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Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - Printable Version

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Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - STMPD - 06-23-2024

Holy moly.

Yeah, 304 pages of book - I suspect this is as close as we’ll ever get to a translated B-Club.

They’re also selling it at SDCC this year - and Sonoda-sensei will be around for a few days, I think doing a panel - but I don’t have tickets to get there. Also promising additional merch, which they better sell elsewhere or else I’ll be super peeved.

Anyway, I’m hyped! Are you hyped? You should be hyped.

RE: Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - Bob Schroeck - 06-23-2024

Gotta admit, I definitely want it.

RE: Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - Dartz - 06-24-2024

Ordered it, even though I probably can't afford it. We'll see what arrives

RE: Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - Cobalt Greywalker - 06-27-2024

And sold out.

RE: Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - Bob Schroeck - 06-27-2024

Well, crap. And before I could confirm I could budget for it.

RE: Udon Entertainment putting out a major BGC artbook - classicdrogn - 06-27-2024

Such is the way of artbooks, alas. Someone will probably scan it for parrot post, I guess?