Okay, a little bit ago I got into it with some guys over on SB's Creative Writing IRC Channel about skills picked up as a veritech pilot in Macros/Robotech.
The thing is that I felt that small squad tactics and asymmetrical warfare would be standard fare for the command-track veritech pilots.
My argument: The UN realized as soon as they began investigating the ship that was eventually dubbed 'Macros' that the original owners were somewhere in the vicinity of 50 feet tall, give or take. Therefore, to combat them, they built veritech fighters specifically for that purpose. This means geeting down into the trenches and duking it out, hand-to-hand if needs be (which we actually do see in post-rain-of-death Macros/Robotech).
Also, there is the fact that Khyron led very effective guerrilla-style raids on RDF interests that could only be fought off with a combination of veritechs (usually in battloid form once they arrived on scene), allied Zentreadi, and a not-small-amount of trickery.
The SpaceBattlers, on the other hand, insist that they are jet fighters, full stop, and the whole transforming robot thing is just there for the cool factor. (Agreed on the cool factor, but irrelevant for deconstruction purposes.) (EDIT: Oh yeah, and they also said that veritechs are not very nimble at all in Battloid. Really?)
Do the SpaceBattlers have the right of this? I could really use the input.
The thing is that I felt that small squad tactics and asymmetrical warfare would be standard fare for the command-track veritech pilots.
My argument: The UN realized as soon as they began investigating the ship that was eventually dubbed 'Macros' that the original owners were somewhere in the vicinity of 50 feet tall, give or take. Therefore, to combat them, they built veritech fighters specifically for that purpose. This means geeting down into the trenches and duking it out, hand-to-hand if needs be (which we actually do see in post-rain-of-death Macros/Robotech).
Also, there is the fact that Khyron led very effective guerrilla-style raids on RDF interests that could only be fought off with a combination of veritechs (usually in battloid form once they arrived on scene), allied Zentreadi, and a not-small-amount of trickery.
The SpaceBattlers, on the other hand, insist that they are jet fighters, full stop, and the whole transforming robot thing is just there for the cool factor. (Agreed on the cool factor, but irrelevant for deconstruction purposes.) (EDIT: Oh yeah, and they also said that veritechs are not very nimble at all in Battloid. Really?)
Do the SpaceBattlers have the right of this? I could really use the input.