I thought it was well done if depressing. I do think the two ferries subplot was pretty cool and some of the Joker's plots were pretty well planned (which,
oddly enough, did seem to survive contact with the enemy). The hope at the end... well, it is a hope but it's sort of like then I will have shade because
there are so many arrows in the air hope. Some really hard choices made by people. Pretty good movie. I liked it although unlike my friend, who loves Batman, I
won't shell out another 10 bucks to re-watch it in IMAX.
oddly enough, did seem to survive contact with the enemy). The hope at the end... well, it is a hope but it's sort of like then I will have shade because
there are so many arrows in the air hope. Some really hard choices made by people. Pretty good movie. I liked it although unlike my friend, who loves Batman, I
won't shell out another 10 bucks to re-watch it in IMAX.