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Song of last resort....
Song of last resort....
Leslie Fish is a favorite filker of mine, and when I came across this song, I thought I'd throw it out to the forums. In my mind, this song's like Twist of Fate, only more so. This one is reserved for when the excrement is not only about to hit the fan, but the excrement is antimatter and the fan is regular matter....

Chickasaw Mountain
Leslie Fish

High up on the mountain of Chickasaw, they say,
There's one patch of darkness that never yields to day;
Deep are those shadows, old as the mountain,
Something is waiting in there; call on her if you dare!
Seek no level of God or devil; she's something older by far,
Call her "Lady Of the Morning Star".
She offers two bargains. The price is steep and dark;
The one takes your life, and the other leaves a mark.
If there's a third one, I've never heard one,
Choose for yourself, what's the fee?
Nothing she gives is free!
Name your goal--she won't ask your soul--
she might even give you her own--
And maybe you'd be better off alone!
My old fellow rebel: I know what deal he made;
The Power rang through every song he wrote and played;
Made him the best of his generation,
Sang to the end of the War--and not a moment more.
Then it left him. The Power bereft him,
left him but one fate to see--
Hanging on his sister's apple tree.
Forgive my old buddy, who soon forgot my name;
I chose not to follow his seven years of fame.
He took the high road, I take the low road,
Sing second place, but sing long--
and have always one more song!
Take your stars and give me my scars,
I'd rather live long and be free--
So take his cup the hell away from me!
Whoever has wisdom can guess what lies unsaid
The cost of the Gift to the living and the dead;
Still, if you feel you'll gain by the deal,
You'll play with the old Morning Star--no need to travel far.
Don't just count on Chickasaw Mountain
if there's a Deal meant for you
Any wild place on Earth will do.

Another 'Bargain with the Powers' song...for whatever one goal you absolutely HAVE to achieve, regardless of the costs to yourself.
Re: Song of last resort....
Mmmmm. I like. A song that Doug would keep under software lock so he can't just play it on a whim, but has to deliberately unlock and decrypt it... to give him time to change his mind.
The question would be, though, why hasn't he used it to go home?

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: Song of last resort....
The question would be, though, why hasn't he used it to go home?
How long does he last once he gets there? How much can he know he'll have left at the end?
What happens to what's in his way?
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Song of last resort....
The question would be, though, why hasn't he used it to go home?
Well, given the lyrics, this is a VERY chancy song. He could try to use it to get home, and might succeed....but the consequences could be disastrous. This is really a song to use only if you have NO other alternatives, and while it's a long, slow trip, Doug IS able to move about with his other gatesongs. And I like the idea of it being encrypted/locked in his helmet. Very much like having to arm the bomb before you set it off. Smile

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