the good Princess delivers a solid trouncing:
*ZAP!* "Offer me money..."
"...power, too. Promise me that!" *ZAP!* etc.
"Ho ho ho. Doug-Hunters is da cwaziest peoples."
Re: Comic book films
*ZAP!* "Offer me money..."
"...power, too. Promise me that!" *ZAP!* etc.
I love it! Smile
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Comic book films
"...I want the Moon Kingdom back, you bitch!"

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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