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Overheard on the Legendary channel (READ THIS)
Overheard on the Legendary channel (READ THIS)
... in which we see base building tips, a new catgirl concept is born, there are WAY too many puns, and Terrence Knight gets promoted beyond his level of incompetency by one too many mouse clicks...

[The Legendary]Sweno: ok, one more feline scrapper is ready for an invite
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: I've got to get in there and re-order the teleporters in Room #1
[The Legendary]Acyl: Basically anything I'd add would mostly be decorative.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Mm.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Yeah, that's a good point.
[The Legendary]Ankhani: While your att it Atl, could ya Bump Amber up one?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: #1 needs to be sorted by level
[The Legendary]Acyl: We might also want to reorder rooms a little.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: expand on "re-order rooms"?
[The Legendary]Acyl: With a plot this large, I'd suggest placing the social areas in one location, the 'technical' and 'command centre' rooms in one wing...
[The Legendary]Acyl: ...and so on.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: ahhhh
[The Legendary]Atlantea: OOH! I LIKE THE TROPHY ROOM!
[The Legendary]Acyl: Salvage and workrooms in the same location, y'see?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: that's a bundle of work
[The Legendary]Acyl: The trophy room is pretty good yeah.
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: The trophy room's not bad. Did you see the transparent lingerie?
[The Legendary]Acyl: It is, unfortunately.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: who's panties are those, Atlantea? we can't figure it out
[The Legendary]Atlantea: And the library! SQUEE!
[The Legendary]Ankhani: I find Numina's Translucent Nighty a little disconcerting... >.>
[The Legendary]Acyl: But the point is the base IS very large now.
[The Legendary]Acyl: We're stripping signature characters and taking their clothes! h_h
[The Legendary]Sweno: and earlier someone was commenting that all these catboys showed up around the same time. I think the reason is obvious, they smelled the resident female population going into heat
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: It's only large when  you need to issue GPS to new arrivals and plant waypoints.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: god I wish we could plant waypoints/neighborhood markers
[The Legendary]RevDark: What's wrong with a ball of string and best wishes.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: What is this room anyway? The trophy and library?
[The Legendary]Acyl: Looks like a command room?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: Rev: Every #$!@#!@ time I try the 'Ball of String' trick, I get mugged by catgirls!
[Tell] @His Lovely Wife:  You'll be happy to know I finally watched Speedracer.  WHEE!
[The Legendary]RevDark: Could be worse, could be Madcow... Mooo
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: You say this like it's a BAD thing...
[Tell] -->@His Lovely Wife:  What did you think?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: it is, I'm on Mag, he's married
[The Legendary]Sweno: what is this trick you talk of?
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Hee hee
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Ok. This is a control room.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: what could is a double-armful of nubile catgirl if you can't do anything about it?
[Tell] @His Lovely Wife:  Fan-damn-tastic movie.  Rev picked up the Live Action the other day and we watched it last night.  Freakin' awesome
[Tell] -->@His Lovely Wife:  Ain't it?
[Tell] -->@His Lovely Wife:  It's crack-tastically awesome!
[The Legendary]RevDark: Give them to Jackie as a bouquet.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: O_O
[Tell] @His Lovely Wife:  So is C8 based on Speed or you just have a Speed costume for him?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: a little chloroform, a little of that green floral wrap..  yeah.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: I'm pickin' up what you're putting' down, rev
[The Legendary]RevDark: Kinky
[Tell] -->@His Lovely Wife:  No - C8 is based on another contempory show of the time - 8 Man.  Or to use the slightly different American name - "Tobor the Eighth Man".
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Yow.
[The Legendary]RevDark: Do you think FTD would deliver?
[Tell] @His Lovely Wife:  Putting it down on the List of THings To See
[The Legendary]Sweno: be carefull, they are a little feisty when they wake up
[The Legendary]Atlantea: By the way - Here's a tip for you new to base modeling --
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: *ears perk*
[The Legendary]Atlantea: When you change ceiling and floor heights, SOMETIMES the base editor has a tendency to change OTHER parts of the base to match.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: To prevent this -
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: gah restate first part, please
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: missed it whilst zoning
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Place a vent at floor and/or ceiling level.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: When you change ceiling and floor heights, SOMETIMES the base editor has a tendency to change OTHER parts of the base to match.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: To prevent this -
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Place a vent at floor and/or ceiling level.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: That "locks" it in.
[The Legendary]RevDark: The vent sure bothers?
[The Legendary]Acyl: *cracks up*
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: *e facepalm*
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[The Legendary]Acyl: Atlant, I didn't know this - I'd never encountered said bug. HOWEVER...
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Oww.
[The Legendary]Acyl: That's because my base designs have always included floor or ceiling vents. =D
[The Legendary]Acyl: I'm thus very amused.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Well there ya go then
[The Legendary]Acyl: I was apparently circum-vent-ing this.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: If you've ever noticed them and wondered, that's the reason they're there most likely.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: OW
[The Legendary]Atlantea: OW OWOW
[The Legendary]Ankhani: When you sat 'vent' do you mean any celing/floor decal or a specfic one?
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Yes.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: Id Vent-ture to say that that's true, Acyl
[The Legendary]Acyl: Necessity is the mother of in-vent-ion.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: The vents I'm talking about are under "Wall details".
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: well, now we have a new base building con-vent-ion
[The Legendary]Ankhani: They make good pre-vent-ion?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: prevents Atlantea from having to do a reparative inter-vent-ion
[The Legendary]RevDark: They are a necesity.  The mother of in-vent-tion
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: BZZT
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: no reusing bits
[The Legendary]Atlantea: The floor and ceiling vents, if placed at corners between floor/wall and wall/ceiling, also "delete" the obligatory "trim" pieces.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: I loathe trim pieces
[The Legendary]Acyl: Anything flush to the wall will do that, but it's helpful to mass delete the trim with spaced vents or light fixtures.
[The Legendary]Ankhani: I've had a little fun playing with 8x8 bases with small amounths of Presti...
[The Legendary]Atlantea: So if you want to get rid of them, place vents there or shove something else up against the wall.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Since just one strategic placement of such will knock out a stretch.
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Silh: Sent.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Yes - that's another thing. You can knock out two stretched of trim with one vent placement.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: *strethes
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: But only if you're feeling ad-vent-urous.
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Not just Lulu but a brief history of the series and the important links.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: **stretches
[The Legendary]Acyl: The tiny wall lights are a good thing to do the trick with, also.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Since those are very unobtrusive.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: our lighting selection sucks
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: not the stuff we've chosen, but the stuff that's _available_
[The Legendary]Acyl: Well what were you expecting, the Ikea catalogue?
[The Legendary]His Lovely Wife: Oh if only
[The Legendary]Atlantea: *Eyes glow with Kheldian energy* OKAY! Enough with the puns! Or I'll get ad-vent-urous on your asses! (Pause) DAMNIT! Now you've got me doing it!
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: You could just put in unlit lamps, and use the room controls to change ambient light conditions. Looks the same, but less glare from the lamps.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: it's OK, Atlantea..  sometimes, you just have to vent.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: *G, D & R*
[The Legendary]Atlantea: *facepalm*
[The Legendary]Atlantea: *headdesk*
[The Legendary]RevDark: Do you require an inter-vent-tion?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: I'm just worried this is going to pre-vent me from building more on the base
[The Legendary]Ankhani: (BZZZT again Rev =P )
[The Legendary]Ankhani: ... I think we've used all the puns now... Nothing more to see here. Move along.
[The Legendary]RevDark: Veni Vidi Venti.;I came, I saw, I placed a vent?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: *applauds*
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: so...  Sylia is notional leader of the Paragon Sabres
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: Nene, one of her charges, has become the unofficial Den Momma of the catgirls
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: does this, by extension, make Sylia a Crazy Grand Catlady?
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: ...what a comment to come back to
[The Legendary]Acyl: I still say we need a Purrfect Sabre.
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: nah wire i'm not here to group atm
[The Legendary]Acyl: WHEN MEMES COLLIDE
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
[The Legendary]Ebony: Coming to issue 14, a new minion for Masterminds: Cats.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: RP wise, it could easily be Sammy in a hardsuit
[The Legendary]RevDark: I still want a plant mastermind.
[The Legendary]Ebony: Bushroot!
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: dibs on one named 'Seymour'
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Hello all
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: HI MD
[The Legendary]Sweno: hey MD
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: After this, I won't be on fore most of the week
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Heading back to the parents place
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: bring your compy?
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: They lack internet
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: ouch!
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: this is why my dad has 8mb DSL ; )
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: And my sister has her wireless net, but it doesn't want to work
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: Kill it with fire!
[The Legendary]Acyl: Loggin' off for now. Cheers MD, enjoy your trip. much as you can internetless? =P
[The Legendary]Acyl: Family is good tho? =D
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: later, Acyls
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Bye Acyl.
[The Legendary]RevDark: Later Acyl
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: Bye Acyl
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: cya Acyl.
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Silh, did you get the e-mail or no? I've had trouble with my yahoo recently.
[The Legendary]Sweno: later Acyl
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Yeah, right now my family needs to be together
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: I've got something bubbling in my brain about the utility of a taser when herding catgirls
[The Legendary]Ankhani: o.o
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: *facepalm*
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: anyone got anything?
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Yep, I got the character. I'll look it over later.
[The Legendary]RevDark: The static would cause them to stick together - it has merits as an idea
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Until Alice gets her claws on you
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Meh. Just throw a large ball of yarn liberally dosed with catnip into the middle of them. In about fifteen minutes, you'll have no trouble herding them.
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Alice: Please, as if I'd fall for such a silly... shiny... yarn... *POUNCE!*
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: So what's going on?
[The Legendary]Ankhani: 16 ish blue
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: blueside 16
[The Legendary]Sweno: 16-ish blueside
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: radio
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Hm
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Got room for a level 9 scrapper?
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: I can get in on that with my Blaster?
[The Legendary]Ankhani: Siamese Catboy, Black-cat Catgirl and Hobo Sabre
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Assuming there's room.
[The Legendary]Ankhani: There is
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: Heee Hobo saber
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Please invite? Tongue
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: hey, when you're homeless and hangin' with the Lost, the sweet embrace of Night Train is FAR superior to conciousness
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: says you're on a mish, Matrix
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Invite!
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Mission boring!
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: says you're on a mish, Matrix
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: says you're on a mish, Matrix
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: cannot invite
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: and I'm going to eat your head
[The Legendary]Atlantea: You know... this is amazing... but... I think we're going to need more power for the base!
[The Legendary]Ankhani: Get a bigger genrator?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: ...awesome
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: Invite Homeworlder.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: I think there's one bigger type of generator.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: then we'll need multiple gennies
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Put ten catgirls in a giant hamsterwheel and harness the static electricity?
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: PUUUURRRRRRRRE ENERGY
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: use Terrence as the dangly-lure
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[The Legendary]Arachnos X: You mean PURRRRR energy.
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: AIEEEE!
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: it would be the..  Purrfect Generator
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Good name for an electrical type catgirl.
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Catgirls hate electirical powers
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: As would Purrrrfect Energy.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: And thus a new catgirl is born....
[The Legendary]MatrixDragon: Poor thing would be a permenant puffball
[The Legendary]Ebony: Afro hair with cat ears.
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: like Valles' Purrrfect Tease
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: ..
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: that scares me wire
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: so I wsa playing Left 4 Dead last night
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: and I decide to hack
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: so I setup a button to drop a live pipe bomb at my feet
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: and another button to spawn a zombie horde
[The Legendary]Terrence Knight: 0_0
[The Legendary]Sweno: how did you manage that?
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: magic
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: then I turn on God Mode
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: and just start spamming both buttons
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: about ten second later, my screen is covered in explosions and blood and fountains of zombie parts
[The Legendary]Wiregeek: it was _beautiful_
[The Legendary]Silhouette.: Reminds me of an old player-made map for the Mac game Marathon. Called "Nuclear Fission", it had a giant room full of respawning exploding Bob's. Faster than they could die off. And  you started with a handgrende.
Legendary]Arachnos X: That trooper is awesome. xD
Legendary]Wiregeek: SWEET
Legendary]Wiregeek: Spotted in Steel: Frozen Margarita
Legendary]MatrixDragon: hmm?
Legendary]MatrixDragon: rofl
Legendary]Wiregeek: she's an ice/kin troller 8 )
Legendary]Ankhani: And America XX .... Female Statesman/Captain America
Legendary]Ebony: I saw that one.
[The Legendary]Ebony: I wish they had the tricorner hat without it being a pirate hat. I have some patriotic hero ideas that that would work well for.
Legendary]Wiregeek: Congrats, Terrence!
Legendary]Wiregeek: Levelling Pact is so awesome
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Whoo!
Legendary]Terrence Knight: More levels
Legendary]Terrence Knight: You still loveing against all odds wire?
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Moooar damage
Legendary]Wiregeek: yes, yes I am
Legendary]Atlantea: Damnit. My mouse is old and I need to replace it. Occasionally it wil double click when I don't want it to.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: You need to get yourself compleatly saturated and enemies and find out what the damage bonus cap is
Legendary]Terrence Knight: for AAO
Legendary]Terrence Knight: brb
Legendary]Atlantea: If you remove someone from the SG, does that mean all the prestige they earned goes with them?
Legendary]Silhouette.: Logitech MX Laser. Best mouse I've ever had. And I reprogrammed the page-down key under the mouse wheel to be a double click, so that's covered too.
Legendary]Wiregeek: I don't think so, Atlantea
Legendary]Ankhani: I don't think you will lose Prest
Legendary]Wiregeek: Sil: I use the white Logitech Trackman Marble, the best thumb-based pointing device evar
Legendary]Atlantea: Well, unless I temp kick Terrence, he's going to be equal in rank to Shizuru, Evangelia and myself thanks to my stupid mouse.
Legendary]Wiregeek: WOAH
Legendary]Atlantea: I wanted to promote him. But not THAT high.
Legendary]Ankhani: You can Demote, Atl
Legendary]Wiregeek: if you kick him, it will reset his earned-prest to zero
Legendary]Ankhani: You can Demote
Legendary]Wiregeek: The Legendary will not lose the prest, but Terrence will show as 'zero earned'
Legendary]Ankhani: There is a button to decrese rank
Legendary]Atlantea: No. I can't. It says "I'm not a higher level" so I can't demote.
Legendary]Wiregeek: Eva can
Legendary]Silhouette.: So get another to do it.
Legendary]Atlantea: He's the same rank as Eva too.
Legendary]Ebony: Why are we demoting someone?
Legendary]Silhouette.: Promotion error, it sound like.
Legendary]Atlantea: Because I accidentally promoted them too high.
Legendary]Ankhani: Terr is a honorary Leader in the Legendary now
Legendary]Wiregeek: Eva should be able to since she's the leader
Legendary]Wiregeek: ...oh shit
Legendary]Wiregeek: we're all doomed!
Legendary]Silhouette.: Hee hee.
Legendary]Atlantea: Think this is worth a story? Say - Lora is working late at night and gets distracted by Jackie Frost again at a bad moment?
Legendary]Wiregeek: yes, yes I do
Legendary]Silhouette.: Taps the wrong key, suddenly Terr has co-Leader status?
Legendary]Atlantea: Pretty much.
Legendary]Wiregeek: now, if Terrence wanted to be all sweet and gentle, he could log into Terrence and demote himself
Legendary]Ankhani: Can you demote yourself?
Legendary]Atlantea: I don't think he can do that. I can't demote myself.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: sorry was afk
Legendary]Wiregeek: then Terr could promote Eva
Legendary]Wiregeek: congratulations, Terrence, you have an SG
Legendary]Atlantea: Oh dear....
Legendary]Terrence Knight: what happened?
Legendary]Ankhani: Here's how you'll ahve to do it.,
Legendary]Terrence Knight: uhh..atl?
Legendary]Silhouette.: I've got this sudden image of Lora'lai calling in sick while she deals with whatever Jackie did. Ter is stuck being Leader, which means he's NOT with the girls, and has to mind the base while things happen.
Legendary]Ankhani: Inactive-auto-demotion
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *facepalm*
Legendary]Atlantea: Scroll up to see, Terr....
Legendary]Terrence Knight: ....
Legendary]Terrence Knight: ok lemme repromote eva
Legendary]Ankhani: But Terr -has- earned it.
Legendary]Ebony: Terrence: "I'm in charge! How can I be in charge?!"
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Nah
Legendary]Terrence Knight: LOL
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Yes that would be exactly what he says
Legendary]Ebony: >"Rhea, help! I'm in charge!"
Legendary]Atlantea: You know... he has earned more prestige by an order of magnitude than anyone else.... Hmmm...
Legendary]Terrence Knight: cept for mag
Legendary]Wiregeek: *COUGH COUGH COUGH*
Legendary]Atlantea: Well, okay, him, Mag and Bella.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: was I promoted? lol
Legendary]Atlantea: My mouse screwed up.
Legendary]Ankhani: Hey, Amber's brought in 1.5 Mil with Emet added in...
Legendary]Terrence Knight: I go upstairs..take a dump..and I come back a leader
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
Legendary]Atlantea: I meant to promote you.
Legendary]Atlantea: Just not THAT high...
Legendary]Terrence Knight: ok so how can i demote myself
Legendary]Ebony: This reminds me of an RPG session where a character was promoted to Sergeant because the player was late.
Legendary]Atlantea: You can't, that I can tell, other than logging out.... WAIT... I may have an idea!
Legendary]Ankhani: Here's what you do, ser aut-demote to 1 day, and then logg out.
Legendary]Atlantea: Way ahead of you!
Legendary]Atlantea: That's the answer!
Legendary]Ankhani: ... I said that before.
Legendary]Ankhani: No one wants to listen to me =(
Legendary]Atlantea: Well I didn't see it.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: So..All I have to do is log out?
Legendary]Ankhani: For 24+ hours
Legendary]Silhouette.: Wait for it... I'm expecting to see the Leader badge wind up on someone who hasn't logged in for fifty days when the dust settles.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *whimper*
Legendary]Atlantea: For one full day. This will also probably catch Eva and Shizuru too, but I can re-promote everyone.
Legendary]Silhouette.: Why can't lora'lai just demote him?
Legendary]Wiregeek: it'll be one of Terrence's alts...
Legendary]Ankhani: Cause you can't demote someone of equal rank
Legendary]Arachnos X: So how does it feel?
Legendary]Arachnos X: To be a Shield.
Legendary]MatrixDragon: Put Alice in charge!
Legendary]Atlantea: I can't demote him because I'm the same rank as him.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: 24hrs!....How can I not play this toon for a full
Legendary]MatrixDragon: Alice: !!!
Legendary]Ankhani: I don't think It'll actually do that right though.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: OK so someone has to write a snippet or series of short represent this mistake :p
Legendary]Ankhani: Becasue it wouldn't demote unless -no- leader has been active in the set period
Legendary]Atlantea: Well let's see... Hmm... One potential problem I am seeing. I think it'll catch all the OTHER officers and demote them too!
Legendary]Ankhani: And then, it'll go to someone else.
Legendary]Wiregeek: Terrence, can you promote Lora'Lai?
Legendary]Ankhani: Terr just gets to be leader
Legendary]Atlantea: No, he can't. We're both top rank.
Legendary]Silhouette.: I think you're stuck with it the way it is, then.
Legendary]Ankhani: There is no way to fix this.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: at least, not without co-ordinateing everyone to log in except for me on this toon
Legendary]Silhouette.: Terr would have to avoid playing Terrence for something like a month while you logged in with Lora'lai regularly to keep your rank.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: ..
Legendary]Ankhani: Just enjoy being the best of the best..... Wait. Terr already -is- the best.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: But to be stuck with this rank..without actualy earning it..doesn't seem right
Legendary]Ankhani: You did earn it.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Nah I didn't ankh
Legendary]Atlantea: Maybe make it not 1 day, but 2 days? But then that would force Terry to not play for 2 whole days.
Legendary]Silhouette.: Well, you could ask them to make you earn it. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to come up with ways to make you *feel* like you've earned it... Smile
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Others have been here for longer thanme, have contributed to more events
Legendary]Terrence Knight: I just kill shit
Legendary]Atlantea: I don't know. You've actually been on more than ME.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: by the tons
Legendary]Ankhani: *Whacks Terr over the head with leader star* YOU'VE EARNED IT!
Legendary]Atlantea: Ankh's got a point.
Legendary]Atlantea: It may have been a mistake. But I think it's a mistake we can live with.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Well, we'll have to wait and see what dren, and then Bob says
Legendary]Terrence Knight: since y'know their also leaders
Legendary]Atlantea: I'll make a post about it on the forums.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: All right, but I'll feel guilty unless the other two are fine with it lol
Legendary]Atlantea: I'm still kind of embarassed about this though. If anyone screwed the pooch, it was ME.
Legendary]Wiregeek: I wouldn't say the canine unit has been penetrated yet
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Lol you were punished because I was online at just the right time lol
Legendary]Atlantea: Mea culpa!
Legendary]Ankhani: Maybe you cot send in a /petition ?
Legendary]Atlantea: Possibly? hmm...
Legendary]Wiregeek: if you both did, it should work
Legendary]Atlantea: Terry. You going to be online for awhile?
Legendary]Ankhani: Would be worth a try.
Legendary]Wiregeek: both accounts involved saying 'yeah, this was in error, please HALP'
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Yeah
Legendary]Silhouette.: I think I"m going to log for a bit. Getting mapserved a lot, and there's minor brownouts in the region. The snowfall must be hitting us somewhere...
Legendary]Atlantea: Ok. Let's try that. We're calling City Hall!
Legendary]Wiregeek: Sil: Cheers!
Legendary]Atlantea: Later!
Legendary]Terrence Knight: >.> its sad but I was enjoying the star
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
[Tell] @Wiregeek:  if it's any consolation, I find this more hilarious because of terr's reaction than the initial error
Legendary]Terrence Knight: I didn't earn it but its shiney
Legendary]Wiregeek: HA
[Tell] -->@Wiregeek:  LOL.... Me too.
Legendary]Wiregeek: the Power Bug has bitten you
Legendary]Atlantea: Hehe
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
Legendary]Ankhani: ... If Emet/Amber ends up a leader after this I'm gonna Lol lots
Legendary]Wiregeek: you won't be happy now until you have TAKEN OVER THE WORLD
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Nah wire thats too much effort
Legendary]Wiregeek: if Mag ended up leader, oh there would be some changes.
Legendary]Terrence Knight: mag can't be leader
Legendary]Wiregeek: first rule, and this is ironclad
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
Legendary]Wiregeek: no discussion, no exceptions
Legendary]Ankhani: @_@
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *eats all the taco's*
Legendary]Wiregeek: *makes more tacos*
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *walks away full*
Legendary]Terrence Knight: I can't imagine the kind of havoc that would wreak if Terr was stuck managing the legendary base for a day
Legendary]Atlantea: Oi...
Legendary]Ankhani: Well I think we a;ready have it said.
Legendary]Wiregeek: by what, sitting at the desk, crying, while the catgirls ran amok?
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Hahah
Legendary]Atlantea: Lora'Lai: "DON'T touch the desk! There's a SYSTEM ON THE DESK!"
Legendary]Ankhani: Terr: "Rhea! I'm leader! HRALP!"
Legendary]Atlantea: (Petition sent, BTW.)
Legendary]Terrence Knight: ok
Legendary]Ankhani: Send one in Terr
Legendary]Ebony: >"I don't get it. Terrence just sat down and the monitor system crashed. He didn't touch anything!"
Legendary]Ankhani: Tele-klutzism
Legendary]Terrence Knight: SO I need to send in a petition as well?
Legendary]Ankhani: Yes
Legendary]Atlantea: It would probably be a good idea.
Legendary]Ankhani: Just say somthing like you were accidently promoted to high and can't be demoted
Legendary]Atlantea: Just mention that you were mistakenly promoted and that your SG leader and you both want it corrected.
Legendary]Atlantea: Something like that.
Legendary]Wiregeek: ....can we implement the traditional ritual to welcome a new CO?
Legendary]Ankhani: Mention Atl's Global/Acc Name maybe?
Legendary]Atlantea: Yeah. Mention my global.
Legendary]Atlantea: So who's writing up the story? ^_^
Legendary]Ankhani: You could?
Legendary]Ankhani: ... I can't
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Ok petition sent
Legendary]Terrence Knight: I did mention your name
Legendary]Atlantea: Hmm...  Lora'Lai working late at night. Jackie Frost doing one of her "distraction" bits again. Lora'Lai hits wrong key twice before logging out of mainframe. She and Eva get called away to a mission in Cimerora. Shizuru is incommunicado in Japan...
Legendary]Ebony: And everyone else is sympathetic, but unable to help.
Legendary]Atlantea: Mainframe notices Lora'Lai and Eva overdue and automatically looks up the next available leader for the morning shift. Terrence gets the news that he's leader and would he please report to the monitor station?
Legendary]Wiregeek: Pooky overhears and prepares the traditional welcome of a new CO
Legendary]Terrence Knight: 0_0
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
Legendary]Wiregeek: ((plastic-wrap cubicle, fill with packing peanuts
Legendary]Ebony: Jackie comes on to the new "boss."
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Oh hell no
Legendary]Wiregeek: Today, coincidentally, is Catgirl Field Trip day
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol Terr would find some way to put a forcefeild between himself and Jackie
Legendary]Atlantea: (ROTFLAO)
Legendary]Ankhani: ...En would if Jackie didn't
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *whimper*
Legendary]Ankhani: if only to make Terr Sweatdrop
Legendary]Atlantea: This just gets better and better...
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Hee Error makes good story material
Legendary]Wiregeek: Terr manages to get things under control
Legendary]Ankhani: En has different reasons for Teasing Ter than Jackie does.
Legendary]Wiregeek: and..   P.E.T.A. shows up on the transporter platform
Legendary]Atlantea: Oh god...
Legendary]Ankhani: Again?
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *facepalm*
Legendary]Wiregeek: ((It's OK, they want to apologize, but who's gonna take the time and figure _that_ out?))
Legendary]Ebony: Actually, I could see him fleeing Jackie to the safety of the office, to find En stretched across the desk in a "sexy secretary" outfit.
Legendary]Wiregeek: Terrence Knight - Diplomat
Legendary]Atlantea: *HEADDESK*
Legendary]Terrence Knight: You'd be surprised Wire
Legendary]Wiregeek: Ebony: YES
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
Legendary]Ankhani: *Steepels hands*
Legendary]Ebony: And in the middle of it all, the Rikti attack, leaving Terrence saying, "THANK YOU GOD!"
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *snort*
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Good thing fox isn't here
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Else i'd have this horrible feeling that Nogi would get involved in shenanigens
Legendary]Ankhani: Or Inari
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Tru
Legendary]Ebony: Terrence (dusting off hands): "Nothing like a little mindless violence to clear the head."
Legendary]Atlantea: Who says we won't tell Foxboy all about this anyway? (saves chatlog)
Legendary]Terrence Knight: ....
Legendary]Terrence Knight: *twitch*
Legendary]Wiregeek: this is easily accounted for
Legendary]Wiregeek: CUTSCENE: Lady Nogi, in front of a computer terminal, Spoooky lighting, steepling her hands as she watches Terrence tormented by catgirls, with Jackie clinging to his shoulder
Legendary]Wiregeek: Lady Nogitsune: Just As Planned
Legendary]Terrence Knight: Either A: Eva and lora will relieve terrence of command..leaving him greatful..or B:they'll decide he handled things well enough and will stay as co-leader as -last resort command unit-
Legendary]Terrence Knight: lol
I think it will all culminate with Terrence being corrupted by the power of being leader, and taking advice from his veteran pets, a Clockwork and a Will
o' the Wisp. The others wrench control of the group from him before he elects a horse to take over as Base Designer and orders the rest of the Legendary to
attack Bloody Bay. Not the zone, but the actual bay itself.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Atlantea's building stratagy seeems uncon-vent-ional, but effective. 8)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Corrupted by power? Now that just hurts, Cmon now Terr isn't that sorta guy and luckly He doesn't have veteran pets yet ^_^ He'd always defer to
one of the other three unless he felt really strongly about something..and would be.....reluctant to take control unless he had no other sane choice.

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