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Anyone playing RIFT? Not Rifts, the tabletop RPG, but the relatively new fantasy MMORPG. I picked it up last month and it's entertaining enough at the moment. I'm over on Epoch server currently, and was wondering if anyone else was.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
I've heard good things, but I have no free time to devote to another MMO
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Granted. It does eat into my CoX time.
I'm finding it pretty entertaining. A lot of the basics are very similar to WoW, but that's mostly because WoW created a pretty standard interface/system. The character class system is pretty diverse, with four "callings" - warrior, rogue, cleric, mage - and nine "souls" for each calling, of which you pick three during the first five levels of character play. (My mage, for example, is a pyromancer/archon/warlock.) Mounts are easier to get than I remember WoW's being, since the initial ones are monetary-based rather than level-based, and relatively cheap (I bought mine at level 16 or so, and I've seen level 8 toons with mounts.) The rift invasions are optional, although when a zone event goes off (which results in about a dozen rifts opening and a stream of invasions heading for the strategic points in the zone) you're pretty much going to have to participate or get into an dungeon. However, the NPCs will respond to invasions and many are actually pretty competent (although they do suffer from attrition if multiple invading mobs bottleneck).
So far, the players seem to be mostly people who got tired of the WoW crowd and have moved on. They've been mostly polite and no one's been a douche except for the omnipresent gold farmers. There have been a couple of PvP jerks, but none of have been sore winners on their drive-by kills (one was lurking behind a wall and got me crossing over the border into a PvP zone. Kind of a dick move, but tactically acceptable). On the whole, there hasn't been anyone that I thought of as being a poor player.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Some friends of mine are playing, so I thought about switching over, but with The Old Republic just around the corner I don't really want to start up an new MMO.

Sides, what with my depressignly large pile of unplayed single player RPG's it's not like I'm bored...
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Rift is a fairly interesting game, I like the fact that you basically have the ability to play with multiple different playstyles across the same character. The game mechanics sometimes frustrate me a bit, particularly in questing. The game has a strange mix of Burning Crusade era WoW questing with the occasional moment where it feels like I'm in a Guild Wars 2 beta thanks to the zone invasions. If more of the game was like the zone invasions, with a rolling battle against the invading forces of the planes, I think this game might be about twice as popular as it is now.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead

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