Part of the problem is that your demanding a fighter pilot go be fancy infantry part time. This is going to effect their egos. Remember, I'm talking about before there s an established Vertitech jock mind set. This is like taking a sitting US Senator (one of only one hundred in the world!) and telling them the have to go hold a city counsilor position in a town of ten thousand. Flyboys and Jarheads are largely polar opposites in internal prestige levels. Its like telling a master surgen he is on bedpan duty today. Its like telling a 18 level mage with prestige classes (D&D) that he must go take levels in the NPC warrior class... not even fighter, warrior.
Ignoring egos, it is a matter of combining two character builds that previously took polar opposite character builds. Squishy Wizard and dumb meat shield are now the same unit type. Your flying artillery has to learn to fight close enough to get punched in the face. Your Dumb meat shield has to figure out 3-D combat and how to constantly read twitch display to fight things completely out of range of the mark one eyeball.
Vertitechs are a Min Maxers nightmare fuel... you can't even dump stat charisma or you'll never be able to convince yourself to train in something so insane. Your throw away character flaws can disqualify you from being a vertitech pilot.
Ignoring egos, it is a matter of combining two character builds that previously took polar opposite character builds. Squishy Wizard and dumb meat shield are now the same unit type. Your flying artillery has to learn to fight close enough to get punched in the face. Your Dumb meat shield has to figure out 3-D combat and how to constantly read twitch display to fight things completely out of range of the mark one eyeball.
Vertitechs are a Min Maxers nightmare fuel... you can't even dump stat charisma or you'll never be able to convince yourself to train in something so insane. Your throw away character flaws can disqualify you from being a vertitech pilot.