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Clockwork Law
Clockwork Law
Kings Row.
Paragon Police Department.

Jasmine Briar, cat girl/Devouring earth hybrid was standing before the chief of police, wondering what he could want with her as he coughed and leaned on his desk. 

"Detective Briar, it has been two years since the passing of your partner.... We think it is about time we assigned you a new one." He said, pulling out a file.

She chewed her lip, the death of her old Partner Purrfect Detective had been hard, who knew someone with hyper regeneration could suffer a heart defect? She missed her deeply, PD had been her maid of honour.... Hell, she wouldn't be the cop she was now without her.... But she had to move on, if that meant a new partner, then so be it.

The door of the chiefs office opened and in stepped a towering woman in Praetorian Police armour, apparently Vanguard had finished reverse engineered it for public use. As Jasmine started at the new comer, she realised she was a clockwork. "Er,,, Sir?" She asked nervously.

The chief nodded. "This is Sigmar Seven, she originally worked for Longbow, but after her awakening she wanted to work in law enforcement. She will be your new partner Briar, teach her the ropes."

Jasmine got out if her chair and offers her hand to Sigmar, the Clockwork staring at it before gingerly taking it. "Hand shake." She said in a flat tone, shaking Jasmin's hand.

King's Row 

Jasmine decided to break Sigmar in with a simple patrol, it was beat cop work.... But she was unsure if Sigmar's level of experience, she did not the clockwork had holstered long barrel revolvers at her side.

"Okay, soo... How long have you been awakened?" Jas asked curiously.

Sigmar turned her head left to right, scanning. "I have been active and in service for over five years, but my awakening only came about November last year, after passing the Turing test, I was given the freedom to choose my own job." She said in that same flat tone.

Jasmine nodded, then paused as she heard a scream, looking across the rose, she saw a Skull trying to snatching a purse. "Time to ac-" Jasmine started, reaching out with her powers to summon plants to restrain the thug, but Sigmar was faster, quick drawing a pistol and firing it, the Skull dropping and screaming in pain.

Jasmine ran over to the goon as the woman he was trying to rob ran. "What the hell Sigmar? Who said to use lethal force on a purse snatcher?" She drops to her knees and checks the Skull.

Sigmar walked up, her pistols still trained on the goon. "I did not use lethal force, I use rubber rounds, no skin penetration."

As Jasmine checked the skull, she saw that indeed there was no bullet wound. "You could of still warned m-" she was cut off as Sigmar fired into the Skull again. "What the fuck?"

Sigmar leant down. "The perp was reaching for thus." She picks up a knife. "I prevented you from being stabbed."

Jasmine just stares, before removing the skull mask from the goin and attaching a zig porter to him. "We need to talk about communication...." She muttered.

Steel Canyon.
Stogers residence.

Jasmine opened the door to her home and sighed, letting out a long breath, her body rippled as she reverted to her plant hybrid form, gaining a few feet as her skin grew a green moss like fur, she only reverted to this form at home, less strange glances at her.

Walking into the lounge, she saw her husband reading the paper, Captain Erstaz, Reves Stoger, and collapsed into his lap.

"Long day kitten?" He asked, rubbing her ear.

She told him about her new partner and the troubles she was having with her.

Reves tilted her head. "Wel, normally I say what do you expect from a Praetorian construct, but sounds like she was made in the good old USA, maybe she is a bit of an old west gun slinger?"

Jas was about to criticize him on his casual racism, but stopped herself, Reves was from a different time, the time of the Red Scare, his patriotism streak was a mile wide.... Sure it clashed with the world view of twenty twenty, but it was also part of what made her fall in love with him, that old time charm.

She nuzzled him. "Just... Frustrating, Sigmar said she passed the Turing test, but she comes off very robotic, uncaring."

Reve stroked her hair. "Well could be worse, could be a Commie."

She sighed and lightly bapped his nose. "Anyway, where are the kids?"

He smiled. "In the sun lamp room, apparently they have a trick to show you kitten."

Curiously, she got up from his lap and padded to the sun lamp room, bring part plant, she and her kids used it to get some much needed UV rays, opening the door, she squinted in the bright light and looked down at her twins, smiling as they where playing with a potted plant. "Hey Ruby, Jade, dad says you have a trick to show me?"

The five year old girls look at her, their plant like nature slightly more obvious than their mothers as Jade gave a gap toothed smile. "Momma look." She help up the potted plant, screwing up her face as the flower inside exploded into bloom. Ruby then demonstrated the same trick, Jasmine kneeling down and hugging them. 

"You two are growing so quick... But he careful, making some plants grow fast can be bad for them, okay?"

The two girls nodded, their tails lashing behind them in excitement.

Jasmine stands and dusts off her hands. "Now for dinner, who wants Mac and Cheese?"

The two girls cheer before running out of the room to get cleaned up, Jasmine smiling as she followed.

(Purrfect Detective belonged to Ran-San who sadly passed away.)

(Reves Stogers belongs to Fox, thanks for letting me use him.)
Neph: I wanna fight!

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