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A day in the life of Theta
A day in the life of Theta
With a beep, Medical Unit Theta awoke from sleep mode, her mind slowly processing to see if anything happened to her form during the night, a left over paranoid habit from her time in Preatoria, as all checks came back green, she opened her eyes and carefully unplugged her charger, before yawning and stretching.

It had been two busy weeks since she left Preatoria.... And technically jumped more than ten years into the future, so many things to do and learn.... But now she had an apartment, a pet Guinea pig and a job, what more could she want? Maybe a girlfriend, but baby steps for now.

As she moved around the apartment, getting dressed and getting breakfast, she hummed to her self.... She did not need to eat, but she enjoyed the texture of food and it could fuel her in a pinch. Finishing up, she gave fluffy the guinea pig a head pat and headed out to her job.

She always enjoyed the walk I to work, King's Row was so different from Peatorian, instead of cream walls it was brick work for the most part, cars putted along the dirty streets, gangers watched from the shadows... It was more dangerous than her home demension, but at the same time more alive. She carefully side stepped some primal earth Clockwork stealing what looked like some sort of music device. She marveled at them, unlike her sleek, humanoid clockwork self, these things where primitive, scrap metal hammered together by psionic will, fascinating.

She eventually made it to the King's Row medical facility and clocked in, met by her coworker Cleo, a black skinned giantess of a woman with glowing eyes who worked the ER. "Hey Theta, got some bad news for ya."

Theta looked up and frowned. "This unit is no longer needed?" She asked with her usual verbal tick of being unable to refer to herself in the first person.

"What? No girl, you got day clinic today... So be good and try not to kill anyone?" She handed Theta a folder.
The clockwork took it and opened it, reading through it. She knew many of her fellow employees hated the day clinic, but had no idea why.

By lunch time, she knew.

She stomped into the lunch room, looked at the disinfectant by the sink and started scrubbing her face with it.
"That bad?" Cleo asked, daintily eating a tiny yoghurt.

Theta threw up her arms. "This unit had four cases of "it's just a cold." That was obviously the seasonal flu, one claiming it was a smokers cough after near coughing out a lung in the waiting room, who knows how many he infected!" She drops into a chair and let's out a sigh like a boiling kettle. "She does not understand why they wait so long for help."

Cleo shrugged. "Sad thing, even though the day clinic is free, many expect the traditional American price gouge... Take it things where better where you came from?"

Theta grumps. "The only work this unit has to do was on the occasion work place injury, which was rare because 90% of the workforce was clockworks."

Cleo reaches over and pats Theta's shoulder. "How about I make it up to you, the girls are having a night out, wanna come?"

Theta thought about this.... She did not have many friends in Paragon.... This could lead to more friends. "This unit would like to.... If she has not offlined herself by the end of the day."

That night Theta was given a girls night out, drinking, dancing, seeing the sights and again marvelling at how different primal earth was from Preatoria, getting home late and a little wobbly after Cleo showed her a drink made to get mechanoids drunk, Theta carefully picked up Fluffy and patted him. "This unit is so sorry, she had so much fun tonight, but left you all alone."

The guinea pig made a werking noise as she gently placed him on the couch and quickly got him some food, changing into a baggy shirt, she sat next to him and turned on the tv to watch crime dramas, another thing Preatoria lacked, television shows with conflict. She passed the evening, patting Fluffy as he ate and watching CSI Paragon reruns until finally putting Fluffy back in his cage, striping down and climbing into bed, plunging in her charger.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: A day in the life of Theta
Quote:She always enjoyed the walk I to work, King's Row was so different from Peatorian, instead of cream walls it was brick work for the most part, cars putted along the dirty streets, gangers watched from the shadows... It was more dangerous than her home demension, but at the same time more alive. She carefully side stepped some primal earth Clockwork stealing what looked like some sort of music device. She marveled at them, unlike her sleek, humanoid clockwork self, these things where primitive, scrap metal hammered together by psionic will, fascinating.
spotted a couple typos, both in the same paragraph as it happens. Tongue
RE: A day in the life of Theta
See, this is what I for trusting auto correct on a tablet.
But I was told to word vomit and see what happened XD
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: A day in the life of Theta
Theta is not a fan of Primal Clockwork, they tried to steal her air con.
Does she need one? No, but it came with the apartment and she doesn't want to get in trouble with her landlord.
Also, she finds them really ugly and kind of offensive to her sleek Praetorian design.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: A day in the life of Theta
Atlas Park.
Longbow Storehouse.

Medical Unit Theta hobbled on her walking stick up to the warehouse, she hated coming here, but Longbow where the only people to store clockwork from the invasion and after a Freakshow Tank Smasher crushed her left leg, she needed a replacement.

She went through the process if having her ID scannedĀ  and entering the purpose of her visit as she entered, making her way to one of the repair bays, a mechanic waiting for her. "Ah miss Theta, here for a repair? Would you prefer I handle it or a fellow Clockwork?"

Theta sighed. "Clockwork please, this unit does not doubt your skill.... But she feels more comfortable with her own kind."

The mechanic nods. "I'll just fetch them, er... You might want to strip so they can see the effected area?" He said before leaving.

Theta blushed as she awkwardly worked her pants off then pulled her self onto a gurney, trying not to look at her injured leg.

The door to the repair bay opened and a clockwork in the red and white paint of Longbow wearing some pants entered. "Greetings, I am Tellos, what seems to be the problem?"

Theta sighed and offered thanks to who ever was listening that they sent a sentient clockwork. "This units leg was damaged on a mission and she needs a replacement or repair job."

Tellos walks up and leans in, his finger unfolding into a series of fine manipulation tools as he examines her leg. "Large blunt force trauma, leaking hydraulics, the joint is almost seized into a solid lump, yes we will have to replace it." He stands up and looks her over. "Home companion body type right?"

Theta nods and blushes. "Yes, this unit was made using a deluxe home companion body."

Tellos taps his chin. "We do have some of those in storage, please wait a moment while I see if we have one in your size... You might want to take your underwear off for the procedure as I will have to get access to your hip joint."

She felt her faceĀ  flush as she raises her hips, sliding her underwear down.

Tallos tilted his head. "Ah, indeed a deluxe model." He comments.

Theta was wondering if the human mechanic was still an option.... That or if a clockwork could die of embarrassment.

"I will be back shortly miss Theta, please wait and enjoy our free Wi fi if you have internet capabilities." Tallos says as he leaves her alone.

Theta layed back and closed her eyes, waiting for him to return with the replacement, eventually Tallos returns with a second gurney, laying on it a clockwork very much like herself, the only difference was this one has been shot in the head.

"Now miss Theta, if you have any pain receptors, I suggest you disengage them to make this as easy as possible." Tallos says as he starts removing the left leg from the deactivated clockwork.

Theta was sure that if it was possible, she would have nightmares from this as he then works on disconnecting her own leg, swapping it out for the new one, the smell of soldered wires filling the air as he works.

As he finished, he patted her new knee. "There we go, you will need to visit a powder coater to get the colours to match, but we are done here."

Climbing off the gurney, Theta put some weight on her new leg, gingerly bending the knee and looking down at the miss match colours, dark blue left compared to her sky blue right.... It would only be temporary as she pulled her underwear and pants back on. "Thank you, what does this unit owe?"

Tallos waved a hand. "Oh do not worry, you where damaged on the clock, so Hero Corp will cover it."

Well that was a pleasant surprise.

Bowing her head, Theta picked up her came and headed out, a little embarrassing, but thankfully he did not press about her body type like so many humans did when they found out about it.
Neph: I wanna fight!

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