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San Fran' plans ban
San Fran' plans ban
Is this Satire? Somebody please tell me this is satire. San Francisco discusses law to ban the sale of pets

Quote:The ban was put on hold last year after animal advocates broadened it to include anything with fur or feathers. Now it's back, with a new name and a new strategy: More is more. The Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal is on its way to the Board of Supervisors, and it hopes to protect everything from Great Danes to goldfish.

Yes, goldfish. And guppies, gobies, gouramies, glowlight tetras, German blue rams. No fish, no fowl, no reptiles, no amphibians, no cats, no dogs, no gerbils, no rats. If it flies, crawls, runs, swims or slithers, you would not be able to buy it in the city named for the patron saint of animals.

The comments are hilarious.

Although, what do they think is going to happens to all the animals in pet stores as soon as the law is passed?

The only thing that'll happen is that pets will start being traded illegally, with no consideration whatsoever to the welfare of the animal involved. A whole new black market will develop.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Nope. Its San Francisco... the city in California that seem to see it as its personal duty to keep California known as the Granola State (IE, made up of Fruits, nutz and flakes)
And no, they havent thought it through.  If anything what they propose actually plays RIGHT INTO the hands of the same INTERNET based companies they seem to think are the problem!  Why?  because with it being illegal to sell pets, SAID PET OWNERS WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT to go to these self same companies the article talks about because this (sadly TYPICAL idiocy) puts ONLY pet stores inside the city limits out of business.
Ergo, they'll go outside the city limits.  And all the City has done is once more made a F'ING FOOL OF ITSELF.
And it *CONTINUES* to amaze me that not only to these nutjobs manage to stay in office, some of them even manage to 'move up' the ladder to the state level where they try and impose this sort of brainlessness on the REST of the state'
*wanders off ranting and cursing*
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

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