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G.I. JOE: Resolute
G.I. JOE: Resolute
It's G.I. JOE for people who watched it as a kid and are all grow'd up. Written by Warren Ellis.

Watch it here.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Quote: It's G.I. JOE for people who watched it as a kid and are all grow'd up.
No, that's Larry Hama's comic series. This is just Warren Ellis masturbating.

Which is more tolerable than Garth Ennis masturbating, but not by much.


"We're from the government! We want that moustache!"
He made Dial-Tone a hot nerd girl. I can forgive quite a few foibles just for that.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Honestly, it seems mostly like "Okay, it's GI Joe, but we'll actually kill people!" Certain things, particularly the major character death at
the end of part 8, seem tacked on just to make it darker for just that reason. Maybe it's supposed to be a continuation of previous series, in order to get
the proper sense of continuity that'd make that fight actually worthwhile, but as a new series, ending such a huge plot point in the first episode seems
like cheap shock.

The sheer number of named deaths in the first episode also feels like cheap shock, for that matter. Bludd's death in the first five minutes of the show
strikes me as pointless beyond motivating Cobra Commander's little "things are different now" speech midway through. Especially when, to my
knowledge, Bludd wasn't much of a traitor as he was someone willing to sell out anyone else to make his position under Cobra Commander more secure.
Destro'd challenged Cobra Commander's leadership more than Bludd, but we don't see him killed off, presumably because he's more worthwhile as a

Maybe I'm spoiled by the comics wherein Cobra Commander's gotten away with crap somehow besides magical competence increase (particularly killing Lady
Jaye and then walking away from a full Joe platoon by rattling off the real names and loved ones of the first five guys to run up to him, thus implying he
could have them killed the same way unless they let him go). The mixed acknowledgment between Cobra Commander's previous incompetence and his current
attesting that it was all an act meant to get more out of his troops just rings of retcon for the sake of retcon. They're already seemingly doing a reboot
with this, so why not just do that? Make it a distinct reboot with Cobra competent from the beginning.

I dunno. Maybe it's the fact that I have a knee-jerk reaction to anything "darker and edgier" that Warren Ellis does that makes me expect more
out of him to live up to the hype he generates almost constantly at the dropping of his name. Maybe I'm still a bit bitter about his run on Thunderbolts
which was probably as much him as it was the editorial direction at Marvel. But this doesn't do anything that particularly excites me. The most
interesting thing was that apparently Cobra developed particle beams of all things, but the random "Oh, let's blow up Moscow" seems so generic.
It seems like you could insert any ruthless terrorist organization into the slot and it'd be just as feasible. I mean, c'mon. It's freaking Cobra.
If you give them an orbital death laser, I don't give a shit about realism. Have them carve the freaking Cobra emblem into Moscow with lasers from the
heavens. THAT, at least, would be fitting of Cobra Commander's overblown sense of drama.

Of course, I'm sure people that have less baggage about the writer here would probably enjoy this a whole lot, so I can't exactly say it's a bad
show. Just....not exciting to me.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

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