Team Metric Are Go! by Shayne Dark (Ottawa, Canada) Copyright (C) 2004, by Shayne Dark 0500 Training Centre IST Headquarter, Great Britain. Thibor briefly considered requesting permission to die. It was only the eighth lap around the indoor track, but already his body was openly rebelling against the punishment he was inflicting on it. Ahead of him, Cammy was jogging effortlessly, her sleek muscles pushing her ahead with easy rhythm. The sight of her supple, muscular, body, barely concealed in her impossibly tight bodystocking was enough to give Thibor a second wind, and he pushed back the discomfort and matched her pace, falling into position slightly behind her. The last mission had been hard on him, and his body still hadn't caught up. Being pummelled by the demon had been bad enough, but Kyoumen, under the control of some sorcererous dickhead, had flattened him with Maxwell's mystical silver hammer. He was bruised from front to back and all parts in-between; parts he was quite fond of. To make matters worse, the poisonous effect of the silver lingered, inhibiting his ability to heal the wounds. Rather than regenerating in a matter of minutes, he could look forward to several weeks of aches of pains while his body shook off the effect of the silver poisoning. "Come on slowpoke." Cammy glanced over her shoulder. "Get a wiggle on." She doubled her efforts and began pulling away from Thibor with disturbing ease. "What do I get if I catch you?" Thibor managed a wolfish smile and increased his pace. "Basket of goodies? Or maybe I'll..." "Thibor!" Cammy blushed. "Really!" "Just like in the story." Thibor finished. "Here I come." "Eek!" Cammy's face was bright with excitement as Thibor leapt at her. Halfway through the leap, his body swelled as he summoned his inner wolf. His thick, Slavic features gave way to the long muzzle of a wolf and his sweatshirt tore asunder as his chest and arms swelled with prenatural strength. The pain receded from stabbing agony to a dull ache. The transformation always flooded his body with a burst of endorphins and adrenaline, not to mention a jolt of supernatural what have you. "Too slow. Wolves get goodies, not turtles." Cammy easily ducked under the leap, and rolled towards the centre of the training room, Thibor was easily as fast as she was on open ground, but her size and agility would give her an edge when it came to dodging around the Nautilus equipment and weight stations that were scattered about the training room. She hurriedly glanced around. Good. The hour was early enough that even the most die-hard of exercise fanatics had not arrived. With everything that had gone on lately, it would be nice to have a rough and tumble romp. "I'll huff and I'll puff." Thibor circled to the left, trying to cut her off. "That's because you are an old wolf and getting soft round the middle." Cammy teased, she feinted right and then flipped backwards, neatly threading her lithe body through the bars of a weight bench and landing in a crouch on the other side. She briefly wondered what would happen if Thibor caught her? Old world courtesy and caring were lovely and very much appreciated, but there was something about the enormous muscles and long, white teeth that sent tingles up and down her spine. The tingling redoubled as Thibor moved through the obstacle, tossing a half tonne of weights out of the way with a casual flick of his arm. "Why grandmother, what big muscles you have. Whoops!" The momentary distraction was enough to let Thibor close with her. Rather than try and dodge, Cammy grabbed a double handful of Thibor's fur and rolled backwards, planting her foot in his stomache. The werewolf's own momentum was enough to carry him over her and into a row of treadmills. "Had enough?" Cammy grinned and raised her fists as Thibor staggered to his feet. Still reeling from the impact, he took two unsteady steps away from her, half falling against a bin of medicine balls. "Is not yet having started to fight." There was no shakiness in Thibor's voice, and Cammy ducked as a medicine ball flew through the space her head had occupied seconds ago. She dodged the next two easily, moving to the right of each as they hurtled towards her. Clever wolf, the appearance of having been stunned was a ruse and he was manoeuvring her into an area where her mobility would be cut down. As the next medicine ball came towards her, rather than let Thibor dictate the fight, Cammy leapt straight up and pushed off the ball as it passed beneath her. "Cannon Spike." Cammy's boot drove into Thibor's plexus, causing him to double up, grasping at the point of impact. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. "Frankensteiner!" Cammy moved right into her signature throw. As her legs wrapped around Thibor's neck, she realized that his grasping at his plexus had been another ruse, to bring his hands into position to grab her around the waist and keep her from completing the manoeuvre. She was caught in a rather undignified, and revealing position. "Oh dear." Cammy bit her lip slightly in anticipation, remembering what had happened the last time she had been caught like this. She wondered if she had deliberately left herself open to his strategy. The inadvertent double entendre, caused her to blush even more brightly. "Getting enough exercise then, are we?" Colonel Byrd's unmistakable, Liverpool accent, rang through the room. "Best way to start the morning that is. Pump some iron, break a good sweat and show up for work with a nice 'ealthy glow." Byrd rolled into the room with a confident gait, trailed by his adjutant, and sycophant Captain O'Neil. Cammy felt her stomach drop and the world spun briefly. Most of the sensation was due to being caught in a rather embarrassing situation, although a small portion could be attributed to Thibor flipping her over and placing her back on her feet. "Colonel." Her face glowing with embarrassment, Cammy saluted sharply, keenly aware that every inch of her was indeed standing at attention. Byrd returned the gesture with a highly self-satisfied smile. Thibor snagged a pair of towels off of a bench and draped one around his neck, offering the second to Cammy, who accepted it gratefully and did the same. "Major." Byrd turned his attention to Thibor. "Given 'ow the Lieutenant Colonel 'as gifted you with a small taste of command, I was 'oping you would volunteer for a little job I 'ave." Thibor suppressed a full body wince. Byrd's tone, like Cammy's bodystocking, left very little to the imagination. Hoping you would volunteer was as close to a concession as Byrd was willing to offer. There was a shit job barrelling towards him with dread intent and no room to sidestep. Every one of his military instincts screamed at him about not volunteering, but refusal would turn a "Hope you would volunteer" into an "Order to volunteer." There was no escape, save for perhaps making Byrd and O'Neil disappear, and there wasn't enough hot sauce and relish in the world to make that task possible or palatable. There was nothing to be done, but put on a good face, pretend it was his own idea, and plot a horrible revenge for some other time. "Absolutely." Thibor said with as much good cheer as he could muster. His yellow, wolfen eyes met Byrd's in a moment of shared understanding. He could take it. He could take anything Byrd dished out and keep coming. "It wouldn't hurt you to salute the Colonel." O'Neil prodded from his position behind Byrd. "Now Bluey." Byrd cautioned lightly. "You know the Major has 'is own feelings on military discipline and procedure. Especially concerning 'is association with superior officers. No need to 'ammer the point 'ome." Cammy bit at her lip. The fur on Thibor's neck was standing straight and his tail was curled up. These were all very bad signs, but she knew that despite his obvious anger, he wouldn't act capriciously or do anything overly rash. "Is sending mission file to operations." Thibor said. "Will pick it up there." He glanced at Cammy. She had subtly shifted her weight, and was now in position to launch a powerful forward attack. Not that she would, she had far too much respect for IST authority to flatten Byrd's nose. "O'Neil will take care of it." Byrd smiled and turned on his heel. "Best of luck Major. We're all counting on you." He left with a deliberate, victorious stagger. "Best we get to the office." Cammy waited for Byrd and O'Neil to leave, before letting her head slump forward. "Briefing at 0600 hours." She fled in the direction of the change rooms. Thibor considered following, but as liberal as IST was, co-ed change rooms were still not embraced, and no one had bought the seeing-eye wolf excuse the last time he had tried it. 0600: IST Operations Centre, Great Britain. "Oh Thibor I'm so sorry." Naoko looked up when you saw Thibor enter the room. It was impossible to tell exactly what the expression on her pixyish face was hinting at. Was the momentary flash of good humour lighting her features indicative of the 'job' he had volunteered for, or merely a reflection on the tray of coffee, tea and pastries he had brought with him from the commissary. It was impossible to tell. "Major." Simon glanced away from his terminal briefly. "Lieutenant Colonel Hoyle wants to see you immediately." He gravely accepted a Styrofoam cup of coffee from Thibor and raised it in a brief salute. "We who are about to find out salute you." Thibor growled, glancing back and forth at the pair. They knew something. Simon was a little too stoic about the situation, and Naoko looked like she was about to explode with the effort of containing a particularly juicy bit of information. Feeling the threads holding the sword of Damocles above his head begin to give way, Thibor knocked on Cammy's door and entered without waiting to be invited in. "This is going to be great." Naoko grinned widely and rushed to the closed door, leaning against it and pressing her ear to the keyhole. 0605: Lieutenant Colonel Hoyle's Office, IST Operations Centre, Great Britain "Hi." Thibor smiled broadly as he walked in. Entering Cammy's office was, he admitted internally, something of a guilty pleasure for him. Settled behind her desk, her body concealed in the conservatively cut IST uniform, Cammy looked prim, proper, vulnerable and undeniably cute. He pale skin still held a tinge of the morning's blush, and grew pinker as he approached. "Major." Cammy indicated one of the guest chairs. "Sorry to have run out on you this morning." "Is no need to apologize." Thibor placed the tray on Cammy's desk and began serving tea. He noted that there was an ominous looking file on the desk. He considered it for a moment before deciding to treat it like a Claymore; not dangerous provided that no one triggered it. Just move carefully around it for the time being. "But may be the first time in history of plumbing that shower ran out of cold water." "Rather." Cammy's blush deepened, but she managed to keep her composure. "Now, about Colonel Byrd's mission. I was initially concerned, but it turns out that all he wants is an evaluation on several applicants to IST." "I see." Thibor dunked a sweet biscuit in his tea and raised a bushy eyebrow. "I don't bally well trust him either." Cammy noted. "But he says that it is important that you do it as you have had experience dealing with this particular alien race." She stopped, seeing the pained expression that crossed Thibor's features. It was a struggle. Thibor looked at Cammy and then spared a glance at the picture of Queen Elizabeth that was the office's sole decoration. Neither would appreciate what he was about to say. With a great deal of effort he put the long string of highly appropriate words he had chosen aside. "Bother." Thibor grated. He knew what was in the file. He could feel it bounce around inside his bruised and battered frame and settle into his head as a deliberate, pounding headache. "Five applicants. All appear Japanese, but are actually aliens. Is dressing in t-shirts with big numbers one to five on front, is wearing robotic-super uniforms in bright primary colours and is piloting great big robot animals." "Almost." Cammy said. "They don't have the t-shirts and numbers, but their school-girl uniforms are black and their super uniforms are bright primary colours." "And the giant robotic animals?" "Are scheduled to arrive by interstellar transport three weeks from Thursday." Cammy admitted. They sat drinking their tea in silence for several long minutes. "Are you angry about this morning?" Cammy finally spoke, her voice low and uncertain. Thibor smiled and reached across the desk to take her hand. "No." Thibor kissed each finger. There was a lovely duality to Cammy, so sure of herself and confident on the battlefield, yet deliciously uncertain in romance. "Never forget this. Will love you always." "Thank you." Cammy ducked her head to hide a happy smile. "Is welcome. Just tell me which way you would like first, if cannot decide, can make suggestions." As Cammy blushed a scandalized and delighted red, Thibor stood and stepped to the door, yanking it open suddenly. "And now presenting the amazing and over inquisitive Miss Yoshida." It was a tribute to Naoko's gymnastic training that she was able to turn her headlong fall into a tuck and roll before sprawling in an embarrassed heap in front of Cammy's desk. 0800 IST Classroom Facilities, Great Britain Walking down the corridor, Thibor went over his plan, step by step. Introduction, tests to determine physical prowess and durability, situational assessment, psychological profiling and if time permitted, lunch. The six P's were covered. Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. He was armed with regular coffee deliveries, two bottles of aspirin, in extra-strength, and knock-out-a-horse werewolf strength respectively and a panic switch linked to Simon's PC - and instructions to summon him immediately should it be triggered. Pausing at the door to the classroom, Thibor called on just enough of his wolf to heighten his senses. The classroom was noisy, but not overwhelming; the sort of sound you would expect from a quintet of schoolgirls about to embark on a grand adventure. With a final check on his aspirin, Thibor squared his shoulders and entered. "Good Morning." Thibor said gruffly. The noise in the room died down instantly and five sets of eyes fixed on him. Five sets of very big eyes. Thibor forced himself to look again. Yes. Huge. Most of the aliens that earth had encountered were comfortingly humanoid, but there were always subtle differences. In this case eyes were easily twice as large as those of a human, and unnaturally bright. There was also an unusual aural component, probably due to the additional area the eyelid had to cover in closing, producing a slight 'whicka' noise when any of the girls blinked. The hair was also unusual. Well unusual for human, for a parrot it would probably be fine. Bright red, blue, purple, pink and green; truly appalling shades. It was also disturbing how many of the hairstyles, featuring outrageously overextended bangs and curls, seemed to hang in air, their very presence an affront to the forces of taste and gravity. Testing the air, Thibor couldn't pick up the scent of any hair care products of gels. It was likely that the internal structure of the hair had a much stiffer organic core than humans. Hair care would probably require tools of near industrial strength. "I am Major Thibor Sawchyk, code named Nightbreed." Thibor continuted. "Will be conducting today's evaluations." The five girls nodded vigorously. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. They all seemed attentive, quiet, and did not exhibit the over the top fascination with gestures and overloud aphorisms that he had noted in his work with Danzaiver. The manifest leader of the girls, a tall redhead rose to her feet, revealing disproportionately long, albeit shapely legs. Following her lead, the other four stood as well. "Greetings Wolf Hero Thibor!" They chorused loudly. "We are especially honoured to meet you!" "I am Beautiful Warrior Senti!" The redhead announced with wide gestures. "Fiery champion of love!" "Swift Fighter Nano!" The blue-haired girl followed suit. "Lovely instrument of fate!" "Clever Planner Milly!" Her purple hair fluffing out, the third one struck a thoughtful pose. "Clear thinking harbinger of intelligence." "Stalwart sweetheart Pico." The pink haired girl blew an exaggerated kiss. "I'm cute!" "Strong Punch Key-lo." The green haired girl struck a classic, bodybuilder's pose. "Imposing pillar of strength and grace." "We are!" They all chorused, punching their fists in the air. "Team Metric!" "Wolf hero Thibor." Thibor said under his breath. "Utterly and thoroughly appalled." He cracked open the aspirin in his pocket and dry swallowed two tablets, not bothering to check which ones they were. The girls were looking at him expectantly, as if he was expected to cheer or break into applause. "Is taking seats please. Attendance is taken care of." Thibor felt the bottom drop out of his stomache. Wrong aspirin. He paused, aware that all five sets of overlarge eyes were following him. "Now, can any of you tell me the purpose of IST." Five hands flew up simultaneously. "Okay. Nano." Thibor nodded to the blue haired girl. "IST or the International Super Teams are a world sanctioned organization." Nano stood and gestured dramatically as she answered. "Dedicated to protecting peace and freedom for the planet earth!" "Dedicated to striking down evil doers wherever they surface!" Senti continued. "And fostering beautiful peace with pretty aliens!" Pico added. "Teams of heroes always ready to stand united against any foe!" Key-lo shouted. "Supporting the Earth as they support each other!" Milly finished. "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Galaxy!" All five chorused, striking a series of heroic poses. "Very good." Thibor could feel his headache cutting right through the aspirin. "Now, member of IST follow...." 1040 IST Operations Centre, Great Britain. "No!" Naoko leaned forward. "They weren't!" "Miereille overheard Captain O'Neal telling someone about it." Halo confirmed. She dug a hand into her carefully packed bento and extracted an onigiri. "Right there in the middle of the gym!" "Wow!" Naoko helped herself to a tobiko roll. Pillaging Halo's Bento prior to lunch was a long-time practice that neither minded. There would always be space for more food at lunch. "And they were really.... You know." She giggled and blushed as Halo nodded. 1100 IST Training Centre, Great Britain. "Hey Thibor." Simon looked up from a painful stretch. "How are you holding up." "Am not." Thibor dropped down into a tailor's squat in front of Simon. "Mission is kicking my tail. Would rather be in artillery barrage. Artillery barrage does not giggle, gesture or make aphoristic statements of heroism." "Hi Thibor." Naoko plopped herself down next to the pair and neatly tucked her right leg behind her left ear. "Where did your students disappear to?" "In changing room." Thibor noted. "Am relishing momentary respite from authentic sentai gibberish." "I'm sure you've had more fun." Naoko smiled mischievously. "Recently too." "Is that the time?" Simon quickly stood. "We really should get back to operations." "On no you don't" Naoko latched onto Simon's arm and yanked him back down to the mat. "If I didn't drag him down here from time to time he would become a complete mouse-potatoe." "What is little Miss Yoshida talking about?" Thibor turned his attention to Simon. "Is having something to do with Sil passing me in the hall with hearty slap on back and congratulations? You are operations and intelligence, is perhaps time to lay some out for me." "It's nothing." Simon looked uncomfortable. "Simon." Thibor's voice took on a smooth, reasonable and very diplomatic tone. "Sil offer congratulations and Little Miss Yoshida is about to explode in wanting to say what is going on. Is not nothing." "Gossip mill." Simon said, wincing when he saw the pained expression cross Thibor's face. "The usual stuff." "Were you and Cammy really..." Naoko let the question taper off. "When Byrd walked in on you." "We were exercising." Thibor said bluntly, he turned his attention to Simon. "Give me trace." "O'Neil to Mireille to Halo to Naoko and now to you." Simon said. "Kill, tell father, tell mother, no free food for month." Thibor noted. Naoko was about to object when Team Metric jogged up. Thibor added a mental reminder to tell Cammy that while the school-girl uniforms were not numbered, the gym clothes were, although he probably would have had the good taste to place the numbers in a less exploitive location.. "Wolf hero Thibor!" They all chorused loudly. "We are ready for evaluation." "Costumes." Thibor said. "Should have been more specific, change into costumes, not gym clothes." "Oh!" Senti blushed and looked embarrassed. "We shall rectify this with swiftness!" The five clustered together and punched their fists in the air. "Team Metric transform!" Thibor's first thought was to turn away, but he just couldn't. The five were surrounded by a swirling cloud of glowing lights which quickly ate away their gym clothes. Several long seconds passed until the lights brightened and impossibly tight power armour appeared, covering the girls. Whoever created the armour had been careful to match the colour to each of the girl's hair. It was hard to decide whether it was a choice based on aesthetic reasons, or because no one could find colours ugly enough to clash. Restraint did not seem like a prime species motivation with this particular crew. "Team Metric are go! Evil forces will feel a Measure of our Strength." The five voices were greatly magnified by the armour, and provided gratuitous capitalization. This time there were enthusiastic cheers and applause to greet their announcement, but the reason behind it was highly suspect. "Ten laps of track. Run." Thibor gestured and the quintet jogged off happily. He turned to Simon. "Am betting that science behind power armour transformation was created by men." He noted. "Or lesbians." Simon added. "Or pigs." Naoko glared at the pair with open distaste. "I just cannot understand these aliens. Am not xenosocialist, but is like they are whole race fashioned after those silly shows, ones that Halo watches. Son of bitch." Thibor felt his universe shift three feet to the left. "Was on earth. Whole bunch of them. Was studying humanity before we discovered them, and..." "That's a little far fetched. It's not like they were..." Simon was brought up short by the same realization. "Getting inhabitants of earth used to them." Thibor finished. "Very clever in horrible way. Generations of kids brought up with those shows, only they are based on what aliens are like. Am betting dinner out that search of records of early produces and writers for sentai and Japanese animation shows will reveal gaps, pointing to aliens. Oh, and any questions and paper trails lost can be blamed on devastation of second world war. Is whole gesturing sentai thing a reflection of alien culture, or has alien culture been changed by influence of shows? Could probably write thesis on that one. Only reason they came out to IST is figuring that cover would be broken by other alien races." "One more thing is nagging at back of head." Thibor said as Team Metric jogged past, talking among themselves, giggling and making abbreviated gestures. "Is remembering from file that this race initiated contact after other races. We did not find them. Then they send Danzaiver to monitor planet and now whole team." "Like they foresee a threat to earth and want to protect it." Naoko said. "Wow! That's smart thinking." "Don't bother sucking up." Thibor cut her off. "Is still off meal ticket. Stop sulking. Is possible that enemies will show up, but unlikely. Am more likely to buy you dinner than have to fight giant city stomping bipedal rubber crayfish. Now excuse me, must get back to sentai wrangling." Thibor set out at a fast sprint, easily catching up with Team metric. "Okay ladies." He said, adopting his most effective drill commander voice. "When is saying laps is not meaning easy gossipy jog. Is meaning run. Run!" On the last command he shifted into his wolven form, punctuating the command with a long growl. Team Metric instantly increased the pace, interrupted by a single frightened squeak from Pico, and perhaps some tears. Thibor made a mental note to apologize to her - the moment he received an apology for his aching head. He doubted either apology would be forthcoming any time soon. As he contemplated the apology, he noted Nano rush past him, having already circled the track. Of Team Metric she seemed the only one capable of superhuman running speed, possibly approaching that of Kyoumen. Seven laps later, Team Metric seemed to be holding out fairly well, although Thibor noted that he had to bark at them several times to get them to maintain the accelerated pace. He briefly wondered if he was really getting old. Here he was chasing after five Japanese schoolgirls in form fitting outfits, and he could honestly say he would rather be almost anywhere else. That was sad. To add insult to injury, Nano passed them again, having lapped them at least twenty-one times by his count. "Okay, take five and then we check strength and reflex testing." Thibor briefly considered arranging an accident at the hydraulic strength press. No it wouldn't do. It was a shit job, but it was his shit job and he would see it though. Besides it was almost time for lunch, and at least he could look forward to that. 1330: IST Outdoor Course Range. "Okay. So it is bipedal rubber lobster and is only twelve feet high." Thibor growled. The best laid plains of wolves, men, not to mention wolf men had quickly been laid to waste. The rare occurrence of the sun poking through the clouds had given him the idea of holding lunch outdoors, and dragging Cammy out of her office so they could enjoy a brief respite from paperwork and even more pressing duties. It hadn't worked out. Cammy was running damage control with a representative from the New York Heritage Society, and he was faced with an alien attack. She would be regretting not joining him, at least he could punch out the lobster, an option no open to her, as drop kicking a blue-haired octogenarian who happened to be incensed over a landmark being toppled to save the world from darkness was not considered cricket. The lobster wasn't alone either. A half-dozen grey, faceless homunculi accompanied it, skittering about in crouched stances and performing clumsy acrobatics. A single taste of the air around them revealed that they were not alive, but strange artificial constructs. That was somehow worse; bad enough that the things existed in the first place, but that someone deliberately created them, and programmed them to move and act in that fashion. Appalling. It pretty much summed up what he had been thinking of late. The universe itself was dippy and earth, for all its foibles, a bastion of restraint. "Infernal Spawn of Wicked Space Queen Masstra!" Senti pointed an accusing finger at the lobster and its grey posse. "Prepare to be sent back to the Multi-Dimensional Tachyon Zone that spawned you." "Fall before our righteous teamwork." Nano dropped into a fighting crouch. "You shall never triumph." "Your evil has been categorically measured." Milly tapped her visor. "But your skills have been found wanting." "Ugly aliens!" Pico attempted to stick out her tongue and pull down an eyelid, but was hampered by her visor. "Yucky! Blah!" "Face the strength of togetherness!" Key-lo announced. "With love we cannot fail!" It was utterly fascinating. Thibor wondered if he should be taking notes. It was like watching a Kabuki play, every single moment arranged as if it was part of an elaborate ritual. A cold chill ran through him as he realized that he was part of it. "Not only do you face us!" Senti twirled her arm and then pointed at Thibor. "You also face the awesome power of Earth's IST and its greatest manimal! Wolf Hero Thibor." All eyes, and one set of elongated antenna turned towards Thibor. There was a long, expectant pause. It was obviously his turn to spout out some inane dialog about the universal constants of love, teamwork and the importance of regular oral hygiene. "I don't fucking think so." Thibor moved forward and punched one of the grey homunculi in the middle of its face. The creature was driven backwards, its heels gouging out great rents in the greenery. The impact was like punching a truck, the creature's mass was far greater than its appearance would indicate. There was a moment of shocked silence, and even the quivering of the bipedal space-lobster's antenna seemed to indicate that Thibor had committed a grotesque social faux-pas. It was apparent that initiating combat before the excessive posturing, posing, aphorism spouting and presumably the commercial break was frowned upon. That raised the question, did he particularly care? Nope. Not one bit. If the powersuit clad, occasionally exhibitionist maidens of planet dippy thought he was being rude, that was just fine. As for the giant crustacean, it went double for him and his pack of grey henchmen. The homunculi he had just punched sprang forward and drove a hard punch into the centre of Thibor's chest. It was like being struck by a Pinto, without the inevitable explosion, more an inconvenience than a threat. Thibor's return punch, was a whistling uppercut that lifted the creature off its feet and sent it spinning into the air. That was odd. Thibor reached out and snagged it as it fell back to earth. Yes, it was lighter. "Queen Masstra?" The realization hit him. "As in mass. Oh...that is so very lame." He swung the gibbering creature in a full circle, slammed it hard into the ground and lifted it up again. Yes, it was even lighter. The creatures didn't seem to be hurt by kinetic attacks, but rather it caused their mass to shunt back into the Multi-Dimensional Tachyon Zone, whatever the hell that was. As he considered this he absently swung the creature into the ground again. There was a noise like a whip cracking, and the homunculi imploded, shrinking into a tight, grey ball before exploding outward in a flurry of white and yellow sparks. "Operations." Thibor activated his communicator. With his own opponent down, this was as good a time as any to observe Team Metric in action. The lobster didn't seem inclined to attack at the moment, and if Halo's shows were any indication, would wait for its minions to fall before joining the fight. "Thibor? What's going on?" Simon's voice emerged from the small speaker. "Alien attack." Thibor said calmly. "And you can tell Naoko that is lobster, not crayfish. Notify and assemble backup forces, but wait for order to deploy." "Acknowledged. We'll keep monitoring this channel." Simon's voice took on a slightly embarrassed tone. "Naoko wants to know if you'll be needing a bib and drawn butter." There was no need to answer that question. Thibor watched for several moments as Team Metric exchanged blows with the homunculi. The armour seemed to be adequate proof against the attacks. Of the team, Senti and Milly's actually fighting technique was excellent, possibly approaching Cammy's. Pico couldn't fight her was out of a paper bag, but seemed unnaturally lucky, whenever she flailed her limbs about, her enemy inevitably stepped into the arc. Nano relied on her speed to excellent effect, while Key-lo just barrelled through with superhuman strength. Something was missing though, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Team Metric. Special techniques!" Senti spun around and encouraged her team mates. "Senti Love Flame Punch." She adopted a wide legged stance and lashed out with a punch that flattened her opponent. That was it. Thibor noted. Gratuitous attacks, inevitably proceeded by a verbal announcement. He winced slightly. Team Metric weren't the only ones guilty of that particular trait. "Nano Blue Tornado Spiral." Nano leapt into the air in a series of spinning kicks that drove her opponent back. The creature collapsed, imploded and then exploded. "Milly Nerve Nemesis Strike." A ridge hand from Milly dropped her foe. "Pico Tantrum Slap!" Pico launched herself at her opponent with a series of short slaps which quickly reduced it to a mewling, imploding, wreck. "Key-lo Tonne Kick!" A high stamping kick from Key-lo smashed her foe to pieces. "Hah!" Senti gestured at the lobster. "Your minions are no match for our skills!" If the lobster was impressed it didn't show it. The beady eyes merely gazed out dully while the antenna twitched in an agitated fashion. "I don't suppose you want to..." Thibor let the comment fall off. The lobster was growing. Fast. Very fast. In moments it had swelled from a mere twelve feet to some 100. It was impressive, in a horrible, and rather silly way. "Thibor." Cammy's voice emerged from the communicator. "Report." "Is fusion of genres." Thibor admitted. "Forget werewolf vs vampire and werewolf vs mummy. This is werewolf vs giant space lobster. William Castle would be proud. Hold backup. Is wanting to see if Team Metric can handle it." "Very well." Cammy noted. "Be careful." "No need to fear Wolf Hero Thibor!" Key-lo slapped his shoulder. "Watch teamwork triumph." "Team Metric! Metri-bots are go!" The five announced, striking a heroic group pose. There was a long pause. The five began to fidget slightly and look around uncertainly. "Metri-bots are go!" They repeated. "Three weeks from Thursday." Thibor said. His headache was back with a vengeance, and it looked like he would soon get painful contusions to match. "Is not delivering giant mechanical animals until three weeks from Thursday." "But I need my pink robo-doggie now!" Pico wailed, tears splashing the inside of her visor. "Lobster is not going to... Shit!" Thibor bounded forward, his arms outstretched, gathering the whole of Team Metric up and leaping to safety. Lasers leapt from the antenna of the lobster, gouging great steaming rents in the earth behind him. Thibor sprang left and right until the lasers petered out. He dumped Team Metric in a rainbow coloured heap on the grass. Their eyes were wide with fright. That figured. "I don't suppose any of you have command of Danzaiver orbital satellite laser." Thibor asked. "" Senti said in a quiet voice. "We haven't been cleared for that yet." Thibor nodded. As useful as the weapon would be right now, he was rather glad that it hadn't been entrusted to a pack of alien schoolgirls. It being trusted to Danzaiver wasn't much better, but he could live with it, provided he was based a continent away. The lobster rushed forward, raising a colossal foot to flatten the group. Thibor's logical mind calculated the mass and acceleration of the descending appendage. It didn't look good. He reached up and caught it, digging his claws into the rubbery chitin. Muscles tore, sinews snapped, and a blossoming of ripping agony told him exactly what sort of prat he was to have done it in the first place. "MOVE!" The foot's descent was stopped for the moment, but the lobster was now leaning its weight forward, pressing down on him. Team Metric blinked up at him from the ground. Thibor could feel his knees begin to give way. Good, they were moving - Team Metric, not his knees. Finally. The shock of their giant robot animals not showing up was beginning to fade. "What do we do?" Nano cried out, looking back. "The odds of defeating the lobstron without the metri-bots is fifty-six to one." Milly said. "I hate math!" Key-lo announced. "We don't need odds! We need togetherness!" She ran to the lobster's other foot, and grabbed the heel, lifting with all her strength. The giant crustacean tottered for a moment and then pitched to the side, crashing into the ground. "Teamwork!" Senti was back on her feet. "Love and teamwork! With love, teamwork and togetherness we can defeat any foe." "United we cannot fail!" Nano echoed. "Cooperation is our ally!" "Working together, the odds are in our favor!" Milly nodded sagely. "We're cute!" Pico added. "Together we're super-duper extra cute." "Nothing can stand against our combined strength and love." Key-lo flexed her impressive muscles. "A plan! You need a plan! Lobster is standing back up!" Thibor grimaced. Most of the muscles in his back had torn, but were re-knitting themselves with a justifiable urgency. "The lobstron's armour is stronger than our weapons." Milly noted. "If we can get inside its armour, we may be able to defeat it." "Eeeeewww!" Pico screwed up her face. "I'm not getting inside a lobster! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!" "Will do it." Thibor growled. "Nano you are fastest, draw antenna fire. Senti, Milly, break left and right. Key-lo, will need you to throw me at lobster's head, will grab antenna and use laser to cut into carapace. Pico...just do something." 1340 Hours IST Operations centre. "Come on!" Naoko bounced on her chair as she watched the monitor. "You can do it." "The smart money is on Thibor." Simon noted. "I'll take some of that action." Naoko grinned. "What odds are you giving me." "Bitterbuck! Yoshida!" O'Neil's voice interrupted their conversation. "Just why haven't the backup units been activated. "Major Sawchyk requested backup be readied but not deployed." Simon said, he saluted as an afterthought. "Sir." "He did, did he? Well I will have you know that Colonel Byrd does not share that level of confidence. You will deploy the backup! Now!" O'Neil's saliva splattered across Simon's glasses. "Captain O'Neil." Cammy emerged from her office. "I don't recall relinquishing tactical command of my staff to Colonel Byrd. Now, if you have written authorization for that transfer of command, I would request that you present it. If you do not, I would ask that you leave my operation centre. Now." "This is a mistake." O'Neil puffed himself up, and tried to loom over Cammy. "I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when I tell the Colonel." "You wouldn't fit in my shoes you ginger haired walrus." Cammy said, her accent becoming icily sharp, "As to the mistake, you are the one making it. Good Day." O'Neil's ruddy features darkened to an even deeper red, but he was unwilling to risk escalating the situation further. He turned briskly on one heel and stalked out. "Ready." Naoko pushed her chair off from Simon's desk and scooted across to her own terminal. "He's entering the lift, commencing operation Free Lunch." "Naoko." Cammy said. "I hope you are not planning to do something untoward to Captain O'Neil." Naoko had the good grace to look embarrassed. "Well..." Naoko's fingers absently danced over her keyboard. "Ginger haired walrus?" Cammy looked slightly embarrassed and acknowledged the point. "Yes. Well I don't suppose it was terribly professional, but really.. than man is utterly unbearable." Cammy admitted. "Lobster's down." Simon announced. "Looks like they were able to handle it." 1345 IST Outdoor Course Range "Do you know that crustaceans do not have a single heart." Milly lectured the others. "Rather they have a series of smaller, independent muscle pumps running along their central circulatory system." "Seven. Is counting seven." Thibor heaved himself out of the Lobster's body and slid down its chest to the ground. Bluish ichors dripped from his fur, forming a puddle around his boots. "Eeeeeew!" Pico stepped away from Thibor, aghast at the general icky-ness of his condition. That was all the encouragement he needed. Settling down on all fours, he shook himself vigorously, sending sticky gobbets of lobster gunk flying towards Team Metric. There was a chorus of eewwws and other exclamations of disgust as the chunks rained down on them. "Sharing is so important. Is best part of teamwork." Thibor wondered if the petty bit of revenge made him a smaller person. No, they deserved it. "Oh, and step back from lobster, it is about to explode." The lobster took that as its cue to explode. Rather than spray outward in chunks, it seemed to shrink in on itself before exploding outward in streams of bright, harmless sparks. It was remarkable thorough too, as all the assorted chunks of lobster guts still clinging to Thibor and Team Metric ignited harmlessly and vanished. "How dare you thwart my plans." The voice rolled over the fields. The sky above the battlefield seemed to tear as the image of a woman manifested. Thibor looked, shook his head to clear it and looked again. No, he wasn't hallucinating. The closest thing that came to his mind were those cosplay sections that Halo, Uriko, Naoko and Mireille often watched at the end of their DVDs. The people there wore the costumes, but it never looked quite right. This was the same thing, but for the S&M set. Lots of leather and straps, but still quite chaste. He had no idea where the horned headdress or the sequins fit in, but there was obviously some alien prerogative at work that no one had seen fit to brief him on. "Queen Masstra shall rule this place." "Not while Team Metric stands together against you!" Senti announced, gesturing defiantly. "Why do you want to rule the earth?" Thibor asked. "You obviously have technology and resources well in excess of us. What is so special about it?" From the expression that crossed Masstra's features it was obvious that no one had asked the question before. "The earth has something I need." She announced, regaining some of her composure. "and no one shall stand in the way of me getting it." " Is okay then, am knowing exactly what you need. Girls, cover your eyes." Thibor stepped in front of Team Metric and reached for his zipper. "Oh my. That's not..what I.." Queen Masstra went bright red. "I'll... but... I've got to go. Bye." The image disappeared. "Will make good ambassador yet." Thibor noted, zipping everything back up. "Okay, is safe to look now." 2000: Ichiro's Garden - Thames "You will like this place. Is getting real Kobe beer fed beef from Japan, will practically melt in your mouth." Thibor opened the menu and began leafing through it. Across the low table from him, Cammy studied her own menu with an air of annoyed distraction. "The steak will be fine." She announced coolly. "Major, about your report on this afternoon's activities. I am not entirely sure that your response fell within what would be considered IST acceptable practices. How am I to explain to the Colonel that you refused backup and then scared away Wicked Space Queen Masstra of the Multi-Dimensional Tachyon Zone by opening your trousers. Oh, and do try not to look quite so pleased with yourself." "Was playing a hunch." Thibor said. "And hunch was only thing was playing with. Promise." Cammy fought to keep her composure, but ended up dissolving into giggles. "Very well them." Cammy said. "And just what were you playing at not playing with." "Religion." Thibor explained. "Or possibly tradition, or maybe even little bit of both. Was struck by nature of abilities demonstrated by Team Metric, minions, and even Danzaiver. Is very high tech, but being employed in strange manner. If you have orbital killer satellites, technology that can create high tech armour out of thin air, what is reason for having kung-fu homunculi and giant crustaceans?" "Let me get this straight." Cammy said. "You are suggesting that Team Metric and this Queen Masstra." "Are part of some strange alien ritual." Thibor finished for her. "Is from same racial stock, use identical technology, and as far as can tell, is operating under same strange cultural bias. Will need more research, but am betting that centuries ago, they turned back serious threat to their planet and it has been incorporated into their culture and now stage these conflicts as part and parcel of daily life. Perhaps is like rite of passage for growing up, being Sentai hero for few years before moving on to real job. Everything about fight felt like ritual. The long speech before it, being attacked by minions before big threat fully manifested, and then appearance by villain. All of it like clockwork. Even location of attack, in great big open area with no chance of bystanders being hurt. Even Evil Space Queen was suspiciously dippy. You do not get to become wicked space queen and ruler of multi-dimensional tachyon zone if is blushing like a school-girl and getting all embarrassed over sight of a..." "Exactly how much have you had to drink?" Cammy interrupted. "Nothing yet." Thibor admitted. "Makes less sense drunk than sober. Is worrying though. Is thinking that perhaps Earth is not as safe as they think. Is used to ritual combat, and while is dangerous, and people get hurt, is not really chance for fatality. May expect that Earth is same way." "I'll recommend that Team Metric stay assigned to less strenuous geographic locations." Cammy noted. "Shall we order now?" "Is going to have to wait." Thibor said. "Simon and Naoko are joining us." "Is this the same Naoko whose food stamps you cut off over lunch?" Cammy raised an eyebrow. "Or is it the one you suspect of trapping Captain O'Neil in a lift for the entirety of the afternoon." "You are talking about lift that was stuck between floors for three hours with sprinklers, alarms and electric intruder immobiliser going off every three minutes? Just technical glitch." "Funny that." Cammy noted. "Lieutenant Colonel, Major." Simon slipped into the tatami room. "Grab a cushion." Thibor noted the slight pallor in Simon's normally dark skin. "Drive here was bad?" "No..." Simon admitted. "We had to take two cars. I'm sorry Thibor... Naoko mentioned something in passing and before we could explain..." They all piled into the room, a whirlwind of brightly coloured hair, flared skirts and exaggerated gestures. In moments, the menus were open and the air was filled with giggles, pointing and Japanese babbling as each item was discussed on its taste, nutritional value, cuteness and ability to promote teamwork. Cammy had staged a tactical retreat and was now next to Thibor, leaning into him to avoid being struck by a stray gesture. "So much for a quiet night out." Cammy noted, smiling slightly, "I suppose it could be worse, and they are all terribly nice, if a bit over exuberant." "Wolf Hero Thibor!" Senti raised a bottle of Sake. "Naoko tells us that you and Noble Commander Cammy are to be married." The giggling and whispered comments intensified. "That's right." Cammy displayed her ring. "We haven't managed to set a date yet." "You'll be such a pretty bride." Pico gushed. "Well except for the scar, but you'll have a veil so you'll still be cute." Cammy started, her morsel of beef falling from her chopsticks. "We're doing combat evaluations tomorrow." Thibor offered quickly. "Perhaps you'd like to join us?" "Champion idea." Thibor recognized Cammy's smile. Tomorrow was going to be rough on all of them. "We will practice diligently and help each other." Senti noted. "Yes." Millie added. "And learn strategy! Perhaps Wolf Hero Thibor can show us how he drove off Wicked Space Queen Masstra." "I should bloody well hope not." Cammy said fixing Thibor with a steely glare. "And Thibor, do wipe that grin off of you face." *****************