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Pioneers - Bloc Party
Pioneers - Bloc Party
I have just been introduced to Bloc Party through the joys of sneaker-net, and this song has been bouncing around my head.
They have a website and can be found on iTunes.

Pioneers - Bloc Party:
If it can be broke then it can be fixed,
If it can be fused then it can be split
It's all under control (x4)
If it can be lost then it can be won,
If it can be touched then it can be turned
All you need is time (x5)
If it can be broke then it can be fixed,
If it can be fused then it can be split
It's all under control (x4)
If it can be lost then it can be won,
If it can be touched then it can be turned
All you need is time (x3)
All you need is ...
We promised the world we'd tame it, what were we hoping for? (x4)
A sense of purpose and a sense of skill,
a sense of function but a disregard
We will not be the first (x3),
We won't
You said you were going to conquer new frontiers,
Go stick your bloody head in the jaws of the beast
We promised the world, we'd tame it, what were we hoping for? (x4)
Breath in, breath out (x3)
Breath in ...
So here we are reinventing the wheel
I'm shaking hands with a hurricane
It's a colour that I can't describe,
It's a language I can't understand
Ambition, tearing out the heart of you
Carving lines into you
Dripping down the sides of you
We will not be the last. (x10)

As far as powers go I'm not entirely certain, but the lyrics seem to hint at destruction/construction over time. So perhaps the rapid decay of a structure (or structures) in his AOE, or the resurrection of a previously decrepit building to like-new status.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Re: Pioneers - Bloc Party
Hm. Maybe this is a song that I've been looking for. How abou this? It lets Doug accomplish one constructive/destructive task over time -- once day he plays this song and gets the equivalent of a whole day's work on it. But the effect is slow and cumulative, and controlled by the size of the task, and it doesn't really "take" until Doug plays the song often enough -- if he switches "targets", he has to start over when he goes back to the original task.
Does that make any sense?

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Pioneers - Bloc Party
Sorry, just checked this one, and have absolutely no idea what Bob proposed. Could someone dumb it down for me?
Re: Pioneers - Bloc Party
Okay, say Doug wants to build a building out of cinderblocks. For one person, it's several days' work at least, at eight hours a day.
Doug decides instead to use this song.
He stands in the middle of the work site, and plays it. When it's over, it's as if he'd done 8 hours' hard work on the building -- the foundation might be dug and poured, for instance.
Every day he does this, and the song does 8 hours' work for him, until the building is complete.
Before the building is complete, though, the magic effect is... unstable. If he decides to switch projects, the building will revert to its original state -- component parts, unaltered land, etc., and if he comes back to it he has to start from the beginning again.
Is that clearer?

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Pioneers - Bloc Party
Sort of.
So it's a song to help him accomplish a task (such as the hypothetical building build) quicker then usual, but not completely, getting a significant amount done, but not the whole thing. (I.e the foundation dug and poured.)
By using this song on successive days, and completing more and more chunks, he can turn a task that would have taken dozens of men several weeks, into something he's accomplished by himself in several days. The same holds true for dismantling things, accomplishing difficult tasks in less time then it would have taken had he not used the song.
However, if at any point in the building process, even if he's a single day from completion, if stops doing it (i.e because he's changed to a different project), then the work he's accomplished isn't left as it is, all the work he's done vanishes as if it's never happened. Just the material and tools he used are there, with no sign he ever used or touched them, and the land undisturbed, and if he comes back to it he has to start from the beginning again.
I think I've got it now.
...Thinking about it that's actually a really good idea for the song! :-)
Re: Pioneers - Bloc Party
Exactly it.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.

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