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Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
A fic of a type I *never* thought I'd be recommending.
I don't *think* this one's been recced yet...
Teamwork: A NaruSasuSaku three-way fic. It's good. It's *really* good. Its review list has a significant number of reviews that basically say "Wow. Normally I avoid stories of type X like the plague, but this was really good." One of them is mine.
It does involve significant amounts of yaoi. It also walks right up to the edge of what will accept in terms of NSFW. If neither of these is an *absolute* dealbreaker, and you have any interest in Naruto fanfic at all, I suggest that you give it a try.
Re: A fic of a type I *never* thought I'd be recommending.
Two Archetypes in Search of a Story by Aishuu
A Princess Tutu/Revolutionary Girl Utena crossover...
Remarkably low key for a crossover with so much potential to render your brain into a fine mist spread across the far wall.
Re: A fic of a type I *never* thought I'd be recommending.
A Kiss Before Dying by Mediancat
A BtVS divergence.
"Summary: Small changes can have big consequences. Case in point: At the end of Seeing Red, Tara and Willow have one last passionate kiss . . . and everything changes."
And now...
*The* best BB/Raven Teen Titans fic I've ever read:
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Here's an intersting crossover one-shot: a story about young Jack Sparrow's time as a Hogwarts student.
--The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
It's not really, new, but... how about a little Trigun, scarecrow?
Sand and Light
I didn't know Trigun already *had* two seasons, but still, it's an interesting story. Chapter lengths tend to vary quite dramatically though...
-Morgan."Mikuru-chan molested me! I'm... so happy!"
-Haruhi, "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
---(Not really)
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
A series of Master/Lucy minifics written by a good friend of mine.
A Little Present
The Final Game
Second Life
And an unrelated bit: The Hand of the Rani
"I seek... Pez!"
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
"It was all very well and good for you to be running around time and space playing games with your best mate when you were single, but you're a married man now. You have responsibilities."
Okay, your friend officially wins the laser screwdriver for this one.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Elizabeth Culmer has a short Naruto one-shot about the Sand siblings: Drought.

--The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-KingThose who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-King
Oh, yeah, that looked like it was going to be a simple one-shot, but now it's starting to get very interesting...

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
I was considering reccing that, but I couldn't tell whether it was as interesting as I thought it was or if it was just me being a sucker for all things Illyria. For all that people lamented the loss of Spike when Angel: the Series died, it was Illyria and Somewhat-Unhinged-Wesley that did it for me.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Return To Normal by jAkl, a Buffy/SG1 crossover.
Sequel to Far Beyond Normal
Summary: Buffy wants another shot at the First. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea. Especially since the First knows she's coming.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Stray Cat Strut. A Bleach AU diverging after the death of Ichigo's mother.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3.1
Part 3.2
Part 3.3
Part 4
Part 5

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Can't open this one Kheram. Any place else to find it?
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Thats the only place that its posted so far. I've seen other people having trouble registering for and accessing that forum lately.

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Thats the only place that its posted so far. I've seen other people having trouble registering for and accessing that forum lately.
If you can wait a few hours, I'll confer with my co-author and post it here as well. Or wait until the end of the week and it'll be on ficwad and ffnet.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
DisobedienceWriter has done some very good Harry Potter fics. I particularly recommend A Bad Week at the Wizengamot and Harry Potter, Wizarding Barrister
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
New Fic.
Another Harry Potter/Buffy crossover.
Dead Trouble
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
DisobedienceWriter has done some very good Harry Potter fics. I particularly recommend A Bad Week at the Wizengamot and Harry Potter, Wizarding Barrister
I just read "A Bad Week at the Wizengamot" yesterday and it's pretty good. Quite funny, too. Plot isn't its strong point, but it doesn't need to be, as the story's basically an extended joke.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Backlog
Five Years. Orihime has been missing for five years and when Ichigo finds her he's not going to let go.
Sunday Morning. You meet the strangest people in the supermarket on Sunday mornings.
Human toys are dangerous. Oh great and powerful Magic Eightball, will I enjoy this story? -Ask again later-
Notorious Scoundrel. Ichigo has all the traits that girls love. No really.
By the Sword. A lesson in thuggery.
Flip Flop and Fly. Uchiha Itachi didn't grow up as a ninja. It sorta suprised everyone.
The Tragedy of Repetition. Back to the Past! Again! This time with duoble the Naruto!
Teen Titans-
Jinxed For Life. Jinx thought the HIVE Five were officially out of her life. Boy, was she wrong.
The Unexpected Houseguest. No one really knows when Kid Wicked first moved into the Titans Tower, and the Titans are learning just how hard it is to kick a teleporter out.
Talks. Y'ever wonder what the villians' stories are like? Well, here's the story of that dark but naiive little teleporter: Kyd Wykkyd...
Justice League-
Respect is Earned. The story of how Wally earned Bruce's respect starts with two broken legs. What? No, Batman didn't break the Flash's legs, he just has to take care of him afterward.
New Shoes. When Batgirl disappears, Flash comes to Gotham to help with the investigation. Nightwing doesn't appreciate it. Also, Dick is a fun drunk and Pengy confuses the Bat.
M/F/R?. How would you like it if- Well this is what Bumblebee should have done.
Spy Game. The latest SuperXander story. A well written vision of what he would be if he were a hard ass spy.
Harry Potter-
A Black Comedy. Two years after defeating Voldemort, Harry falls into an alternate dimension with his godfather. Together, they embark on a new life filled with drunken debauchery, thievery, and generally antagonizing all their old family, friends, and enemies.
Re: Backlog
Larceny, Lechery, and Luna Lovegood - Rorschach's blot's latest. Harry Potter.
Inertia - JLU. A Velocity 9 story.
One More Time - JLU. Flash didn't come back from the Speed Force, until 9 years later.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"
remember that Crossover ...
... that should not be bunny I suggested once? The King Of Fighers/Nanoha one?
Looks like someone else thought of the combination. Just for that, and for the fact that it's a halfway decent bit of work:
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
I found myself chuckling at this short piece of fiction about fandom by Copperbadge on The Day the Music Died (and I Got Farked).

--The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

And now...
Stain of Darkness is a Street Fighter fanfic. It is not a crossover. It is a straight Street Fighter fanfic that is unremarkable except for one quality - it is well written.

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