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Crossovers That Should Not Be: Probability Revoked on Account of Reign.
Quote:Which, unfortunately, just recast Revolutionary Tank Utena in my head...
Which just leads me to imagine Lori Petty in Revolutionary Tank Girl Utena...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:Lori Petty in Revolutionary Tank Girl Utena...

Next CTSNB, please - this one has reached Sexy Critical Mass.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Quote: Necratoid wrote:

I expect either next weeks or last weeks meeting named the two new Bolos as Kei and Yuri.

Well, more like the next two Special Prototypes....

"Wait, I thought Bolos topped out at Planetary Siege Units. What the frak is a 'Planetary Demolition Unit'?"

"Well, we wanted to see what the absolute upper limit of firepower on a mobile platform was achievable with some of the newer bleeding-edge tech coming
out of Weird Division. So units KEI and YRI--"

"SAY WHAT?!? help me, if you tell me the secret code name for this project is 'Lovely Angel'--"

"Wha-- how did you know? Even the name is compartmentalized!"

"...I really HATE being the only genre-savvy person in the universe, I really do...."

"...aaand that's when he started beating his head against the desk again."
Quote:Next CTSNB, please - this one has reached Sexy Critical Mass.

All those Na'vis and no Lain... go figure.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: Next CTSNB, please - this one has reached Sexy Critical Mass.

All those Na'vis and no Lain... go figure.
"Hey! Listen!"


"The streets will run RED with Santa!"
Quote: Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

"Hey! Listen!"
This is precisely why I haven't been able to take that movie seriously...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote: Bluemage wrote:

Quote: Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

"Hey! Listen!"

This is precisely why I haven't been able to take that movie seriously...


But really... Wow. Make for a snazzy crossover. A bored Lain hears about this weird new place called Pandora and decides to check it out, only to find that
the WHOLE FRIGGIN PLANET is a neural network... Let's just see how far the RDA gets then. (^_^)
Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:

weird new place called Pandora
And now I'm imagining some mercenary-for-hire having a vision of a beautiful woman, who tells him/her that they need to find the Vault, and
keep the RDA from getting to it first...

For added hilarity, "The Vault" is actually a Vault-Tec Vault...

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
I named my laptop Navi as a three-way pun on Zelda, Lain, and the Hebrew word for "prophet."

Pronounced "shy guy."
Quote: Bluemage wrote:

Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:

weird new place called Pandora
And now I'm imagining some mercenary-for-hire having a vision of a beautiful woman, who tells him/her that they need to find the Vault, and
keep the RDA from getting to it first...

For added hilarity, "The Vault" is actually a Vault-Tec Vault...
aaaaaaaaannnnnnd you lost me.
From the Fallout games.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Pandora is both the name of the planet from Avatar, and the name of the planet in Borderlands. The main plot in Borderlands is centered around finding this ancient
structure called "The Vault", which is rumored to contain a great treasure, and opening it before the local corporate military can do so.

Then, yes, I linked that to Fallout.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote:The main plot in Borderlands is centered around finding this ancient structure called "The Vault",
Not " ... orderlands]The Keep"?

(Or is that a different CTSNB?)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Pretty much anything short of a summonable/unsummonable, remote control S.o.A. will be less dangerous to a campaign than the basic contents of one of those
vaults... Ignoring guns from a vast range of slugthrowers, to flamethrowers, to chainsaw knives, to lasers and plasma weapons, to random modern and post modern
combat armors.... and then glossing over power armor, which grants a hoard of damage reduction and resistances... probably including magic. You have vast
amounts of knowledge including several types of robots... including ones that let you transfer it into a robot body and not get damaged by age. Lots of combat
drugs and nonmagical healing stimpacks that can restore eyes and broken bones/organs for any alchemists or tinkers. Knowledge of all kinds as seen through the
eyes of '50s scifi... then you fun like the ability to hack into tacnuke throwing satalights. Lets not even get into F.E.V. (read Forced Evolution Virus,
so radiation converted undead, hidious radioactive and poisonous creatures, dozen foot tall, psychotic, green humanoids with penchant for vehicle mounted
weapons, and the aptly named Deathclaws)... Fatman (nuclear grenade launchers)... and woste of all Pipboys.

Pipboys allow you to read your character sheet in character and also display all effects currently effecting you by name. They also make Luck a vital
statistic.... keep track of kills by type (some models by things like large raider, female raider), have an basically unlimited automap, a light, are wrist
mounted and can go over armor by design, can hold loads of information. Basically, wearing one makes you a munchkin with a major talent for getting bonus
feats... oh and have an accurate karma meter. The omniband radio and ability to add on a ton of physical add ons and have an easy, convenient way to access
ancient tech. Worst case they can save scum like a madman.
...I have never once thought of any of my Fallout characters as actually having access to the full spectrum of Pipboy information. And I'm not going to,
either. ^.^


"We're Santa's Little Secret Service."
Minus the save scumming its basically all legitimate functions of the thing. Sure the level up screens are probably game mechanics translations... but
everything else is basically built into the thing for real. Hit points/stat effecting events, stats, radiation monitoring and management, skill levels (even
if they are learned by the Pipboy rmonitering what your actually doing), and feats (which are likely different from what we as players see) are built in, fully
intended functions of the thing. So maybe the character only get 80%-90% of the data players do from the Pipboy... but that is a scary amount of info for
someone to have access to.
I know there've been several photomanips on a similar theme already, but I didn't remember them when I came up with this rather different variant, as a side result of some crazy idea-spinning I was doing with Peggy for the DW Harry Potter Step. There's no quick and clever way to say this, but basically it boils down to mapping the Sweathogs from Welcome Back Kotter onto various Hogwarts students -- the one that sprang immediately to mind was Neville Longbottom as Arnold Horshack...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
It's a little on the late side, but...

In the city of Notre Dame, there is a story that mothers tell their children, as their mothers told them when they were young. The story is about the
cathedral, and tells of the hunchback who lives there - a twisted, misshapen wretch of tremendous strength and tremendous ugliness. The belltower is the
highest point in Notre Dame, and it has the best view - and the hunchback has tremendously keen eyes, and is always watching. He never sleeps. Instead, when
all the good folk of the town are in their beds, he creeps through the alleyways and listens, and peers through windows. He has been creeping for hundreds of
years, and is silent as the night itself. He creeps, and he listens, and he writes down names on little lists (for he knows by heart all of the people of
Notre Dame, having memorized the church records, and watched them for so long) and then once a year, in wintertime, he clambers down with enormous bags,
weighed down far heavier than any normal man could bear, filled with gifts and toys for all of the good little boys and girls.

It is the story of Santa Quas.
Quote:the hunchback has tremendously keen eyes, and is always watching. He never sleeps. Instead, when all the good folk of the town are in their beds, he creeps through the alleyways and listens, and peers through windows. He has been creeping for hundreds of years, and is silent as the night itself. He creeps, and he listens, and he writes down names on little lists (for he knows by heart all of the people of Notre Dame, having memorized the church records, and watched them for so long)

oh SHIT - the Hunchback of Notre Dame is _BATMAN_!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Year 3 - Homestar Runner and the Prisoner of Marzipan.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
--Dr. Seuss
Quote: the Hunchback of Notre Dame is _BATMAN_!

You mean The _BELFRYMAN_!
Disturbingly, the newest chapter of Ask Me No Questions (the Naruto/Lovecraft crossover, has a scene that should not be, but is.
Vicious bastard Naruto is performing the mission to Wave Country and uses his Therapy no Jutsu on Inari. Oh. My. God.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
I blame this one on the time I've been spending with my head in World of Warcraft recently.

"Naaru to Naruto".

The story itself might actually be okay, but just the idea...
Simon Tam and his little sister River survive in the aftermath of the bombing of Shadow during the Unification War in Grave of the Firefly.


[Image: RealityBreaksDown-Doomzula.jpg]
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

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