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[RFC] UT-47 Kodiak
[RFC] UT-47 Kodiak
More Mass Effect products for the Frigga Factory of Catgirl Industries.

As the Mako, its "infinities" material.


UT-47 Kodiak

|vehiclename = UT-47 Kodiak
|chassis = Interstellar Shuttle
|length = 11.6m mainbody,17m with fins
|width = 6m
|height = 3,2m mainbody, 4m with fins
|drivetype = 4th? generation Mass Effect drive,
small ion engines in the fins for maneuvering
|driverating = up to 0.09c, 500c outside the limit
0.12c with ion engines (military variant)
|weapons = twin coilgun (military variant)
|manufacturer = Frigga Factory (CI)
|date = first showen at Motorcon 2027
|crew = 1 (pilot) or 2 (pilot, copilot)
|supcrew = up to twelve other people

The Kodiak became the second vehicle from the Mass Effect series that is mass produced at the Frigga Factory of Catgirl Industries. Its a roomy shuttle that can transport up to eight passengers comfortably (or twelve in tight conditions) together with personal cargo over interstellar ranges.

The front of the shuttle contains a small cockpit for one or two people where all of the systems are controlled. Separated by a wall with a door is the passenger or cargo section, which also contains two four meters wide gull-wing doors, which allow to leave and enter the shuttle quickly from both sides.

The Kodiak has all typical sensor systems for civil Fen shuttles and a high-powered radio system. The ship is protected by a reasonable armored hull and a defensive Mass Effect field, but is not armed at all. The tiny ion engines in the fins at the front and back make it very easy to maneuver the Kodiak in tight places.

UT-47m military variant

Similar to the Mako, Catgirl Industries also produce a military variant of the UT-47 Kodiak for any Great Justice approved forces. The UT-47m has an improved forcefield system, military grade armor and a more extensive sensor suit. Its built from radar absorbing materials and has a small holo-projector for the passenger section that can be used for mission-planning.

Two of the back fins have been replaced by a powerful ion engine, which can increase the speed of the UT-47m to 0.12c for four hours, after which they have to cool down for an hour. The military variant is also armed with a twin coil-gun built into the sides of the shuttle (not mounted on the sides as in the game).

UT-47c Catgirl Industries variant

Catgirl Industries also builds Kodiaks for themselves. These shuttles are built to similar standards as the military variant, but lack the additional ion engines and the coilgun upgrade. They also lack the radar absorbing additive in the armor.

As several PEPPER-treaty observers discovered, these shuttles are still prepared to mount both of these upgrades, which mean that they can be upgraded to nearly full military specs in a short time.

  • ?

  • The rumors about full military Kodiaks at Catgirl Industries with Normandy-style IR stealth systems are rumors... at least thats what some rumors say.
  • Space Patrol owns a number of UT-47m for ‘fast troop deployment’.
  • The doors of the military variant have an atmospheric shield to allow boarding and leaving the shuttle without a containment breach.

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