Boys' Night Out by Shayne Dark (Ottawa, Canada) Copyright (C) 2004, by Shayne Dark Saturday 20:00 Molly's Garage - England "Why do I do this to myself." Thibor though as he backpedaled quickly, avoiding Yugo's flurry of punches. The younger Sawchyk pressed the advantage, advancing on his uncle and delivering a hooking punch to the side of Thibor's head. It was like being shunted into by a train and Thibor hit the canvas hard enough to bounce. "One. Two. Three." Molly began counting him out. Thibor got up to one knee and waited, there was no sense getting back to his feet and wasting valuable recovery time. He still had six more numbers before he had to get stuck back into the fight, and he needed them all. It was supposed to be a night out with the boys, but Simon didn't want to be designated driver, so Thibor had to convince Yugo to take on the duty. Yugo had agreed, with one condition - a bare-knuckle match. At nine Thibor was back on his feet. Trying to box Yugo wasn't going to work. As painful as it was to admit, in human form, Yugo was stronger, faster, and had superior technique. It would take time, but he would eventually wear Thibor down and leave him sprawled unconscious on the canvas. Thibor allowed himself a quick glance at the watching audience; all of Molly's adopted charges and guests were watching with animated interest, save for Cammy, who was deliberately keeping herself distracted with a magazine. Thibor wasn't sure if she was trying to discourage him from such cartoonishly macho displays, or was trying to protect his feelings about being thrashed in front of her. Alice was cheering herself hoarse and bouncing up and down as she encouraged Yugo. Trust a were-bunny to bounce well. Uriko was practically swinging on Kenji's arm as she yelled encouragements to each of them, switching sides as only a hyperactive teenager could. Kenji was weathering Uriko's manhandling with admirable grace, his stoic demeanor almost completely hiding his enjoyment at her attentions. Naoko was taking bets, and from what Thibor's ears were picking up, was offering slim odds on him winning. Even Louis had placed his money on Yugo. That figured. Louis de Saint-Exupery was one of Thibor's dearest friends, and would gladly take a bullet for him; but he was Gallic at heart - you fought and died for your allies, but business was business. As far as Thibor could tell, only Kenji, Simon and Mireille had money riding on him - and he was pretty sure that the only reason Mireille had bet on him was that Simon had. Louis' teenage daughter had a rather obvious crush on Simon, and was treading very dangerous ground. Naoko had already set her sights on Simon and would not be gentle when it came time to dissuade Mireille, whom she thought of as an 'upstart French tart.' Mireille was a sweet girl, and certainly more worldly than Halo or Uriko, but if it came down to competition, sweet, freckled, utterly ruthless, Naoko would have her for lunch. Thibor put those thoughts aside as Yugo pressed forward on the attack. The younger Sawkchyk's fist moved like pistons, seeking out the holes in Thibor's defense and striking home with alarming ease. Time to change tactics. Yugo was young, strong and skilled, but intellectually he was at the shallow end of the Sawchyk gene pool; he tended to react with emotion and instinct rather than logic. That gave him incredible heart as a boxer, but left him vulnerable to superior strategists. Thibor hunched his shoulders and tucked his chin in, moving forward into a clinch. His right hand fastened on the back of Yugo's neck and bore down, while he leaned in close to the young man's neck so Yugo could feel his breath at the front of his throat. Yugo reacted as if struck with a taser, seizing up. Although he looked like your average, albeit mean, street tough, Yugo was every bit a Sawchyk werewolf, and recognized and instinctively reacted to a dominance challenge. Before the young boxer knew it, he had triggered his own transformation from human to wolf. Thibor was already moving backwards, Yugo's own transformation, unlike his own, was rather explosive. Perhaps in time Yugo would bring it under control, but Thibor rather doubted it, it wasn't in his character to do so. He allowed himself to roll back against the ropes, calling on his own transformation. Molly opted for discretion as being the better, and smarter portion, of valour and dove out of ring, taking up a safe position to continue to act as referee. As a wolf, Yugo was impressive, with coal black fur and a fierce expression. The X shaped scar that marred his features in human form carried through to his wolf, as a silver patch of fur. Although large, and certainly frightening, he was considerably smaller than Thibor, whose hugely muscled bulk was advancing on his nephew with dread intent. "Kso." Naoko's heartfelt utterance was like a balm on Thibor's ego. Yugo still held out hope, and dashed a strong right cross into Thibor's muzzle. Thibor ignored the impact and lashed out with a blow that spun the smaller wolf in a circle. Tough as Yugo was, even his strongest punch couldn't overcome Thibor's supernaturally toughened flesh. It was hardly fair for Yugo. Good. Fair was where you could go on a pony ride, not a fight. As Yugo danced back, he shifted to a southpaw stance, hoping to throw Thibor's rhythm off. It was a sound strategy, but wouldn't help. Thibor stepped in, dropping his guard. Yugo reacted with perfect instinct and timing, moving in with a quick jab and following through with a powerful uppercut to Thibor's plexus. On a lesser opponent, the combination would have been enough to end the fight, but Thibor restricted his reaction to a muffled grunt. Yugo's hands were down and he couldn't bring his guard up fast enough. Thibor went in with a hard left right combination to Yugo's unprotected head. The younger wolf's hands came up reflexively, allowing Thibor to finish with a shattering uppercut to the plexus that lifted Yugo's feet completely off the canvas. It was a risky move, if Yugo wasn't as tough as advertised, Thibor was going to be covered with a hearty appetite's worth of half-digested pizza and beer. Fortunately dinner stayed put, unfortunately, Yugo was still on his feet. This was going to take a while. Saturday 20:20 Molly's Garage - England "Call it a draw?" Thibor offered. Both werewolves were still on their feet, soaked in sweat. Yugo was looking considerably worse for wear, but was gamely continuing on. It figured. Neither was trying to deliberately incapacitate the other, and whatever damage was done was healing with supernatural speed. Already the audience had thinned considerably, with Uriko having retreated to the bleeping comfort of her Playstation, taking Kenji in tow. Alice had joined Cammy in the magazine. Naoko was looking over their shoulders, occasionally pointing out something interesting on the page. She favored Thibor with a withering glare. Louis and Simon were waiting with calm patience, their features set in stoic, unreadable masks that spoke volumes. Thibor would be bankrolling the night's debauch, having unnecessarily delayed the opening. Mireille was unsuccessfully wheedling her father for inclusion in the night's festivities. Yugo feinted to the right, drawing Tibor off balance, earlier in the fight it would have been more effective, but the constant battering had dulled his reflexes. Thibor leaned away from the punch and snapped back with a piledriving fist to the side of Yugo's head. With a resounding crash Yugo hit the canvas. Thibor immediately retreated to the corner as Molly started the count. By ten Yugo still hadn't stirred. Alice hopped into the ring, casually leaping over the ropes as easily as she might hop up a curb. She gave Yugo a brief once over and then propped the unconscious werewolf's head up on her lap. A snapped capsule of astringent waved under his nose was enough to rouse Yugo. As he tried to sit up, Alice grabbed his muzzle and forced his head back down. "Lie still!" She commanded in a brusque, professional voice, quite at odds with her usually bouncy, ditsy vocal patters. "How many fingers am I holding up?" "Am fine." Yugo growled. "I'm the nurse, you're the patient, and you're not fine until I say you're fine." Alice snapped. "How many fingers?" "Three." Yugo said . He added a rude gesture. "And here are two more for Uncle Thibor. You said human fight. Not wolf." "Said would not change into wolf unless you did first." Thibor's muzzle opened in a lupine grin. "Is not quite the same thing." "No concussion. No broken bones. You're fine." Alice hopped to her feet, letting Yugo's head bounce against the surface of the ring. She stalked over to Thibor and stood in front of him, her hands on her hips. "As for you, just what do you think you were doing? You could have really hurt Yugo." "Am sorry." Thibor continued to grin. "Did not realize it. Yugo, next time is promising to go easier on you." From the floor Yugo's expression grew dark with anger and embarrassment. "Well..." Alice regarded him with suspicion. The look lasted a few moments before her usual happy expression bubbled up to the surface. "Okay then. C'mon Yugo, let's get you cleaned up before you have to go." She pulled Yugo to his feet and led him up the stairs to the apartments above the garage. Thibor slipped between the ropes and dropped the cement floor of the garage. Naoko was counting off bills for Mireiile, snapping them into the girl's hand with slightly more force than was probably necessary. "Finished?" Cammy looked up from her magazine. "Did you win?" "You don't know?" Thibor's grin grew wider, the game was afoot. While working both were extremely careful to present a professional composure. That had inevitably led to the development of game in private. A race to see who could crack the others composure first. "No..." Cammy turned a page. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." "Yes you were." Thibor leaned closer his voice dropping to a hoarse whisper. "Truly, I wasn't" Cammy continued. "I was deeply engrossed in this bridal magazine and therefore quite distracted from that protracted display of Romani machismo." "Oh." Thibor shrugged and sat down next to her. "Is not explaining significant rise in body temperature in strategically important locations. Also slight but ever so important change in sound of skin sliding over clothes, indicating change in contour. Increase in respiration and heart rate, not to mention significant olfactory enhancement as natural pheromones are..." "Thibor!" Cammy colour had risen to a bright red blush, but she tried to continue. "My Grandma, what big eyes, ears and nose you have." "The better to see, hear and smell you with." Thibor grinned. "Of course I was saving the best for last, and believe me, is best to taste you with." "That's quite enough of that." Cammy's blush was nearly incandescent. "Your point." "Forgot that one. Okay perhaps was not saving best for last." Thibor's grin faded as Cammy rolled up her magazine and rapped him across the nose with it. "Bad dog." Cammy brandished the magazine. "And don't think I won't spray you with the water bottle if you continue. As we both know, this evening has been set aside for other things. You will be engaging is some masculine drinking ritual." "And you will be engaged in strange feminine ritual." Thibor countered. "Bloody right I will." Cammy said. "Someone is going to have to get this wedding planned." "Which is why we are leaving it to Naoko." Thibor agreed. "While reserving right to exercise creative control at highest level." "Did you hear her last idea?" Cammy leaned in against Thibor's shoulder and reached down to grab his tail, wrapping it around her own shoulders like a stole. "She was ready to call in the Sanryu people." "Sanryu?" Thibor asked. "Is who?" "They're the company that puts out that Hello Kitty program." Cammy continued. "They do weddings, so Instead of having friend and acquaintances as ushers and bridesmaids and the like, they bring in all these Hello Kitty characters to do the honours." "What!?" Thibor was clearly appalled. "Please say is kidding." "My point." Cammy noted. "No, dead serious I'm afraid. Not to worry though, it is an idea that has been resolutely denied." "People actually do this..." Thibor mused. "Well, at least when groom flees church screaming the bride can console herself with Hello Kitty vibra..." "Thibor.." Cammy brandished the magazine. "Did not mean at the altar. In privacy of hotel suite afterwards." Thibor flinched in preparation of another strike. "You will cut that out this instant, or I shall take you into the ring and conclusively and concussively finish the job that your nephew started." Cammy threatened, her accent becoming icily sharp. She twisted the end of his tail to add emphasis to the threat. "And regrettably for you, I do not share Yugo's propensity for involuntary lupine transformation." Thibor sat stunned for a moment. It was about to happen. Years of wild hedonism, savage violence and epic debauch were supposed to harden him against just this sort of thing. He knew it was his voice replying, and silently cursed the non-reptile portion of his mind for speaking out of turn. "Yes Dear." That was it. Domestication. Fuck. Thibor really wanted that drink now, a whole bunch of drinks. Where the hell was Yugo? "Whenever you are ready mon ami." Louis called out, his voice carrying easily across the room. "The night grows no younger, and neither do we." "Just waiting on Yugo." Thibor got up his body shrinking as he resumed his human form, he snagged his sweater from the bench. "If is remembering correctly, is no meetings between 1300 and 1400 tomorrow." He mentioned to Cammy. "Will take you up on offer." "Sounds delightful." Cammy returned to her magazine, a pleased expression on her face. "Fair warning though, I will be coming off a meeting with O'Neil, so try not to eat too much lunch." Thibor was still grinning as he strode over to Louis and Simon. Mireille and Naoko were circulating around the pair like electrons. Oppositely charged of course. Yugo still hadn't made an appearance. "Is just waiting on nephew." Thibor noted, seeing the questioning look on Simon's face. He wondered how many more times he would have to repeat that particular phrase. What was keeping the boy. Thibor's stomache dropped a foot, bounced twice and then reluctantly settled back into its original position. He concentrated for a moment, letting his senses take on wolf-like sharpness. "Son of Bitch!" Thibor snorted loudly. Yugo was taking his revenge, and chances were it was sweet. He looked over at Simon. "Not a chance Major. It is not going to happen." Simon had already read Thibor's expression. "But you don't drink much anyway." Thibor tried to keep his voice reasonable while his mind tried to wrap itself around a suitable punishment for Yugo. "Precisely." Simon noted in a slightly apologetic tone. "I don't drink much, but if I am driving, I actually have to concentrate on not drinking much, rather than simply enjoying going out and not drinking much. I know, I know, it sounds like I'm splitting hairs on this." "No sound of splitting hares is completely different." Thibor said dryly. "Louis?" "Non mon ami." Louis shook his head slowly. "Never volunteer, you know this as well as I. We shall draw lots or something equally random and unpleasant." "I'll drive Papa." Mireille offered. "I do not mind." "Non ma fille, you are kind to offer." Louie said gently. "But this is an evening for the old soldiers to drink and lie to one another." "Oh." Mireille shrugged in an unconscious imitation of her father. "In that case, perhaps Naoko could drive." "Oh I could." Naoko smiled brightly, showing far too many teeth. "But I wouldn't dream of imposing myself on the men, especially when I'm not wanted." "I'll do it." Kenji's soft voice spoke from behind Thibor. It was uncanny how the boy could suddenly appear as if by magic. Thibor and Louis exchanged brief nods. There was no need to ask about driver's license, as that had been part of Cammy's gift packages to Molly's charges. Likewise ID would not be an issue. Kenji may not have been old enough to drink, but there wasn't a bouncer in the whole of Great Britain who could keep him out of a club if he wanted to get in. "What about kitten little?" Thibor asked. "Won't she miss you?" "Yes." Kenji admitted. "But not until much later when she realizes that I am gone. Uriko will be upset initially, but will understand. Naoko, please explain to her the reason." "Sure. Can do." Naoko saluted with two fingers. "Do you want me to pass any message to Yugo when he's washing up." "What makes you think he'll be finished by the time we get back?" Thibor said sourly. 2300 Drake's Bowls, Putney on the Slope, Great Britain. "In the groove." Thibor thought to himself as the haggard looking waitress slammed a trio of pint mugs down on the table and scooped up the proffered pound notes. Hard drinking was really wasted on the young, as most of them had absolutely no idea on how to properly approach the subject. Most binged early, drinking recklessly, going from dead sober to gut heaving intoxication in half an hour. A brief moment of euphoria and then it was over, reduced to the inevitable carrot bits and tomatoe skins that accompanied the vomit express. No. A really epic drunk was based on plateaus. Moving from pub to pub, starting with the nice establishments, and slowly descending to the dives. Each stop bringing a higher level of intoxication, but providing the body with breaks to adapt to each. "I'm going to pay for this tomorrow." Simon muttered taking a long swallow from his mug. "But that's tomorrow." The lanky junior officer slumped slightly in his chair. "Is not on duty tomorrow." Thibor reminded him. "Can sleep in." "You did not hear?" Louis's half-open eyes held a commiserating look, he laid a ham-like hand on Simon's shoulder. "Mademoiselle Yoshida has convinced him to accompany her on an intelligence gathering expedition." "Shoes." Simon slumped further. "I promised to help her look for shoes for the bridesmaids." Thibor tried to picture it. He just couldn't. The thought of shoe shopping was bad enough, but to do so with minimal sleep and a hangover to boot. Horror. "How did it happen?" Thibor placed a comforting hand on Simon's other shoulder. "How does it ever happen?" Louis shook his head slowly. "They command, ah, I mean request, and we obey. If we don't.... Life already has too much pain." All four nodded. "If you are not careful you will make up one morning and find yourself married." Louis looked over the rim of his pint mug with a serious expression. He was deliberate in not addressing the comment to one person directly. "To marriage." Thibor raised his mug. "Triumph of hope over experience." "Marriage." Louis matched the toast. "Do not listen too closely to Thibor on this, he is still lamenting his completely uncharacteristic desire to settle down. I will tell you this as true. I would not trade a second of my marriage for anything in the world... Except maybe a night with la petite fille from La Femme Nikita...." "Okay. Is time to take a walk." Thibor drained the last of his pint. Louis starting up about Anne Pariauld was as good a signal as any that it was time to interrupt the alcohol intake with an order of curry and chips. He made it to his feet, ignoring the floor's tendency to sway left and right. It took him several attempts to snag the large duffel bag that rested beside his chair, but he finally managed to get a good grip on the well worn straps. As he tried to wrestle it off the floor, Kenji stepped in and took it from him. "Good boy." Thibor relinquished the bag and devoted the greater portion of his faculties to staying upright. They made it out to the street, the cold damp air a welcome relief. Thibor cocked his head to the side and inhaled deeply through his nose, letting his senses sharpen. His mind automatically filtered through the smells, discarding the urine, vomit and rotting garbage that threatened to overwhelm the more subtle flavours. Curry. Three distinct trails. One was quickly discarded due to a reliance of a commercially available sauce. The next was also eliminated. He enjoyed eating pussy as much as the next werewolf, but not in curry. The last one. Thibor inhaled again, concentrating on that particular scent trail. The smell was shattering. Spices browning in a dry pan and then whisked into a rou with oil and a hint of flour. Aged beef, sliced thinly and browned in scented oil. Properly steamed rice with a hint of saffron. Fresh pan bread, still smoking as the last traces of oil charred on the surface. "Found it." He managed, a hint of awe in his voice. "Is ultimate late-night staggering drunk curry experience." "Lead on." Simon gestured in what he hoped was the right direction. "What a night." Thibor found that a steady pace kept the sidewalk where it was supposed to be. "Surrounded by friends, moon is shining above, good food is only two blocks away. Only one thing is missing." "I don't think this is the Lieutenant Colonel's sort of thing." Simon noted. "Two things." Thibor corrected himself. "You know what would be really great right now. Vampire would be really great. Nothing big. Is not wanting a Dracula or Maximoff, but some long toothed, pretentious euro-necksucker on the prowl. Ideally from gallic line of Robspierre." "Why?" Kenji asked, his expression becoming more focused. The young ninja had taken the idea of vampire hunting to heart and was always ready to absorb tips and tricks from Thibor's encyclopedic knowledge of the subject. "Is a great vampire to put the boots to." Thibor continued. "Really satisfying. Cannot turn to mist or animal, heals quickly, vulnerable to silver and wood, and disintegrates into ash with stake to heart or decapitation by appropriate weapon." "Garlic?" Kenji's question drew a low chuckle from Louis. "It is a French vampire line." Louis explained with somber, drunken dignity. "It takes more than the curse of vampirism to put us off garlic." "Okay." Simon drawled. "I have one order for a pretentious French vampire. Anyone else want anything? Oh, you also get bacon, and your choice of toast, home fries or armed robbery with that. " Simon's assessment of the situation was accurate as always. The curry stand was currently unoccupied save for the proprietor, and a knobby looking thug in a leather jacket. The thug was waving a twelve inch blade under the proprietor's nose. "That's not a knife." Simon drawled, adopting a reasonable facsimile of an Australian accent. "Yes it is." Kenji blurred forward, his fingers closing on the thug's wrist before the man was aware of him. "It is!" The thug readily agreed. "Hey! Let go!" His eyes locked on Kenji and he attempted to pull away. The distraction provided ample time for Louis to scoop up one of the tables and toss it forcefully at the thug. "Tactical review." Thibor took in the situation. Kenji had backed off and retrieved his duffle bag, Simon had kicked the now abandoned knife to one side and then retrieved it, and Louis was keeping the thug under wraps by the expedient method of standing on his head and chest. Thibor's own role in the proceedings was obvious. "Four beef curry specials with chips." He told the proprietor. "Will also want extra pompadoms, some of that green stuff, three beers and cup of Ceylon tea, milk and sugar on the side. Curry is all extra hot." "Mild for me." Simon thrust the blade between the shop door and frame and twisted sharply. The steel broke with a sharp snapping noise. Thibor winked at the proprietor and shook his head slightly. Simon was a dedicated soldier and an absolutely top drawer investigator, but he couldn't handle spicy foods. Or at least he thought he couldn't. Over the last year, Thibor and Louis had been gradually weaning the young officer onto hotter and hotter 'mild' curries. His taste buds and stomach were rapidly approaching the tougher-than-leather rating that Thibor considered a minimum requirement for a field soldier. The curry arrived at the same time as the Bobbies. 2400 The Green Man, Putney on the Slope, Great Britain "Check it out Bluey, wot have we here." There was a playfully malevolent gleam in Colonel John Byrd's eyes as he spotted the group enter the bar. Thibor ignored it. There was always a playfully malevolent gleam in Byrd's eyes. "A dog, a frog a hedgehog and a bump-on-a-log. Must be one of those amazing journeys." The dart that Captain O'Neil was throwing veered right, impacting with the cork that surrounded the dart board. "Bad luck old son." Byrd flicked his hand in the direction of the dart board, sinking three darts neatly into the triple twenty zone. He signaled the bartender. "Seven of the black stuff mate." "Thanks." Thibor felt a momentary burst of warm camaraderie with Byrd. The small aspect of his mind not completed blotted out by alcohol attributed it to ordering the beer and the casual humiliation of O'Neil. He approved of both actions. Something was wrong though. It took both hands for Thibor to figure it out. Seven beers. There were only six of them, and despite his laddish reputation, Byrd was not a two-fisted drinker. Thibor scented the air. His mind may had been stomped into submission by the beer-cap studded army boots of the booze-fairy, but his senses were still intact. Motorcycle oil, leather, worn denim, a diet leaning towards the limited cuisine of the Americas and a higher than average dose of natural pheromones. Charcoal. Naoko's rumour mill mongering was right on the money, as the majority of the scent was clinging resolutely to Byrd. He made a mental note to feed her the next day. Thibor smiled and raised the glass that was thrust into his hand. He actually approved of the pairing. Charcoal's father would of course be appalled, hell, most people including many on his own team would be appalled, and they had every reason to be. Byrd was... There was no really satisfying definition that summed him up. He was Byrd. Best to leave it at that. However, he was oddly suited for Charcoal, at least in the short term. He certainly wouldn't try and mislead her, or confuse sweaty, satisfying activities with emotional commitment. It was odd that O'Neil was there, as Byrd usually left him behind when he was on the pull. Charcoal probably dropped in on Byrd unexpectedly. Thibor didn't like the explanation - the words Byrd and unexpectedly didn't belong in the same sentence. "So Hoyle let you off the leash tonight." Byrd chuckled low in his throat. Camaraderie or not, feeding Byrd his own teeth was also a viable, and likely highly satisfying endeavor. Just not tonight. Way too drunk. "Was special treat." Thibor admitted. "Apparently something is broken, so is getting me fixed tomorrow." "Hey John, thanks for ordering for me. Oh hey! Hi guys!" Charcoal reappeared from the direction of the loos and threw an arm around Byrd. His own hand descended to rest above the waistband of her tight jean shorts. He waited a long moment before sliding it down to cup the buttock. "Boy's night out?" "Drunks night out." Thibor admitted. Charcoal was dressed in biker chic. Black leather jacket, jean shorts, running shoes and a red halter top. Both bra and panties were conspicuous be their absence. That figured. Thibor repressed the urge to bang his head repeatedly against a wall. He was going to get married, he had put all of that behind him. Except that it was standing in front of him and smelled really good. The half finished glass of Guinness exploded in his hand. Charcoal's eyes sparked with pleasure as she observed her effect on him. "Yes!" Thibor called on his wolf form, exploding outward to his full seven foot height. "No!" The realization hit him a moment later as his supernatural endurance and powers of recovery whisked a night's worth of booze out of him in a single instant. It didn't matter. Lascivious thoughts had been put aside the instant the scent had hit his nostrils. The double doors of the Green man swung outwards and a low mist crept into the room, rolling around the ankles of the patrons. They followed it in. A dozen. A dirty dozen. A beautiful dirty dozen of vampires. They were not affecting the lace and velvet fashion of the old fashioned pretentious undead, but rather the leather, and long, black coats of the Matrix inspired new wave of equally pretentious undead. "Oh please. Is telling me you are French." Thibor barked. "Of course. Why do you theenk wee haf theees outrageous accents you seely keeng." One of the vampires brayed. "Go ahead a boil your bottom son of a window dresser. Or we'll fire arrows into the tops of your heads and make castanets out of your testicles already." Another chimed in. "Your mother vas a hamb-ster und your father smelt of elderberries." "American. American is good, even if is quoting Monty Python. Sort of deflates the whole pretentious bloodsucker thing though." Thibor said. Simon, aware that his combat abilities were impaired by drink was doing what he could to get people out of the line of fire and out the rear exits. All he had to do was extend the pre-fight dialog to give him more time. "Am betting is all Warrior slut fans to. See how right arm is more developed than left..." "Fie on him." One of the vampires threw back his head and laughed in an obviously practiced motion. "Everyone knows that werewolves are nothing compared to the singular might of vampires. Wolves are mere servants to the princes of the undead." The other joined him in the laughter. "We are? " Thibor looked skeptical. "C'est vrai mon ami. You are." Louis said sadly, taking off his glasses and casually polishing them. He tucked them into a pocket and brought out a pair of mirrored sunglasses. "You have seen the films, you know the ones with the low cut blouses and heaving bosoms." "Oh sure if vampire is Christopher Lee or Lugosi, but these." He gestured. "But is just looking at them. Is still have some tan so is reasonably recent conversion, no prominent extension of fingernails and ichorous body fluid as evidenced by darkening of surface veins and arteries. Command of mists is evident, but is probably limited in ability to alter weather due to relative youth and power. Oh and is all wearing sunglasses, so am giving good odds that hypnotic powers are limited at best or are too dumb to use them. Either is good." "" A tic appeared in the group's composure. "Oh is getting better." Thibor played a hunch. "Am betting a keg that you were contacted by agent of Master vampire and promised inclusion is cabal of powerful bloodsuckers, membership in unholy, undead labour union, all you had to do was show worth by killing a puny little insignificant, lowly werewolf." "Bad break mates." Byrd tossed a dart lightly up and down in his hands. "You wouldn't know it, but the big boys in the bloodsucker community don't appreciate grotty little toe-rags, that would be you sorry lot, giving the vampire world a bad name." "Is sad. Is all standing there with faces like a smacked arse." Thibor grinned a wide, wolfish grin. "But are oh so impressive princes of undead. Oooh. Gasp. Tremble. You are all giants mincing about upon the earth. We are in awe of your ghastly powers." "I think you've pretty much laid it out for them old son." Byrd added. "No need to belabor the point." "American vampires." Thibor reminded him. "Slipped my mind that did." Byrd nodded. "Carry on then." His grin widened as Charcoal drove an elbow into his side. He squeezed her arse in response. "Carry on Up the Vampires? Or would that be Carry on Staking?" Thibor raised his hand above his head expectantly. The stock of his overlarge shotgun smacked neatly into the open palm. What a good boy Kenji was; inconspicuous and extremely efficient. Thibor ran the slide, relishing the smoothly oiled mechanism that fed the soup-can sized shell into the breech. He brought the weapon to his shoulder and fired three times with brisk efficiency. All three vampires went down, their flesh sloughing away to flames and ash as the ammunition, hardwood skewers, soaked in garlic essence, ravaged the vampire's bodies. The full disintegration told Thibor that he was dealing with a bloodline originally from the Teutonberg region, which also explained the lack of hypnotic power. Garlic, wood and silver to the heart or head, running water and sunlight. Two of the vampires grabbed for his arm, attempting to sink their teeth into him, a futile gesture as the fangs were unable to gain purchase through his thick fur and prenaturaly toughened flesh. Louis and Simon were at the rear entrance. Simon was stabbing with a pool cue, controlling space between the attackers and the door, while Louis had his handgun out and was calmly firing. The smell of hot silver slugs was nauseating, but Thibor trusted Louis not to engage in friendly fire. Even with a night's worth of booze in him, Louis was steady and supremely competent, more so than most people were sober. Kenji was at the front door, a pykrete stake held reverse grip in each hand. A moment of worry hit Thibor. Charcoal. Her recent experiences with the Black Millennium might be hampering her ability to fight a vampiric foe. "You @#$&*%! $#@#%! #$&#$@ #! *&%$##@$%$!" Charcoal's voice cut about the din of gunfire. Thibor was impressed. He only used those particular words on really special occasions. If anything her capture and subsequent torture by the Black Millennium had only strengthened her fighting resolve. One of the vampires had attempted to grab her, but had found out that its supernatural strength was second rate compared to the redhead's. Lacking a stake she had torn one of its arms completely off and rammed in into the vampire's heart. Although not a mortal blow the creature staggered away from her, staring dumbly at the forearm and hand which protruded from its chest. "Is pleased to meet you." Thibor shook the extended hand and then pulled it out with a wet squelching noise. He immediately filled the void with the shotgun and spackled the vampire's ashes against the dartboard like stucco. At Charcoal's back, Byrd was easily avoiding the clumsy swipes of the vampire pressing him. Reaching out with the casual ease of long practice, Byrd fastened his hands onto the vampire's head and twisted abruptly. There was a satisfying crack as the neck shattered. The vampire staggered back, its head flapping bonelessly on the broken neck. Sweeping a chair off the floor, Byrd snapped one of the legs off and slammed it into the vampire's chest. A muffled explosion of ash and flame rolled out from the front door as Kenji rammed the stakes into two vampires simultaneously. Thibor's grin got wider. He was very proud of the pykrete stakes. The suspension of wood pulp from a blessed cross in holy water and then frozen. Incredibly strong and ductile, like a good ash stake, but with rather more spectacular results. The holy water would immediately boil into rapidly expanding vapor upon contact with undead flesh, turning into a miniature steam explosion which nicely distributed the wood throughout the area pierced by the stake. The only drawback was that you couldn't keep a vampire staked with one, but that's why you always carried the wooden ones as well. Thibor fired until his ammunition canister was empty. There was a long moment of silence, marred only by the pitiful ugh-ugh noises of the vampire still trying to chew into his right arm. Tossing his still smoking weapon to Louis, Thibor hooked two claws into the vampire's nostrils and slowly bore backwards until the jaw popped. "Grenade." Thibor held out his hand. Moments later the bamboo grenade was dropped into it. Thibor forced it into the vampire's throat and tucked the creatures head under his armpit. "Fire in the hole." Thibor's arm jumped slightly as the explosive went off, directing the majority of the explosion down through the vampire's body, which sloughed away into ash. That was all of them. Seven for him, two each for Kenji and Louis, and one for Byrd. Not that he was keeping score. Perhaps a half for Charcoal, as she had lent a hand in one, literally as well a figuratively. "Oh.. Ick." Charcoal said matter-of-factly as she examined the black ichor that had sprayed over her hands, forearms, hair, shirt, jacket and shorts. Thibor shrugged, the slight vibration in the ceiling and the sound of water rushing through pipes told him what was going to happen next. The gun smoke and fire and ash from the vampire destruction had reached the detectors. The sprinklers began spitting forth a steady stream of water. Charcoal began rubbing at her skin and clothes, deliberately oblivious to the others, but not the effects of the chill water. "Mes amis." Louis made a small circling gesture, indicating that they should divert their gaze. Thibor complied, facing away. He could understand Louis' feelings on the matter. Louis' daughter Mirielle was of a similar age, and Louis would expect the same consideration from another parent. Surprisingly Byrd joined them as they faced away. For long moments there was silence. "So.." Thibor asked Kenji. "Is enjoying London?" "Yes." Kenji's stoic features were unreadable. "It's a nice city." Simon added. "Everyone's polite, which makes it feel like home." "There is good art and much in the way of culture." Louis said. "And it is not so far from France." "True." Thibor added. "English food is questionable though, except for breakfast, but city is cosmopolitan enough to have broad regional cuisine available." "Roight." Byrd cut in. "An you can't beat the footy, or the traditions." "Yes." Kenji. "Like the tradition of having a large mirror behind the bar." All five nodded in agreement. Monday 02:00 Molly's Garage - England Cammy looked up from the report she was reading her way through, the unmistakable roar of Thibor's car in the garage bay announced the return of the intrepid bar-stool explorers. She glanced over the considerably quieter common room. Uriko was curled up on a cushion in a cat-like fashion, the light of the television playing over her sleeping features. Cammy had turned the volume off an hour ago, but was concerned that actually snapping the telly off might wake the teenager. Molly was still puttering about with an engine on the kitchen table, occasionally pausing to remove another beer from the fridge. A long line of Newcastle Red bottles lined up along the counter stood as a testament to her efforts. Naoko had a laptop open on her lap and was attacking some sort of investigation with frightening intensity. Mirielle was asleep in a reclining chair, an open book on the modern aircraft engineering across her chest. The opening bars of Rule Brittania echoed up from the garage. They were shushed into silence, only to resume, at a higher volume. Uriko reacted to the new sound with a screeching, hissing noise. Cammy was impressed. One moment the cat girl was asleep, the next she was practically stuck to the ceiling. Flipping her bangs from her eyes and rearranging her pajamas, Uriko marched out of the room and returned moments later dragging Kenji by the arm. "YouaresointroubleKenji.Youdidntevensaygoodbyewhenyouleft. Tellmeeverythingthathappened. Whatdidtheytalkabout?" Uriko's bossy chatter continued as she headed out of the common room with a helpless Kenji in tow. Cammy smiled. "They make a cute couple." Naoko looked up from her computer briefly. Her eyes hardened as Thibor and Louis came through the door, Simon hanging limply between them. "Sorry." Thibor said. "I think we broke him." "Non. It was his own fault." Louis said. "He was celebrating finding Capitan O'Neil cowering under the table in a pool of water not entirely of his own making." "He is so in trouble. We're supposed to go shopping tomorrow." Naoko stomped over to the trip and displayed her watch. "Today. We're supposed to go shopping today." "Okay." There were moments made for male solidarity. This wasn't one of them. He disengaged Simon from his shoulder and half hung him on Naoko. She grunted slightly at the weight. "You're in big trouble Chief." Naoko shifted her arm to better support Simon. "Huh?" Simon roused slightly and looked up at her. "Oh... Naoko... wow. You're so pretty." "That might work in Mononoke Hime." Naoko warned, a pleased blush rising on her features. "But not... Oh come on Chief, let's get you home." Louis checked on Mireille. As he looked up Molly pointed towards a closet. The big Frenchman retrieved a blanket, gently removed his daughter's glasses, put the book aside, after carefully marking the page, and then tucked the blanket around her. Satisfied he walked to the second couch and flopped forward onto it, his snores starting the moment his head hit the padded arm. Molly smiled slightly and fetched another blanket, which she threw over him. "So you had a good time?" Cammy's nose wrinkled slightly. There was no booze smell coming off Thibor, although there was a heavy garlic smell; considerably more than even the most pungently spiced kabob would provide. "Was okay." Thibor said, sitting down next to her. He was about to say something else when Alice snuck past them and into the kitchen. Snuck was a relative term, given that she was humming a happy-happy song and bouncing slightly on her heels. She began rummaging in the fridge, her short pink half-robe rising to near scandalous heights. Moments later she re-emerged with a plate laden with leftover pizza, an enormous bag of mixed salad and a pair of beers. She started as she realized that everyone had returned. "Sorry, Yugo sort of got distracted" She said. "Is just fine." Thibor said magnanimously. "Tell him he is forgiven. Kenji drove for us, and was really useful when vampires showed up. Tell Yugo that young man is first class slayer. Cold and competent pro." "Okay.." Alice said uncertainty as she retreated from the room. "When the vampires showed up?" Cammy turned to Thibor. "Okay, was better time than just okay." Thibor admitted. ****************