They are absolutely canonically
related. In the latest Emberverse book, The Sword of the Lady, we
finally find out exactly what really happened.
Spoilers in white: The Mind, the godlike collective consciousness of everyone who ever lived and died or ever will, decided that Earth was heading toward some very nasty futures and decided to take radical action by sending Nantucket back in time to create a better starting point, creating two new and separate universes, and suppressing technology in the post-Nantucket modern world (while enabling faith-based magic) to give humans there a fresh start.
Given that the Mind knows for sure that everyone who dies just goes straight back to it, and that technically everyone who died in the post-Nantucket Collapse actually agreed to this nastiness in their afterlife states before it happened, they have something like an inassailable moral position.
The Mind, incidentally, speaks to characters in the Emberverse side through the presences of Marian and Swindapa.
"Absolute power is a sticky wicket."
related. In the latest Emberverse book, The Sword of the Lady, we
finally find out exactly what really happened.
Spoilers in white: The Mind, the godlike collective consciousness of everyone who ever lived and died or ever will, decided that Earth was heading toward some very nasty futures and decided to take radical action by sending Nantucket back in time to create a better starting point, creating two new and separate universes, and suppressing technology in the post-Nantucket modern world (while enabling faith-based magic) to give humans there a fresh start.
Given that the Mind knows for sure that everyone who dies just goes straight back to it, and that technically everyone who died in the post-Nantucket Collapse actually agreed to this nastiness in their afterlife states before it happened, they have something like an inassailable moral position.
The Mind, incidentally, speaks to characters in the Emberverse side through the presences of Marian and Swindapa.
"Absolute power is a sticky wicket."