drogan niteflier Wrote:So. Been watching this thread with interest. I'll let you know that I've got ME1&2, but not 3 yet. Its been interesting seeing what's been going on with the players and Bioware.I'm impressed with the reasoning and the analysis. And agree with all the reasons on why nothing in that sequence makes ANY sense at all.
What really interests me is that a lot of people think that the 'Last ten minutes' didn't happen. Really.
I don't know which link I followed to find it, but I've got an interesting article that a player wrote that gives pretty good thought to those 'Last ten minutes' being a dream sequence or something similar.
Article here.
Logan, would it make you happier to see it this way?
As to whether it would make me happier?
*tilts hand back and forth*
Eh... sort of.
Anything is better than taking what we're presented at face value - both what we're told, and what we're shown. But it's sad that fans have to jump through these kinds of mental hoops in order to make any sense out of the ending. And we could still be wrong.
I mean, I agree that all the choices laid before us are bullshit. It makes much more sense that the starchild is the avatar of a Reaper (Harbinger?) and that he's outright lying his ass off and misleading Shepard who might be finally beginning to be in danger of succumbing to indoctrination due to her implants and the stress. It does fit.
But why be forced into making sense of the ending through theorizing like this? If this theory is the correct one, why wasn't it made more clear that this is what was happening? Why not simply SHOW the players/audience what's really going on?
You know what this reminds me of? And I'm utterly shocked I didn't see it before now! This reminds me greatly of the last two episodes of the original Evangelion TV series. The acid trip episodes? Maybe not to that extreme of hallucinations/reality bending. But maybe the lead writers of Mass Effect strayed off their meds like Anno did?
Just please dear god don't let a "real ending" to Mass Effect be as nihilistic and bleak as End of Evangelion. I don't think I could take that. We're already halfway there as it is.