w00t! The review I've been waiting for!
Oh, and it's also in keeping with his specialty, which helps.
Which, of course, is why H!S made them in the first place. 'Cause, see, she's not really seeing G!S as a seperate person, let alone really -recognizing- how they differ. She's projecting her memories of what -she- was like at this stage onto G!S... and since they're everything that her concious mind hates about herself, she's sort of caught between destroying the Little Pink Cotton-Candy Bitch in the most utterly horrible painful way she can possibly imagine, and 'helping' her 'grow up and become a stronger person.'
I just realized that I understand the psychopath better than the normal girl. Eek.
So, anyway, at this point I don't really have a plan for how G!S is going to handle the aftermath... I'm sort of waiting for -her- to tell -me-.
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Quote:My initial thought was that he'd been henge'd into something insignificant, like a kunai or something. I'm not quite sure why I did it this way... scene just worked out that way, I guess.
Nice. Keeping the principal in a secure area and then summoning when they reached the house. That's really clever.
Oh, and it's also in keeping with his specialty, which helps.
Quote:Well, yes. But I honestly can't see -any- version of myself going out and -saying- that.
Or alternatively "The fools who just kept your Grandfather alive from the attacks of elite shinobi from a village known for its visciousness you ingratful brat."
Quote:*does end zone dance*
Oh Shits!
Quote:Oooh. I hadn't thought of that. Well, not directly. I had known that the thing that Genin!Sakura would find most upsetting would be the fact that, given some of the comments Hell!Sakura drops during the fight, she can understand, intimately, -exactly- how she ended up where she is.
You know, I remember you mentioned that you follow the "Do the worst possible thing to your characters" philosophy of writing, but damn Nathan, I have to tip my hat. That is a seriously fucked up thing to do to Sakura. Both Hell Sakura and Our Sakura. Its still just sort of sinking in. If I were Sakura, this would seriously screw with my world view. She mentioned that what kind of person could do the monstrous things she saw in the headquarters. Well, she has an answer. HER. And while her time with Neshan has largely gotten rid of her need to validate herself through others approval, I can see her backsliding and obsessing about what her teammates think of her. I think that Naruto and Sasuke will instinctively can seperate Hell Sakura and Our Sakura, the groups acceptence of Kyuubi shows that. But how long will it take Sakura to figure that out?
Which, of course, is why H!S made them in the first place. 'Cause, see, she's not really seeing G!S as a seperate person, let alone really -recognizing- how they differ. She's projecting her memories of what -she- was like at this stage onto G!S... and since they're everything that her concious mind hates about herself, she's sort of caught between destroying the Little Pink Cotton-Candy Bitch in the most utterly horrible painful way she can possibly imagine, and 'helping' her 'grow up and become a stronger person.'
I just realized that I understand the psychopath better than the normal girl. Eek.
So, anyway, at this point I don't really have a plan for how G!S is going to handle the aftermath... I'm sort of waiting for -her- to tell -me-.
Quote:Hmmm. *jots down some notes*
And Neshan. Hell Sakura's a smart cookie, so she's gonna wonder who the hell this guy is and where Kakashi is. And she's gonna want those answers now, and won't be picky on how she gets them. You mention you are thinking about how Neshan can let the others get away at the sacrafice of himself. Well, what if she lets him stall her to get her hands on him?
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."