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The Heavenly Host
The Heavenly Host
Priorities.  I haz them.  In order.  Being a parent.  Being a husband.  The full time job.  The part time job.  The woodworking around the part time job.  The paid comics work.  The unpaid comics work.
When I stopped Tales of the Legendary, it was to create something not affiliated with the COH world.  Most of the characters existed prior to COH, while some created for TOTL have migrated over.
Three pages a week; with the first 12 up.
And it continues!
Another update; and another familiar... face.
Um yeah. Something doesn't seem right, although that might be down to the method of producing this. Also clicking on every page to view is a bit aggravating. What are the chances of a webcomic backend thingy being implemented?
I have a set of bookmarklets for just this sort of situation:

Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Mary Whitehouse joke.
The hosting is limited to the formats allowed under my agreement with the host.  Hosting is cheap, but you have to use their default formats unless you want to pay extra.  As this is currently not a revenue source, I am going the cheap route.  In the future I may change it.
I was pleased to be able to slip a Mary Whitehouse joke in the recent update; while mocking old ladies is not normally good form, in her case, I make the exception.

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