Hrm... That may sort itself out. Signum will not waste any time whatsoever in driving Fate off... and Fate is smart enough to know when she is completely out-classed. Or at least Arf would be.
After they beat a hasty retreat, that would be when Hayate is shaken from her reverie by a concerned-yet-stoic Signum... who simply does not know how to react once Hayate starts bawling on her shoulder.
As for Hayate's thought process... I would think that it would be a mix of Why are they fighting? and Make it stop! set to infinite loop.
At least until Signum shakes her out of it.
After they beat a hasty retreat, that would be when Hayate is shaken from her reverie by a concerned-yet-stoic Signum... who simply does not know how to react once Hayate starts bawling on her shoulder.
As for Hayate's thought process... I would think that it would be a mix of Why are they fighting? and Make it stop! set to infinite loop.