Anika Daini goes along with Ford Sierra on a Bounty Hunting run, about the new ship Dragon Wagon II....
Set in 2021/2.... technically Infinities, but I've got to do something with Frigga and the Sabers.
First part.... rough cut. Comments, suggestions, flames?
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Set in 2021/2.... technically Infinities, but I've got to do something with Frigga and the Sabers.
First part.... rough cut. Comments, suggestions, flames?
Quote:Friday’s on 77 Frigga were a day of rest, a chance for people to relax and pursue their own interests after a week’s work. Well, for everyone else.________________________________
Anika sighed to herself, and got back to tapping away at the keyboard.
Somebody had to keep the rock running. She cycled through the monitors, CRT’s flickering in her vision. Jet was at her daily practice down in the gym, while singing something about ‘down in Frigga rock’.. Daryl was alternating between doting on the Aeritalia F104 in the hangar bay, and kicking the Italian jet to death. Kotono was busy rounding up stray exocomps for her own infernal purposes.
And she herself was there, alone in the darkened control room. Monitors projected their data across her face in a harsh mixture of greens, yellows, reds and blues. Keyboards and switchgear were backlit a electric green.
It was all very techno.
Most of it was barely ticking over at idle. TITANIC wasn’t doing much if anything, while she was busy with exercises from the underspace. Anika didn’t know whether she was actually tired, or just bored.
Staring at the screen.
She downed a slug of cold water, allowing herself to cool off for a few seconds. These were tough. Test the system, find the vulnerability. How do you get access here? Defend yourself. Sneak through the barrier. Use a hardware lock. Write a script to automate....
She sighed again.
It had sounded like a good idea at the time. Nobody had told her how much work it would actually be. She finished up and fired it off to be checked and graded, and then to be told what she’d done wrong. And do the same over again.
Well, she agreed to it. She asked to do it... to be the hacker AI elite on Frigga. It was her own fault. This was her choice. She had to learn how to do her job.
The system chirruped as a message came back. Gina’d finished grading her work worryingly quick. She could feel herself heating up, her mind racing with the anticipation as she opened the mail.
“Hi, Anika.
You’ve improved a great deal the last six months. Are you sure you’re Beta level?Three blue marks on your self defence, but it is still good enough for a pass. Kick Jet in the arse to get you a proper interface for yourself and you’d be dangerous. Full details attached. A little more practice without that hardsuit wouldn’t hurt either.
Anika slouched down in her chair, relieved. There was no elation... no pride... just relief that her exercises were over for the day. She’d look through the report form later, after sending a quick ‘thank you’ in return. There was a lemon meringue in the fridge.... she’d treat herself to that. Nice and sweet and cold and satisfying with a wonderful tang.
TITANIC beeped to itself as it pushed an update out to all the systems incorporated inside it. She checked it up in the logs. A networking update, nothing special. It did that once a day. Push an update, analyse it’s performance and compare with the previous, make some automatic edits driven by an expert system, update again and compare. Automated evolution according to some coded factors..
Some indicators started to chirp to themselves as parts of the system ramped up to full load for a few minutes, testing the stability of the update. Some exocomps were busying themselves on general maintenance, while another two had disappeared off down the mines again. Just a navigation glitch. They’d be back whenever they finished whatever mysterious rituals the things got up to down there..
They just ran around for a few hours in the dark parts doing nothing, then popped up and got back to work as if nothing had happened.
Maybe they just needed a break occasionally. She sure as hell did.
The next exercise arrived from the underspace a few moments later. Good luck! It was followed by a quick news article about a liquid-helium overclocking of a quantum processor. She blew out a sigh of hot air.
If only...
And worse, her meringue had been mysteriously been finished in the meantime. Only crumbs and sugary cream remained.
Dare she lick?
Well... she was alone in there. And it was so sweet and tasty.
The door squeaked as it opened, throwing bright flourescent light across the room. Her eyes adjusted in an instant, a dark silhouette coalescing into the familiar form of Ford Sierra. Who looked completely un-shocked by the sight of a golden-haired computer operator lapping cream of a plate.
“There’s some on your nose,” Ford said, matter-of-factly.
Anika slurped it off with her tongue, the set the plate beside the keyboard. “Thanks,” she said, feeling her cheeks warm up.
“I was expecting a message, but I think it got caught in the spam filter again. Could you fish it out?”
It took Anika a few clicks to release the post. The console chirped, as it always did. It was a quirk. It had to beep and chirp and cheep to let you know it was doing something, and it refused to let you turn it off.
Ford leant into the monitor at the other end of the console.... zooming in. Rivers of electric light reflected off the metal on her arm, while lines of green text scrolled across her face. Anika had no trouble reading it, despite her not really wanting to.
It was bounty hunter stuff. Ford’s smile deepened into a lupine smirk as she spotted her prey among the file. Anika could see a pair of projected photographs, and a twinkle in Ford’s eye.
Ford pushed a bright button on the panel, the turned red under her finger.
“Hey Jet. I just got a really hot lead on a nice bounty nearby - a pair of dickheads using a stolen Blackbird to knock over transports. I’m taking the new wagon; it might take a couple of days,”
Why did that sound like an offer to Anika’s ears? She began to imagine herself free of this cyberpunk pit.
“Uhh...sorry,” the comm panel answered in Jet’s voice, “I’m needed on Mars tomorrow. Planning that demonstration for Saracon. Got to make sure we don’t accidentally kill each other. ”
“Shit,” Ford breathed.
A beat.
“Can I come along?” she said.
Ford blinked, and seemed to stare at her.... momentarily stunned. “Uh...” The mechanic’s mind seemed to be in spinlock “This isn’t a Knight Saber mission,” Ford told her after a few minutes, “You won’t have your hardsuit. I don’t really know what you can do,”
“It’s boring as hell in here. I just want to get out for a few days,” She sounded almost like she was pleading for rescue. “And Gina told me I need more practical experience without the suit anyway.”
Ford seemed to be thinking it over. Way too slow. These humans took far too long.
“Alright,” she shurgged her shoulder. “Meet me on the Wagon in a half-hour. If you’re not there, I’m leaving without you,”
The next thing Ford knew, she was being hugged by an andro id rapidly squeeing “ThankyouThankyouThankyou...”
“Stop!” Ford barked, shoving her off.
Anika stumbled, and blushed a bright pink. “Sorry... I’m just excited,”
And riding high up on a sugar rush.
“Well try do your best to get there on time,”
Anika scrounged around in the armoury for something that could fit. Body armour, helmet... a big assault rifle that felt huge in her hands, and a pistol that seemed oddly harmless. She lugged it all down to the landing bay, along with a backpack full of dessert mixes, and about a weeks worth of clothes.
She lugged it all with the help of a pair of exocomps who she could swear were looking at her funny. She was forced to go past some of the workshop areas in the lower bay, beside what used to be the worker’s canteen. A pair of windows allowed her to see what was inside.
The half-finished shell of an Mi24 helicopter sat alongside the powertrain from one of it’s deceased counterparts and a brand new bare-metal spaceframe that was supposed to be becoming something real special. A pair of hurricane engines were still in shipping crates from Atalante waiting. A desert-camo Su-22 jet fighter airframe that’d already been imaginatively christened ‘Fitter K’ watched over it’s rotor-wing comrades. Along with the Dragon Wagon, they were going to make up a nice unique fleet for attack and defense training scenarios
... whenever they were finished.
They’d been there longer than she had.
Daryl’s Starfighter lived down there too. A brilliant, silver-metal machine that looked like a high speed dart capable of punching a hole straight through the universe itself. She could hear the pair arguing from inside.
“Look, I just need another two,”
Kotono was pleading.
“Well I’m, using ‘em!” Daryl was annoyed. She always had an odd harshness to her voice that Anika just didn’t like.
“For what?”
The pair emerged, Daryl in greased overalls with her blond hair dirtied by engine oil. Kotono’s jet black hair matched the oily palmprint on an otherwise pristine white blouse. The pair looked at her, emerald and hazel eyes taking long moments
“What are you doing with all that?” they chorused
Anika did her best to inflate her body. “I’m going Bounty Hunting,” she declared
The two women shared another momentary glance.
Then starting laughing. It was deep, racause laughter that seemed to ring against the walls, and mock from all sides at once. Kotono had her hand over her mouth, while Daryl was doubled over like she was trying to laugh her guts up.
“I am!” Anika shrieked, feeling herself beginning to heat up. “I’m going with Ford,”
Daryl slapped a heavy hand into her back, before drawing her close and tight. Anika struggled weakly for a moment before giving up. “Little Miss Cyberpunk, a bounty hunter. What do you think Kotono?”
“It think she’s just making a run to pick up a fridge full of Bountys.”
Anika wore an angry pout for a few moments, shoving Daryl off her. She was stronger than she looked. Time to bring out the big guns.
“Quit ganging up on me,” Anika whined, giving them the teary-eyes.
The pair grinned in unison, big, toothy grins that were a mockery of friendship, “It’s what we do!”
“Boing!” Kotono added.
Anika sighed and dropped her shoulders. She’d just have to rig the exocomps to dump a load of old gear in their quarters, or trip the fire suppression systems. Or itching powder in the innerwear. It wasn’t just a one-way street.
She brushed passed the pair of them.
“Hey.... are you going to be using those two exo’s?” Kotono called after her.
She spun on her heel and stuck out her tongue at them. “Nyaaa!”
Feeling mature she strode confidently forward towards the freight lift that would take her down to the main landing bay. Echoes of laughter chased after her, and she ran into the lift cage, nearly outrunning to two exocomps.
The blocky machines hovered in front of her. Marker lights stared.
“Oh shut up!”
She slammed the safety gate shut, flaking off more decade old yellow paint, before switching the level selector over to the main bay. Electric motors howled as the lift began to dive, dry cold air rushing by.
Anika was starting to get sick with excitement.
The Dragon Wagon II hung from the BIG BEA crane, fresh green paint gleaming in the overhead lights. The new ship seemed to bring a whole breath of fresh air to the vast cavern.... even if it didn’t even come near close to filling it. The bay made a big ship look small.
But it did still fit in a way.
For big engine nacelles mounted in a cruciform layout pushed a sleek body that reminded her of an ancient spear. Grappler arms folded snug against the cargo bays. It was still less than a week old. It was sleeping and cold, waiting to be brought to life once again.
“Wow,” she breathed.
Like most BAT-tech, it looked like it was blasting through the limit standing still. A ladder led up to the crane, which led down to the ship. Being a machine had its advantages she mused. She didn’t get tired on the climb, while the two exo’s didn’t seem to mind much either. They just hummed dutifully along all the way up.
Ford was waiting on the control deck, a dizzying height up. Most of the equipment had been stripped, the windows were gone and the skeletons of control consoles were beginning to rust in places, but the important equipment was still there, wired up to be remote controlled from the ship below.
“Oh, you made it,” Ford said, with mild surprise. She was still focused on the console, punching old switches.
“Of course I did,” Anika beamed, feeling a giddy rush rise up inside her and envelope her body.
This was going to be fun.
Ford glanced up at her, opening her mouth to say something, before finally comprehending just what she was seeing.
“Why are you bringing all that crap?” she asked, mildly.
“I thought we were supposed to bring weapons and stuff,” Anika defended. It was logical. It fit what she’d read on the web.
Ford’s eyes narrowed. “We’re not assaulting a Boskone base single-handed.”
It still startled Anika to hear the word ‘Boskone.’ It was a dark word that lurked in the shadows of the past, which threatened to jump out at the unwary and snatch them back into the black. She pondered on Ford and Jet having been there for the Boskone War.... and how nine years seemed to be an impossible length of time for someone who was less than three years old.
It was ancient history.
“Well” She glanced out a missing window frame, leaning against the metal for a moment. The ladder down was long, the lift ride up was longer.... “I could bring it back,”
“No time,” Ford said. “Just stick the gear aboard in whatever cabin you want for yourself. Y’never know. might come in handy.”
Anika practically bounded down the boarding steps like a flame-haired kangaroo, the frame of the stairway buckling a little under each successive impact. It really didn’t occur to her that a fall from that height wouldn’t have been healthy.
Aboard the ship was... well it didn’t really feel like a spaceship to her. The KnightWing was so cramped for three women, a cyber, a puppet and an android. Flint’s own craft had been a waved Hilux.... so this thing felt huge inside. It felt clean and fresh and new with that strange fruity scent still in the air. The paint on the main passageways was still fresh and clean and glossy. It seemed to be begging her not to touch and mar the gloss.
She picked cabin 5. It was her lucky number. The cabin inside was the same size as the KnightWing’s living compartment, with an individual bed, some storage space underneath it, a one-piece lightweight workdesk and chair set and an elegant shower/WC combo. She set up her terminal system on the desk, before slinging some of her stuffed animals onto the bed, and stuffing the battle gear under it. Next, she slung herself onto the fresh bedding.
These sheets had never even been slept in. Clean, crisp and as comfortable as her own quarters. A laminated card told her that this particular ship had been specifically fitted with a luxury cabin.
A knock on the door shocked her back into the real world.
“Don’t go asleep,” Ford said, with a smile on her face “We’re departing in five minutes,”
“It’s my first time on a new ship,” she admitted, a little ashamed.
“Don’t worry,” the bounty hunter reassured, “It was my first time a week ago picking her up. I’ll see you on the bridge.”
She waited for a minute or so after Ford had dissapeared, before leaving herself and stashing her desserts in the fridge in the galley. It was cleaner than her own kitchen. And better equipped. Something about that was deeply annoying, and she couldn’t pinpoint what exactly.
Oh well.
She made her way up forward to the bridge, feeling a momentary buzz through her body as the gravity fields switched over. Power conduits began to thrum. The lights flickered just once as power systems switched over to internal. The ship was waking up.
The bridge door slid open, revealing something wildly different from what she was used to. Flat-panel displays, holographic projections... it was so much cleaner the control room on Frigga. It was sleek.
Ford was busy in the forward pilot’s seat, prodding at the controls, brushing her fingers across glass screens.
“Take the second seat,” she ordered. “There’s an interface for you there if you need it.”
She slipped into a faux-leather G-recliner. Her panels came online immediately, showing engine and comm’s status at a glance.
“This is awesome,” she whimpered.
“Yeah, well it’s about to get awesomer.”
The engines throttled up with a high cold wail ringing through the frame. Anika could feel herself shaking as she glanced out at the rock walls. Far ahead, the main door seemed to be slowly giving way to black as it hinged up and in towards the ceiling. An outside counterweight allowed it to be driven by lightweight motors.
The ship shook as the mooring clamps came undone.
“And we are outta here,”
Ford punched the throttles, and the walls went backwards at a terrifying rate, giving way to a vast open blackness that seemed to thump her in the chest. The immediacy of the transition was stunning. It left her standing agape, unable to breath for a few moments.
Ford glanced back at her, “You never did that before?”
“My station’s in the back part of the cockpit on the ‘Wing. There’re no windows back there,”
“You could’ve asked to come up-front, nobody would’ve said no,”
Anika pondered on that for a few moments. Then pondered how she was probably just going to be a passenger for the trip. Then turned her thoughts back to the word ‘Boskone’....
What was it like?
She glanced at Ford, banking the Dragon Wagon over onto a new course.
“Hey Anika, make yourself useful. Contact GreenHaven and rserve a docking bay for us. We’ll be there inside four hours.”
“Aye-aye!” she beamed.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?