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"Harry Muyo" -- A Work In Progress
09-23-2011, 03:37 AM
Okay, branching off the "Crossovers That Should Be" thread, here's the current seed of the fic idea: (Copied from that thread)
You have a point. Not to mention, Washuu doesn't modify anyone else in
the house, and Ryoko was built from scratch, something she can't do
with Harry. (Although I imagine it might be an interesting option much
later in the plot. Perhaps Harry gets all-but-killed in a year 5 or so
encounter with Voldie or DEs, and rather than leave him paralyzed or in
a coma or something she moves him into a custom-built body. But rather
than becoming Superboy overnight, he has to learn how to use its
abilities and it takes him a long time just to get the simple
ones, like flight.)
I have my own problems with the ping-pong-ball Harry idea, where he
bounces back and forth between Dumbledore and Washuu -- I think after
the second exchange, Washuu's going to go after Harry with the entire
Tenchi cast as help -- especially if any of them have managed to
meet Harry. (In fact, I can see Sasami and Harry becoming
playmates -- depending on what physical/mental age you see Sasami at;
I've seen her pegged at anywhere between 8 and 12.) And I think there's
a little fun to be poked at all the fanfic Harries who show up at
Hogwarts speaking Japanese, wearing kimono and carrying katana; this
Harry may end of speaking Japanese (if he learned it honestly; I can
also see Washuu just injecting him with translator nanites or something
because it's faster, in which case he can talk to everything,
not just snakes), but he'll be as ignorant of Japanese culture as he is
of Wizarding -- though he might have a somewhat confused grounding in
Juraian culture...
Okay, boiling down this ramble, how's this for a basic concept?
Mihoshi does something Mihoshi-like, and connects Washuu's lab to
Harry's closet in a (for the purposes of the story) permanent and
undoable way, when Harry's 8 or 9 years old. It's not door-to-door,
otherwise the Dursleys would notice; it's more like the Wardrobe to
Narnia, in that the back wall simply goes away and Harry can keep
walking deeper and deeper in, until he's in the lab proper. Which he
does, visiting several times before Washuu notices him. Under the
crazy, we know Washuu's a big softy for kids, so while she calls him a
minion and keeps him hopping, she's also treating him well and healing
what needs healing. etc. She injects him with translator nanites right
from the start (for much fun later on, when he's at Hogwarts and finds
he can talk to snakes, centaurs, merfolk, house-elves... practically
anything that has its own language), and while she doesn't actually
teach him a lot of really powerful stuff, she finds he's a
polite, attentive and quiet child and talks to him about what
she's doing, from which he picks up a mixed bag of information, though
little in the way of actual skills. (Said information will make him
seem almost as odd as Luna, once he gets to Hogwarts...) The first time
he shows up bruised and battered from Dudley, she gives him a personal
force field unit.
The rest of the house discovers him when Ayeka comes in one afternoon
to inform Washuu that dinner's ready, finds the two of them together,
and Washuu drags Harry to the meal when she learns he was sent to his
closet without dinner. As a result he ends up with a playmate in Sasami
and a big sister in Ryoko, and a stuffy but kinda nice spinster aunt in
Ayeka. And Mihoshi thinks he's the cutest thing since Hello Kitty. Oh,
and a kinda confused big brother in Tenchi. And he loves the temple.
And he learns a little kenjutsu from Tenchi and Grandpa. And of course
Sasami and Harry cook together, which is the first time he does it for
fun and people who appreciate it. All in all, getting sent to his
closet is actually a pleasant refuge for him, and the only problems he
has are a growing lack of sleep (because of the time difference between
England and Japan), and not letting the Dursleys know.
And when he starts doing accidental magic, well, he goes right to
Washuu and tells her about it, because hey, he can do stuff like all
the girls can. Why is that, Washuu-oba-chan? "Well, Harry, if you'll
just stand here, and hold these two electrodes in your hands, and this
third one in your mouth, we'll see what I can find out."
And when he gets back from the shopping trip with Hagrid, he
immediately goes to Washuu's lab to tell her about the letter and
Hogwarts. Which results in him going to school with a few "gifts" from
the household, a couple of cloaked sensor drones. and anything else we
can think of that's fun but not overpowering.
Oh, and a door to the Lab materializes somewhere in the Castle...
And from there? Well, we can figure that out next.
Well, one thing I want to add is that while Harry has all the mechanics of Japanese, he doesn't have the cultural matrix for its correct use -- and Ayeka takes it on herself to teach him both proper Japanese and proper Juraian manners/speech.
I should also note that we don't have to jigger the timelines too much to make this work. The Tenchi OVAs started in 1992; assuming the story they tell takes place in that year, we need only backdate it three years to have a 9-year-old Harry meet the cast, post-Kagato.
Oh. And I can't wait for Hermione to follow Harry through the door in the dungeons...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
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Dang it Bob, now you got me thinking about all these wonderful quotes about Science and Magic
Arthur C Clarks's Third Law:
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
A quote from the story "The Sorcerer at Rhiannon" by Leigh Bracket
"Witchcraft to the ignorant, .... Simple science to the learned"
And how about Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid 2:
"There's no such thing as miracles or the supernatural, only cutting-edge technology."
Into terror!, Into valour!
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Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
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Oh yes. This will do nicely.
There will be many more explosions at Hogwarts than usual for the next few years.
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Magic? Bah, 'magic' is just a copout when you don't want to admit your SCIENCE! is insufficiently advanced!
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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It is obvious to any serious wizard that the Light Hawk Wings are a magical phenomenon. Why, they're even produced using a wand. Can't say why the Japanese would be so silly as to make it look like a sword hilt, but that's foreigners for you.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I think your missing that the Castle literally has a preexisting room that will open a door to Washu's lab because someone wants it to... a room that will move itself around if someone wants it bad enough. Its call the room of requirements.
Washu will/has except(ed) magic as something she can/has studied with Science!!! Washu doesn't have those arrogant notations that understanding how magic does something makes it no longer magic, but science. She gets that science and Science!!! are processes and mind sets not some kind of all consuming blob of nomming doom. Magic is a force/form of energy manipulation that can be studied... not something that needs to be uncreated... by somehow explaining its the result of string theory that somehow works even if we don't understand string theory and can't prove it it negates the concept of magic and therefore is a better idea to believe in.
Anyway, The Master Key is a wand. Its just one for channeling divine magic and not arcane.
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Er... Science isn't a what, it's a how. You can study anything observable with it, because it's a method of observing phenomena and recording observations in a regularized way that allows you to, after poking X with a stick enough times, predict how X will twitch. If you can't get X to twitch or can't see the twitches, then either your stick or your magnifying glass are insufficiently advanced, and crying "magic" is what you do when you don't want to admit it, that's what I was saying.
I mean... From the viewpoint of most of human existence, we live in a magical age of wonders. For the most ordinary example I can think of, take the pocket cigarette lighter. It's made of metal and a strange substance unlike anything found in the field, which is incredibly light, fairly tough, and as clear as a mountain stream. Inside that, you can see a hollow chamber filled with water, or something like it, yet by spinning the wheel at the top and making a fountain of sparks, you create FIRE. You crazy wizard you! And then there's, you know, we all have these weird glowing slates, with a bunch of runes on a connected panel that change what's on the slate when we touch them, and what's more they all seem to be linked together... Sorcery! No normal mortal could do that! They must be relics of the gods themselves! And so on. Everyone knows how these things work (in general at least) because people have been refining their sticks and magnifying glasses and recording their observations and passing them around for a while now, so they don't seem all that wonderous, but THAT'S THE POINT.
- CD, Caution: the above may contain errors in logic and or technical quality. I'm barely up, gimme a break.
ETA: You know what? FUKKEN SIGGED. I'ma stand by that.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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And I've said it before -- any magic that has consistently repeatable effects, as in "twirl wand thusly and say 'leapin' wombats' to conjure a boiled egg" is a science. Its fundamental reasons and rules may not yet be understood, but it is clearly subject to experimentation and investigation.
That aside, let's get back to the main thread. So... Harry goes to Hogwarts with an owl, a trunk, cloaked sensor drones, a personal force field generator, and a whole lot of very powerful people in Japan who are interested in how he's doing. How does this warp Philosopher's Stone? Does Sasami insist on coming to visit Harry? (Can she turn into Pretty Sammy? And what are the plot implications of that?) What do wizarding folk think of Juraian hair colors?
Okay, basic core AU question: after hanging with Washuu for two+ years, does Harry still get sorted into Gryffindor?
After that... well... I see the troll fight going very differently, with a force-field-encased Harry, but I don't have much more of an image than that.
Oh, and when no one takes the trio seriously about the Stone at the end, Harry drags Ron and Hermione into Washuu's lab with him as he goes to get backup he a) knows can handle Snape and b) trusts.
Anyone want to throw out any ideas or suggestions?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Sasami is going to want write in the very least. Visiting might be tricky, because Hogwarts is Unplottable. Now, Sasami might be able to locate platform 9 3/4 and follow the train tracks from there, but she would still have to deal with the illusions surrounding Hogwarts. Washu would be able to deal with those things, but if anyone else is going to have some problems.
Also, Dumbledore will jump to get Washu in on his side- aside from the obvious benefits of being friendly with a alien genius/goddesss, he spent five years not telling Harry about the prophecy because he didn't want to hurt him. He'll ask for Washu's help, simply because he won't want to see Harry hurt any more than Washu does.
Also, the Jurian tech may or may-not malfuction, depending on how magic-resistant it is.
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Another concept to think about: Arthur Weasley, the technophile, somehow gets into the Lab...and sees technology he can *understand*. [evil grin]
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Once Harry actually HAS friends, loyalty to them is basically his defining characteristic - he puts up with Ron's repeatedly going into snits and immediately accepts the most half-assed apologies, likewise for Hermione's constant nagging and pushing. Clearly 'puff material, and it's not as if he's likely to cleave any less firmly to the Tenchi cast. At the same time, being Washuu's lab assistant (someone who's not just willing but eager to answer questions about what she's doing and how it works!) is likely to have developed his intellectual curiosity at least a bit as well, and the Hat did say that he could go in any House.
To try to rule something out... well, I suppose keeping the fact that he rather likes being put in his closet a secret so the Dursleys wouldn't stop and stick him somewhere else out of spite (the attic maybe? Tract houses like their suburb are more likely built on slabs than to have a basement, and giving him Dinky Duddums' toy room is a bit much even to stop him from visiting the closet-freaks) could have increased his cunning still (not to mention sneaking down to the closet after they move him out due to the letters) but there's as likely to have been situations were his courage was tested as much; in the Masaki household just staying at the table to finish dinner despite two or three of the others (coughayekaandryokocoughcough) getting in their usual argument could qualify for that. As so very many fanfic authors of all levels of ability have explored, it comes down to the situation at the moment still for which House he ends up in.
The anti-Rons have mostly convinced me that without him being basically the first person to exchange freindly words with him Harry would not put up with his continual cycle of jealousy and touchiness, but a wild-haired girl who's very bright and kinda pushy, well, Hermione should make him feel much more at home in the new environment, in an odd sort of way.
On the subject of Harry's gizmos, I'd expect that if his vision hadn't been previously corrected (and really even if it had, for the purposes of keeping it hidden) his glasses would be replaced with identical-appearing super-sensor indexed-database heads-up scan-o-matics, possibly with integrated face-protection & anti-fume force field for lab use, and that incorporating the material from his schoolbooks into the database would be a reflex action as soon as he got them even if it wasn't a matter of importing this material to give Washuu a baseline and background for studying the newly revealed magical society of Earth. Whether the scan-specs have a live connection to Washuu's own computers and the degree of access Harry has to them if so would be another question, but if he's been acting as her lab assistant then giving him the ability to look up the procedures and properties of what she's working on would be of obvious benefit, and even if it's "just the basics" that's still "the basics" according to Washuu.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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One more thing: Quote:I see the troll fight going very differently, with a force-field-encased Harry, but I don't have much more of an image than that.
Hmm, if you're fighting a troll, but the troll can't actually hurt you, does that mean you're (puts on sunglasses) trolling him?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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ClassicDrogn Wrote:On the subject of Harry's gizmos, I'd expect that if his vision hadn't been previously corrected (and really even if it had, for the purposes of keeping it hidden) his glasses would be replaced with identical-appearing super-sensor indexed-database heads-up scan-o-matics, possibly with integrated face-protection & anti-fume force field for lab use, and that incorporating the material from his schoolbooks into the database would be a reflex action as soon as he got them even if it wasn't a matter of importing this material to give Washuu a baseline and background for studying the newly revealed magical society of Earth. Whether the scan-specs have a live connection to Washuu's own computers and the degree of access Harry has to them if so would be another question, but if he's been acting as her lab assistant then giving him the ability to look up the procedures and properties of what she's working on would be of obvious benefit, and even if it's "just the basics" that's still "the basics" according to Washuu. This brings to mind an interesting point. What sorts of tools would her lab assistant need to use in there on a day-to-day basis?
Given the sheer SCIENCE! there, wouldn't basic Lab equipment and safety gear, with an inventive enough mind in charge of it, be enough to fight a battle on their own?
I'm picturing a teenage Harry nipping off to the Lab to borrow a few pieces of kit in DH, and fighting his way out of the Dursley house, for example.
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I've been writing a bit.
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:The rest of the house discovers him when Ayeka comes in one afternoon
to inform Washuu that dinner's ready, finds the two of them together,
and Washuu drags Harry to the meal when she learns he was sent to his
closet without dinner. Given the eight hour time difference between England and Japan, if Harry was sent to bed without dinner (and has been hanging around Washuu's lab for a few hours), you may want Ayeka to be calling Washuu to breakfast.
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Shepherd Wrote:Bob Schroeck Wrote:The rest of the house discovers him when Ayeka comes in one afternoon
to inform Washuu that dinner's ready, finds the two of them together,
and Washuu drags Harry to the meal when she learns he was sent to his
closet without dinner. Given the eight hour time difference between England and Japan, if Harry was sent to bed without dinner (and has been hanging around Washuu's lab for a few hours), you may want Ayeka to be calling Washuu to breakfast. Given what is typically served for breakfast at the Masaki household, I suspect Harry wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Quote:Sasami is going to want write in the very least. Visiting might be tricky, because Hogwarts is Unplottable.
Not really relevant if, as I noted, a Door finds its way into the castle. And Hogwarts is almost certainly unplottable only in 4 dimensions; Washuu is going to be scanning from a much higher position, so to speak. Quote:Hmm, if you're fighting a troll, but the troll can't actually hurt you, does that mean you're (puts on sunglasses) trolling him?
(Sorry, I had to.) Quote:Given the sheer SCIENCE! there, wouldn't basic Lab equipment and safety gear, with an inventive enough mind in charge of it, be enough to fight a battle on their own?
That's a great point. Harry is very good at improvising with the materials/situation at hand. Make those materials TL15+ and... whoa. Quote:I'm picturing a teenage Harry nipping off to the Lab to borrow a few pieces of kit in DH, and fighting his way out of the Dursley house, for example.
First things first -- let's get him to age 12 before we start thinking DH. Quote:...calling Washuu to breakfast/not able to tell the difference
Point, and point.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Harry can be in any House he wanted to be in canon. He is tricky to place as he doesn't have any particular overwhelming feature and has all four in large and roughly equal amounts. What makes him go to the House of Griffindore is that Malfoy is in Slitherin and is Draco Malfoy. So Malfoy 'Do Not Want' equaled Slytherin 'Do Not Want'. The other three were up for grabs to Harry. Gryphindore was, I think, a combo between having friends there and being willing tell off a thousand year old, intelligent hat that is currently determining the fate of dozens if not hundreds of people each year. If I recall correctly, Harry said out loud (which is odd in and of itself, as I recall no one else in any year doing that) Harry said basically, 'Don't care where I go except not Slytherin'.
In short, unless Harry is effectively 'super charged' toward one House or another it will be his conversation with the hat that determines his House.
I think it got skipped over last time I mentioned this, but all Harry need to do is wander past a single corridor, a few times, thinking about needing to have a door to Washu's lab around her. The room of requirements handles the rest. At that point Washu can just figure out a way to reach the coordinates she gets from that preexisting Door.
Apparently, you guys entirely missed the point in my previous post.... in short Super Science characters in many fictions berserk because someone says 'magic' exists... and magic not being science is all superstition and insane gibberish... they freak out more if It must be Science we don't understand... this is particularly prevalent in Marvel. Washu is of the opposite school of admitting it exists and finding sticks to poke it with... This topic usually ends up shaping a quarter of the plot of stories where a scientist finds proof of magic's existence... and has to deal with the hooror.
I could go into a whole thing about people treating Science as a religion (where science equals the known and understanding and magic equals the unknown and gibberish, also how much that all those Magic bad, Scinece gooooood quotes annoy me), but as Washu doesn't fall into that logic trap I'll be happy its avoided and leave it at that for now. Unless it becomes relivant again.
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Quote:In short, unless Harry is effectively 'super charged' toward one House or another it will be his conversation with the hat that determines his House.
Well, I think you should also count Hagrid's rather obvious anti-Slytherin bias in there somewhere as well, but it all amounts to the same thing, so yeah, it boils down to how the actual Hat encounter goes. As for magic vs. science, the only thing I'll say before dropping it is that I'm drawing a line between science and technology that you (Necratoid) don't seem to be - but this is the internet, and any logical argument can and will be used against the speaker in the court of public opinion. Or something. Anyway, this is about Potter & Company.
(You have entered a room. It is 50ft by 100ft. It contains five tables. It contains many schoolchildren. It contains several schoolteachers. It contains a stool. It contains a Hat. The Hat attacks with Brainal Probe!)
The trouble with connecting via the Room of Requirements is that it's such a fantastically useful McGuffin that everybody uses the damn thing for whatever they want, and bascially every method of getting Harry to find it early has already been used as well. Much better if a modern-looking wooden door with a crab-shaped knocker on it pops up in a previously dead-end nook, or - oh, now this would be good! Randomly replaces a classroom door at various times, but never when a staff member is about to go through it (Hogwarts is playing a little joke, it seems) leading to the occasional History or Defense or Herbology or Astronomy lesson getting taught by "Professor Washuu" and making for some very confused students, more or less amused or annoyed staff, and a HIGHLY curious Dumbledore - and even though the lessons are quite odd by wizard standards they all still WORK ... more or less. Washuu herself might even be behind it, on the theory that the best way to really get a lock on new material is to teach it, and/or testing her theories of the inner workings of magic.
I would love to see Snape's expression on being presented with an entire class worth (all different for each lab pair) of potions totally unknown to him, all with more or less complete and accurate notes on the brewing (since they are student work after all) and have to try to figure out exactly what they are. He'd love it, it's a genuine challenge unlike brewing up yet another batch of blood-replenisher for the hospital wing or riding herd on a bunch of witless children befouling HIS potions lab, but he'd hate it because of the involvement of witless children and having been excluded in the first place.
- CD
ETA: this could also lead to having a short redheaded egomaniac instead of a tall blond egomaniac as the DADA teacher for second year - with the difference that while Washuu may not know a whole about this magic stuff even after a whole year of study, the accomplishments she claims are actually genuine, and she at least knows how to teach.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
The Wanderer
One point I don't think I remember having seen mentioned yet: the "advanced technology doesn't work at Hogwarts because of all the magic" thing.
While, yes, Washuu could get around that if need be, that doesn't mean that her existing/baseline/default equipment - such as whatever she's likely to have provided Harry with by the time he goes there, unless she's seen (a lesser version of?) the same effect before - is going to be immune to the effect. It could, in fact, be even more susceptible, simply by being so much more finely detailed and precise, unless specially "hardened" somehow. It really all depends, ultimately, on exactly how that anti-technology side effect actually works... and I don't think I've ever seen a good model or explanation of that, in or out of fanfic.
That's talking about gadgetry such as scan-o-goggles and remote computer access and force-field generators and so forth, of course. The sort of biotechnology that goes into creating a Ryouko (and, thus, into whatever direct modifications Harry may have undergone, if you go in that direction) is likely to be another story, and remotely powered and run setups - such as whatever it is that does the "create a door to the lab without having to be near the endpoint of the door" bit - might be as well.
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Quote:Much better if a modern-looking wooden door with a crab-shaped knocker on it pops up in a previously dead-end nook, or - oh, now this would be good! Randomly replaces a classroom door at various times, but never when a staff member is about to go through it (Hogwarts is playing a little joke, it seems) leading to the occasional History or Defense or Herbology or Astronomy lesson getting taught by "Professor Washuu" and making for some very confused students, more or less amused or annoyed staff, and a HIGHLY curious Dumbledore
Oh, I like that. Definitely going to throw that into the mix. Quote:this could also lead to having a short redheaded egomaniac instead of a tall blond egomaniac as the DADA teacher for second year - with the difference that while Washuu may not know a whole about this magic stuff even after a whole year of study, the accomplishments she claims are actually genuine, and she at least knows how to teach.
Hm. And the required texts may be just as extensive and expensive, but far harder to get... Quote:One point I don't think I remember having seen mentioned yet: the "advanced technology doesn't work at Hogwarts because of all the magic" thing.
I'm leaning toward handwaving that away to a degree. Washuu's creations all seem very, very robust -- the Souja, anyone? -- far more so than "current" technology. Small things -- like maybe that forcefield generator -- might be overloaded by the magic field around Hogwarts, but I can't see Washuu's lab door being affected at all.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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It's a matter of relative power and rule of cool - and Washuu is one of the three primary powers of the universe. Washuu's investions operate on a far more fundamental level than mundane technology - so whatever effect messes up electricity in Hogwarts is extremely unlikely to be able to affect her.
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Quote:the required texts may be just as extensive and expensive, but far harder to get...
Oh, I think Washuu would account for that, at least once someone reminded her that _Topics in Transitional Topology_ by Heironymous Rabbal has not been available since Ryoko's little Kagato-induced visit to Jurai happened to intersect with the orbital facility where the publishing house was based, let alone on Earth, and that Gordin's _On the Importance of Civilized Debate_ was banned throughout GP space after one of the sessions of whatever they call their oversight committee were wiped out by the members using its teachings during a spirited discussion (in which voices were raised, and ties may have been loosened) and accidentally opened their chamber to space. Several layers of armor and shields notwithstanding. Anyway, I expect either Flourish & Blottts would get a mysterious delivery via dimensionally transcendent free-floating window in the air, or she'd just pass them out at the first or second class.
And now I'm snickering over that word, 'committee.' It even LOOKS redundant. That many Ms and Ts can't be necessary, can they?So the committee says.
As for getting her out of there to let Remus in third year, either don't (Hah, like some bush league wanna-be conqueror's curse is going to chase HER out?) and let Remus take over history after Binns has an unfortunate accident with a particle accellerator, or have her do History, or just have the Board of Governors remove her because she doesn't have documentation from an ICW approved magical school and dragondungbufflalochipswhinehorseapplesneer.
-CD, the GP is probably not as 'British Empire' as I see them in my mind, but it makes for an amusing image.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Ha! When asked about magic, and Science, Washu merely states:
1. Any technology that is distinguished from magic is insufficiently advanced.
2. Any magic that is distinguished from technology is insufficiently subtle.
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Manytales: I can live with that. RFC: Can we make that The Final Word for this thread at least?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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I'm okay with that. The only amendment I'd make is that, in the case of potions and herbology, there's an "observer effect" that controls whether you get mundane or magical effects/properties, which Washuu would be delighted to discover... followed by a Potions class "substitution" where she demonstrates the magical properties of a number of extraterrestrial substances, which she has just discovered.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.