Very sw33t, especially the backstory you're building for Kabuto ... *snicker* *chuckle* *chortle* sorry, but whenever I read about the guy, I've got this mental image of a big green horned thing several stories high, I think it's hardwired into me.
Ahem, anyways, references to oversized aliens aside, the Hinata-Neji interaction was interesting, though yeah, the fight was kinda short ... no idea on how to help with that, though - I do drag-on-brawls, not martial arts duels ... though you might try to put in something about how Neji's feeling during the fight. More specifically, a few sentences about being caught off-guard by how much Hinata had improved would be appreciate. It'd make the fight a bit longer.
OTOH, short fight, minimal number of blows traded for maximum effect ... isn't that what a fight between two nins _should_ look like (at least, if Naruto, as a show, wasn't so centered around the fights).
Ahem ... more!
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Ahem, anyways, references to oversized aliens aside, the Hinata-Neji interaction was interesting, though yeah, the fight was kinda short ... no idea on how to help with that, though - I do drag-on-brawls, not martial arts duels ... though you might try to put in something about how Neji's feeling during the fight. More specifically, a few sentences about being caught off-guard by how much Hinata had improved would be appreciate. It'd make the fight a bit longer.
OTOH, short fight, minimal number of blows traded for maximum effect ... isn't that what a fight between two nins _should_ look like (at least, if Naruto, as a show, wasn't so centered around the fights).
Ahem ... more!
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm