Man, fuck blizzards.
If you've seen anything in the news about parts of WV getting three feet of gloppy heavy sleety snowball snow? Yeah, that's about thirty miles from me. Fortunately, it's thirty miles uphill, so we only got a foot of the stuff here, and being in relatively large town puts us high on the 'power restoral' queue, so we get power back today, rather than after another week like those poor schlubs in backcountry Pendleton County.
Anyway. Blugh. Not dead.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Man, fuck blizzards.
If you've seen anything in the news about parts of WV getting three feet of gloppy heavy sleety snowball snow? Yeah, that's about thirty miles from me. Fortunately, it's thirty miles uphill, so we only got a foot of the stuff here, and being in relatively large town puts us high on the 'power restoral' queue, so we get power back today, rather than after another week like those poor schlubs in backcountry Pendleton County.
Anyway. Blugh. Not dead.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."