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Addventure: No Tendo
"Weapons systems ON!" she called out, even if she wasn't too sure that she had to. No one was listening anyway, and she decided that she didn't care anyway as she flicked the arming switch. Once the displays showed that her guns were 'hot', she wasn't about to waste any time, and pulled the trigger as soon as she had a lock on her target. "Venus Love Me Chain GUN!"--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Prove the Pervert Wrong
From a so-called "dark Harry" fic that's so incredibly bad that it's actually funny:
Where is this fic? '.'
-Morgan."I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
-----(Not really)
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Re: Itcha Itcha Naruto
"My wife is pleased to meet you, Inuzuka," Hiashi declared proudly, as his wife curtsied and extended her hand towards Kiba's dad.
Tentatively, he held the large hairy hand.
"Inuzuka, my wife, Hyuuga Gorilla," Hiashi introduced, beaming. "Darling, Inuzuka, and that's our future son-in-law, Inuzuka Kiba!"
Kiba tried to nod. He tried really hard. But all he could manage was a small shake of the head.
Hyuuga Gorilla, dressed in her 10,000 dollars Versace gown smiled at him (bared her set of sharp as nails canine teeth), and sat next to her husband.
"Hi. . . hi. . . hi. . . . hinata. . ." Kiba whispered. "Is she. . . she. . . really your mom?"
"What are you talking about Kiba?" Hinata said. "Of course she's my mom!"
"But she. . . she. . . she. . . gorilla. . ."
"Yes," Hinata smiled at Kiba, confused. "My mom's name is Gorilla."
"Now let's eat!" Hiashi said happily. "Come Inuzuka, you must eat much! For tonight is a night of debauchery!"
Inuzuka's eyes darted to his son, and then back to the Gorilla. "Uh Hiashi. . . is your wife only going to eat that?"
Hiashi turned to his wife, and then back to Inuzuka. "Oh, don't worry about her, she doesn't like anything else, isn't that right my darling. Ever since the first time we met, she's been only eating bananas."
Hyuuga Gorilla swallowed a banana whole. With skin.
From a silly insanity fic. A rare coherent one that has a plot. If you squint at it sideways.
Re: Addventure: No Tendo
"Venus Love Me Chain GUN!"
Oh yeah, No Tendo over at the Addventure is a hell of a lot of fun. Highly recommended, although it shows no signs of stopping yet. (My personal favorite moment from that, btw, comes from near the beginning: the painting of Hotaru that the Stargate folks start calling "Don't Fear the Reaper".)
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: Prove the Pervert Wrong
Where is this fic?
Here.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
more Draco noted the fact that the only other places he could be put were likely worse than the prospect of sharing air with Weaselby and the Boy-Who-Was-Going-To-Snore-Draco-Just-Knew-It.
Draco pulled himself up haughtily Do not tax yourself on my account, however, just point me to my room so I can disinfect my humble corner before I catch something. I didnt have time for all my shots.
Magical twins have this
connection to each other
that goes beyond the realms of
life itself.
Apparently magic had a lot to answer for. What about the Patil girls? Draco questioned. I dont see them pushing the boundaries of the communication into the absurd.
Girls, the both chorused together with a shrug as though they had put their finger on the crux behind every problem known to mankind.
Right, Draco said carefully. Because theyre the anomaly.
you find the oddest things when searching for strings like "Snape in a tutu"
Re: more
My only problem with stories this bad is that my writer's pain at their sheer awfulness usually precludes me from reading far enough to find the so-bad-it's-funny bits.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Naruto silliness
Innortal's 'Naruto Omake Files' have, ironically enough, this omake in ch1:

Outer Lee: If I can't do my one thousand push ups, then I have to do one thousand sit ups! If I can't do one thousand sit ups, then I'll do one thousand one handed push ups! If I can't do that-
Inner Lee: Then we have to do Sakura! If we can't do that, then we go do Ten-ten! If we can't do that, then we go do Hinata! If we can't do that, then we have to do Ino!
Outer Lee: Oh! What a naughty response! I cant do that! Gai-sensei says that will spoil my youth!
Inner Lee: No it won't! By doing the girls, we can show them how powerful our youth is!
Outer Lee: What a great idea that is! (mentally hugs his inner self) Inner Lee!
Inner Lee: (mentally hugs his outer self) Outer Lee!
Outer Lee: Inner Lee!
Inner Lee: Outer Lee!
Random person passing by #1: How long is he going to hug and feel himself?
Random person passing by #2: I dunno, but I rather not look any longer or else I'll blind myself.

When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: more
Actually, I didn't bother with the first chapters at all. The "Snape in a tutu" line dropped me in the second-to-last currently written chapter, and from there on in, it was *entirely* in the so-bad-it's-funny lane. The quotes I tossed out there were the choicest bits of about eight consecutive paragraphs. For this one, if the beginning bugs you, just skip to the end.
On the other hand, I don't think that will be a problem on this one. Check out the first paragraph of the story.
"You want me to do WHAT! the voice trembled slightly with barely contained anger, glinting grey eyes meeting their cool counterpart before turning away abruptly and glaring rebelliously at the carpet. He could safely hate the carpet, and if necessary convincingly claim it had offended him in some way. After all, the sickly design that swirled nauseatingly round his feet was quite offensive to anyone forced to look at it for any length of time. The carpet deserved his wrath."
(because apparently I just don't know how to make links function here.)
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Here's some of my collection of funny lines and segments from various fanfic:

"The day I apologize to the likes of THAT Slytherin pit viper is the day Voldemort drops his frilly pink knickers and asks for a good buggering from Harry

-Neville Longbottom, "Snake Charming", Chapter 44, by echo

Harry twitched when he saw the Hokage in a beer hat. Had this been any other time, he would have busted a gut laughing. As it was, he could barely stop himself
from breaking out into incoherent giggles. Yes, this was most certainly the day of his death. He wondered how the school would react

He had a sudden image of Snape saying Potter, I did not give you permission to be dead. Twenty points from Gryffindor and five points for not passing in your

Harry chuckled. It was exactly the kind of thing the git would do.

-"Uzumaki Harry", Chapter 10, by Shadow Crystal Mage

Naruto crept up to them and snatched Mitsunes microphone. Attention, ladies! Photos of Harry-niisan in his underwear are now being sold at nine hundred ryou a
pop! Available while supplies last! Why, thank you, girls, Naruto said, grinning widely as he accepted Mitsune and Kazumis money.

Somewhere in the crowd, Sasuke twitched as Iruka went off to collect his errant student, slightly hampered by the fact there was a wave of women rushing to get
their photos of Harry in his undies. Why didnt I think of that?

Myrtle leaned down towards Sasuke, freaking out a few classmates who still werent quite used to the yurei. You are getting me some of those, she hissed.


The fight was long, brutal and very, very messy. It involved low and underhanded maneuvers, backstabbing, surprise attacks, imaginative use of jutsus, an
abundance of weapons, and very dirty tricks.

By the time Iruka managed to get to Naruto, there were legions of unconscious females around him as he gleefully counted his money. The others crawled away,
rubbing their hard-earned pictures to their faces.

-"Uzumaki Harry", Chapter 10, by Shadow Crystal Mage

/No. I have to do this./ Ranma decided. /I mustn't run away./ he mentally resolved and thus caused a whole slew of Ikari Shinji's in other timelines to
sneeze and wonder who was talking him down behind his back.

-"Sex Ed with Sensei Tendo Nabiki", by Hawk

"...I left around four am england time and everyone in the cantina was absolutely trashed. This huge muggle woman named Maria Estrella Gonsalez latched on
to old Volde pretty quick. She kept calling him her 'guapo diablo' and smothering him in kisses. When I stole the portkey leading back to Hogsmeade
everyone was drinking Tequila and toasting the 'Dark Lord Guapo' and singing along with the mariachi band. As far ahead of me as he was, I'd be
surprised if he remembers anything. Alcohol, nature's memory charm." He recalled fondly.

"That's why you were hungover this morning?" Hermione asked in a stunned voice. The rest of the class had found it a riveting tale.

"Yes, and earlier he was panicking when he woke up naked with Maria and completely unable to perform magic." Harry explained.

"But he could just take off the bracelets and he would be fine."

"Normally you'd be right, but who was it that gave me those bracelets? Fred and George thought it would be funny to jinx them so that you can't
take them off without somebody casting a spell on them." Harry's grin changed to a smirk.

"So you left the Dark Lord drunk in a country that doesn't speak english with no money and no magic? Odds are he won't be able to find anyone who
knows the counter curse until he makes it back to England. Harry that's brilliant!" Hermione gave him a solid hug.

"Indeed, 150 points to gryffindor for sheer dumb luck and a willingness to help your fellow man no matter who he is." Dumbledore proposed from the
door. "But I must encourage you not to leave the castle like that again. Waking up on another continent with no recollection as to how you got there is
not fun let me assure you."

"You sound like you're speaking from experiance sir." Harry quipped.

-"Why is Harry Smiling", by The-Caitiff


It should have been just another explosion signifying the conflagration of yet another replaceable surface building. It wasnt.


It was as if Central Dogma had been renovated as a mass grave.

Subtly, Fuyutski leaned towards his only superior officer. Ikarithats thirty-one flavorswaffle conesrainbow sprinkles

Did they have, Gendo paused, Butter Pecan?

From the corner of Ikaris eye, the old mans deathly-ill profile darkened as he slowly nodded.

Thats it.

The Supreme Commander of Nerv rose from his Laz-E-Bastard. Unit-00 and Unit-02 will proceed to cage four. Once at the surface they will intercept the Third
Child and initiate a Level-Three Old School Beatdown.

-"Shinji Just Snaps and Totally Wales on Everything", Chapter 1: "I Have No Idea What You Are Talking About, So Here Is a Penguin with a Waffle
On Top of Its Head", by MidnightCereal

Shinji walked down the hallway after his synch test. Neither Rei nor Asuka had been there, and Dr. Akagi had seemed very grumpy and taken it out on him. He
released a heavy-hearted sigh and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Foolishly enough, he had assumed the day would go not so terribly, with Misato acting... well, not much weirder than usual, and Asuka only

verbally abusing him a little. This was why he wasn't a fortune teller.


Shinji looked up and was surprised to see Rei standing there. He hadn't even noticed her. "Ayanami..."

She handed him a somewhat rumpled piece of paper and simply waited.

Blinking, Shinji took the paper. "What is this for?"

"If you are in distress, this will alleviate it."

"Uh... thanks." Shinji unfolded the paper and started to read. "I don't know what to do. I want you to..." Shinji looked up at Rei, his
eyes wide with fear. "A-Ayanami..."

Before he could say anything more, Rei stepped forward and laid a kiss

directly on his lips. And this was no chaste, friendly, quick kiss. Shinji felt every detail of Rei's mouth as she pressed it against his, grabbing his
arms to keep him from running away. Before she could attempt more, Shinji fell away from her.

She allowed him to drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes, then

looked at his unconscious form as blood trickled from his nose.

Obviously, he needed the guidelines.

-"Misato's Predicament", by Lara Bartram and Ammadeau

Edit by Morgan: Geocities is no more. Luckily, this story is also on . Misato's Predicament

"The stars say we are in some deep shit," Nephlite said under his


-"Queen Beryl's Fatal Rage-Related Atomic Disintegration" by Dr. Xadium

"I don't have *time* for this!" Future Ami exclaimed. "Axiom: Everything I say is a lie."

"Accepted," Past Ami said.

"Then evaluate the truthfulness of my next statement."


"I am a liar."

"Well," past Ami began pedantically, "you are obviously lying because everything you say is a lie... however, since everything you say *is* a
lie then you are being truthful when you say that you are a liar... but that cannot be because you are axiomatically a perpetual liar and thus cannot state the
truth..." past Ami's eyes began to glass over. "What's happening to me? Getting weaker... Dark Kingdom logic trap... help... me..."

Future Ami chuckled. That particular brain teaser had stumped her for days until she had determined it was an inherently stupid thing to ponder and had ceased
worrying about it.

"You..." past Ami said, trying to counter the tactic as she slipped into coma. "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

Future Ami smiled and held out an open gloved hand. Minako's totally inappropriate solution to the Zen Koan came to mind. Slowly, Ami opened and closed her
hand so the tips of her fingers touched, making a weak clapping sound.

"Impossible." Past Ami spluttered before passing out.

Future Ami had to work fast, as her past self would quickly work out of the intellectual logjam. Getting some duct tape and an intravenous drip bag, Ami
quickly secured her past self and shoved her in the closet.

"Oh," Ami quickly remembered. "Need to get a colostemy bag for her."

"Ami-chan!" she heard her mother call.

"Coming, mother!" Ami answered, a bit too cheerfully. She had to remember to tone herself down for the time period.

-"Queen Beryl's Fatal Rage-Related Atomic Disintegration" by Dr. Xadium

"Hi, Rei-chan," Mamoru waved weakly.

"Ami-chan?!" Rei asked accusingly, looking at the haggard pair, and especially Mamoru's disheveled state. "What have you been doing with

Ami was too tired to think, so she just told the truth. "I've never seen a weaker man than this. Certainly, he looks strong on the outside, but he has
no fortitude at all! I had my way with him four-hundred and thirty-two separate times before he finally developed the backbone to stand up to me and say

Rei and Usagi facefaulted.

-"Queen Beryl's Fatal Rage-Related Atomic Disintegration" by Dr. Xadium

Shikamaru Ino gaped.

Yes Ino? the chuunin murmured.

Theres a clown in our soup.

Yes Ino.

What is it doing in our soup?

It looks like the Macarena.

-"The Shinobi's Guide to Dubious Jutsu", Chapter 4, by Kaori

"ANYway," Hotaru cut in with a scowl, "I can't believe they made me do that song. 'Don't Fear the Reaper'?! A little morbid,
don't you think?"

Haruka and Michiru looked at each other. It was just a tad bit morbid. Haruka was at a loss for words, so the aqua-haired woman answered. "Maybe it is,
but I think it fits the spirit of Sailor Saturn."

Her partner agreed, albeit reluctantly. "Yeah. It does sorta fit. You know...uh...death and stuff."

"I just which they could've picked something for me that emphasized the rebirth part of Saturn," Hotaru complained.

"Hey, what can you do? Death sells," Michiru explained.

"Yeah, well," Hotaru huffed. "That guy with the cow bell was really starting to annoy me."

-"Angry White Male", by John Lauder

--The Twisted One

Everybody Loves the Croquet Jihad!
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: ROTFL, Part II
You missed one, Sirocco...
When Gilderoy Lockhart came into view, Harry was immediately let down. Thats it? he said, annoyed. Hed been expecting some kind of otherworldly bishonen type, with long, wavy hair, and intense persona and maybe flower petals blowing everywhere before a backdrop of a setting sun. Instead, there was
A mimbo. Man-bimbo.
The wavy hair was there blond; big surprise but it was obviously high maintenance. He must stay up half the night just getting it to curl like that, never mind keeping it clean. His chin looked pretty weak, too. The blue eyes were too dazzling, as if he used illegal eye-shine enhancers on them or something. And speaking of the illegal shine
Harry was suddenly reminded of the insane jounin he saw in Konoha, the one who wore green spandex. Mentally, he cut and pasted his image and compared it with this guys. Yup, they were a match. He wondered if the two of them were somehow related. Sure, they looked nothing alike, but that smile that horrible, shiny, sparkly, twinkly, smile!
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Neh? I think you mean Twisted. The story I referenced was 100% ninja-free (so far as I could tell)
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Nothing is ever 100% ninja-free. They are everywhere. The ninja are strong in this city, bug boy...!
(sound of thrown chimney impacting spokesninja)
Ow. I think I got a bone bruise.
"Then he threw a chimney at us!"
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Standing on the wall, clad only in a pair of bright yellow boxer shorts was Asumas prize student, Shikamaru. Several people had stopped what they were doing to gawk at the sight. As if this wasnt funny enough, he inexplicably began reciting perverted poetry at the top of his lungs.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to have some hanky panky. Silly Jill forgot her pill so now theres little Franky. Shikamaru stated causingeven morepeople to stop what they were doing and stare even more. Mary had a little skirt with splits right up the sides, and everywhere that Mary went the boys could see her thighs. Mary had another skirt; twas split right up the front. And everywhere that Mary went the boys could see her It was then that Iruka, nose bleeding heavily, leapt out of nowhere and clocked him. The young chunin was immediately rendered unconscious much to Kakashis disappointment.
Damn, I was hoping to see what that woman over there was going to do to him. He sighed, shrugged, and went back to plotting his revenge.

-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: ROTFL, Part II
If you train Sasuke to death, I'll... I'll.. Naruto started to threaten, but then paused, trying to think of a suitable punishment from depriving him of his best friend. Suddenly, he grinned, sending a two second glance in Rin's direction. Rin blinked in confusion at the mischievous look that had been directed at her. I'll burn all of your porn.
Kakashi started to say something in response but evidently had forgotten about the woman sitting next to him. Porn? Rin echoed shrilly, catching a suddenly nervous jonin's attention. Well, it was either her shrill voice or the sharp grip that she had suddenly acquired on his ear. You have porn? And your kids know about it?
Sakura cottoned on to Naruto's mischief making. Oh, yeah... Loads of it. she said, her voice deceptively mild. Her eyes, however, were glinting in amusement. He makes no effort to hide the fact he worships the great deity of porn.
Sasuke hid his smirk and nodded, careful to keep his face blank. Yes. He's even been so kind as to read portions of it out loud to us so we may get a taste of what is to come. Their arms crossed over their chests, Sakura and Naruto nodded sagely in agreement.
Rin was outraged, the words 'innocent children!' and 'porn!' at the forefront of her mind. Kakashi was nervous, the words 'damn brats!' and 'pain!' dancing through his mind. And Inari was confused.
Hey, what's porn?
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
From a Ranma/GD fic in which Ranma learns aura magic (without learning that he's learning aura magic)...
Great, you just had to egg on a freakin JEDI, didnt you, Drew? growled Shego once she managed to scrape her jaw from the floor. And now she had to fight him in addition to little-miss-cheerleader and her idiot sidekick it was high time she asked for a raise.
A Jedi might be a slight exaggeration, admitted Ranma. sure, I might be able to predict your every move, read your surface thoughts, react and move faster than normal, detect the presence of living beings, move objects without touching them and fire off and deflect energy attacks, but that just makes me one of the best martial artists on Earth, not a Jedi or does it?

-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Hey, what's porn?
Beg pardon, but, source, please?

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Naruto, For the Love of my Friends.
Ten years after the Sand/Sound Invasion, Konoha is on the verge of total destruction. The Kyuubi prompts Naruto to use a Kinjutsu it teaches him to send himself back through time to the day of his Academy graduation....
Fun fic.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Great, you just had to egg on a freakin JEDI, didnt you, Drew?
Link, please? ^.^
"Gravity is a harsh mistress."
Re: ROTFL, Part II
The Black Paw, a rather strange super-Ranma fic.
Edit: It's also the only Ranma/GD harem fic I know of that includes a friggin' PEEBO in the harem.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: ROTFL, Part II
I found an odd fic that parodies fairy tales in general and am having much fun reading it. And then, suddenly, a bit surprised me and made me laugh out loud, and here it is.
He shrugged and looked down into the ballroom for a new target. There was one girl who was kind of interesting. Pretty. Not much in the head, though, but nice and pretty. We had three balls in a row, and she came to each one. So Id dance with her. On the third night, just before midnight, she suddenly takes off running from the palace. He gave a soft laugh. She left one of her glass shoes behind. I dont know if she wanted me to find her or what, but whatever she was thinking, I didnt like her enough to bother. I mean, I barely knew her.
Could I have a link for that? I'd like to check it out.
"I did NOT escape! They gave me a day pass."
Re: Intresting
Link for what? That being said, from the latest chapter of So Sue Me...
Hormone rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time today. Apparently shed heard more than enough complaints from Harry about the broomstick lesson.
Where were you this morning, anyway? she demanded, attempting to change the subject. You missed Potions, it was a
I would have missed Potions if I had showed up, Harry replied. Snape would have kicked me out in under fifteen minutes, tops. But, come on, do you have any idea about how sexually repressed this is? Riding broomsticks, honestly!
Hermione appeared to be fed up. Will you shut
You know, Hormone, Harry said very seriously, real friends dont let friends straddle phallic symbols.
-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: Intresting
From a megacrossover crackfic...
Meanwhile, Shukaku was doing his best to drive Gaara insane.
I love you, you love me the raccoon crooned.
NO! MAKE IT STOP! Gaara cried as he tried to concentrate on writing his essay for Psychology Today (The Similarities of Schizophrenia and Demonic Possession).
This was the real reason hed been so willing to kill Washamaru. The bastard probably knew what would happen when hed showed him that tape of Barney

Edit: And, from another fic by the same author...
Even Axilano seemed a bit disturbed by what was said (hed crossed his legs at the snipping gesture). Such a foul mouth, child, he said. Dont you know where children who speak like that are destined to go?
Jerry Springer, Keeper said. Can we get to the part were you die already?

-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Tenhawk Does It Again
Natalie simply looked at her friend like the answer should be obvious by now. "We're on our way to visit Atlantis, and you're wondering how they got chocolate pudding into a water balloon?"
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

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